Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts

Friday, October 20, 2023

I Stand With The Green

     I stand with the green,

in all directions, may all be well. "The work of remedio is to recover what was stolen. I tell all my brothers and sisters now as an elder at this turning of seasons, we will triumph and recover what was stolen. That is my death to us part, vow spoken with deep breaths, in all sincerity before my plant brothers and sisters. We will recover what was stolen and reown the narrative of health, vitality, remedio herbs for both self and others as a blessing vow on this endless medicine road. I stand with the green now and forever.

.....blessings always, this is our monarda …
monarda...I stand with perfect green mother at all hallows, monarda of mountains, monarda of golden dawn, monarda of pure light, monarda of buried roots, monarda in all directions to taste your pollen and tiny seeds, for bees moths and butterfly, for all my ancestors seen and unseen, protecting us, empowering us, blessings us your perfect endless medicine road forever and ever always monarda

….. Message  from wild herb ways: Our journey together at this time is the remedio, which includes all aspects of sacred geography, botany, healing rituals done by the folk for the folk, bon fires, berry picking, men's and women's right of passage, funerals, wedding, the whole gamut of experience of keeping people well. As best you can, implement  giving thanks for the endless medicine road, which is your endless medicine road. Gather the materia medica directly, locally from the place around you, from meadow and in cooperation with farmers and growers. Honouring the local place right around us,  and accepting sovereignty for our health, life and situation in deep consideration and gratitude with the people within the circle, who honor the circle of life and seasons. All this is the central journey of developing the remedio. Recognizing shared sacredness inside and outside is the remedio. The entire raison d'être is the remedio, assembling and sharing  the remedios both the plants themselves and their preparation techniques to increase the level of sovereignty and well being. The remedio is not the what remedio is the how.

    “A good maner than had Robyn,
In londe where that he were,
Every daye or he woulde dyne

Thre messes wolde he here:

The one in the worshyp of the fader,
The other of the holy goost,

The thyrde was of our dere lady,
That he loved of all other moste.

Robyn loved our dere lady,

For doute of dedely synne; Wolde he never do company harme That ony woman was ynne.” -The Gest of Robin Hood

The one central principle that guides is that for every health problem there are vitalist approaches often including herbal remedio plants from the local bioregion within our materia medica to address health challenges. Remedios or plant based herbs are one aspect of health sovereignty being essential in a local community herbalism best served through networks of co-ops, open communication and education in a grass roots  folk herbalism approach. Along side health sovereignty the living local sacred geography is enough. I refuse a zion in the middle east, what is holy and sacred is in my own backyard. A remedio as a term, is a spanish word for an herbal remedy within the folk tradition of the southwest. A remedio is often a plant, and refers to a remedy/solution for a particular health challenge. Although a remedio could be strictly described as a plant, another aspect of the remedio is direct shared involvement and the associations connected with the plant. All the life forces of our sister plants that call us into relationship are fundamental. 

