Mamacita Take me Home
Song written, music and lyrics written by Paul Manski, all guitars, slide, bass, acoustic, percussion recorded March 1, 2021.
Mamacita Take Me Home:
"Up on the mountain where red root grows.
Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.
I can feel the cold bony fingers of La Niña Blanca.
Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios .
Santo Muerte, no te quiero,
ni te necesito más.
Your lips are red with blood, just like my heart.
Thighs are white like snow, like the clouds above.
Put on earth to help one another,
learn every remedio that grows.
Mamacita, take me home.
Watching snow, snow melt into spring.
The cold icy white blanket of Niña Blanca finally ending.
Up on the mountain,
where red root grows.
Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.
I can feel the icy fingers of La Niña Blanca. lifting.
Cedar mountain, sitka valeriana , parrot's beak.
Watching snow melt into spring,
the cold icy fingers of La Niña Blanca finally ending,
finally gone.
Mamacita take me home.
Mamacita take me home.
Up on the mountain where red root grows.
Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.
Cedar mountain, sitka valeriana, parrot's beak.
I can feel the cold icy fingers melting.
Watching snow melt into spring, the cold icy fingers of La Niña Blanca finally ending, finally gone.
Mamacita take me home.
Nuestra Señora of the Remedios." -by Paul Manski.
The song is about the continuous interplay between evil and good, death vs life, , cold, La Niña Blanca representing the cold icy frozen juxtaposed by Señora de Los Remedios, the ultimate Mamacita related to the healing plant of living things and authenticity. -blessings for the re-Navidad of everyone, to make all things new in love -pm