Friday, August 19, 2022

Boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum

 Boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Aster family.

[Note: caution, seek out licensed professional medical treatment for all medical conditions. Recent studies on the plant genus Eupatorium spp have indicated hepatic-toxic( liver) alkaloids present within this plant genus. Conflicting studies have named Eupatorium perfoliatum within this group. The studies themselves I have read indicate contamination of plant material. Meaning some of the plants tested were not Eupatorium perfoliatum.

Accurately getting wild herbal plants tested is a problem. Eupatorium spp are frequently misidentified especially with regard to conflicting local common names, part of plant tested whether root, stalk, leaf or flower. Frequently herbal products sold do not match their labeled contents. Regardless the possibility of hepato-toxic alkaloids is a significant issue.] Yet boneset was used as a folk medicine, as an eclectic botanical medicine into the 1920's, and it's use has been historically short term and in small quanities, in folk medicine as a bitter fairly bad tasting medicinal tea. 

    Boneset is a perennial flowering herb, 2-4 ft tall. The leaf base surrounds the central stem. In botanical terms, sessile opposite leaves, (leaves clasping the central stem, without petiole/leaf stem) where stalk appears to pass though the main stalk). Leaves are glossy green, up to 6 inches long, tapered to a point, lanceot, with serrate/rounded toothed margins. Growing here at 1500ft northern appalachian NE woodland open sun meadow, blooming 2nd week August. 

    A plant of meadow, road side, disturbed cleared land. Boneset grows extensively throughout the eastern US. Boneset, due to it's nature as a medicinal plant is to be used cautiously, ie, it's not an herb like say ginger, or mint which are food/medicine herbs. Boneset is solely a medicine plant. It's not a plant to be taken daily, or in large doses especially as a tincture. Which means a cautious approach. 

      The parts used are the  flowers and green leaves. For colds and flu it's often combined with pleurisy root and echinacea. Probably the best way to use boneset is the traditional tea at first sign of colds and flu, similar to purple vervain. Using it for three to five days, then discontinue use. Thankfully it is not a likeable enjoyable taste, it tastes very bitter, and medicinal. Not a plasant drinkable tea. 

     Several studies have linked multiple Eupatorium spp, and specifically Eupatorium perfoliatum, boneset to dangerous hepatic-toxic alkaloids, in both the tincture of boneset extracted via alcohol and hot water. Caution is therefore advised with bonesets use. Personally I would not advise release of tincture outside of a controlled monitored situation. Tinctures are extremely concentrated medicines as compared to a tea. Contradicted in anyone with liver issues, fatty liver, cirrhosis,  elevated liver enzymes or heavy recreational alcohol use.  

     So its use should be weighed and short term less than 5 days and probably limited to the traditional folk tea method. The taste is extremely bitter, so I can't see anyone drinking much of it without throwing up. It was used similar to lobelia as an emetic.

    Interest in boneset was increased recently due to reccomendation for use, and used by many these past two years, recently for evolving conditions related to respiratory issues, low grade fever etc, used similarly in past historical similar conditions. During the pandemic of 1918-19 following the initial portion of the great 30 years war of european western erasure reset carried out between 1914-1945. Boneset was considered one of the safest and most successful eclectic remedies prescribed and utilized for the 1918-19 so called spanish flu. The eclectic medical botanical tradition of  physicians, was a uniquely american medical stream of knowledge that was effectively erased and reset to industrial pharmaceuticals by the organizers and beneficiaries of the 30 years war. Which is sad because many of the health gains in disease prevention had a lot to do with fresh food, sanitation and availability of clean drinking water. Many of the eclectic botanical medicines could have been kept, and made available to people. Instead, I say erased and reset because the medical knowledge base of the eclectics wasn't expanded through addition, it was wiped out and replaced. There was a medi pharma industrial war and the winners of the conflict re-wrote the narrative to fit their objectives. That objective although portrayed as human excellence and health, is in reality relentless jingo capitalism, with profit for a unique global elite class. They then set up local regimes utilizing the archetypal items of the old national culture, of a nation, to conduct a 24/7 multi level pyramid scam, perpetrated via mass media get rich quick, everything for sale, including the most important forsale item, which are people. People become the products bought, sold and traded. In the flag waving state, people, their sons and daughters, elderly, infirm, are the final solution harvest for sale items. Everything is capable of being priced, bought, sold, and traded. We are all for ultimate products in a continuous sale. Where the cultural hegemony becomes ultimate american pimp and hoe. Your either a pimp or hoe, or a hoe dreaming of being a madame in the business. No one can step off the merry go round of continuous sale. The bottom line in the industrial hoax of family is where the strong continuously market the weak and the vulnerable. Children/hoes are pimped out by their pimp/caretakers to first responder rape gang culture. They are drugged into existential oblivion by cheap heroin, marijuana, meth, tobacco, alcohol. Elders are deep sedated in their forced pharma police state internment camps, every demographic is partial culled for profit in the dystopian cult of pyramid pleasure profit. We have transitioned from selling things and stuff, to selling one another in the ultimate flag waving, surveillance, medi, slavery cult. 

     Blocking access to the medicinal plants that have sustained people throughout beginning-less time is a key priority in erasure. A do it yourself, small scale, localized approach to herbal medicine is always problematic for those seeking to usurp health sovereignty. In your face localism is the primary solution for what ails us related to herbalism. Teaching, learning, done small, local, face to face. 

    The name boneset is more bone-break fever, and refers mainly to fever flu with bone breaking pain, deep bone ache. Boneset doesn't refer exclusively to setting bones, or setting broken fractured bones. Although there is folk traditional references to its use topically similar to comfrey. Looking at the strong sessile leaf pattern the doctrine of signature idea of mending broken parts, broken bones, is strongly visually present. Boneset is a facinating folk heritage plant to learn. 

The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1922, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D.

Abascal, K., (2006). Herbs & influenza: how herbs used in the 1918 flu pandemic can be effective today. Vashon, WA: Tigana Press.

Abascal, K., (2020). Herbs and influenza: how herbs used in the 1918 flu pandemic can be effective in ANY pandemic, 2nd ed. Vashon, WA: Tigana Press.

Abascal, K. and Yarnell, E., (2006). Herbal treatments for pandemic influenza: learning from the Eclectics’ experience. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 12(5), pp. 214-221. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 July 2021].

Brinker, F., (2007). Book review of: Herbs & Influenza: how herbs used in the 1918 Flu Pandemic can be effective today. HerbalGram, 75, pp. 69-70. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 July 2021].

Ellingwood, F. (1919). American Materia Medica, therapeutics and pharmacognosy. Version published by Southwest School of Botanical Medicine, Bizbee, AZ., pp. 179-192. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 July 2021].

