Saturday, April 13, 2024

Lithospermum incisum, Stoneseed

       Lithospermum incisum: Boraginaceae - Borage Family

forget-me-not family, known as: fringed puccoon, showy stoneseed, narrow-leaved gromwell, yellow puccoon, prairie stoneseed, a perennial forb from a purplish brown red tap root. Exploring the latin and common names: The binomial from Linnaeus 1753 ‘lithospermum’, or litho- rock, stone; spermun or seed, rock hard seeds, and ‘incisum’ incised referring to the fringed, wavy edged flower yellow, a borage family flower on a trumpet pedestal. Puccoon refers to a red purple dye plant, blood root, Sanguinaria for instance is known as puccoon.

Lithospmum has a brown purplish root. The puccoon part of the name comes from the Powaton people, ‘poughcoonie’, from the coastal woodland people of Piedmont Virginia. They also gave us the words moccasin and tomahawk. The name Powaton refers to Wahunsonacock, who was the leader of the Algonquin speaking coastal indigenous people who the English colonialists met in 1607. 


Lithospermum incisum produces two kinds of flowers, an infertile yellow trumpet early spring nectar flower and a cream whitish inconspicuous flower, yielding up to 4 but usually one or two nutlet seed fruits at the leaf axil later in the season. Typical for borage family members, the 5 pollen anthers are not visible unless you use a lope to view them. They are tucked, inserted in the trumpet tube wall, in most other flowers the anthers rise above. The leaves in spring are plump lanceolate and with a creased central vein, and adjoining parallel veins, with no visible lateral veins. It has a moist succulent cool to touch feel, with fine soft hairs on leaf and stem. The leaves are alternate with a rather random presentation. 

    The medicinal qualities of Lithospermum spp worldwide have similar profiles among ethnobotanical history independent of tradition or contact. Lithospermum has been used in the asian variety, and eurasian Lithospermum officianale, similar to bugle weed as TSH agonist blocking the iodide pump. Likewise the puccoon pathway, the dye aspect of the root. Native Powaton people in 1607 used the unique color of the root to dye both leather and their skin. Recently the same ethnobotanical usage was duplicated in the socalled ‘biolipstick’ sold in Japan derived from Lithospermum erythrorhizon known as the TCM, J-pan Korea medicine component ‘shikonin’. Both facial powder rouge and lipstick, and lip stick gloss were sold. Lip stick gloss highlights, and in some ways duplicates the potent estro-flush of the female fertility cycle that communicates like the flash of male bird cardinal red feathers, potency, power, youth, beauty and prestige in human bio spirit.  Shikonins are responsible for the deep red compounds in Lithospermun roots. The South Dakota prairie plains variety L. canescens Lakota: pȟežúta wahesa, likewise used similarly. Besides the colorant, dye quality of Lithospermum spp, in ethnobotanical uses the roots and above ground portion of plants were used topically, on the surface of skin for skin eruptions as compress. The roots specifically have been used for burns and for open wound wound healing as in stagnant lower extremity diabetic ulceration.

     The genius world teacher Wild Herb Ways offers, The Four, as in “Woo Woo Song”, 

Referring to four compass points east, south, west and north, spoken sun-wise, in a greater teaching, four directions. As sung, performed, danced and chanted during the recent 8.4.2024 world day of prayer. in the liturgical piece. Not only the compass point directions, but specifically these four, taught by Wild Herb Ways, “Our well-being is non-negotiable.” So those who would compromise our well being, who would they be? All creatures, all peoples seek to demonstrate well being according to their biospirit. “As above, so below.” The Small body has the truth of the Big Body. We affirm the world by unapologetically advocating for our group well being. Because that part of us is another part of us. We cherish well being. We celebrate well being.

“As before, so now still.” There is nothing new here. “As it appears, so then it is.” “What you do, that shall you become.” From sitting with plants comes the doctrine of signatures which is inherently composed as the four, sitting with plants. We continuously elaborate on the timeless truths. Really nothing new, because our well being is of course inviolable. Well being comes before all else. The timelessness of as before, so still now. These genius teachings coming from the world teacher, wild herb ways, are the science of our vitalism as it always has been and will continue to be, coming from the, "Big Book", of person, plant and place. Listening as participant to the whole terrain as a qigong.