 In visualizing a remedio we see a living growing herb. The herb consists of the visible parts growing above ground and the hidden underground portions of the plant. These two aspects, roots located below in the earth and leaves and stems above in the sky, air and light, are the two basic principle process of the plant. The roots of the remedio are located hidden below in the earth, taking part in all rooty things below ground, cool moist water, metal or mineral. The remedio begins with the dancing singing intake uptake that is roots underground, roots in the cool dark, rising ascending, spreading side to side energy of creation at springun. Roots sustaining at the summer solstice sending the energy upward as leaf, pollen, seed and fruit forward. Then the shift of the wheel where the energy of remedio comes down from the branches and leaves and reenters into the roots bringing on the autumnal equinox into all hallows. A remedio with leaves and branches waving in the air swimming in light, fiery air light of sun, moistness of water, taking part in all the elements. So the plant remedio cycles upward and downward cyclical with the season, like an in out breath. Remedios as plants are like us living things. Plants although vibrant living viriditas of the green flame are different life forms than us because remedios as plants have the root element, the thready woody stem of the plant below the earth which holds and sustains. We do not have woody stem roots anchoring us as plants have roots, yet we have analogous systems that function in similar ways inputs and intake, gathering in. Our root portion is the digestive system and social, cultural, family, neighborhood elements as tribe community. We tend to walk and move positioning ourselves in space to meet our needs. We travel through space by moving our bodies, waving our hands, speaking, doing things to meet our needs. Plants are relatively rooted with woody stems in the ground, they tend to stay put. Plants are able to meet their needs by staying rooted in place, sending pollen, thousands of seeds, by rhizomes and rootlet runners, by scent and chemical markers. The movement of remedios plants is part of what can be called the medicine of remedios. Plants rooted staying put-ness means they manifest their force in the world differently than we do. Looking at  the extensive creosote scrub, horizon to horizon yellow corn pollen stars, I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green of gobernadora in the black rock basin, the cedar juniper woodlands, the ponderosa pine forest, or stands of aspen repopulating a burn 12 years after a burn with their visible leaves changing from green to golden leaves coming in at all hallows, after the first frost and dusting of snow, the same solar wheel cycle that sweetens the rose hips growing near by. So inhabiting a space, exploring a space, occupying and dominating a space, is not only a hairy talking mammalian affair. Plants also cooperate together in a space with mixed species plant communities living in a space. 

Remedios are nourished by earth, wind, fire, metal and water, producing wood principle, a based wood plant herbal vital substance we call medicine meant to nourish the vital spark, because as a living being it has within it the vital spark, to nourish and often direct or encourage the biospirit. As a preface, this medicine of plants often combined with various individual members of the materia medica is what I tend to understand directly, in the same way as a direct face to face transmission, outside of the formalized tradition but not necessarily opposed to the perhaps existing formalized tradition, rather the formal tradition began from holding the single flower, eating the fruit from the tree, and so the existing formal tradition can be enriched by the transmission heart to heart outside the formal tradition. Many of you are familiar with the idea of  holding a flower, maybe the yellow five petaled La Gobernadora Larrea tridentata flower with the sharp biting scent of gentle desert rain, as a spatial bioregion kinsman redeemer journey on the earth, and the all mother feminine. The teachings are for me rooted in the materia medica of specific plants, growing in specific places. A key point is specific, a specific place, specific in the sense of where it is located and found. What you can see or is where you are, exactly within that bioregion. Lines on a map are empire. We live in places, watersheds, bioregions. Not only is the plant, person and place specific, the belief system to empower its use within our materia medica is multi-polar which a priori rules out continual reference to a single reference point whether religious, scientific, medicinal, historical or spatial. Thus we are speaking of fundamentally a personal relationship with the plant as a living being growing in a particular place, best described as a folk herbalism. We self identify as more than an accidental assemblage of random events. We endorse meaning and value to our own lives, the lives of our family and community and likewise meaning to the plant remedios. What kind of meaning? What kind of value? The place where we live in itself has meaning. The people in our lives in themselves have meaning. Likewise the plants or remedios in themselves have meaning. In essence they have numinous value in the sense of protected religious rights that can not be arbitrarily capricious abrogated by whim, in the sense of sovereignty. The meaning although having economic value is not only a price tag value. The meaning is intrinsic to itself apart from any economic value. 

  We find it damaging and dangerous to sovereignty to endorse an ideology of a holy place outside the immediate ecosystem. These middle eastern accounts of stories and fables are always focused in the rearview mirror past. The past is affiliated with the grift of depression, while the future is affiliated with the grift of anxiety. The grift of depression connected to the past has to do with using depression to exploit depression as a money maker. Not resolving depression or recontextualizing depression in the sense of healing but using depression to heighten shame and guilt utilizing the capacity of depersonalization and isolation to further heighten disconnect within an exploitative economic model. The grift of anxiety has to do with the future and casting a fear scenario as a hex, with uncertainty, dangerous scary events, focusing on the depersonalized, fragmented individual, and powerlessness again within an exploitative economic model. We have no interest in depression, fear, or anxiety as a value structure. These books because they are focused static rearview mirror focused they are formulated with the past, and their past places. These supposed memories of places we have never been can only be a vicarious nonexperience ultimately imposed on us as a cycle of abuse whether politically as mechanized war rooted to those places, various titles to the land, propaganda, agitprop, and the information networks used by the co-opted regime occupation force as a justification for near continuous mechanized war and mayhem.