Haller, J.S., (1994). Medical protestants: the Eclectics in American medicine, 1825-1939. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Lloyd, J.U., (1923). Echinacea angustifolia. Lloyd Brothers, Cincinnati. In: R. Bauer and H. Wagner. eds. (1990). Echinacea: Handbuch für Ärzte, Apotheker und andere Naturwissenschaftler.  Stuttgart: WVG., p. 16.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Emma's Sheep House Teaching Milky River

Emma's Sheep House Teaching along Milky River

Conversations with Emma:Upper Sheep Basin                                              
     Ever since the opening ceremony of Valeriana at the deer house I was looking forward to further teaching about the plants and animals regarding herbal medicine within the tradition of bardic nationalism, as westernkind. Many of the things I began to learn much earlier, and had to voice them far from my own. There was one thing central, I was taught to disavow the regime narrative of erasure, and instead embrace white well being. Where ever a deep abiding love for a secure existence of our people and a future for white children, there would be the unfolding of healing within the nation. Just as the plants exist outside of any narrative, so do we, and so it is.
That there are nations is not surprising, not a nation of boundaries and lines drawn on a map, not an evolving economic zone, but instead a nation of people and place whose lines are walking mountains, flowing rivers, and walking people, friends who create the nation. A nation of plants growing on the shady side of mountains by the work of tiny medicine deer who reveal their presence by their gardens, and a nation of people. We live there without explanation, because that is the nature of well being. White well being unfolds according to the biospirit within the people of western civilization, just as a seed, kind after kind.
Garden of the Valerian Kiss

       I had many questions. I realized I needed a testimony. Much of what I learned was beyond explanation. I had left the narrative of guilt. I was proud of my own skin. I realized according to the teachings of the small and large medicine deer at the deer house that Valariana was just an opening sealing and many other ordinances and blessings would follow. Above all it was living the nation of place, maintaining the people through the plants.                
Merrill Ram patriarch and prophet

      Just before leaving deer house I was informed by one of the small tiny medicine deer that in a few weeks time there would be a weeklong herbal medicine conference along the milky river with big horn sheep and I should make myself available to attend. The last thing I heard from the deer at deer house was that I was to proceed to the milky river and wait the message from the osprey nesting in the ponderosa pine. So I did and what follows is a record and report of the endowment along milky river. I was blessed to travel milky rivers going free, as you will too. 
Osprey father bringing crayfish 
     I would like to thank the teachers especially Merril, the ram and patriarch and Emma, a perfect plural wife celestial, for the teaching done by the Rocky mountain bighorn sheep living along milky river. I was happy to arrive at the Upper Sheep house on Milky River. 
Milky River

      I was happy because arriving at sheep house indicates a good although often unexpected circumstance. This circumstance is called 'lifting up'. Lifting up refers to bending down and listening. Listening to the plants and animals directly without an interpreter. Hearing their own stories in their own voice. 
    Many ordinances, sealing and blessings were held regarding the plants growing along milky river and things difficult to explain. 'Lifting up' or 'bending down',is called 'an opening' and refers to a body of pre-existing knowledge that is understood related to the plant medicine road. It is heard like a small voice, like the sound of wind high above the clouds, above the sky. To cherish and be open to that still small voice is the journey, the destination and the process. It is leading in its own way through our mouth, our navel, our heart, whatever is there is there. We find it in its own way because we like them are wild and wanting.

     I found myself arriving frequently at sheep house for teaching, so I was sure that I had lifted under good circumstance. As I said, lifting is similar to bending down, we put our ear to the ground and hear the sky, I was given an obsidian stone to translate the teaching into words. Obsidian is usually black, dark and cold. If held to the light this obsidian was translucent, it was opaque yet fluid, open. If my words are murky and unclear regarding the teachings of Merril the patriarch and Emma the celestial plural wife, regarding plants it was not because their teachings were cloudy, but because I am a poor tabernacle. I have come here by fits and starts, hesitant and stumbling, yet proceeding on none the less. 
Beautiful Emma Celestial Plural Wife

   Teaching is very much in line with the teaching of the tiny medicine at deer house. Yet it is slightly more precise. I would compare it to the song of the western robin in the spring sometimes heard at night during a waxing gibbous moon, near full. It is not quite the same as the robin's song heard bright and early morn. Yet it is there mixed with night and day in the between time. Neither day or night, neither true nor false, neither self or other, just so. 

     I found myself arriving frequently at sheep house for teaching....
Premortal world New Heaven and Earth Milky River

         The whole teaching of Merril and Emma can be stated as, in the premortal world Jesus Christ was chosen as the Savior. We were there with the Savior. We came to agreement. We were there not only as people, but the plants and animals too were there with us together in one accord. We came to this earth to obtain a body, to gain knowledge and overcome by faith. They too came to this earth, one among many, to obtain a body. We are together with them sometimes over coming, often overcome by faith. Not of course faith alone, but faith with works occurring at the same time.  
    The sheep residing at the sheep house on Milky River were holding special goings on regarding the spring planting of the Monarda,         
Tiny just planted Monarda Milky River

Hops, Poleo, Clematis and many other plants along with other topics of importance to them. Now I call them sheep residing at sheep house, but you could call them to your liking and experience, singing frogs or dancing mountains. How they reside is as much rooted in how you reside. The truth is we must reside at milky river's edge.
Humulus lupulus wild hops

     The teaching of the rocky mountain bighorn sheep along milky river has both a practical work aspect, and a theoretical framework, all interlinked with fieldwork and experiential knowledge. Apart from a peculiar endowment with Emma, a big horn sheep ewe, all teaching was non verbal. Most involved scouring the canyons and watershed on hands and knee, often with a loupe. The only truth is serve your people. Do no harm. Believe an do. We can no longer inhabit their narrative. Our story involve all the saints celestial. Some days I would find myself watching the ponderosa pine nearly bend down to the ground in the wind, yet around me was windless calm and stillness. Only the sound of a spring western robin singing with Emma nearby planting monarda and chewing on grass. It reminded me of years gone by deep in the Laurentians with Anne Marie Lavoie, who spoke no english and I who spoke no French. I lived in a tent on the mountainside, watching seasons change. Yet we communicated in our own way with no conflict, knowing that just as we met suddenly, we would separate never to see each other ever again.
Clematis ligusticifolia, White western Clematis
      This seven day herbal conference is held annually in the spring after the first hatching of osprey eggs. There is a connection between the osprey, the sheep and the plants. There is a connection with everything. If you turn and out of the corner of your eye you see dappled sunlight, or hear wood peckers lightly tapping on the the ponderosa pine, this then becomes the teaching. If something else occurs then that is the teaching. The teaching is everything occurring in a place. We occur in places obedient to the time and season, not forcing occurrences but blending, lifting, bending.
     The osprey return to their nests each year along the milky river, in early spring. Where they go during their time away from milky river I do not know. Their nests are used year after year and are located in the tops of Ponderosa Pines snags along the milky river. While you could ask, 'Where do osprey go when the snow falls?', it would be better to ask, 'Where does the snow go after melting?'. Osprey come and go according to their own laws and rules. Some say they return beyond the sky into another celestial sphere beyond our understanding. Like asking where does the lightning go, when it is not flashing? We see lightning flash, we hear snow melting, that is enough. It does no good to seek thunder or run away from sorrow.
Osprey of the celestial sphere

    The osprey or fish eagle eats a diet of fish. Based on their fish catching they can lay, no eggs, or two to four eggs. Abundance determines the narrative and scarcity tempers the condition. This year was a good one, of abundance and the female osprey decided on three eggs to lay and hatch. The male and female osprey can be seen perched on rocks, one on the rocks catching fish, One in the nest on the eggs. Osprey work together. One always waits in the nest with the newly hatched osprey baby and the two remaining unhatched eggs. They bring small trout, cray fish or frogs to the nest and the female feeds small pieces to the baby osprey chick. It's well known that the osprey baby chicks enjoy most of all the tender meat in the cray fish tail. You can see cray fish claws below the osprey nest.
     Osprey mate with osprey. You will not see a deer in the nest. You will not see sheep climbing trees. You may see a black raven circling above the nest hoping for an opportunity to steal the eggs. Yet you will not see the osprey and raven together in the nest. Osprey respects their destiny of osprey-ness. They don't protest the comings and goings below the nest. They are nesting, making osprey babies. This defines their obligations and describes their action. 
    The osprey this spring, laid three, milky cream white eggs flecked and swirled with the color of red slick rock. 
Eggs creamy white, color of slick rock

