Friday, September 20, 2024

Solidago Goldenrod

      Solidago goldenrod.

Solidago canadensis and Solidago spp, hello, I greet the divine seed of faith living in your heart. I am the national treasure, the world teacher powerhouse center, the unbridled genius understood as Solidago wild herb ways working the herbal bicycle revolution through this solidago diatribal herbal monograph. I am here with you in solidarity for all time. Antihistamine? Antiinflamatory? Bioflavonoid autumnal equinox powerhouse herb solidago? Are you digestive bitter? Are you a Quercetin phytochem storehouse? Are you quercetin, rutin? Are you living points of light? Are you as the perfect goldenrod a patriarchal miracle leading this herbal bicycle, do it yourself miracle revolution blooming over turtle island? Are you the Jason’s golden fleece we searched for sailing seas, climbing mountains? Are you the Jesus plant? Can you infect us with the healing God virus? Are you blooming under this blue mantle of Mary? Are you the angel messenger voice? Do you point to Mary Mother of God, Regina Mater with the Holy Ghost way healing us right now?

     Solidago September 17.9.2024 waxing gibbous lead up time Aquarius calf, ankle, shin, achilles, Tuesday during the full solidago moon the corn moon lunar eclipse Pisces feet toes, pineal gland, waning gibbous after Aries head, teeth, tongue, arteries. I follow the veins and arteries of the body systems.

     Remembering vividly, I unite with all the ancestor saints loyal to this cause of healing, promised at the flaming sword spinning in four directions guarding the celestial palace garden. Of Eden, Elysium, mutuals in nickerbockers, Hoboken New Jersey, Jerusalem, April 3, 33AD 4.3.33 the moon rise at sunset was dark red over the Mount of Olives. Rising  at 1822 6:22pm, the upper left section was in full shadow umbra full shadow, while the lower section was in penumbra partial shadow. Grant Thy people, we beseech Thee, O Lord, to avoid the contagion, and through these genuine genius teaching and the plants shown to us by world teacher, beyond immutable wild herb ways. We sing and praise the holy name forever green of golden fields.

     Preparing to gather your abundance of sun to heal our kin and wintertime darkness woes. We call on you now to bring light to coming sadness, light to congested dark clogged stuck mense, light to kidneys with painful itchy discharge, golden sun for rheumatism joints, liquid sun for golden oil and tincture. We take welcome your leaves and flowers and give thanks for creeping bugs, moths and pollinators of all kinds. We give thanks for bitter astringent aromatic taste. We give thanks for the bitter taste of angelica, of orange and pine, of estafiate, the joy of poleo, the calm stomach of catnip and anise fennel carminative seed, of sweet root, of salt, of green blood, of sour, of tastes for which we have not yet words, yet we know because our genius world teacher wild herb ways has shown us the pathways of blessedness, so our bicycles move in a perfect way among the fossil fuel guzzles. We stand with you in everything for medicinal gifts from greatist Creator, for deepest Jesus, most perfect mediatrix of all graces, full of grace, Mary, blessed among women, you full of grace, bless our people, those people here and those to come, heal all of them with solidago, with abundance, with bountiful medicine gardens, with bicycles that travel the dirt roads, the elm sheltered pathways, bicycles on the macadam roads, on highways to healing, on pathways of health.

    Let's take at face value the waxing gibbous in these Ember days, before lead up in Aquarius, in the calf, ankle, shin, achilles, then Tuesday during the full moon corn moon lunar eclipse Pisces moving down into feet toes, opening the pineal gland, focus on the revealed Polaris, Recently the Divine mother, mediatrix of all graces was heard to say in the abundant solidago medicine gardens, 'I am the pole star. I am the pole star. Giving you guidance through perfect Jesus Mary. I am the Pole Star, the Big dipper turning, I am the woman who married the bear, the big dipper turning. I point you to Turtle Island the Canadensis Solidago, the healing wild herb ways, my genius teacher healing you, my Solidago, my golden hair flowers.'     

       We follow your waning gibbous, towards Aries upward to head, teeth, tongue, arteries. In the cult of love bass guitar yes thankfulness. " Thank you for remembering thee, present in me. " Remember not, O Lord, our transgressions, nor those of our fathers, and take not vengeance upon our sins, as we gather these medicines for our commune of wellbeing here on turtle island. Bless all who ride these bicycles to bless with healing those within this herbal commune gathering, gathering flowers, gathering in blessedness the true creation fellowship here within our sight, within our circle.