We disavow completely this tape loop indoctrination protocol, all ritual fetish violence, mechanized industrial war as an export industry, all cutting culture of young coming of age women and men as ultraviolence, “He hit me and it felt like a kiss, I can hear violins, violins. Give me all of that ultraviolence.” (Lana del Rey) Recreate your materia medica for people, remembering and acknowledging you are a people first, then outward who you can reach or seek you out, or seeks you out. Continue your life’s work for the healing of self, family, and neighborhood. For our walk to be authentic it has to be small, direct and face to face, plant to face. So the materia medica is the core central teaching. Theoretical abstracted ideas are basically detrimental because they tend to be top heavy and become dis-empowering by distracting energy and vitality from our direct local life and again transfer and consolidate power to the occupying regime. Theoretical ideas such as who goes where after death? How many angels can dance on the tip of a pin? Last days, end times, prophecies, middle eastern promised land chosen people myths and stories, what to believe, what not to believe are, these theoretical stuff talking points outside the realm of person, plant, and place and the remedios of plants. These remedios are for people who inhabit turtle island place, the land between the ocean rivers, the land between the mountains, the medicine regarding person, plant and place and the real work of inhabiting place. I live on the specific earth of place. We intrinsically disavow the war and weapons industry in Ukraine, Africa, in Gaza, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Afganistan fermenting violence and death through mechanized industrial war violence wherever people seek to relatively self sufficient lives and love as authentic persons, as friends, within their interpretation of celestial marriage among the plants, honouring  the place, nourishing the people, nourishing their immediate families and neighborhoods.   

As such I know it, teach it, in lessons, experience and teaching to nourish biospirit, as an ingrained biospiritual discipline. Again the essential message is that time is not only linear straight line, it is equally circular, repeating according to patterns. If a four year old child learns to read does this mean that all schools should close? Each living child passing through birth, adolescence, old age and death needs to learn as if nothing has ever been learned before. Remember back to learning to ride a bicycle, each child has to repeat, relearn and re-do that process. Just because you can ride a bicycle doesn’t mean all learning to ride a bicycle is completed. In the same way, because some people have developed a relationship with place and the sacred flow in that place does not mean now all sacred holy land is finished and exclusively owned, copyrighted defined into the future. Just as there is no such thing as once and forever, final complete learning about how to ride a bicycle for everyone, and forever. Holy land is always many holy places, plural, many holy lands and intangible values of experience. In that sense there is no one single meaningful holy land or chosen racial people connected to one particular place that have a copyright franchise monopoly on all future holy stuff. Wherever we are is a holy land. Wherever I am is holy land. The middle east on the mediterranean sea is probably a nice place but so what? Land, life, culture and beauty are sacred everywhere. That means the here and now is the only land worth saving, and save it we will.

There is no authoritative standard apart from our standing with green. Land, life, culture and beauty have to be re-discovered and reworked. We live in  multi-polar worlds. Culture requires continual re-investment into youth, the place and the people. So we disavow the occupiers narrative to buy buy buy die die die, everything for sale, on the semitic abrahamic fear altar of loan shark borrowed money debt despair and degenerate violent soft porn warfare within a context of global mechanized industrial war. A war to fight until everyone, all persons, all plants, all places are subsumed, redefined in a new hegelian synthesis narrative under the category of unessential, unnecessary  activity in the cancer masked health care system, self pay prison hospital ward car sickness consumer all nation. 

These plants refuse to hear, heed the fake messianic AI talking head message of universal die die die buy buy buy. One essential principle is that encoded within us is same the solution. The plants come up as shoots and saplings feet in the earth leaves in the golden dawn sky and will do so again and again due to their ingrained resilient nature which is our own ingrained resilient nature, which we celebrate, worship and love. Like elderberry leaf, flower, berry, stem and bark  did recently, made known, making known to us as remedio. The story of the Gita in the Mahabharat describes this principle of avatara: 4:7-8 “
yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham.”  “O descendent of Barahta, Wherever whenever there are discrepancies and dharma is blocked, there and then I arise.” So the Sambucus remedio plants burst forth glorious spring growth in 2019 as avatara Lord Sri Krisna. The plants are gods, goddesses, angel messenger avatars if only we can summon enough intelligence and hard work to persevere in building community, and rebuilding our materia medica, time and time again. 

