Tuesday, August 11, 2015

yerba santa, eriodictyon -narrowleaf ,lower deer house

yerba santa, Eriodictyon angustifolium.
Biospirit endless medicine well being road, wild herb ways, Yerba santa, you know this is about meeting the plants face to face, i'm not selling classes, or pounds of herbs, or digging up the last root so we can add another friend to the tree museum, i just want you to know this, you don't have to apologize, there's good beautiful you without changing anything, you can't change your heart with your head, with an act of will, or new words and slogans, all i am saying is, yerba santa... I,  found a way to walk in the wash, 
i made up a reason,

"oh i have to make medicine", really i am curious to see what's there now in August. i remember the water from the spring time. before the saguaro bloomed. i could see green milky oats, in the water, deep pools, dragonflys and tadpoles, minnows darting back and forth. now the water was gone, there was mud, now the mud is gone, it's dry dust, sand and river rock. 
    this is a drainage off the Ancha, lower deer house. i saw a white yellow patch of a white tail, move silently through the Cephalanthus occidentalis, the green button brush. out of the wash and disappear into the mesquite. yes this is Ancha's deer house. i always call Ancha, her, she, her deer house. her being the milky way, those stars that go from horizon to horizon, they are the medicine road. so i call it her deer house and it is really the Milky Way's  deer house. it's her deer house and that Milky Way is the medicine road. so i am walking the milky way, medicine road deer house through this creek bed, through this place, through the deer house, walking  lower deer house.
     i feel stupid and silly to talk about a medicine road, how could the milky way be a medicine road through the deer house, through her deer house? yet i just saw a deer run through the button brush, i could see inside her thighs, and I know she's a woman, she did more than prance, it was a deliberate enticing move and i probably in another place and time could've been her man, i would of chased her through the mesquite bosque. maybe all the way to the upper deer house. anyways it was good to see her again. it is good to know that there are deer and deer in the house. after all it would be a pretty poor deer house without deer.  i'm sure they walk that milky way from horizon to horizon. i'm sure they know many plants and make good medicine. deer house milky way medicine, medicine way, milky way deer house medicine.


     so this is the story of finding the narrowleaf yerba santa. eriodictyon angustifolium. you really need to know that this is a medicine plant from the deer house. if you call this plant any other name but the holy plant from the deer house then i'm not sure you understand what i mean.
The plants are our friends. maybe they are brothers, maybe they are sisters, maybe they are fathers and grandmothers, it's very hard to say. it is going to be different for every person with every plant, what they mean to you and what they can do for you. the plants tdo things for you and it's important to realize you do things for the plants. yerba santa is holy because it reminds us of holy things. 
     for some reason I had forgotten about this plant, because for the most part it grows way up high in the rocks, way up high  above, above the saguaro. here though it is below. in fact it's in the bottom in the creek-bottom. I had forgotten it was down here. 
     then I saw it and remembered it. It had some sticky sticky leaves from the little El Niño  rains. lots of new growth. 
   somebody may ask what is good for? Well it's good for everything. it's especially good for those tricky situations that happened when people live together with a lot of jealousy. some call it the evil eye. mal ojo. i would call it,  the plant that can help make things right again. like an antidote. or maybe a preservative. it's also good for coughs. you can also take some of the leaves and put them in your mouth and chew them. it's bitter  than it gets sweet. it's good when it's hot because it takes away your thirst it's kind of like a slippery elm, and it also helps your stomach.
     it's a really good plant to get to know. you can rub it all over your body and especially over your four head on top of your head. 
    you can make it tea with it but don't use too much and don't cook it too long just put it in the boiling water for second and take it out. then it will be sweet otherwise it becomes very bitter and too strong. 
     so I was very happy to find plant in the wash, and it really increased my strength and fortitude. That's how I would look at yerba santa, it increases your resolve to complete good things. if you feel weak and just not having a lot of energy to do what you want to do,  it's good to be around yerba santa to bring that resolve forward. 
      it lends a protective elegance to those potent full moon datura flowers, the dream medicine.  combine the dream medicine datura with yerba santa, keep it near your pillow, near where you sleep and if you wake up in the middle of night smell it, and it will remind you of what you need to do.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sky Island Whispered in my ear

Sky Island, whispered in my ear, "i want you back." She is sweet with Cliff rose, aweets' al, her baby's cradle, blooming now. Her hair is the color of sunset, like ocotillo flowers,
the way water on sunlight catches your eye. Her hair sways in the wind and the bees are eager to taste her nectar.

