Matka Boska Zielna
Matka Boska Zielna at Midsommer, working her prayer circle, honoring August 15 at Assumption, worshipped through all her turning,
She is the mother of all healing herbs and plants, roots, seed. We use her herbs everyday Matka Boska Zielna work,
walk through forest after rain, fully engaged,...water flowing, red root fully, yellow clover, nootka rose,
Ligusticum canbyi, little oshala, mallow nine bark, oxeye daisy, gilia sky rocket, yarrow, huechera alum root, columbia tiger lilly, arnica, nootka rose...
Nootka rose her tribe, mallow ninebark, thimble berry, bitter cherry, strawberry, Raspberry, Rosa woodsi.
All rose family plants,
-pray for us.
Stella Maris of the North Star Polaris,
-pray for us.
Wearing a zodiac crown of 12 stars,
pray for us.
She is a spinning wheel,
Turning, turning,
We come round right,
Pray for us.
Divine mother of healing herbs
pray for us.
All water flowing creeks and streams, medicine gardens,
pray for us.
Nootka rose,
pray for us.
Osha of north woods,
pray for us.
Matka Boska Zielna
pray for us.
Wake robin Midsommer song,
pray for us.
Columbia Tiger lily moist round,
pray for us.
Queen of angels, messenger spirit people,
pray for us.
May the divine assistance, of Our Goddess Mary,
remain always with us. Amen.