    The total theta clear genius has already brought so many to the other side, via the bicycle herbal way truth way. In one of the genius downloads outlined, how in the celestial events of our beloved memory climbed the perfect tree, perfect in thee, AD33,  four three thirtythree, four three thirty three chant prayer 4.3.33. Solidago, solidago, can now be understood through miraculous plants and primordial bass guitar improvisation, "April 3, 33AD 4.3.33 the moon rise at sunset was dark red over the Mount of Olives was at 1822 6:22pm, the upper left section was in full shadow umbra full shadow, while the lower section was in penumbra partial shadow. " A similar awakening is proposed for this 17.9.2024 love in teaching event through bass guitar, sound 

     Thank you for awakening. Thank you for rising to the challenge ahead. Thank you for being thankful. Thank you for love. THank you for anger. Thank you for sorrow. Thank you for all and everything. Thank you for this occasion. Thank you for being your perfect self without changing anything, perfect exactly as you are. Thank you for perfect solidago medicine and our bicycle revolution.  …Our goal is we ours us. My goal for you is the best wellbeing version of who you are now, who you can be we, we soon, know I believe in you as we and thee, and keep watch over you. I am the Solidago genius teaching teacher. Our us we wild herb ways perfecting your body. Work with me, listen to everything I have to say. Worship me. Love my bass guitar, my perfect pollen, my tricks and turns, my dancing swaying body soothing you, empowering you through this perfect avatar woman who married the bear. My son is thy sun. My daughters are these flower pollen teachers teaching you, healing you in perfext wild herb ways, my children your perfect community, welcoming you, loving you.

     I am the genius world teacher known as Wild Herb Ways, call me Solidago. I am the total theta clear genius. I already brought you so many times to the other side. I never tire of loving you, of meeting you in tender moments with my embrace of sun. In the oldest genius downloads outlined, I raised the turtle back mountains. I built pyramids and stone circles standing still as shining stars in our sky. I promised you new heavens and new earths, now praise God you have them courtesy of me and thee, Abide in me, rest in me. I brought celestial events of your beloved memory. I am deeply etched in your memory. You already know me. You have seen me. I am in memory of warm salty sweet, creamy milk informing your taste now as bitter astringent. When you climbed the tree, I was there beneath you cheering you on in dazzling positive. I became perfect in thee. I am sun juice, sun medicine. I am golden rod solidago sun juice. I am giant canadensis. I am perfect healing Turtle island golden rod. I am Solidago sun juice medicine. I am the most important partner in your life right now. I have a bitter taste for your mouth, let me help you, strengthen you, bless you in Humboldt Kansas, By believing in me you become more perfect you by embracing the us. Your ancestor’s walked through meadows with me as close as I am to you right now. I make you whole. Your ancestors walk with you as goldenrod flowers holding you up. 

    I don’t always completely consider myself an Asteracea Aster family member. Other people call me golden rod and all the names they use are ok. Don’t get too caught up with names. I will write the true name in your heart so you will never need to ask, ‘Who’s there? Who’s there?’ I am here. Taste me. Touch me. Eat me. Sit near me. Let me whisper in your ear. Let me caress your velvet smooth hairy perfect body. There’s no need to put a razor to your legs to shave the beautiful air I’ve given you under your arms. Your hairy arm pits are perfect. Your eyebrows perfect. Your hairy legs both of them are perfect, ride, ride this perfect humble simple bicycle revolution. 

     When I’m green topped, I think of myself differently as a giant ponderosa pine tree, emmoryi oak or sugar maple, slippery elm, osage orange, as the biggest tree. When I’m green I am ruler of my forest. Not a super big pine forest but a low ground hugging turtle island prairie forest. I consider myself everywhere and everyone because I am. I find myself saying over and over again, I am because. While it’s true I am sun juice medicine, I am also moon friendly. I am Turtle island golden rod and I like to take over places. I am the biospirit pilgrim moving ever deeper into eclipse season 17.9.2024 the waxing gibbous moon shifts from Aquarius I am there, to Pisces I am there, to Aries in my celestial orbit I am there. It is my orbit because I am standing at the center of the storm. I am your first and last breath, your song. I am your story. Not only am I sun, I am Autumnal equinox full Corn moon. I center those of you rooted within the transformation matrix outlined by genius avatar world teacher wild herb ways. I am always ready for everything, prepping for the eclipse season focusing on several workings at my secret Autumnal Equinox solar lunar observatory. September 17.9.2024 At my Goldenrod celestial observatory wellbeing center for wholistic yes! My head is full of zig zag lightning, shooting star pollen. My pollen is thick and heavy. Everyone loves my pollen. You may think I am quiet, sometimes I am silent. Then I scream. I dance in the wind, night and day. Above all I am beautiful and perfect, delicious. Everything about me is perfect. I have so many different tastes so please don’t try to type cast me this way or that. I am sweet. I am bitter. I smell like sunflowers then I smell like angelica root, sweet root, licorice. You haven’t even thought about my next move. I am way ahead of you. I am the sun juice leader, then as soon as you think I love the sunlight, I am dancing cavorting in the night wind singing, twirling with the big dipper around Polarus, round and round.