Her arm pits are spicy with estafiate, bitter cherry and narrow leaf cottonwood. Her arms are aspen thin and strong, in late September
her hillsides are yellow with the leaves of osha and

 Her kiss is bitter not easily given and not soon forgotten like the yellow inner bark of Mahonia.

 My mouth waters with aristolochia, I want to move and walk. I see far away, eyes and mouth cool and moist, the narrow leaf yucca across the canyon moving, behind me the

last of saguaro alone near the ridge, just below the two oaks.

She told me she is waiting with ceanothus, red root and choke cherry. She always makes promises like that, "'I'll give you this and that. Come take me, come inside, I'm yours.' "Jealous at times she won't let me return home, so i am dizzy and lost unable to go ahead or behind. Tired worn out and spent. I wish sometimes she would leave me alone so i could go back to Phoenix
 and see the bright lights of town. But as soon as I go back, she's there again, burning me with her eyes, sharp bitter burning like Anenome tuberosa, 
through the bones of my face, calling, "Come back. Come back to me.".
I go back to her, she is waiting like Mother Mary at the tomb. 

Waiting on the morning of the Pasch.
by Paul Manski

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Yerba Santa, deer house by Paul Manski

Yerba santa, you know this is about meeting the plants face to face, i'm not selling classes, or pounds of herbs, or digging up the last root so we can add another friend to the tree museum, i just want you to know this, you don't have to apologize, there's good beautiful you without changing anything, you can't change your heart with your head, with an act of will, or new words and slogans, all i am saying is, yerba santa... yerba santa eriodictyon angustifolium. Visiting with Southwest herb of healing and protection. Yerba santa's medicine road stories.
If you go up this way when the salt river is running like blood, like mud you may hear the song of the small medicine dear.
  They sing the songs as they chew on the soft leaves of redroot Ceanothus.  


      i  found a way to walk in the wash, i made up a reason, "oh i have to make medicine", really i am curious to see what's there now in August.
 In my minds eye I am both far below in the wash and then up above above where the red river flows like mud and begins the Sierra Ancha. 
i remember the water from the spring time. before the saguaro bloomed. i could see green milky oats, in the water, deep pools, dragonflys and tadpoles, minnows darting back and forth.  the water was like a gree, Deepgreen milky oats and you could feel your adrenal gland trusting in recharging trusting in the springtime. now the water is gone, there was mud, now the mud is gone, it's dry dust, sand and river rock. There are some cockle burrs growing and the large leaf ambrosia. Maybe i should gather ocotillos or cholla roots, or wait here till it rains and see if the Yerba Santa flies into the air, returns to Ancha. 
 i saw lightning hit a saguaro and like a wave there was a tiny medicine deer with sprigs of Yerba Santa flying toward the Salt River, as he flew over my head he laughed and smiled and spit on my head, i could smell his baby medicine deer breath sweetened with Yerba Santa, he said, "come see my Mother at Ancha. She has more plants for you. She'll show you all the plants."