      The English called Wahunsonacock Powaton, and it is passed to us a precept he spoke and lived by, : " The reason I rank higher than others is that I hold myself to a higher standard than others. So I keep my head high, and seek well being." 


     Sitting with plants rose Verbena, elaboration on the shoemaker cobbler Jacob Boehm: & Qualities of the signature. The signature is the evidence of the nature of things given to us within biospirit to further exist by using the stuff of creation. We call it the doctrine of signature, meaning that creation is speaking to us in the act of listening to further become. When we see a form, that is a fundamental aspect of things revealed to us by creator with whom we are part. That is the essence of sitting with plants.

Sitting with rose verbena. Using all the senses, touch, taste, smell, sight, a deeper listening to fulfill the signature. Where the plant grows. How the plant grows. When the plant grows. It's form in the landscape as a wild entity with the same set of ground rules as you. The plant and yourself are both living beings set with the vital flame of viriditas, the plant burning with a chlorophylic green flame and you burning with a hemoglobic red flame of blood. When we use terms like 'health and well-being', or , sacred land sacred sex, it is about the actual situation of having red fluid within our bodies circulating, moving, blood spurting, pulsing in our bodies, and the earth, the solid ground, we stand up on, is an aspect of standing, to support the well being of our people. Sitting on the ground next to Rose Verbena.

(Contraction): The vital force within both creation and created, mutual, as desire drawing all towards itself within further existence, kind after kind. We can imagine the spring dances of courting, preparation for the prom, the debutant ball of spring, the fine dress, the special elaborate dancing shoes, the jewelry and necklace, the flower headdress or corsage. The cindarella story of courting, the prince and princess dancing, seeking one another out as partners for mutual benefit. This is the sitting with plants. The plant is as much sitting with you, as you are sitting with the plant. It is impossible to deny a persons movement towards mutual benefit, and well being.

(Desire) Desire is the fundamental tension as friction: The expansive vital force creating a dual action and differentiation. Desire going into multiplicity. The one becomes three by first becoming two. Sacred land sacred sex working both in the person and working through the fundamental tension of sexuality to become itself further through merging completely with the other. The plant's pink rose flowers are exactly like the robins red breast, the Cardinals red feather, the jasmine spicy scent and riotous color are all little rouses, lovers kiss and tell lies to make seeds. When you are with your first love in the height of wet passion you say all kinds of crazy things knowing on some level it is a rapturous spell, a hex, a fabulous dream. You both are playing yet sincere it's not like you are lying, it is just that there are many truths and the one before our eyes is the most potent, the most captivating. Yes, I love you.

(Motion) Sensibility: rotary motion of 1 and 2. The wheel of life. It is a wheel of life, turning, turning us, everything is spinning. The greatest miracle is that the earth underneath our feet is itself turning, how is it that we don't fling off into space? Or like riding a dizzy bobbing merry go round, don't pass out from the vertigo.

(Sensation) Lightning or Fire: The Spirit diffuses a mild light, transforms the dark principle, ending strife. The senses are windows out and doors within. We are not meant to be passive observers, prisoners in the world. There are things to be done and we are the doers to achieve them. Captivation is something to be done, a place to be. It begins in the quiet of listening and seeing, the mutual interplay of seeing and being seen, touching and being touched, tasting and being tasted, listening and being heard, this is the potent nature of living in a world that is itself alive. Spirit meeting spirit, life tasting life.

(Love or Light): love binds, builds up and harmonizes the principles of joy. Well being non-negotiable means exactly that, we seek our well being because it is fundamental associative under love. Love is seeking pursuing and advocating for one's well being. It is absolutely good to be here and joy tells us that. Joy is like gravity, a force that holds us together with our feet touching the ground.