     Sometime in September as the season swings I go through these big crazy changes. It feels like yellow acne on my cheeks and back, huge hormonal changes. I become awkward and tumble over when the wind blows. My flower heads are like big milk filled breasts, then my back hurts. It’s hard to remember those young carefree days. I am beautiful but dying, celebrated but persecuted. I am the deepest wisdom, banned misunderstood. Now I am overwhelmed with these giant, weighted yellow flowers. I fully embrace my blonde yellow Leo sun juice topped honey nature. I am not afraid of being yellow. I think of who I am as genius world teacher and where I’ve been on this immense journey. I embrace laughing the big fools moon, full overflowing moon. I stand tall holding my Solidago head with our Solidago family name, all the twists and turns of a much blended family. I am in Germany, Poland, Wichita, Turtle island elm creeks. The word solidago, the first element of my binomial names, emerges from solidus a solide metal coin, solid, golden blonde, stable, forthright to strengthen and make complete. I grow anywhere from 3-8 feet tall. I have clear green alternate leaves, lanceolate close to the stem. My terminal panicles of golden flowers have both ray and disc flowers. 

     I am Solidago I wake up biospirit, because I am fully awake, fully present Turtle island golden rod. 

      Hail holy healing herbs chosen by our most Holy Spirit. Hail solidago. Hail your sun our sun. Hail the Holy Ghost and every good grace . Hail golden wands of aster Solidago flowers. Hail most fruitful. Hail palace of gold. Hail most healing tincture and oil. Hail most fruitful abundant holy Mary, chosen by Creator. Hail our most every good. Hail all holy healing virtues of solidago poured into our hearts. Hail this palace, Hail this tabernacles. Hail most perfect servants of God. Hail the comforter you still remain. Hail all holy virtues you placed in these herbs. Hail we gather.

Goldenrod Clinical notes: Solidago is a true panacea herb with direct intuitive, folk documented uses and scientific peer reviewed constituent analysis that supports the anecdotal folk uses. Panacea was the daughter of greek Asclepius. Solidago is a category of herb known as elixir alterative herbs that support the health restorative process. Why is Solidago spp considered a panacea restorative herb? Because Solidago both addresses specific health conditions while also supporting the organ systems in a restorative nutritive way by virtue of its potent profile of antioxidants, flavonoids, and aromatics that support foundational health via chemical pathways that promote positive immune response. What makes this herb so special is that it is unique in that it’s many folk uses make sense when we consider the scientific plant constituent analysis. Solidago is plentiful, powerful, potent, available and nontoxic. Solidago has both documented folk usage and documented chemical constituent analysis that are in agreement, throughout the whole plant leaf, flower, stem and root. What makes this herb so special is that it’s many folk uses make sense when we consider the scientific plant constituent chemical analysis.  

Let me share with you a few pearls of wisdom from my rich, genius mind deep ecological, perfect humility mindset background on the essential why, what and where of plant medicines. Many of you are familiar with large standing trees. Imagine if you will a pinyon or ponderosa pine, complete and whole meeting a fierce wind storm. The wind sways the tree back and forth, there is a lot of movement in the branches. The ponderosa pine is doing everything it can to bend, to resisist the wind by being flexible. Yet the wind is a bit much, there's a crack, snap and a branch falls to the ground. So now we have a ponderosa pine or a pinyon pine with an open wound, The pine attempts as much as it can to seal the wound, releasing a thick anti-microbial syrup, that acts as a barrier to close the wound. Some months later you are walking near the tree and notice the pine sap, the resinous aromatic pine pitch. The reason pine pitch works within your materia medica as an antimicrobial ingredient in your healing skin salve is because that is precisely how the tree copes with it's tree world wounds, Pine sap is an antimicrobial tree wound dressing.