     i was thinking lightning, saguaro cactus, small medicine dear. One time i laid on a Rock waiting for the full moon 

to rise over the Ancha and a bat kept swimming and swirling, flying around my head and landed on my hand and whispered in my ear.  I can't remember what he said it's voice was too soft to understand. but I knew I was welcome to stay here in the Ancha and lay on this rock 

and feel the last rays of the warm sun, now set, radiating from the rock, like ohsha roots
soaked in honey, like monarda in apple cider vinegar, and watch the full moon.
    this is a drainage off the Ancha, lower deer house
. i saw a white yellow patch of a white tail, move silently through the Cephalanthus occidentalis, the green button brush. out of the wash and disappear into the mesquite. yes this is Ancha's deer house. 
i always call Ancha, her, she, her deer house. her being the milky way, those stars that go from horizon to horizon, they are the medicine road. so i call it her deer house and it is really the Milky Way's  deer house. it's her deer house and that Milky Way is the medicine road. so i am walking the milky way, medicine road deer house through this creek bed, through this place, through the deer house, walking  lower deer house.
     i feel stupid and silly to talk about a medicine road, yep that is the road that I follow. it's a lonely road and sometimes I wonder if I can keep on traveling this road with lightning, saguaros, cholla and brittle bush. Osha and small medicine deer whispering in my ears. how could the milky way be a medicine road through the deer house, through her deer house? 
and is this my deer house or just another deer house, or maybe like a deer hotel. yet i just saw a deer run through the button brush
, i could see inside her thighs, and I know she's a woman, she did more than prance, it was a deliberate enticing move and i probably in another place and time could've been her man, i would of chased her through the mesquite bosque. maybe all the way to the upper deer house. anyways it was good to see her again. it is good to know that there are deer and deer in the house. after all it would be a pretty poor deer house without deer.  

   i'm sure they walk that milky way from horizon to horizon. i was watching the Eta Aquariads and the Perseids and  St Peter, San Pablo held up a key.
He said, "in that Milky Way are all your plants all the medicines you need right here. you don't have to go anywhere. you don't have to travel anymore. all you have to do is listen and taste these plants to see what they do. find out. quit wasting your time.".

Actually falling stars leave a trace of Stardust and when you gather the plants during the meteor shower you can be sure that there is strong medicine there.
Frogs and toads that come out during summer rains, they are good friends with the medicine deer.  i'm sure they know many plants and make good medicine. deer house, big toad milky way medicine, medicine way, milky way deer house medicine.
     so this is the story of finding the narrowleaf yerba santa.
Yerba Santa, you are the holy Erb I believe that when Mary saw Jesus on the cross and her tears fell, up grew the Yerba Santa. eriodictyon angustifolium. you really need to know that this is a medicine plant from the deer house. Mother Mary, Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios,
she is the keeper of the deer house. She gives us all these plants she sends these plants to help us. She can lead us through the Milky Way and through the bottom of salt River all the way up to Ancha -dear house, your house to the upward way, your house that's Milky Way. She leads us and teaches us. I guess you could say that Yerba Santa is her plant,  redroot is her plant. 
      She took me all the way to the top to your house the other day and she showed me a new plant.
Feathery Star Solomon Seal, so I dug up some roots and made some medicine and medicine was sweets and like licorice or Ennis it was fiery like osha. On the top of the mountain I could breath. John told me about this plant how he had been hiking and hurt his knee and he started to eat the roots of this plan and his knee got better. I was thinking about this when I saw a big skunk and the skunk came very close to me. At first I thought all my clothes are really going to stink now but the skunk just looked at me and lifted up his front paw and waved at me
. I could tell this was the medicine skunk for the star Solomon seal and I knew it was a good sign for this medicine works in the lungs and builds all the sinews and cartilage of the body.