      The color of the eggs, reminds me of the copper bearing soil where yerba santa grows. When one thing occurs another follows. Their nest is a woven basket, a circle of sticks lined with moss and usnea. I was taken above their nest one night in a dream. Lifted high on a shooting star, I hung onto the moon perched above their nest.  In the dream one egg has already hatched signaling the beginning of the conference at sheep house. The male and female Osprey mate for life and both of them sit on the remaining two eggs in the nest taking turns back and forth. The eggs don't all hatch at one once. The osprey eggs hatch one at a time. Each hatching of the Osprey egg is spread out over several weeks. This was the first hatching and the tiny Osprey baby will not be able to fly for several weeks. It is after the hatching of the first egg that the conference begins. Sheep and osprey work together to put together an educational conference. I was invited by the Osprey to the sheep's conference. Being invited to a conference is like walking across a meadow deep with snow then having the snow melt, walking again across the meadow. Is it the same meadow covered deep with snow and another meadow covered with yellow potentlla flowers? These kinds of questions divert from the fundamental point which is walking across a meadow. Meadows are neither different nor the same, whether covered in white snow or covered with yellow potentilla flowers. If you see yellow potentilla flowers walking, and water moving in streams to the clouds you will arrive shortly.
     I do not know why I was invited to the sheep teaching conference. In some sense I was asked to go and in another sense I was told to go. I do not know which is more true, asking or being told? Yet I knew and was known by both deer and sheep, plants and sky as having to go. Knowing and being known are two aspects of the same thing, neither much different than the other. I have always wanted to be well known and respected, now rather than wanting to be known, I would rather know. To be recognized is pleasant yet it has its issues. Our concentration is limited, better to focus on knowing than to be diverted into being known. 
Emma,  "Let her enter"

      One day mid morning, around noon,I could see the osprey flying along the river, up the ridge circling past the meadow where a group of 21 big horn sheep noon up for water. They were waiting. Whether they were waiting for osprey or waiting for time to pass more slowly, I don't know. They knew the osprey had returned and were awaiting word of the first hatching. The male osprey spoke with the sheep and the conference was set to begin during the next day of waxing gibbous moon. The osprey continued to fly scouring along the milky river for places to place the Monarda, poleo, clematis, Alum root, Hypericum and other plants for which the sheep are responsible. 
       I awaited word from the osprey who returned to the nest after consulting with sheep in the meadow. The female sitting on the nest was happy to have her mate return. They flapped their wings together. It was good to see them, yet sad for I knew it was also time to go toward something for which I did not know. When I take off for something new and uncertain it is invigorating yet also disconcerting. It is one thing to be deep in the Laurentians at 18, and another to be bleached grey with the sun and traveling to an unknown place with an unknown destination. Yet we are drawn and pulled and move slower and more deliberate as time goes on. When we are young we have no doubt that our story can be told, later we live regardless of the telling. Telling the story becomes living the story. 
     So, I made my way to the meadow and for seven days. There we planted tiny Monarda, poleo, st john's wort, Lycopus, and skullcap along the river. Really, if some one asked I don't know if years, weeks or hours went by. Time was motionless, circular, an in between celestial time. The time of stars not the planets. We can tell the time of planets. This was a time of rocks and stones. Watching mountains walk, I'm not sure how far they have gone. I can't tell you if the mountains walked in small steps or leaped and jumped. Yet I can tell you mountains walk, and somehow this is a report of their walking.
       Many of the teachings done by the medicine deer at the deer house are complementary to sheep house teachings. It is not that the deer teachings are different than the sheep and osprey teachings. Also it is not that their teachings are the same. The deer are small and move quickly. They can disappear and all you see are their lightning white rumps. You are not sure if you saw the flashing white deer rump or a small puddle of water glistening in the dappled sunlight through the alligator juniper trees. The sheep move differently. The sheep move slowly and remain together in groups. They move as a bunch. They are more leisurely and relaxed. The teaching of the rocky mountain bighorn sheep are more accessible and work more with the fundamentals of the plant medicine teaching. Sheep like Merril and Emma, have a more approachable teaching. Still fantastic and unbelievable yet more convincing. Although neither use words with frequency, the sheep teaching is more substantial. Both teachings help us to understand our relationship with plants and formulate a background to understand herbal medicine.
Prunus americana 

        The large ram whose name was Merril did much of the teaching during the gathering. Merril was never angry or hurried. It was obvious that a big horn sheep ram teaching a man was a rare interaction for Merril. The basic teaching of Merril is that all beings were alive before they were born. After their physical body dies they continue to live after. Merril "spoke" through the use of stone which he gave me. It was black obsidian, yet when held up to the sun it was transparent  The stone was activated by holding to the right breast, the left breast, the navel and the right knee. It was through the black obsidian stone, that I was able to understand. No words were spoken. At one point he said, "Any and all living things—men and women, animals, and plants—were spirits before any form of life existed upon the earth."  First and foremost duty is to seek the plant until we open the path of communication from plants to our own soul. These were the only things I heard, everything  else came through Emma in relation to the stone which I wore in a leather pouch around my neck.

Merril used the example of the osprey, who mate as a pair for life and himself, with many wives, as doing the same work. They both enter into a celestial marriage, that allows for a continuing revelation of the news. Merril also quoted from a type of "book". He was able to communicate using a transparent black obsidian stone. In that way I was able to understand:
  1. Moses 3:8-9 "8 And I, the Lord God, planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there I put the man whom I had formed. And out of the ground made I, the Lord God, to grow every tree, naturally, that is pleasant to the sight of man; and man could behold it. And it became also a living soul."
  2. Gen2:And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: 

      At a group of white rocks, sheltered by ponderosa pine, with yellow potentilla flowers, in a meadow just above a small creek, is a place the sheep call the spot. At this place ordinances and blessings are done and relationships are sealed. Since nothing is written I was curious how the sheep were able to record their endowments. According to the ram Merril, "There is a still small voice within that speaks to every living thing." I could tell it was difficult for Merril to speak with me as it removed him from the flow of his work with the plants. Being a great patriarch he had much to attend to with many ewes, his celestial brides. He provided to me a ewe who would help me understand, From then on I spent my time with her. Her name was Emma.
         All the sheep gathered in a circle around us. If some one looked from a distance they could not see us within the circle of sheep. Since we were kneeling it would appear the sheep were nooning up for water. Yet within the rocks they together performed a sealing between us. We washed first in the icy cold water of the milky river. After washing, I was given a whitish grey brown woolen garment made from Big Horn sheep coarse wool of one piece and a green bib made of Rocky mountain juniper(Juniperus scopularum), tied in the front with cord made from Prunus, wild cherry bark. Emma wore a fragrant veil that covered her entire body made from the flowers of Prunus americana, wild plum blossoms. The scent was sweet and strong enough to smell from a half mile away. So I couldn't see her face or expression. I could smell the smell of her body, warm and sour, red and warm blood mixed with wild plum blossoms. Sweet, sour, salty, bitter all the tastes were there. We were both given new names to accord with our new experience, which we could never share. I never knew Emma's name other than Emma. When conditions change names change.
Emma's veil of plum 

