Showing posts with label Marsh skullcap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marsh skullcap. Show all posts

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Scutellaria galericulata, Marsh Skullcap

Scutellaria galericulata, mint hooded marsh skullcap. Square stem mint family Lamiaceae. 
Hooded flower appearing opposite 

Saturn Pluto Jupiter conjunction rising in sidereal Capricorn, full moon in sidereal Sagittarius August 1 2020

Found from the arid southwest to Canada and Alaska. Found here in moist swampy areas, adjacent to northwest mountain lakes, about 18 inches tall to a foot high, square stem leaves, opposite, lanceolate, crinkled, strongly veined on underside, directly from stem, stems tend to be reddish brown at Midsommer flowering. Light blue hooded flower at leaf axil, in opposite pairs, with smaller leaf axils. Flower the upper lip entire, shorter than lower and hood-like, the lower lip 3-lobed observed with a loupe 10x otherwise appear fused. Fruit is a nutlet in pairs turning brown.

     Botanists arrange plants according to their protocols and herbalists to theirs. While a particular plant genus and species maybe present botanically across a wide geographic range, it doesn't mean it's the same plant herbally. It's important to spend a lot of time with your skullcap populations. It is empowering to know wherever you are you will find Scutellaria galericulata and a familiar bitter, cooling taste with demulcent texture.
      Scutellaria galericulata is an excellent nervine used both as a nurturing supportive herb alterative for the nervous system and for acute sudden onset anxiety as they arise. Known for its ability to relax tension without strong sedation. Antispasmodic action makes it useful in menstrual cramps, restless leg at sleep and combined with anodyne herbs. Due to its bitter cooling energetics it's useful in dispelling liver heat that manifest with anger, rage, short temper, restless insomnia. It helps to move this stuck liver energy and is alterative in unproductive mind states that appear volitional choice when they are more rooted in a body condition of blocked liver. It can be combined with estafiate in this condition.
     The whole plant in flower with occasional roots that pull up, FPT 1:2. Potency of this and similar herbs can be increased by gathering skullcap with biospirit specific protocol practices taught by face to face teaching and gathering during full moon.      

      Another way to access this plants bioenegetics is smoking it in a pipe, or rolling papers. Smoking this variety of skullcap will definitely work immediately to calm. It can useful combined with other herbs, like lobelia for tobacco nicotine withdrawal formulas. Although since nicotine withdrawal is so smoking dependent it may be more useful to use a formula that doesn't include the physical act smoking. Provide separate nicotine containing tobacco tincture, for intense cravings, with straight lobelia tincture, and pedicularis tinctures. In my experience Scutellaria galericulata is too strong to smoke alone, just to much spaced out quality, although in an acute anxiety attack or combatting withdrawal from, alcohol, tobacco, opiates, late stage Meth syndrome after the 48-72 meth crash stage, it could be useful. Since harm reduction is a legitimate strategy in tobacco dependence it can be combined with other herbs including tobacco in a kinnikinnick blend to wean someone from acute nicotine addiction. Or to create a relaxing non tobacco smoking mixture combined with Pedicularis bractiosa or Pedicularis racemosa, uva-ursi, prince of pine pipsissewa, dwarf dogwood bunch berry leaf, red ossier dogwood bark, manzanita leaves in a kinnikinnick. 
       One way i am on this endless medicine road well being through herbs is by biospirit specific protocol practices face to face. You will find this herb is useful in substance withdrawal, anxiety reduction, as a part of formulas for many presentations. Skullcap combined with Pedicularis, Lobelia spp, and other herbs elaborate further, deeper, more completely face to face. This is a face to face journey you can make a huge difference for those desiring to go free here now from substance dependence other forms of biospirit erasure with these plant teachers provided by and through spirit. When you focus on your personal relationship with plants you can't go wrong. Endless medicine road Scutellaria galericulata. 
Underside leaf deeply veined

    Even though others divert biospiritual energy into regime clinic cults, that don't permit biospirit flow it maybe these forms are the only permitted forms available in a reduced situation. Know that bowing, bending, taking a knee and apologizing on the way to your video game medicine show debt payment gig is eventually going to block and suppress your own biospirit.
     Endless medicine road for wellbeing continues for those on that road, the decades and decades, 100+ year long regime program to deface-erase-replace our people's biospirit for 4 generations in their hot-cold-hot agenda from their 30 year brothers war 1915-1945 till today, via meme pathogens, erase-deface-replace, brother-sister shun-styles, yet i still gather healing plants for our people with love, service, do no harm, sharing open go free here now these herbs...
      Going back to the Greek, Egyptian, Aryan Indian subcontinent and Chinese cultures opiates, marijuana, and mind altering substances have been noted historically. The epidemic is not new what is new is the addiction death-style marketing rap. The new rap is, your addiction is regime conviction. Your condition, our regime permission. We gave you meth-salts, benzos, oxy's, now try our prescription methadone, or how about a reformulated meth adderal to put pep in your step, it's all covered by regime dumb down health wealth care. We will redistribute your wealth to deserving others while you rot in your drug infested no go zone replace-erase cities. The regime can't stop cheap meth, black tar heroin, xani bars, but it can support the cure, our regime approved death-style, Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone). 