     The deer here are medicine deer, they move into Ancha for the summer. when they come up here they bring bundles of Yerba santa  and leave them at places like springs, or at the foot of moss covered rocks. sometime you'll find them in the woods and you know that the medicine deer have been here so I leave those yerba Santa bundles
alone. They are small deer and when St John the Baptist is Beheaded, on the day August 29, we celebrate the dance of Salome Herhodius. On this day you can find the small medicine dear for Ancha's,  sleeping on the Saint Johns wort.
They have very soft and comfortable beds of St. John's wort. The eat the leaves of redroot and you can see them smelling the flowers and as the smell the flowers they often sing songs you can hear. if you call this plant any other name but the holy plant from the deer house then i'm not sure you understand what i mean.
The plants are our friends. maybe they are brothers, maybe they are sisters, maybe they are fathers and grandmothers, it's very hard to say.
it is going to be different for every person with every plant, what they mean to you and what they can do for you. the plants tdo things for you and it's important to realize you do things for the plants. yerba santa is holy because it reminds us of holy things. 
     for some reason I had forgotten about this plant, because for the most part it grows way up high in the rocks, way up high  above, above the saguaro. here though it is below. in fact it's in the bottom in the creek-bottom. I had forgotten it was down here.
     then I saw it and remembered it. It had some sticky sticky leaves from the little El Niño  rains. lots of new growth. 
   somebody may ask what is good for? Well it's good for everything. it's especially good for those tricky situations that happened when people live together with a lot of jealousy. some call it the evil eye. mal ojo. i would call it,  the plant that can help make things right again. like an antidote. or maybe a preservative. it's also good for coughs. you can also take some of the leaves and put them in your mouth and chew them. it's bitter  than it gets sweet. it's good when it's hot because it takes away your thirst it's kind of like a slippery elm, and it also helps your stomach.
     it's a really good plant to get to know. you can rub it all over your body and especially over your four head on top of your head.
    you can make it tea with it but don't use too much and don't cook it too long just put it in the boiling water for second and take it out. then it will be sweet otherwise it becomes very bitter and too strong. 
     so I was very happy to find plant in the wash, and it really increased my strength and fortitude. That's how I would look at yerba santa, it increases your resolve to complete good things
. if you feel weak and just not having a lot of energy to do what you want to do,  it's good to be around yerba santa to bring that resolve forward.
      it lends a protective elegance to those potent full moon datura flowers, the dream medicine.  combine the dream medicine datura with yerba santa, keep it near your pillow, near where you sleep and if you wake up in the middle of night smell it, and it will remind you of what you need to do.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Prayers added to Mass