      Merril instructed me in a grip, to place my index finger down her front leg at her hoof, which was her forearm. We did many other things which I can't reveal. There were marks and tokens given on the left breast, the right breast, the navel and right knee. We through this would both receive health in our navel and marrow in our bones.  We both knelt in the meadow and agreed if we spoke of any of this our throats would be slit, our heart torn out and our belly would be ripped open. Lastly I was told to say, "Let her enter.", and she entered and in that entering I was allowed to come inside. When we enter we are also entered, sealed to a new situation. Whether you have read a book or not the teaching holds the same.  All the sheep then said something which sounded like PAY LAY ALE, said three times. 
        From then on through the rest of the conference I was near to Emma and communicated solely through her with the transparent obsidian stone. 
      Teachings of the Ewe Emma:
    Plants can grouped and understood in many ways. Plants can be understood by their relationship in pre-existence composing botanical families. as an example she used Monarda pectinata or purple monarda, Poleo Mentha arvensis, selfheal Prunella vulgaris all growing nearby as being related- knowing plants together in this way is helpful. Often families have similar qualities. Mint family square stems, sweet hot flavored aromatics, warming stimulating qualities. Juicy wet leaves, favoring moist stream side riparian zones. Plants organize themselves in these categories, we are only recognizing their associations. You will see Lycopus growing near Mentha arvensis, We do not place them, they place themselves with their own kind. In this way herbal formulas are made by association in place. Laying on the wet moist creek bank they come together in this way, beyond description. The important thing Emma taught me was that, plants describe themselves. Plants are always describing themselves by their color, their scent, their taste- this is where they grow, this is what they do. 
Emma laid in a bed of Poleo, Mentha arvensis

   She also pointed to various plants growing together closely sharing the same space. There was Valeriana acutiloba , white clematis Clematis ligusticifolia, Pink alum root Heuchera rubescent, Viola canadensis, white violet, Hops Humulus lupulus- Plants can be known for the niche where they grow, the place. It is not so much that the plants are growing together, it is that the together is growing according to its place. We are plants, persons, and places. They too are persons in a place.
     In that way by knowing the place you know the plants. In that way by knowing yourself as a person, you are knowing the place. Knowing the person you know the place. 
    Just at that point i felt a headache coming on from the continuous drying, dusty wind, that had been blowing all day. I chewed on some clematis leaves climbing up the gamble oak, and placed dried leaves in my nose. The headache went away shortly. The leaves have a peppery sharp taste, slightly burning taste reminiscent of placing your tongue on dying nine volt battery. Not as sharp as pulsatilla, yet there. Taste is a way of understanding plants. Like many Ranunculacae, clematis have powerful acrid peppery-hot alkaloids. The plants of the buttercup, crow foot family have emerged from pre-existence already containing this medicine. We came together to this place for similar reasons, to engage with one another in a good way. Speaking together in a good way, expressing good news to one another: is our destiny. We knew one another previously. We are recollecting, remembering, renewing pastly made promises. 
    Plants growing nearby also  group themselves by taste as in bitters: estafiate, horehound, hops- all bitter tasting herbs, stimulating gastric secretions, encouraging movement. All these plants growing adjacent to one another along the milky river. Plants organize and elaborate speaking to our condition by their vital inherent quality as taste. It's fundamental to visit the plant in their house and taste them by tongue, smell them by nose and look at them by eye. Something occurs when a fresh plant is tasted. If you take this step then you will be aware that it was where you needed to go. I asked Emma, 'Was it possible to find plants in books?'  She said, 'Yes, plants may be found in books. Yet the plants found in books are flat attached to the pages. Plants in books are also dry. They are not moist when found in books.' When you find plants growing along a stream as opposed to finding plants in books you will encounter danger. Plants in books are not dangerous. Yet learning to mitigate and navigate danger is inherent to the teaching of sheep house. It can be called a dangerous teaching and it is dangerous in many ways. 
     Plants also group themselves according to their action in our bodies, by action in a body- astringents tighten tissue, geranium, alum root, potentilla- this is another way of understanding. Chewing on alum root will stop diarhhea and loose stools, tighten the gums holding the teeth, tighten the mucous membranes in a sore throat. This is the drawing tightening action of alum root in our body.  The plant is performing an action, this another way of understanding plants. Plants for themselves, plants for other. 
     When we take a plant into our body there is an action. There is self and other. Within bodies there is self and other. Self knows self and self knows other. Self determines self and self determines other. Self is a bounded whole. Boundaries exist to create diversity.  
       When a plant is taken into the body there are actions and consequences. Yet at the same time it is important to recognize that plants like us are spirit beings with a life of their own. So whenever beings encounter one another there is an element of danger which could be described as unintended consequences. The unintended consequence could easily be called change. As beings we tend to avoid change, even by hanging onto states or conditions that could be called disease or illness. 
First flower potentilla

     Emma and I then went through each plant one by one, nibbling on leaves. Listening to the taste of the plant. Hearing the sound of the taste. Looking at the plant where it grows for itself. Being with the plant in silence. Gathering the voice of the plant as bards of this nationalism of place.  All the while concentrating on celestial work, planting young Monarda shoots in the sloughs of the river. Planting poleo and St John's wort and learning about how the plants can be used and understood. We use plants and plants are using us. We have purposes and plans, they have purposes and plans. There is mutual work being done. This is exactly how human tabernacles are filled. This is celestial marriage and the work of Gods. Before birth we are above the clouds seeking a place to be born. Seeking a body and circumstance for our journey. Plants likewise are hovering above seeking birth. Our celestial marriage is our blessed life. Blessed and blessing we go further.
      She advised the law which admits a plurality of plants and the pre-existence of plants before they exist on earth in the celestial kingdom. The plants have existed before time, before they embraced their earth bound life. Emma taught me to embrace the doctrine of celestial plurality of plants and a celestial marriage arranged before time. The plants like our wives are bound and sealed to us before this earth was born. The plants and animals, all of creation is available to us ordained before time. Our way is joyful to be alive fully and totally committed to this plant medicine road. The road is simultaneously leading us and testing us. Every experience is a challenge and test. Our way with plants is courageous and confident. It is informed and informing us, which way to go and how to proceed. This is obtaining a body, gaining knowledge and over coming by faith.
First light of moon brings songs to western Robin

      Plants live move and breathe both body and spirit in the world before, the world now, and the world to come. She advised to avoid and consider carefully the belief that plants, begin to live about the time that the plant is born, peeks through the ground in the spring. When you see the plant in this world, as appearing visible whether by seed or root; know that then is not the beginning of their life. They as we, have existed in previous worlds. 
Fragrant plum, the Veil of the Celestial White princess Emma

    Emma and the sheep and deer, believe and teach that plants are possessed of both body and spirit, by the union of which they become a living creature. In one of the few times she spoke Emma said, "We have ascertained that plants have had previous existence just as we ourselves and you too." Know that there are Gods, male and female. God is the Father of our spirits, likewise another female God is also the mother of our Spirits. God is the father of the plant and animal spirits. As important as the father is so is the mother. Without a father and mother nothing can come into being. All things you can see belong in some way with and to a family. They come through good and holy parentages, to fulfil certain things. Things that should come to pass, from before the foundations of this earth.
     It has been chosen and determined that these spirits should come here male and female. We must respect and understand them as self and other. This is salvation. This becoming for self and others a good news. We encounter plants,  places and persons to comfort and cure in a good way. These forms they take are tabernacles in which they are contained with leaves and stems. Tabernacles and forms of roots and branches. Know it is by a certain law, through a certain channel; and that law is the law of marriage. Just as you are married for a time here, the plants too are male and females. They marry in celestial marriage as with a valerian kiss shown at the deer house. They marry and give birth to flower and plant children. Although they come to fulfill the new revelation in healing and soothing, they are also here of their own accord. The Lord ordained marriage between male and female plants as a law through which spirits should come here and take tabernacles, and enter into the second state of existence. 
Heuchera sanguinea, coral bells, alum root leaf