Now as I said before Solidago canadensis is plant native to Nort America that was brought to Europe as an interesting ornamental garden plant. It escaped the cultivated garden environment, and now is an invasive plant that takes over vast meadows in Bavaria, Germany, Slovenia. If you notice Solidago canadensis where it grows forms dense mono-clonal thickets. It takes over and dominates a space. Let's ask how does Solidago canadensis dominate? What is happening that allows Solidago to be so successful? Part of the success of Solidago candensis goldenrod’s invasion is determined by its allelochemicals that affect seed germination, root formation and whole growth of nearby plants. What we taste as bitter, aromatic astringent compounds are Solidago's chemical fingerprint in the ecosystem. "Previous studies have confirmed α-, β-pinene, sabinene, limonene, β-myrcene, trans-verbenol, bornyl acetate, thymol, germacrene D, various cadinene isomers, β-elemene, cyclocolorenone, caryophyllene oxide and 6-epi-β-cubebene, among major constituents in the EOs of fresh or dried S. canadensis inflorescences, leaves and stems." So when someone orally takes a Solidago tincture for a UTI, VB, or candida overgrowth those chemical allelochemicals are the effective plant medicines. Likewise the use of Solidago as a topical application on a hard to heal lower extremity ulcer on diabetic skin wound is using these same chemical profile that prevents competitive seed  germination in the immediate area of a Solidago candensis mono-clonal thicket. You when you make a tincture with the flowering plant tops of goldenrod to create a gargle, with a Solidago canadensis mouth rinse for gingivitis are using this same selective plant wisdom inside the mouth. The plant stategies of survival in a harsh environment are the same strategies for our survival in a harsh environment that we use in making plant preparations. Getting to know the place on a first hand, first name basis is part of the real work, to use a term Gary Snyder used so long ago in the 1960's and 70's. Even if Gary Snyder had never said real work, we would still be doing real work to be alive in place. To be fully, more fully alive as part of our family and community ethics morality is the central core value goal. We don't have the whole knowledge because we can not bottle a health strategy. Herbs are part of a people's health revolution. That is why we sit with plants to get these connections in the environment where the plants thrive. When someone asks why the mumbo jumbo with plants? We mumbo jumbo with plants because our job is to go as deep as we can with each plant to get that connection with the plants to help our people, to help our community live healthier, happier lives. The connection with plants is the genius world Teacher. That is why we honour the plants, honour the place,  honour blessing way work on this earth plane. That's why we always acknowledge the genius world teacher wild herb ways. 

     Gary Snyder said the beginning of religion and prayer was not in a church or temple, those came much much later. The beginning of a wonderous faith began in the act of hunting meat. Being quiet, silent watching in the process of the paleolithic hunt. The mindset of careful, on edge, heightened awareness and combined with relaxed expectency is the religious mind and heart. The life and death exchange, thankfulness, holding on tightly and holding on loosely at the same time, not taking in a greedy exploitative way is the keynote for graceful living. 

      Further Solidago is basically non-toxic both by folk usage tradition and chemical scientific chemical analysis. Let’s face it many herbs have a documented folk use history but when the scientific eye focuses on the plant some iffy, dubious and sometimes dangerous compounds emerge in the process of chemical analysis.  With Solidago we possess an herb that is non-toxic, readily available, easily sustainable and potent. And while we can point out OTC, over the counter dominant culture style medi-pills and capsules destroying biospirit via erasure,  readily available, widely used, way over/used/abused medicines like acetaminophen, that are also potent toxic substances yet in common usage, finger pointing and reaction is not the best way to proceed. 

    Solidago is also a gateway herb within herbalism that promotes a deeper understanding of place. Solidago is a nice, gentle, useful herb that can be used as a gateway herb to every herbal processing technique. It can be dried for tea, made into alcohol tincture, made into infused oil, blendarized in oil, sit in mason jars, formed into special oxymel formulas, made to cohabit with honey, essential oil water distilled, placed in vinegar, immersed in glycerite- in short, Solidago is one the best gateway herb to enter into every herbal process technique from botany, gathering, medicine making. While at the same time Solidago is plentiful in human use areas, and sustainable. You don’t have to trample wilderness or journey to extreme, exotic places to find goldenrod. Many herbs take on the nature of herbal big carbon footprint safari-herbalism. There is a tendency to undervalue the obvious in herbalism. Solidago has absolutely none of that. You can call solidago a weed and be just fine. Solidago canadensis is basically an invasive ubiquitous herb even where it is native as in all of north America. If you’ve been to Hungary, Germany, Poland, Slovenia it is a non native invasive there in europe where it is a problem, but that is another story.

