Showing posts with label Wild Ginger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wild Ginger. Show all posts

Saturday, May 02, 2020

Asarum caudatum, Cascadia Long Tailed Ginger

Siting with wild ginger, long-tailed wild ginger
Scientific Name --Asarum caudatum    

Birthwort Family (Aristolochiaceae Family)
Cascadia, Perennial plant of deep shade with Horizontal rhizomes, these are early leaves yet to flower.  It has heart-shaped, evergreen, bright green leaves grow in pairs on a slender petiole, and are tougher than appearance, it grows in dense mats. 
       The leaves and roots have a ginger like aroma when crushed, and there are quite a few look alike plants in the area. It is unrelated to culinary ginger.

      Like other Aristolochia flowers it Has cup-shaped, brown-purple to green-yellow flowers which terminate in three long elaborate curved lobes, the plant spreads primarily by rhizome runners, the flower is fertilized by ants. It requires deep mottled shade and wet moist rich soil, not tolerating bright sun.

     It's energetics are warming and moving, an aromatic stimulant, affecting the lung and large intestine, it allows mucus to thin and is similar to nearby growing Oplopanax. It was prescribed and used by many of the well known eclectics Cook, Ellingwood, Felter and Lloyd. 

     Yet as an Aristolochia plant the well known cautions must be taken. It is a plant to be used with fever, dry unproductive cough, respiratory impairment. The doctrine of signatures shows to have strong affinity to heart and circulation. It's movement has lent it to use in non-dominant culture child birth as an agent to help the birth, given in small doses throughout a natural birth.


      Amazing plant to sit with throughout the season.

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