    We are told the object of it; it is clearly expressed; for, said Emma and Merril, unto the male and female, I command you to multiply and replenish the earth. I will tell you. I have already told you that the spirits of plants, all had a previous existence, thousands of years ago, in the heavens, in the presence of Gods.
       This is the teaching that I heard and spoke itself to me by deer, osprey and sheep. Together and alone it is the bardic journey of nationalism. My nation is not a nation of lines on paper. It is story told by place, person and plants under a blue sky that penetrates everywhere and everything. Bardic Nationalists will continue until the cultural narrative is won and all those imprisoned for living celestial marriage be freed and join with patriarch Merril and Emma at their home along milky river. 
Heuchera sanguinea, coral bells, underside leaf


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Core Stability

Anti rotational McGill associated

Core Training

Core stability, Anti rotational Stability exercises are movement routines to strengthen the muscular protective sheath that circle and surround the center of the body, at the intersection of the bodily planes, roughly equivalent to the navel area, intrinsic to movement. Proximal stability is central to applying force, resisting inertia and creating movement. Proximal stiffness is absolutely necessary to distal athleticism. Rethinking core exercise, in for instance the trad old school full flexion sit-up, crunch, the flexing spine mimics a frequent spinal injury mechanism that flexes the vertebrae forward, squeezing the spinal discs, tending to bulge the discs out the back, impinging on spinal nerves causing pain, numbness, tingling and so forth. Rethinking movement exercises especially for a person who has acquired the label, back pain. Rethinking the zig zag, deep bending, back and forth flexing of the spine often advised as a one size fits all movement regimen that often is offered by various experts as a solution. Recognize that the abdominal core muscle groups, stabilize stop motion rather than create motion. So the important concept to recognize is that the abdominal core muscle groups, rather than mainly creating or initiating movement actually function more to stabilize or resist movement. So training is designed to stabilize the spine, recruit, rehabilitate, retrain and engage, the deep core musculature in static isometric exercises as in side planks, bird dogs, mcgill curl up, Pallof press, dead bugs and associated training, rather than the rocking back and forth flexion of the spine in say a traditional sit-up. Likewise vigorous bending of the spine is to be avoided in the rehabilitation phase recruitment of the muscular groups. These movement routines are built around a premise which is named core. Body mechanics is the study of forces and their effects in relation to this core center axis pivot point.    

     Biomechanics is the application of mechanical laws to our unique upright bipedal standing body, specifically to the locomotor system of the human body. When we observe almost all other mammals and animal creatures walking, moving, running, grazing, or hunting, within the animal kingdom, it is almost always on all fours with the spine horizontal to the ground. Humans are unique because they have the body parts and heritage of the 4-leggeds walking on all fours, with an upright 2-legged gait. 

The spinal column which is parallel to the ground, horizontal in a walking four legged animal becomes upright, vertical, perpendicular to the ground in human beings. This particular unique situation creates enormous challenges in all our spatial movements. This anatomical anomaly is further complicated by our sedentary cultured modern lifestyle which has produced a deconditioned body which in many ways is incapable of sustaining the optimum muscular strength required for this upright spinal column in motion. Even unlike our most recent human great grand parents who during waking hours continuously moved,  worked, walked, bent down, picked up, carried, we in contrast often do nothing. This do nothing, idleness, basic sloth, feeds the deconditioning process which is exacerbated exponentially after age 40 when all body systems decline. Every decade after age 30 there is a 3-5% decline in muscle mass and strength. During youth the bodies internal inherited resilience, is able to compensate for the forced idleness of modernity. We could call this inheritance the primal ch’i that is synonymous with youth. It is a inherent ch’i that one carries with oneself from birth that is a resilience that slowly dissipates with age. At a certain point the conversation must become preserving function. 

     It is important to recognize modernity is in many people a forced imposed idleness, that not only saps the health of the body, it also saps the vitalism of the body BioSpirit. Each culture has its unique imperfection that is imposed on the individual as part of the social process, ours is the industrial esthetic that is imposed on every aspect of life, one way or another. It is a mechanistic world view of consumption distribution imposed on activity of daily living. The mechanistic system of distribution is not an accurate description of who we are, it is a belief system imposed on the person. The throw away mentality of objects is the throw away of persons. Eventually many come to the conclusion of a violence in a cruel bargain, and face with dread the moment of their culling. Rightly so at that moment we do not go gently into that night. We rage in one way or another against the transhuman bargain. When we include the neurogenic factor of a forced watched vicarious life, the obvious result in the counterpart of modernity is a decrease in the threshold of life, depression. While the modern technology appears to be miraculous and wondrous in its labor saving dazing quality, it has recently past a tipping point. We are being owned and replaced by our own technological extravaganza. The objective is a transhuman person partnership with the intranets. Our children are especially being owned and occupied by an anti- life replacement erasure culture. They are duped and robbed by the pleasure center of the brain into an adolescent life of reckless abandon fueled by electro pornography, pharmaceutical drugs, bizarre rhythmic musics and they wake up in their late 20’s or 30’s, as impoverished slaves hooked to a cycle of poverty. Essential face to face learning is stripped from our children in a virtual, digital culture. Again their innate capacity to learn is stunted to condemn and condition them for a 10 to 15 year erotic electric porn pleasure jaunt, prepping them for the slavery pod. The digital virtual revolution has upped the ante in every respect. We can earnestly of the socialization of evil and the brutalization of youth simply by growing up digital. Then when we include continuous masks, lockdowns, arbitrary unannounced societal closure imposed by a bureaucratic elite, what we have is enforced cycles of generational poverty as the everyday. What appeared probable or likely has now been plandemic-ed, reset into that next upper echelon level of erasure. We are rapidly entering victimhood. The metaphors of erasure are a godzilla attacks Tokyo circa Japan 1954, nine years post Hiroshima Nagasaki. Only this time rather than Godzilla's atomic breath, it's Covid, a mysterious accidental bio weapon unleashed as a potential boomer erasure that shuts everything down. With endless variants, endless mutations and the only dominant culture remedy is a trumped out vaccine that neither protects or immunizes but appears to be more dangerous than the Godzilla virus. We are King Kong wrestling with the virus on Mt Fuji. 

     Because of the unique way our body is proportioned, all our movements must refer in some way to the core at which is the intersection of the three planes of motion: sagittal, frontal, and transverse, and the 3 axis X, Y, and Z at the spinal column. Core stability training involves focus on these inner bundled muscle groups which control movement in those three different planes of motion: sagittal, frontal, and transverse. 

    The idea of a skeleton bone framework, within the body can be in some ways be likened to a frame of a building in the sense of support. So if you imagine a tall modern building, it has a skeleton of rigid steel. Likewise a house has a rigid skeleton of wood underneath. The problem with these analogies is that they are too simple to describe a semi rigid framework which also functions as a pivot axis of movement. Not only do bones in some way provide a rigid frame as the the femur does in the thigh, the skeletal framework of the body, specifically the spine works in conjunction with a complex of superficial, deep, crisscross, circling muscle groups, that work to transfer energy and facilitate movement in both the X, Y, Z axis and the 3 planes, both within the body, and moving the body through space, in addition to protecting the complex nerves of the spine.