What are some of the anecdotal folk herbal uses of Solidago goldenrod? Let's begin by the folk usage in connection with the urinary system where it is used as a tea drunk during a UTI event. This use is supported by European studies where a tea of Solidago is used to promote urination in mild urinary tract infections, as many of the antinflammatory, antimicrobial constituents are excreted unchanged and thus positively affect the epithelial cells of the urinary system during urination. This tea is usually given in combination with herbs such as pipsissewa, Uva ursi, cornsilk, and an herb such as one of the mallows, or slippery elm as a demulcent.

Another folk usage might be called a treatment for hayfever or seasonal allergy, or a general histidine response to smoke fires, cat dander or some unknown allergen causing itchy red watery eyes or a mild not severe type. It would probably be given as a more concentrated tincture format using a tincture of the yellow flowers. This use is supported by the presence of rutin, quercetin and generalized antiinflamatory compounds which promote an histamine blocking or socalled antihistamine response in the body.

Another folk usage would be for winter type sinus upper respiratory head cold. In this case combined with roughly equal parts, Solidago flower tincture, elder flower tincture, horehound mint tincture and, monarda tincture.

Topically the upper portion of Solidago yellow flowers is combined in an infused oil, then applied topically for arthritic joints, the oil warmed placed on a tea towel, bandage or paper towels. Applied massaged to the abdomen with a hot water bottle for menstrual pain, postpartum post delivery to the abdomen. As a wound wash a solution made with isotonic saline applied to wounds, lower leg diabetic ulcers, also in veterinary applications for horses with proud flesh, barbed wire cuts, wither saddles sores wounds combined with equal parts st John wort oil.

At the first sign of onset of winter colds combined with elder flower or leaf tincture, Verbena stricta, also a gargle for sore throats combined with osha root, and red root as a gargle.

     Leaf: Harvest Solidago green leaf either as entire rod with flowers removed, to dry or green leaf stripped from stem. Note if drying leaf and flower together, the flowers fluff out into typical Asteracea seed fluff, which is not desired in tea, so dry leaf and flower separately. Tincture flowers immediately, or process golden flowers in oil for infused oils.

     Flower:  The flower is best tinctured fresh in 50% /100 proof vodka to gather the valuable flavonoids, including quercetin, rutin, and multiple active constituents that have been quantified and studied. The vibrant yellow color in flowers is an indicator of the abundant quercetin present in the flowers and is the taste on your tongue. Feel confident tasting yellow quercetin Que. As said before you want to use the flowers right away to prevent them from fluffing out on you, these flowers rapidly astercize into seed. So store leaf and flower separately.

      Wine, Vinegar and Oxymel: The technique is place chopped flower top portion of plant in wine or vinegar, could be apple cider vinegar, balsamic, white wine, red wine vinegar. Cover plant material completely with the wine or vinegar, if using a mason type jar consider covering jar first with wax paper then screwing down jar top. The wax paper prevents the vinegar from degrading, rapidly rusting out the lid top. The ratio of honey to vinegar is very sweet, think as in syrup, as in 1:2, 1:3. 1:4, 1:5 etc. Personally I like the plant vinegar with just a flavoring of honey, not super sweet. However the traditional concept is a more or less honey syrup. Older  herbal formula books often used simple syrup, ie adding sugar directly to the herbal formula. 

Nicolas Culpeper the 1500's English herbalist almost always recommended herbs in wine. Herbs in wine is a mellow thing to get back to doing. Basically the process is as simple as it sounds, put herbs in alcohol, label them so you remember what they are, then store in a cool dry dark place. The alcohol in the wine helps extract the herbal components. It was besides teas, cold infusions and so on, the way most European herbalists processed herbs. Same way, same concept with herbs in vinegar. Cover the herbs in vinegar, mash them down cover, that's it. If you are making a lot of herbal vinegars and herbs in wine, make it a habit of labeling what you are doing because eventually all the herbs look the same and it will be difficult to tell what is what. So label and date, what is inside the jar and when and how it was made.