     Ingrained meaning is mixed in with our sinews, thoughts and bones, in our teaching biospirit. As these launched grouped organized biospirit attacks escalate and proliferate our established remnant teachings are mobilized to do no harm, walk in balance using the teaching point, gather with the gatherers in refuge arcs for what's come, what is coming. 

For me in terms of the local remedios my saviour lived two thousand years ago and so climbed the tree for his challenge and ours, died as a seed, was planted in the ground and rises each spring by the greenful grace of Mary, the cross as Chi Rho must be ethnically cleansed from the cross as stauros, the well-known instrument of capital punishment. I do not worship an instrument of murder neither do I accept the grift merchants continually holding hostage the belief system of europeans with continuous reference to the mideast as an exclusive holy land justifying cyclic generational war, and now mechanized war. I within remedios teach the green tree of european forest, Yggdrasil, the same as the Yule tree. So whenever the cross as a torture device is mentioned it must be disavowed once and for all as an occupied mythos. The tree of faith can only refer to the various placed trees, the tree of life, the christmas yule tree, Yggdrisal of Odin. The evidence based peer reviewed experiential protocol is the tree we use is the yule tree celebration at darkest winter. No one confuses the yule tree with the eclectic chair. No one who places a wreath made from evergreen conifers on their door in the tenth month december confuses that wreath with a gas chamber used in capital punishment. No one who decorates a tree and places wrapped gifts and presents beneath its fragrant boughs imagines it a noose for lynching. The only tree of kin is the tree of life and so could be easily called remedio.

Our birth mother Euro Mary by emerald green flame of earth and Our Father golden flame of sun, holy are both your names. Holy is golden sun above and emerald green earth below. Thy medicine is our food by the work of our hands, so nourish the green. Give praise and thanks for celestial marriage in the eternal family. Rage against the turning of the light so learn to forgive but never forget.

 Hear Emma, chosen of the chosens celestial wife perfect ewe on the mountain, on milky river, past the slick rock deer house yerba santa, red root, estafiate, manzanita, silk tassel, globe mallow, green ocotillo, mesquite paloverde- all of you show the greening, to you do we bow and pray,  demulcent smooth.        


The Valarian-Kiss within the Deer Park is outside of an economic zone with its paid bound intimacy. The kissing is the teaching done between the deer, the Valeriana, and the guests who have been chosen based on their passion and love, from which there is a natural embrace between the deer, Valeriana and the person.

     We discover the deer park in the act of discovery. Deer parks are teaching places within the forest. Deer parks are places where the deer, the mountains, the Valeriana and ourselves discover the intimacy of romance as truth tower looking place, viewed and viewing, seen, and understood. 

Nourish by dew, follow the scent skunk, watch with vital breath the bear, listen to chipmonks and red penstemon flowers. Plant person place-beauty to beauty touching  plant, person, place.

From beating breath to bottles, dying racks and jars, names driping off the tongue, Catalina embrace Ceanothus.

Hold a flower person dreams. Heart to hollyhock to malvacea, to slimy goo of elm.

She was all sister, mother, grandmother ageless unborn, unbroken? There as perfect teacher.

Hold the root steering wheel on dirt roads, monarda, these words echo lips in dreams where coyotes yip yap. 

Of course the cactus is a burning bush. We come to you crawling on our knees, vomiting in the red earth and walk away under stars from horizon to horizon, Ursus major spinning, dancing singing your bitter taste. Soon we'll be buried in the ground sunken eyes rotten.

i am the cut flesh of turtle island plants, in the mouth deep inside, separating the downy white hairs from green, bitter yellow Mahonia, clear to have met your taste. Crawling up your back and slick rock shoulders under oaks with pedicularis, flowers the color of chocolate.