When the core muscle complex are deconditioned and weakened movement is impacted in the transfer of energy between the top half and bottom half of mass within the transverse plane. Spinal alignment and core stability is central to the activation of the pelvis, hip joint and legs in walking. Repetitive imbalances in movement impact the joints of the hips, knee and hip. A weakened core eventually impact the spine itself. By impacting the spine they impact the spinal nerves resulting in pain and loss of function through out the body. Because the spinal nerves control every function of the body, innervation of the intestines, digestion, bowel movement, urinary function, sexual performance, priopreceptive sensation and every aspect of sensation and sensitivity. The spatial feedback loop from the hips, spine and legs moving through the nerve system of the spinal column is essential in movement. Problems in the spine effect every aspect of living, breathing and movement. Often these impacted nerve bundles are directly related to spinal stability and core stability. The ability of the core muscles to stabilize the spinal vertebrae is not only critical to sports related injury and performance, a weakened deconditioned core that impacts the proper stabilization of the spine produces pain.  Numerous studies in twins have shown that one of the most important factors in life expectancy, happiness, depression and quality of life is back pain. Chronic back pain has become a descriptor of our modern sedentary lifestyle. 

    All physical movement occurs in relation to the core. So all preparation for action is part core strength and stability. Because everything in the human realm has a biospiritual aspect in a sense this core has been understood as spiritual muscle, spiritual center of action becoming. Prepare to move.  As said by Jesus, ‘Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning’ Luke 12:35. The dress of the time were loose hanging cloth, so whenever critical action was called for, gird the loins, gather the cloth around the waist, tuck in the belt circling the waist, engage the center core. Prepare for vital action from the loins, the loins being the generative force. So gather and prepare. When Paul was imprisoned an angel messenger of God spoke to him, advising him to action, ‘And the angel said to him: Gird thyself and put on thy sandals. And he did so. And he said to him: Cast thy garment about thee and follow me,’ 12:8 Acts

     In our modern situation this girding of the loins, stabilization of the core, moving in the three different planes of motion: sagittal, frontal, and transverse is tempered not only by the body but also the environmental body. The athlete has to deal with the bio psycho spiritual dimensions and the sedentary world view. We push the envelope of biology, space and time. Athletes are overcoming age, athletes are pushing boundaries and while well understood resistance weight training. Rotational resistance training is part of the real work. Oftentimes this comes up via injury. Injury enforces inactivity and this inactivity in the highly trained athlete creates a detrained, deconditioned state. So part of overcoming injury is returning to the conditioned state. In the weekend warrior athlete all these factors come into play. In order to exist in a sedentary high tech culture a lot of time is spent cozy lounging, sitting and a deconditioned state becomes the baseline. Often a person recognizes use it or lose it, commits to becoming fit, hits the gym, begins running, jogging, and boom, injury. The sedentary lifestyle has created an epidemic of deconditioned, depressed, painful miserable people trapped in a cycle of metabolic syndrome, obesity, high blood pressure. The resilience of youth disperses in age. Despite the dominant culture ever hopeful, have a nice day mindset, eternal youth, forever young, as we age we are progressively dying. All body systems decline after age 40. Even with the don’ts, don't drink, don't use recreational drugs, don't eat junk food, don't smoke, don't give into negative defeatist mindsets, don't guilt, don't antiwhite, don't isolate...the definition of a sedentary erasure replacement culture means your decline is accelerated. Our bodies were not designed to be parked like automobiles. Our culture lifestyle regardless of the applied label, right now the way it is lived for most people will automatically produce degenerative disease. This degenerative dis-ease lifestyle seems to be illness by design. The American lifestyle has become a for profit deathstyle. 

     So wherever you come to the conclusion, use or lose. Whatever it was, injury, displacement, aging, antiwhite erasure, biology, replacement, whatever got you to the place where you are confronting a weakened core holding you back, it is essential you begin anti rotational core stability exercise. Learn to do them correctly. For the journey ahead, and it is a physical journey through space, to the degree you can address the core effectively, to that degree you will succeed. A virtual journey is mostly deception. A virtual online solution is the problem. While it's true you may have encountered this due to the shun shame cancel victim culture online intranet bound, your success can only occur in real life IRL, in real time and space learning doing these exercises.


 Let's begin with an understanding of the three planes of movement sagittal, frontal, and transverse, in relation to the human body musculoskeletal system, with regard to the musculo system primarily the girding bands of muscle coming together at the umbilical navel, known as the core, and as far as the skeletal system primarily the spinal column and hips. 

     In basic terms when there is ease of function there is spontaneous movement with no need for conscious bodily awareness. When the body is well there is in a sense no body. When the body is young, and the musculoskeletal system is at peak performance there is the flow. Now this is somewhat modified in the young athlete in training honing and practicing skills, challenging the body to peak performance yet the principle is there, when the body in youth is peak functioning, there is in general a loss of body consciousness, a relative quick recovery with no need to monitor, watch and observe the body. Of course when an musculoskeletal injury occurs there is increased focus awareness of the body. Pain, inflamation, loss of function what you are no longer able to perform, there is loss of function and awareness of that loss of function. In a sense in the young, highly trained, genetically gifted athlete there is little need to describe the automatic function of bodily perfection. The health is natural.

     Fast forward to the injured young athlete attempting to regain lost function, or the mature adult athlete seeking to maximize function past biological youth peak performance, then we have to insert awareness into the process. While it's true biological older athletes are pursuing and pushing the age envelope while legitimately competing against younger athletes while in their 30’s. It's also true you do not see 40 year old female gymnasts competing against teenage world champions. We are putting tools into the hands of those who are determined to maintain function, return to function after injury and push the envelope within a very lush but restrictive sedentary culture that itself, after a certain point mounts an assault on normative functioning. One does not need to be a rocket social scientist to know that the sedentary lifestyle of the the modern industrial society is beginning to take a toll not only on life expectancy but the simple joy of having a body that can move on its own power through space is becoming a rarity. Obesity and the constellation of illness known as metabolic syndrome has begun to significantly undermine our ability to love. 

    Body Planes Axis X, Y, Z

Central coordinate system with its origin between the cornua of the sacrum with an imaginary plumb line hanging down to the floor from the lower spine forming -Y axis. For our purpose the center of the sacrum. The large, triangular-shaped sacrum (os sacrum) is composed of five vertebrae (S1-S5) that fuse during early adulthood (18-30 years). Directly below the sacrum, the smaller coccyx (os coccygis) articulates with S5 and is also known as the tailbone. It image description consists of three to five vertebrae (C1-C5) that are also usually fused.The human body is shown in anatomic position, standing, hands at side relaxed. The planes are as shown: The sagittal plane is the YZ plane; the frontal plane is the YX plane; the horizontal plane is the XZ plane. The −Y axis is described by an imaginary plumb line weight, hanging by a string, from the center of the tail bone sacrum. So imagine a plumb line hanging from the tip of tail bone, centered perfectly between the legs towards the toes. x-axis going from front to back, The +X axis points to the left at 90 degrees to the Y axis, the y-axis going from right to left. The +Z axis and the z-axis going from toe to head, points forward at a 90-degree angle to both the Y axis and the X axis. Movements are described in relation to the origin of the coordinate system. 

    For the purpose of understanding movement, we divide the body into 3 imagined planes, transverse, frontal/coronal  and sagittal, planes. Each ideally divide the body equally by weight mass. 

     Since the body is a living dynamic system all body movements take place simultaneously in all 3 imagined planes and axis. An example of this would be a description of walking as a predominant sagittal plane movement, left right movement of the lower extremities legs. 


Our upright walking is an example of a human body movement which occur along all 3 three axis, in all 3 three planes, centered in a stable core musculature that wraps, circles and braces the spine, again across all three axis and planes. For example during walking, the hip will be flexing/extending in the sagital plane, adducting/abducting in the frontal plane and internally/externally rotating in the transverse plane.