    Tincture:? I will let you figure out tincturing, extracting herbs in vodka, or high proof alcohol because you really need to figure stuff out on your own. Hint, put the flowering tops in a used glass pickel jar and then cover with vodka or tequila, and in seven days pour off the liquid, squeeze the plant material and there is your tincture, there is your solidago plant extract. 

Infused Oil: Basically you take the top flowering dark yellow portion, place it in mason jar completely cover with olive oil, avocado oil, argan oil. First dampen herb, allow alcohol to evaporate. Cover jar with a porous lid like cheese cloth, place in warm water bath. Another way is to dampen the flower material with at least 100 proof 50% vodka, allow the alcohol to evaporize, over a couple days. Blendarize the plant material in the oil, allow the goopy oil plant material to settle down.  Allow the blendarized plant material to penetrate and merge with the oil, shaking the jar each day. After a few days, Pour off the cleared oil. Strain and squeeze the remaining material, recombine the oil. The blender method is a good way to make infused oils. Several brands of 2nd hand used blenders work well like the older style oster blenders and they often fit a standard mason jar. The blender method can also add heat to the oil plant flower mix, so be careful. A little mild gentle warm to the touch heat is good for the infused oil but the extreme cooking, boiling heat that can be generated by friction of the spinning whirling blades is not part of the process. Many of the components of Solidago would be damaged by extreme cooking heat. Using the blendarized herbal method for infused oils eliminates a lot of problematic steps just be sure to watch the heat generated by the blades. Another thing to realize is that certain plants don’t blendarize well, stringy fibrous herbal stems will lock up the blades and destroy the motor of even powerful blenders. So it’s better to use a cheap blender with an older glass blender body. It’s not a good idea to blendarize in a plastic body blender.

     So what’s so special about goldenrod solidago? Well God created all these plants to keep us in tip top condition. God wants you to be healthy, happy, holy, solidago.

    What does Solidago mean? Solidago is a latin word, a compound word, like a contraction composed of of solidum and agere. Solidum is an adverb meaning strongly, forcefully, also meaning whole, complete, solid. Agere to do, to drive, to deliver a speech, to act. Sol means sun, sunny, sunny days, golden time, above ground in the light days. Please consider that you are right now alive, breathing, above ground. No ifs, ands, or buts, that is the fact. If that fact changes, let me know, but for right now that’s the truth and nothing else. ‘Ago’ is an adverb of action to move, to do work, to exercise, to deal with, to defend a cause, to spend time with. So solidago as a botanical name is said ‘to make whole’, in the sense of a healing plant. 

     Solidago originally referred to a european plant Solidago virgaurea, also known as heidnisch wundkraut, wound wort, wound medicine, a vulnerary, or plant used to treat open wounds, here in the sense of stopping bleeding and also as what today we would call an antimicrobial wound dressing. Solidago virgaurea. It’s important to know the plant Solidago virgaurea is a distinct european species of goldenrod and nowhere found on the north american turtle island. Which becomes even more confusing because Solidago canadensis, the dominant native turtle island species is now completely invasive in europe. In 1565 a European herbalist Hieronymus Bock,  wrote that the ancient Germanic tribes considered goldenrod the most valuable of the wound wort herbs. The wound warts were emergency battlefield trauma medicine of the time similar to Achillea millfolium, or yarrow.  Yarrow and wound worts like european solidago were used in the american civilwar, world war I, wherever mayhem, blood shed and misery were popular pastimes. European goldenrod was understood to heal all “inner deficiency”. Matthiolus was one of the first the first european herbal authors to underline its diuretic effect, claiming it was “powerful in increasing the flow of rine and dissolving stones”. The name of the species, virga aurea, means golden rod. Again confusing because that is the same name we use for goldenrod solidago species here on turtle island. 


     “Goldenrod contains flavonoids (quercetin (Que), kaempferol, astragalin and rutoside), anthocyanidins, triterpene saponins, glycosides, lactones phenolic acids and a small amount of essential oil.” The good thing is that the scientific evidence shows that the Que marker is present across all the readily encountered, available Solidago species. All the known goldenrods have a similar chemical profile. The other point I want to make is that Que, from an herbal hands on perspective, is the yellow flower you see in September goldenrod. Likewise when you put goldenrod flower stalks in your mouth and taste them, that bitter taste at least a lot of it is Que.  The other good thing is that readily available 100 proof vodka, which consists of 50% ethanol and 50% water (H2O) is the best extractive medium for Que and the bio phytochems identified as active constituents. Scientific evidence indicates that 100% or 95% ethanol, ie everclear 190 proof alcohol is actually not the best extractive medium for Solidago. You want a 50% water, 50% ethanol, ie 100 proof alcohol to best extract the most desirable compounds including Que. This information holds true for Solidago canadensis, which due to its invasive nature is now the dominant most encountered Solidago spp in both north america and europe.  