(Audibility): intelligible or vital sound. The manifestation of Life. Biospirit creates a cultura or expression of itself that is unique to itself. Form is created from the formless. The only way we can know ourselves is through what, how and who we do. Words, sound are the initial form of becoming. Not a cult of words but the natural flow of conversations among, family, folk and kin.

(Intelligence) Essential Wisdom: gathers the previous six into one harmonious whole

Monday, April 08, 2024

Woo Woo Song

 Woo Woo Song, Well being is non-negotiable, recorded by Woo woo Music collective, sung played written by the wild herb ways Solar Eclipse assembly chorus forum at New Moon Aries, Mercury retrograde all vocals, guitars, bass and by the non-negotiable woo woo cult band collective, during Black Sun Eclipse Day of Fasting and Prayer.



O thankyou for keeping me above ground for another day

This Mercury retrograde,

Goddess Freya of black sun, 

give power to be a light,

Our well being is non-negotiable…

This new Moon-day in Aries, retrograde Mercury,

during the black sun, 

praying for the restoration of golden sun, 

for our well being and continued blessings and a return to all that is well. 

Well-being is non-negotiable. 

We pray…


Genius World teacher, wild herb ways,

Aries western sky, 

Rose pink new risen day.

...sunwheel winged ram fly far away, 

Nephele sent, Athena grey blue eyes.

Well-being is non-negotiable. 


Porcelain skin...Phrixus and Helle, ride Aries shotgun, 

side by side

Green sweet land, the good by and by.

Ram’s wool journey Jason’s fleece 

Crossed the Caucasus mountains, well being word complete.

Our well-being is non-negotiable.


Shine wake robin, do a song for me…

Soft new grass ‘neath the Redbud trees, 

Violets, nettles, dandelion leaves

Green four directions,

I get my strength from all of these.


Golden chords ‘round the hackberry tree.

Yellow lomatium, verbena, fragrant thorny seed.

her grove, cedar juniper, mistletoe,

in four directions, wind you always blow,

Our people thrive and grow, 

Well-being is non-negotiable.


Sunna’s chariot swings low ‘cross the sky.

Rising elm and oak,

Calling on candytuft, first flower a’spring.

Standing stones monument of heroic deeds.

Well-being is non-negotiable.


Light before, above, below us, within us. 

Light beneath, above, before, sun wheel shine over us.

Worship blood ancestors buried deep before,

wood nymphs from the corner of our eyes

to these do we adore.

Monarda, yarrow, verbena, echinacea,

all directions taste thy tiny pollen seeds,

Fill your threshing floor.


Soil of root, woody stem grow ‘neath the ground. 

Life your branches, bless us all around.

Sacred land sacred sex, build our future home.

Coyotes yip yap, possum red hawk, set the tone, 

Green in four directions, flat earth prairie home,

flat earth prairie home.


Gather the medicine.

Celebrate the morning, 

rage rage against the darkening of the light.

Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, 

up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. 

Twinkle, twinkle little star.

Thank you for bringing me so far.

Light return bears awake.

Where else but here?

Who else but you? 

Whom else but I? 

When else but now?

Sacred land, sacred sex, returning.

Sun’s golden flame veriditas burning.

green in four directions, all of you be well.


Neolithic, neandertal, all mother.

Mary, of springs, streams, bogs, glade, and wood. 

Forest cave, grotto her, 4-fold blessing way, 

sacred land sex, the holy perfect way.

Well-being is non negotiable. 

Mother springs, streams, bogs, cliffs, glade, and wood.

Slippery elm shaking leaves, blessed perfect good.

Grow days loosening nights.

Axis mundi life,

Celestial marriage, our folk, 

growing green.

Bless our bread.  

In her grove, shine golden sun.

With the green, in four directions, family kin.


Goddess Freya of black sun, 

thank you for keeping me above ground

give me power to be a light for my people,

Our well being is non-negotable…

This new Moon-day in Aries, retrograde Mercury,

during the black sun, 

All of us praying for the restoration of that golden sun, 

for the well being of our people. 

Our well-being is non-negotiable. 

We pray this blessing sun. 

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