"Now of all God's creatures Mary is the most conformed to Jesus. It therefore follows that, of all devotions, devotion to her makes for the most effective consecration and conformity to him. The more one is consecrated to Mary, the more one is consecrated to Jesus."
-St Louis de Montfort
   I myself would like to attend the true mass. Not only today but always. I currently attend the society of St. Peter here in Phoenix Arizona. 
     Currently with the society of St. Peter, I see the Vatican II practices and teachings slowly creeping in, and I am concerned. Not alarmed but concerned. I know our priests here in Phoenix must also be struggling, with the new pope Francis. Of course there is nothing said from the pulpit to indicate a struggle, yet there is a vague feeling that we must be cautious and prudent, guarded perhaps.
     With Pope Benedict it was clear we were reforming the mass, reforming the reforms of Vatican II. With Pope Francis now it becomes murky and I wonder if we're slipping into some kind of a highbred mass. For that reason I think it is imperative for the Mass to be the Mass of all time with no additions or improvisation.
     Strangely as it sounds some of the things that Pope Francis has said resonate with me. They resonate with me in a way in which I don't think he intended. In the recent interview he did on the airplane, he mentioned that Catholics the traditional Catholics are too concerned with things like abortion gay marriage and homosexuality, and as strange as it sounds I agree with him. I don't think you can rank sins according to their degree of evil. Abortion the terrible evil, is a terrible evil among many. And it is certainly an evil but not the source of all evil. A mortal sin, is a mortal sin. Its disconnects us from the flow of God's grace especially the sacraments. So to mention abortion in connection to the Mass the Mass of all time is itself an improvisation that I believe we should do without. I am speaking here of the prayer for life which is said after the Leoline prayers at the society of St. Peter Latin mass as it is said here in Phoenix Arizona. 
     Of course it would be absurd to speak of Roe versus Wade at Mass in France, or a Mass in Argentina or any other country so to speak. Yet at the end of the Leonine prayers is inserted this petition to end abortion. Clearly this goes beyond the 1962 missal. So in a sense rather than the mass of all time we are having an American mass. We have an American mass rather than the mass of all time, by inserting this petition prayer which is a local American situation. This of course is the type of thing that you have in the Vatican 2 mass that is said throughout the world. You have a local mass rather than a mass of all time. 
     When I go to mass with the Society of St. peters, one of the things that I am concerned with has to do with. Of the mass actually when the mass is ended. The leonine prayers that we say after the mass has technically ended, have been altered by the Society of St. Peter here in America. They have inserted a prayer to end abortion. A noble cause yet none the less not something that should be added to the mass. They mention specifically the roe versus Wade decision. Now I am no fan or supporter of abortion or birth control. Yet I don't think it is appropriate to insert this fixation on abortion as the primary sin, and connected somehow with the leonine prayers originated by Pope Leo. Although the mass has ended at this point, I don't think it appropriate to make this addition. I don't see how this reference to the roe versus Wade decision is appropriate at that point. Even though the mass has ended it is still somehow connected to the mass and therefore to make this addition, is to alter the basic liturgy of the 1962 missal. 
      To me the various prayers and petitions that are said during the Vatican 2 mass have nothing to do with the mass. while it is certainly noble to enter some prayer petition for disaster victims or some cause of some kind for world peace or what have you, yet it is not appropriate to insert this into the mass. If you want to have a prayer service or something after the mass fine but all these petitions and prayers and so on have no place in the mass. And although the intention is good I do not see the purpose in the society of St. Peter inserting this petition into the liturgy. 
      Although I support and attend the St. Peter society mass here in Phoenix Arizona I am now leaning more towards the society of Pius the 10th,( I am also strongly considering attending a retreat here in Phoenix run by the SSPX), I am praying very strongly, praying for a way to reconcile myself to the Latin mass and the choice I must make. Although I support & bless and in every way support our new Pope Francis, I feel that he may not be the pope that we need now in relationship to the changes that Pope Benedict was making with the liturgy, of course only time will tell. With Pope Benedict I felt a visceral gut connection to our holy father the pope and his dedication to healing the wounds of Vatican II. With Pope Francis I don't get this connection, knowing however that many Catholics do feel a stronger connection with Pope Francis then they did with Pope Benedict. So I have this dilemma which is connected with my own salvation. I have this heartfelt dilemma and crisis in my faith. It's something that I cannot deny or change. Sadly I want so much the mass of all time as the good Archbishop Marcel Lefebre so heartily stated. I do not want to fight or argue or take anything away from anyone anywhere, I only want to pray I only want to experience the grace of God through the holy mass.
     I continue to heartily be drawn to our virgin mother Mary, and the message of Fatima. I firmly believe in my heart through the grace of God that an emphasis on Mary the mother of God, our Lady of Mount Carmel, our Lady of Guadalupe , is the only solution that can work for me. And although this is the height of you Breese and arrogance, I also feel that this is the only way that the church can come out of its crisis that our liturgy of the holy Roman Latin mass can be sustained and fulfilled. As we all know one of the primary elements of Vatican II was to reach out to the lost sheep, to reach out to the Protestants to the Lutherans to all the various sects, to the Anglicans to the church of England to the Methodists in general reach out to the Protestants. Now as we all know one of the primary stumbling blocks of the Protestants is the Catholics connection and love and fascination with the virgin Mary, the mother of God. The aftermath of Vatican II besides all the changes in the liturgy the promotion of the vernacular, was a deconstruction of Mary.. Although it was not stated in any of the Vatican 2 documents, although there was no mention to somehow eliminate Mary, it was done. Mary was in practice removed from her pedestal. In practice Mary was deemphasized. So that the Catholic faith could be more attractive to a Protestant Mary was deemphasized.
     For me the renewal of the Latin mass, the promotion of the Latin mass, must go hand in hand with the promotion of Mary the mother of God the Virgin, the immaculate conception, the immaculate heart of Mary. This of course flies in the face of ecumenism of the reaching out to Protestants, because you cannot reach out to the Protestants if you focus on Mary. The Protestants have a stumbling block with Mary. So the Vatican II practical application was to remove Mary all references to Mary and focus on Jesus. 
      Anyway, I pray for the grace of God to get through this personal crisis and work instead on my salvation and the goal of eternal life, in Jesus and Mary blessings always

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

7 Sorrows, 5 wounds, The Rosary & the Peace of Christ

Matt 10:34 Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.