     We Divide the body into axis and planes for understanding muscle groups and training. It's important to realize the body itself is not and can not be divided. Another basic principle is that observed, perceived, seen movement is more a symptom of what is going on. The movement that you “see” does not represent what is occurring in terms of motor control and force absorption within all three planes.  What appears to be movement in one plane may hide its “control” and contribution from the other two planes. For example during gait the most obvious hip movement is expressed in the sagital plane, but at the joint there is an interplay between eccentric force absorption and concentric force production in all three planes. The hip is subtly decelerating internal rotation and adduction and then accelerating external rotation and abduction.

 This simultaneous movement can be seen as one motion with three components...... it can be termed tri-planar motion.

 It is essential that the exercise professional is comfortable with the concepts of tri-planar motion and the fact that all functional movements are three dimensional, however it is biomechanically understood that description in single plane terms is most useful when generalising about gross movement patterns. 

   A transverse plane,  or cross-section, (also known as axial or horizontal plane) is an x-y-z plane, parallel to the ground, which (in humans) separates the superior from the inferior, or put another way, the head from the feet.  Transverse Plane:  Cuts the body into top and bottom halves. Twisting movements. The transverse plane has a top higher superior and a bottom lower inferior. Concerning the ground, it runs parallel, that's why it is called a horizontal plane. The transverse plane or axial plane (horizontal) divides the body into cranial and caudal (head and tail) portions, or the head from the feet.

Interesting this plane, like all the planes described intersects meets below the navel umbilical area in the lower abdomen, divides the arms somewhere near the elbow,  dividing the body into above and below. Superior: Above, over;

Inferior: Below, under. These also can be viewed the superior north towards the sky. Inferior south, towards the ground earth. The head is north, the feet south. The transverse plane is a horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower halves.

     Transverse plane - passes through the middle of the body and divides the body horizontally in an upper and lower half. Rotation types of movement occur in this plane, eg hip rotation in a golf swing, twisting in a discus throw, pivoting in netball, spinning in skating. Movement along the transverse plane includes an ice skating spin, a ballet pirouette, spinning motion.

   A Coronal/Frontal plane, anterior and posterior (belly and back) sections, (also known as frontal plane) is an x-z plane, perpendicular to the ground, which (in humans) separates the anterior from the posterior, the front from the back, the ventral from the dorsal. Frontal Plane:  Cuts the body into front and back halves. Side-to-side movements. The coronal/frontal plane is also a vertical plane but this divides the body into front and back.  The coronal/frontal plane divides the body into ventral (front) and dorsal (back) portions. The coronal plane or frontal plane (vertical) divides the body into dorsal and ventral (back and front, or posterior and anterior) portions. Imagine an up and down, vertical plane that runs through the center of your body from front side to back side. This plane divides the body into front ventral (anterior) and dorsal back (posterior) regions. So the face eyes and mouth anterior, the back of the head posterior. 

    Coronal/Frontal plane - passes from side to side and divides the body into the front and back. Abduction and adduction movements occur in this plane, eg jumping jack exercises, raising and lowering arms and legs sideways, cartwheel. Movement along the coronal/frontal plane could include star jumps or cartwheels.

Frontal plane:


-straight-arm lateral raises shoulder adduction and abduction

-lateral straight leg raises hip adduction and abduction

    The sagittal plane, (also known as median plane) is an y-z plane, perpendicular to the ground, which separates left from right. The sagittal plane cuts the body into left and right halves. Forward and backward movements. The sagittal plane is named for the sagittal suture of the skull which is is a dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the two parietal, topmost fused bones of the skull. The sagittal plane is a vertical plane that divides the body into right and left sides. The mid-sagittal plane is the specific sagittal plane that is exactly in the middle of the body. The imaginary sagittal plane divides the body into a left and right half. The third plane Lateral Plane or Sagittal Plane: A vertical plane that runs parallel to the median plane is called a Sagittal plane. Imagine a vertical plane that runs midline through your body up and down, through the nose, lips, center of spinal column, into two symmetric equal halves. This plane divides the body into right and left regions.


  Sagittal plane - a vertical plane that divides the body into left and right sides. Movement along the sagittal plane tends to be forwards or backwards, like walking, running, somersault. Flexion and extension types of movement occur in this plane, eg kicking a football, chest pass in netball, walking, jumping, squatting.


-BACK SQUAT, During a squat, everything above the waist is stabilized while everything below is in motion, performing flexion (when lowering to the ground) and extension (when standing back up) at the ankles, knees, and hips.



Big Three - descending sets

6….4….2…. Each side 

10 second hold


1)Plank World: start with elevated planks with your hands on a bench, or a smith machine bar that you can gradually lower to the ground in increments. Doing the plank form at an angle makes it easier to maintain proper form. See the standing Pallof press as a preparatory plank exercise. Likewise glute bridge. Regardless of plank variations brace the core, tuck in the umbilical cord towards the spine, breathe from this solar plexus, conscious breath. 

    Plank modifications, Side plank, knee, fully extended leg plank, Plank with Shoulder Taps. Plank standard to twist side plank.  Rolling side plank. Get in plank, without rotating hips, neutral spine, Without letting your hips twist and keeping them pointed at the floor, shift your weight to one hand while bringing the other over to touch your opposite shoulder. Return and repeat on the other side. If your hips are rotating, bring your feet out wider!

2)Pallof Press Banded Standing Core Press​ with resistance band or cable: Pallof press is the traditional anti rotational core exercise. Standing square stance. Use both hands to grip single handle, with cable forming an 90 angle at start to press motion, at apex limit of movement, doing a press, the cable forms a 45 degree angle. Soft bent knees. Push off, pull in. Resist the rotational force the cable places on the upper torso to twist. Maintain umbilical cord pulled in towards spine as in plank. Focus on the solar plexus during movement. The arms moving together in the press motion are the only body parts moving. 

Variations: All these variations can be done kneeling, half kneeling one knee stable lunge, etc with straight bar attached to one side of bar. Same movement with straight bar anchored to cable on one side. Variations kneeling, half-kneeling, with a split lunge stance. 

2A)Pallof kneeling, half kneeling one knee stable lunge

2B) Standing Pallof Plank  Use both hands to grip single handle, with cable forming an 90 angle at start to press motion, push hands out to farthest extension where a 45 degree angle is formed. Hold this isometric steady Pallof plank position. Brace the core, tuck in the umbilical cord towards the spine, breathe from this solar plexus, normally. Brace with the hips and core. Repeat opposite side. 


3)Glute Bridge with Knee Extension

4)Single Arm Band Row, 1 arm pallof standing row/press, stabilize

5) Bird Dog, engage core quadruped position, hands and knees on floor, extend opposite leg arm out, hold arm in a fist, point the toes down, make a fist with extended hand, with slow and controlled movement pattern. Slide the leg, push the leg back. Drive the heel toe done, engage the flutes.  Hold the extended position for 5-10 seconds, no more the 10 seconds. In the position, push the earth away and get taller. Sweep the floor then return to the bird dog as before. The only motion is coming out of the ball and socket, hip and shoulder. Do 3 repetitions on each side.

    Keep in mind 3 thing smoothnes, sequencing, stability. Mindful with movement quality. Prefer to have the toe drag on the ground pushing leg back rather than a rounded arching thrust lift. 

5A)Bench bird dog, elbows on bench, wide stance, straight legs, lift alternate limbs L-arm R-leg R-arm L-leg

5b) Bull Bird dog pull through, quadruped pull through. Get in quadruped stance, knees hands, spine neutral, pull slide item left to right, one side to other, lifting with one arm 

6)2 handed off set carry, farmers upright walk, one dumb bell hanging, one lifted chest high, walk

7) Overhead Lift Walk, One dumb bell is lifted over head in a press, one hand empty,  walk, secure engage the core, tuck the umbilical cord inward towards the spine, don't shift, resist rotation, slow deliberate intentional movement. 