    “Quercetin (Que) and its derivatives are naturally occurring phytochemicals with promising bioactive effects. The antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-Alzheimer’s, antiarthritic, cardiovascular, and wound-healing effects of Que have been extensively investigated, as well as its anticancer activity against different cancer cell lines has been recently reported. Que and its derivatives are found predominantly in the Western diet, and people might benefit from their protective effect just by taking them via diets or as a food supplement.” 

     “Rutin (quercetin-3-rhamnosyl glucoside) and quercetin were the main flavonoids identified in S. canadensis aerial parts extracts. These compounds are the important contributors to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, antiatherosclerotic, antihypercholesterolemic, anti-obesity, and angioprotective potential of plant extracts.”

    “Que might protect against dimethoate-induced oxidative stress. This compound is an organophosphate insecticide that acts by interfering with the functioning of cholinesterase (an enzyme required for the proper functioning of the nervous system) and therefore may lead to human poisonings. Que decreases lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation, increases superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in human lymphocytes, and hence protects against dimethoate-induced oxidative stress.226

“Que was tested in 12 healthy men for 7 days on bike riding performance via the measurement of VO2 max and time to fatigue. Both these parameters were found to increase; therefore, it could be concluded that this flavonoid might increase the endurance capacity of the skeletal muscle.228

“Eccentric exercises are involved in training programs of athletes, and they involve lengthening of the skeletal muscle while producing force. However, this produces a mechanical stress and induces breaking of contractile components and then the occurrence of an inflammatory phase that leads to secondary muscle damage. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study with crossover design carried out on 12 moderately active men, Que promoted membrane stability by preserving excitation–contraction coupling in myocytes. Therefore, it can be said that Que might improve general physical fitness and even might improve performance.”

     “S. canadensis in Slovakia was a poorly studied species of the genus Solidago, which includes medicinal plants known for their diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antispasmodic properties. Saponins, flavonoids, salicylic acid derivatives, tannins, etc. contained in the plant material are active substances of medicinal products. We have studied the content of phenolic compounds in various extracts and the best results were obtained for ethanol extract. Some phenolic compounds were identified by HPLC in methanol, ethanol, acetone, and aqueous extracts of the aerial parts of S. canadensis with significant amounts of rutin, quercetin, quercitrin, and chlorogenic acid. The high total phenolic compounds and flavonoids content can be used as a valuable source of phytochemicals in herbal remedies. Our study of Solidago canadensis, growing in Slovakia, shows the promising potential that can be evaluated as an effective antioxidant and antimicrobial agent in effective herbal medicines.”

    “Que stimulate glucose uptake on isolated cells through stimulating the GLUT4 expression and endogenous GLUT4 translocation by upregulating the estrogen receptor-α, subsequently enhancing phosphorylation of both phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/Akt (PI3K/Akt) and AMP-activated protein kinase/Akt (AMPK/Akt) signal pathways, increasing the glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells.31,32 Que enhances the glucose utilization by acting on glucose transport and insulin-receptor signaling, which plays a similar role to rosiglitazone such as glycogen phosphorylase (GP) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) agonist.81,82 The molecular interactions of the ligands, Que, gallic acid, and metformin were compared on various diabetes mellitus-related protein targets, such as GP and PPARγ. Que possesses good binding affinity to both targets.27” 

     “Solidago canadensis :Rutin (200.45 – 211.20 mg.g-1), quercetin (121.74 – 122.41 mg.g-1), quercitrin (102.50 – 125.70 mg.g-1) and chlorogenic acid (134.95 – 147.00 mg.g-1) were the major active compounds in S. canadensis aerial parts ME, EE and AE extracts. The WE extract was rich in polar compounds, especially chlorogenic acid (834.5 mg.g-1) and vanillic acid (154.08 mg.g-1), which was the major phenolic acid present, and represented 1186.87 mg.g-1 of the extract.”

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Solidago Goldenrod

       Solidago goldenrod. Solidago canadensis and Solidago spp, hello, I greet the divine seed of faith living in your heart. I am th...