     In the Bible the greek word pharmakea which is the root of our word pharmacy, has been translated meaning sorcery, mind control by practices using pharmakea, witchcraft, sex and worship of strange gods. In the Bible these practices are understood as poisonous to the biospirit which Father God has breathed in us his people. Other teachers in their respective  traditions understood substances that cloud and confuse the mind as being not only personally debilitating but also a part of subduing and enslaving people. The essence of this is Titus 2:12 "Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;"Any time a culture allows addictive debilitating drugs to be widely circulated there are nefarious elements in that culture promoting erasure and wealth redistribution. This wealth redistribution is an attack on an important foundation, sovereignty, dominion and private property. In many areas state, county and local taxes mean that sovereign private property is converted via exorbitant money lender usury and yearly taxation schemes that mean your property is not held by you and your birthright children. Your private property is owned by the state, proof being, avoid paying their yearly tax and see who is the real owner of your property. Property state inheritance death tax, means your own children can not inherit your property unless they first pay a death tax to the state. A death tax on property that is owned free and clear.
    These intricate tax wealth redistribution schemes are hatched in a group identity politic with you as the only identity group not allowed to represent yourself within a group identity political system. In the mean time while we are redistributing your families accumulated wealth piece by piece in escalating yearly installments, we are going to infiltrate your community with insidious addictive drugs. If we don't hook your children officially and legally in the schools with a toxic mix of methamphetamine salts, and bizarre chemical pharmakea, we will get them on street drugs which are conveniently available by dope dealing classmates. Just as the regime police step down and take a knee during mob riots, looting and criminal bravo sierra chaos. Isn't it convenient that your regime police do a step down hands off approach to illegal street drugs decimating our nation. In case you forgot, it's no longer your nation. Because in a governance that has evolved to group identity politic, you are the only group not permitted group representation in that identity politic system. Isn't it predictable that once again you are now an absolute minority in a country where just 40 years ago you were the majority group? The regime did another convenient step down on illegal immigration. Just as the regime steps down when criminal gangs loot, burn, topple monuments and historic sights. They do a stand down on illegal immigration. They do a stand down on a flood of addictive poisonous drugs. They don't stand down at home foreclosure. They don't do a stand down for tax liens on private property.  They don't do a stand down on enforcement of an absolute ban on your speech when you demand representation in a group identity politic government. Simply use the word white with regard to any meaningful activity. White political caucus. White business. White community. White schools. White education. White studies in a antiwhite regime school. See how fast the regime responds. No stand down of the antiwhite regime forces when any element of white is mentioned. Yet you can say, Black political caucus, Latino representative, Black studies at a publicly funded college, Black lives matter, Native american owned business, any identity group can advocate publicly for their concerns, you alone cannot. Regime controlled social media will immediately ban any in real life IRL activity that links to white wellbeing.  
        Here when I say widely circulated, highly addictive poisonous drugs, I mean descriptive rather than prescriptive. It is not a question of if these drugs are here. They are here and they are destroying your community. The community you can't call your community due to hate speech laws. You can say asian community. You can say black community. You can say latino community. But you can not say white community. If you say white community you will be fired from your job. You will have vigilante mobs at your door. Your name and address will be publicly posted. The police will thoughtfully step down while you are assaulted because you said white. Well there are white people and yes it is to our advantage to acknowledge ourselves as a group and establish white well being community awareness.
      If there is a society nation where copious amounts of widely available addictive chemicals are in use then it's pointless to call it prescription vs illegal. It doesn't matter whether your addicted to prescription percocet, illegal heroin, methadone or suboxone, the bottom line is putting a substance into a legal illegal box doesn't change the reality of people developing and participating in substance supply as their basic livelihood. Whether illegal drug dealer, or licensed nurse practitioner, registered nurse, behavioral health counselor, a major part or eaches life is tied to addictive substance trade. A regime that tolerates these scenarios destroys biospirit. Their pathway of addiction is policy of erasure. The good little do bees, in helping medi police state regime take a knee, paint their hair blu, apologize on their way in their prius to regime debtor McMansions, thinking this will get them through the next 4year plan are wrong. Stalling for time is not a coherent strategy. Look, this shit show is about to be blown wide open. You will lose your stuff. The banks and debt recirculation team will get your stuff and your payments will be taken over by another useful idiot, while you get a free trip ticket to the homeless camps. You may build a better air conditioned nightmare boogaloo box for your northern biospirit but eventually you'll lose your take a knee, i apologize wife who will see you for who you are, a northern biospirit. Your mixed children will hate you as much as you hate yourself via ever more complex meme pathogenic dis-ease. Your boogaloo air conditioned nightmare box can not house your northern euro biospirit. It's as fake as your fake virtue signal apologetics. It's not possible to atone for a grievance not committed. At your heart you know the wealth redistribution tax structure is tyranny because you have no representation. You as a non-group group member can not legitimately enter a group identity political system. Love based on erasure fear is tyranny and try as you will, you can not overrule your biospirit created over 100's of generations. 
     There are many specific examples of addiction as a tool of various regimes to debilitate a biospirit group and transfer wealth. There are too many examples to list, the British with opium trade in China, alcohol in colonial expansion in native american communities, the United States in Indo China, Vietnam, Afghanistan. 

      So there is nothing new in the use of addictive and mind altering substances for a regime political end. What is new is the quantity of these substances. What is new is the volume of these substances. From opiates, synthetic opiates, benzodiazepines, amphetamine, methamphetamine, alcohol, psychiatric drugs, antipsychotics, genetically enhanced marijuana, and modified synthetic substances, there is an arsenal of weapons against biospirit. A person in youth who goes to these substances like amphetamine salts whether prescribed by regime behavioral health counselors or distributed illegally by antibiospirit runs the risk of immediate catapult into life long zombie erase-replace status. Potential is immediately erased in an unavoidable algorithm. That regime pro pharma dope is clean, pure, predictable versus regime sanctioned non-sanctioned dope does not address harm to biospirit. The unprecedented assault on biospirit requires not only a psychological defense against generational meme pathogens but knowledge and sharing of biospirit rules and regulations for well being. Plant, person and place is one aspect of going free here and now. 
      Patrick Henry: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or ?", there is no or. 

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