8) Kneeling 1 arm press kneel solidly stance on one knee in a lunge position. Brace engage the core, do a  Single Arm Shoulder Press with light dumbbell. Resist rotation, engage the core. 

10) Glute Bridge: lay on back supine, knees bent 90^, feet flat on floor, keep lower back in contact with floor, lift leg, engage core, single leg, double both legs

10)Dead bug: The starting position is flat on your back, lie on back, arms straight up with both arms reaching straight toward the ceiling. 90/90 knees hips raised 90. Engage core, lower arm towards floor, lower opposite leg towards floor, in one simultaneously smooth movement with slow and controlled pattern, return to center position, pause, switch sides, coorodinate with breath, fully engage core. Extend your leg while maintaining an optimal braced position, don't exceed this braced position. Work up to the full range of motion over time. Stabilize to prevent arching of the back by consciously engaging the core, tightening your abs, pressing your bellybutton down to anchor your lower back to the floor. Brace the core, tuck in the umbilical cord towards the spine, breathe from this solar plexus, breathe normally from the abdomen. Become stable core. 

    Can begin back on the floor, with legs only. Place head a few inches from the wall. Bring arms up to contact the wall with palms, lightly pressing into the wall for reference, keeping knees at 90^, extend arms behind head, pressing firmly into a wall, or solid object, in this beginner movement. Lower one leg down towards the floor, keeping the other leg up, Get a feel for the movement, so you are not moving from the spine, or arching the spine. Maintain a strong stable anti-rotational stance, with deliberate, conscious slow movement, cuing into wall for reference. Once this movement is understood then the arms can be integrated into the movement. 

11) Pallof Cable low Row . Develop square stance, wide hips, slightly bent knees. Grab single pulley lowest bottom position, with one arm, pull upward in row, towards side. Resist rotational force to twist torso in one handed pulling row. Maintain belly button pulled in towards spine as in plank. Brace the core, tuck in the umbilical cord towards the spine, breathe from this solar plexus, breathe normally focused abdominal breath. The arm is the only body part moving exactly the same as Pallof press anti-rotational exercise. Instead here you are in a slightly bent position. Stabilize the core and hips. Slow steady controlled movement. Repeat change sides, left and right. 

12) Pallof kettle bell swing. This is a core stability exercise where you resist the side pulling motion of the cable. Grip a low position pulley with two hands. Develop an invincible, braced, wide shoulder, lower soft knee bent stance. Push off into a Pallof press, arms fully extended. Now do a wood chop, kettle bell swing from low to overhead. Resist twist, maintain a braced core. Switch sides. 

13) one leg Bicep curl. Stand with legs apart, soft slightly bent knees. Use a bicep curl bar without weight and visualize the movement internally, develop the movement, brace the core tucking the navel, focus on the quads and hips to stabilize the lower body, synchronize the breathing. Once the movement is smooth, lift one leg slightly and continue the movement, alternating legs. Then begin to add weight to the bar, starting with very low weights, high reps. Use can also use dumb bells. 

14) Pallof curl. Take the Pallof stance with a cable machine or resistance band, do single hand, or double hand arm curls while bracing the core.

15)Reverse crunch Lay on back supine, keep spine flat connected to floor, place hands in diamond under buttocks, place legs in 90* feet flat on floor. Keep knees tightly together, raise knees towards chest till lower leg tibula/fibula is parallel to floor, thigh perpendicular 90*, raise and lower with controlled movements 

16) Kneeling mountain climber: Get in plank position, arms perpendicular at a 90* angle to floor, alternate bringing legs toward chest in a climbing running motion. If on the floor is too challenging, then use a smith machine bar at lowest position, or a sturdy chair to change the angle. 

17)Stuart McGill Big 3 

McGill Curl up, before beginning exercise practice bracing the core by placing hands on each side of abdomen opposite navel, and practice feeling the muscles brace at the same time keeping normal breathing. One mistake people make is holding the breath. The purpose of these exercises is practice the movements and bracing, so you can effortlessly integrate them into daily life, IRL movements. You are learning new spinal hygiene behaviors that you implement into everyday movement. Holding and aggressively artificially forcing the breath, is not a learned behavior that is promoted here. 

    One leg extended, one leg foot flat on ground bent knee, hands in triangle under supporting naturally present lumbar spine curve in small of back, or keep a rolled towel in that space of shoulder immobility prevents placing your hands there, keep spine in neutral position, pull in navel towards spine. The movement is barely perceptible. If someone was watching you, it's possible they’d miss the movement. Lift the neck, shoulders, elbows, the entire spine without flexing, without curving the spine, without rolling the neck. Hold the position for three breaths and lower to the floor. You tighten brace the abdominal muscles without doing the spinal flexion of a ab-crunch. Think of this as a motionless, isometric exercise. 

Side Bridge (side plank). Up on one elbow, legs fully extended, top leg goes in front, feet staggered, straighten the spine through, top rests on opposite lower deltoid, relaxed or on side. The beginner side plank has the knees bent, so the rise is from the hip hinge, by pulling the hips through. One common mistake is drop the hips straight down. You want to make rising pull the hips forward and up using the hip hinge, dropping of the bridge through the hip hinge, back and down, up and down using the hip hinge forward and backwards. 

Bird Dog, take quadruped position, to begin, knees slightly spaced apart, cat roll spine up full extension full flexion to understand range of motion, extend opposite leg arm, with sweeping motion on the floor, core abdominal muscles stabilize the spine to resist motion.

Stirring the Pot: Place elbows on Swiss ball, legs straight, set apart fairly wide, assume this plank position.

Create a stirring circular motion with the ball, stirring the pot, this exercise is done with core tight yet not so tight as to buckle the spine. 

Recognize, the abdominal core muscle groups, stop motion rather than create motion, rather than mainly creating or initiating movement actually function more to stabilize or resist movement. 

18) Shortstop Squat Stu McGill Hip Hinge movement Here we are creating the hip hinge, which will be a component you will integrate into all basic movements. 

To get used to the hip hinge movement. Place a wooden dowel on the spine, observe 3 points of contact back of head, mid back, sacrum/ butt. Find neutral spine and bend forward from the waist, keeping the spine straight, not losing contact with the 3 points. Keep neutral spine position, movement involves flexion and extension of the hips. Maintain points of contact during movement. 

Hip Hinge :Stand with hands create ‘V’-shape notch with index finger/thumb, place v-shaped hands on top of thigh, slide hands down and the knee cap will go into the crotch you form. Wrap the hands firmly around the knee cap, grip the knee cap, lock out the elbows. Brace your abdomen. Slide your hands down by moving your pelvis back, avoid rounding the spine. Create the movement with hip motion. Live the position, find the sweet spot, do a camel-round, then cat-arch the back. Tune the spine curvature to find the sweet spot posture, then anti-shrug away to core brace and stiffen the posture. Check posture, feet set apart shoulder width, knees over balls of feet. Again move forward and back to find the sweet spot. So weight of the body is centered over Don't lift with the back, simply pull the hips through. 

Once in the shortstop squat, after gaining familiarity by using the wooden dowel, use the hip hinge movement to practice picking up objects. Something like a tall wicker basket with a handle, or empty kitchen waist basket, Swiss ball, placed between the knees on the ground. Lift by extending the hips, 

19) Re-Hab Sequence 

A-Prone foam roll quads, Rectis femoris mid qudriceps foam roll

B-Half Kneeling gentle hip flexion positional stretch 

C-Bird Dog

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