Herbal Reset
There was an in house dominant culture, urban legend, in-group optimism take on western vitalist herbalism in the late 70's, the repetitious nausea of a renaissance. Said over and over with self congratulations pats on the back until the echo chamber sycophants convinced themselves, look how special we are. The re-think involves a popular linguistic reflection, pro-nouns. No not those pronouns. The pro-noun it, we, us, them, us. Rethink on identity stuff, what was actually happening in herbalism within the element of time. An individual cohort came of age simultaneously and imagined in their narcissism that they were the first generation to learn to walk, fall in love and live as a community. Boomer so wrong. You were not the first, although given your predilections for delusional self absorption, you may be the last. You have tethered the culture to a culture of technology, artificial intelligence, virtual zoom snap chat tiktok facebook that stifles future generations of your own children into shallow policed lives of virtual bizarreness.
Bleed red and green Berberis |
Something as simple as a chiropractor utilizing herbalist input to treat. Crazy non interaction so that TCM, traditional Chinese medicine and aryuvedic knowledge were not integrated with western vitalist herbal gains. The pre contact mythos of continuous invoking indigenous people virtue signal. Living in those fake safe spaces because we all believe the same thing. If enough of us say the same thing, do the same secret vitalist herbal handshake then it's real. I love my virtual reality, don't you love yours? Then later the death grip of insurance money coverage never covering vitalist herbal treatments or therapies, effectively starving the most important element of any human interaction, money, finance, exchange of wealth. Non-collaboration with the obvious overt educational system, i.e., not integrating herbal vitalist educational commitment in the community colleges, state universities system. In other words the counter culture elitist revolutionary leaders of the vitalist herbal community were just too anti to participate in the human hands on stuff of dealing with the heartland. They were too in love with staring at their pony tail freak flags in the mirror and valuing their fake assumed high moral ground to engage with regular non woke folks.
So fast forward to orange man 2019 loose bio weapon wuhan fiasco, the vitalist herbalists folded. Boomers will boom and as we learned, boomer kids will boom even louder in their ability to out boom their liberal grand ma's.
All the elements were present to negate useful vitalist herbal response to the plandemic pandemic global re-set. First let's argue about orange man, bats fish markets and racism. Don't you just adore all the feds and plants in the psyop? A brilliant series of bravo sierra schtick arrived to attempt a full on Hollodomar of vitalist remnants. Liberal full boomer guilt bowing and apology? Check. Wear your mask? Check. Trash free speech? Check. Deny free assembly? Check. Get your vaccine and booster? Check. Full on boomer fear junkies in the negro dawn madly surfing the internet for a fix? Check. Everything except the obvious, herbalists who work with plants working with plants and people face to face, because that would be too obvious. No, let's argue about bats, throw in months of riots, trash a few confederate monuments and enjoy your lockdown. Celebrate your lockdown, our lockdown. Virtue signal folks. Remember there's racists and supremacists out there. Lockdown for freedom. Hide out, do a zoom online meeting. Obfuscate and woo woo. Be lame.
Couple things to remember, you're above ground. There is still snow, rain, drought, mountains, rivers plants, medicine, work to do. The people are there. The plants are there. The place is there. Everything has changed. Nothing has changed. Pray for me, I'll pray for you. Bleed green and red.