Lk 12:51 Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.
12:52 For there shall be from henceforth five in one house divided: three against two, and two against three.
12:53 The father shall be divided against the son and the son against his father: the mother against the daughter and the daughter against her mother

Phil 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

2 Thes 3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you everlasting peace in every place. The Lord be with you all.

James 3:18 And the fruit of justice is sown in peace, to them that make peace.

Lynea Bernhard 
1st Grace & peace be with you. Christ is here and the peace he promised also. Make no mistake because the great sacrifice on Calvary was not in vain. The good news, is 'everlasting peace in every place'. It is a peace 'which surpasseth all understanding'. Yet it is not a peace which The world grasps, understands, or accepts. We must follow the example of our blessed virgin Mary the mother of God who , Lk 2:19 "But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart." 
In Lk 1:28-30 "And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Who having heard, was troubled at his saying and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God." We ask not what manner of salutation but what is peace is it? So like Mary we too ask, 'What manner of' peace 'this should be?' 
    Yet as we know coming this Sunday we celebrate 'Septem Dolorum Beatae Mariae Virginis',  The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Likewise in Mary's 7 sorrows are 7 joys. What we have are words calling us to see with new eyes a new world. Apocalypse21:1" I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone: and the sea is now no more." Because by human standards torture, treachery, pain, unrequited love and sorrow are failures. Yet they are the story of Christ, our Christ, Our Saviour, our church and our Holy Catholic Faith. 

We must have spiritual sight or else we perish. 
     Hosea loved Gomer yet she loved him not, rather she loved many and spiraled into a decline. She had the sickness of a moth ever returning to the flame. Till she was spent and weakened, sold into slavery where her love of many brought her to ruin. Yet did not Hosea buy her back for 15 pieces of silver? Did he not take her again to wife and deliver her out of bondage?
As you connect with Blessed Mary's Seven Dolors, her 7 Sorrows. think of Peace, which passeth all understanding, as Our life in Christ. As we daily pray Our Lady's psalter remember the 5 large beads. They are your 'eyes' to see the peace of Christ. As you day after day pray the rosary realize Mary is the Mediatrix of Graces, to her you must go. She will bring you the place and time to know the peace. She is the spouse of the Holy Ghost, as we are married to this rosary. And like a marriage it is for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health- as you daily merge into the mysteries remember the crucifix on the end and the 5 large beads. 
They are the keys to peace, for they are rightly called, as we all know the 5 wounds of Christ. Feel them in your fingers, in your hands, as they were in his. 
The  4 wounds where the nails went in and the Jn19:34 But one of the soldiers with a spear opened his side: and immediately there came out blood and water. As you stand with Mary, Jn 19:25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother...19:27 After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother.  And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own. So like John take her as your own. 
And let the blood and water pour over you

Friday, March 8, 2013

Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, you are the one with the best medicine

Yes ..pleasant dream...Nuestra Señora de los Remedios.
Keep me going on this medicine road, you are Osha Chuchupate.
You are Mary the mother of God. You are our Savior's mother. You bring us so many good things. You show us the way to Sierra Ancha, you Open the door to the deer house, you bring us good medicine, you bring us Ocotillo for the heart,

you bring us the feathery Solomon seal, osha and aralia, Yerba Santa and Torote, Saguaro fruit. 

our holy Mary protected us...Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios
You have many names Mary. Whatever name we use you answer us because you love us. You are my lover because in my heart you have planted the seed for the flowers, the roots and seeds. In my heart you have placed the Lily. The feathery Solomon seal, to make me strong, when you call me to the mountains. And you do call me to the mountains, wherever you call me I will go, wherever the medicine grows I will go. I will go in your name. you walk with me and you hold my hand and show me all the medicine plants I need to know.
You have brought us all the plants,

 all the animals, and you're blessed son Jesus, he is with us true true
Our Holy divine perfect Mother, with the moon shining..
.the stars a road

from here to tomorrow..
.far beyond this way...with the wind blowing...Changing Woman Nahasdan Nadle', 
Sash nadle, 
Beautiful bear woman,
Turquoise Woman..
Leading us on the Corn pollen road...
Look at the stars the Milky way, Corn Pollen road...

past the red slick rock mountain singing...
Our hogan, our house is the Changing Woman...
Cedar from up on the Bear's Ears mountain...

Sash Cedar moutain song..
.way up following the stars, the snow is falling. The snow is falling, the clouds are coming the rain is falling the clouds are moving quickly across the sky,
stay asleep a a little longer sash, 
Wait for the zigzag lightning to come back in the spring time, sleep sleep
when you wake you"ll tell us about the spring flowers and new grass...tell us about the bear medicine, osha 

When you wake up in the spring time dance, show us where the osha root grows,
La Medicina del oso.
Take me to the Black River
Yes ..pleasant dream..our holy Mary
Show me many things
Show me the ocotillo medicine,
Take me to where Yerba mansa grows

Bring me strong Yerba mansa medicine so i can help others love you more
And the Torote tree and copal resin

protected us...with Yerba santa 
Our Holy divine perfect Mother, with the moon shining..
.the stars a road from here to tomorrow..
.far beyond this way...with the wind blowing...Changing Woman Nahasdan Nadle', Changing woman, Turquoise Woman..
Leading us on the Corn pollen road...
Look at the stars the Milky way, Corn Pollen road...
past the red slick rock mountain singing...
Our hogan is the Changing Woman...
Cedar from up on the Bear mountain...
Sash Cedar moutain song..
.way up following the stars, the snow is falling. 
stay asleep a a little longer sash, 
when you wake you"ll tell us about the spring flowers and new grass...
Changing Woman, you are mother Mother...you belong to yourself...
You bless everyone always...
Black Obsidian woman moving from Natsin'an Navajo mountain to Dok'ad'slid-to Flagstaff, 
you're bringing us snow...
you're teaching songs, dropping like falling stars silent across the sky...

some day we will remember there is one mother blessings! always

Changing Woman, you are mother Mother...you belong to yourself...
You bless everyone always...
Black Obsidian woman moving from Natsin'an Navajo mountain to Dok'ad'slid-to Flagstaff, 

you're bringing us snow...
you're teaching songs, dropping like falling stars silent across the sky...

Mary most beautiful among women,
Mary blessed and blessing,
Mary with soft things and hard things,
Mary, all the stars inside your deer house,
Mary you show us your son Jesus,

Mary your hair is thick and soft,
shiny like water in the sun,
your hair yerba santa and narrow leaf cottonwood,
shoulders and head covered with blue and green,
stars in the sky show me the road,
milky way road, horizon to horizon,
show me the beautiful way,
the way of water black river white mountains,

i have 5 fingers, bila'ashdla i am your son,
don't be a stranger to me,
Mary you are my mother,
your hair like aspen leaves flutters in the wind,
sweet estafiate underneath your arms,
your lips are full like the fruits of walnut
all about your body are roses and blackberries,

the sweet water with cottonwood and willow,
your legs are strong your hands are gentle,
your words are bird songs,
meadowlark and robin,

you watch over me Mary with eagle eyes,
your eyes see all from up on high,
Mary you stand with Jesus
Mary you are the medicine way,
you give us all the plants.
blessings!always good medicine Mary & Jesus!

-Paul Manski with Mary

some day we will remember there is one mother blessings!always good medicine

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White Wellbeing

      An Imperium of White Well Being by World Teacher acting through biospirit as Paul Manski ©2010-2024 copyright in Wild Herb Ways. Dear ...