My body was burning, in the september sun, wind with red tailed hawks screeching, screaming smoke fires before equinox comes. Lay in icy wet while some wear coats and parkas, needing your cold Haddy creek, cool me burning.

Passion warm, mid day sun saguaros with you, about you, now remember, caressing thorns gone, on top, salty like a skunk.

These plants mean everything something to someone, each jealous blossom, you have more to say rocks, than all the yellow flowers. 

     ““I would gladly go from here to you barefoot and bareheaded, and half naked, to see you and think it great pleasure.” ( Emma Hale Smith to Joseph Smith Letters 1839)


     I found myself in a deciduous red oak forest, on a south facing slope along a rippling creek that flows into the big river, on the western divide of the Appalachian province. I would define racial tribal identity within the natural law I observe at work in the red oak bioregion. A red oak acorn produces the giant red oak trees making up the red oak deciduous forest. Our folk here have within us a biospirit that unfolds as our western civilization. The idea that a nation is based on ideas is simply wrong. A nation is not an idea, a nation is the folk that builds the culture that builds the nation. A nation is community and has little to do with miliraristic top down trickle politics.

     The path of herbalism begins at the beginning, where you are, as best you can, directly face to face, with yourself as a unique person in a specific place. You as a person are the person you are as a unfolding pattern. Therefore your fundamental identity is process, becoming. It is imperative you understand your pattern, strengths and weaknesses and then work to address them. 

    If you travel to study with plants you will notice that the white oak, with its distinctive paired lobed alternate leaves, will take on different aspects of that prototype depending on where it is located. We understand the unique environment within the bioregion where the white oak grows is significant. Yet somehow the white oak will remain true to its pattern regardless of the environment within which it grows. There is some flexibility within the pattern yet the pattern itself is ruthlessly rigid. There is dialog within the pattern but no arguing with the pattern. 

     Today, in terms of perfect faith in the living vine take a few moments to explore emerald, thuja, chlorophyll, photosynthic green, silk tassell green of miners lettuce, sun’s golden translucent flame in growing branches as redeemer, and our green neolithic neandertal mother ancestress our mother Mary, of springs, streams, bogs, cliffs, glade, woods, wild place forest, caves, grottos in him and her through him and her alone is salvation and the 4-fold blessing way tradition with sacred land holy people holy earth, via the mother Mary and our mother. “ I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5 Our saviour describes the herbal path of awakening as a green flame power of sap flowing through living vines and branches that gather vitality from their roots nourished in the earth, from, wind, water, fire of sun. To abide in the vine is to be linked to the earth mother Mary. From that connection to the green flame is everything. The kingdom of heaven is a living green seed faith of the perfect remedio, in a celestial arrangement of the united order. The vine is tethered to the earth local in place where it is nurtured and grows.

    “I have looked upon the community of Latter-day Saints in vision and beheld them organized as one great family of heaven, each person performing his several duties in his line of industry, working for the good of the whole more than for individual aggrandizement; and in this I have beheld the most beautiful order that the mind of man can contemplate” (– Discourses of Brigham Young, Deseret Book.) 

     The only meaningful life is a life of  neolithic neandertal mother ancestress princess queen Mary and our mother, of springs, streams, bogs, cliffs, glade, woods, aspen quivering leaves turning to golden sun against cerulean blue skies wild place forest, caves, grottos in him and her through him and her alone is salvation and the 4-fold blessing way tradition with sacred land holy people holy earth, via the mother Mary and our mother of fertile seeds, green branches, living water, wild wet veriditas moments. “For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear…And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth” (Mark 4:28-31)

     GOG Magog is cancer because it promotes an ever expanding economy. It is the belief and practice that things can continue ever expanding and not reach a breaking point. In any biological system there are restraints and limits. In the human body the uncontrolled growth of cells is cancer. When cells multiply outside of the framework of the body this is cancer. This is the death of the body. That extreme proliferation of cells, life unbridled to form could mean the death of the body is somehow a mystery. Yet it is no mystery that cancer, the uncontrolled growth of cells within the body will in short time kill the body. This ever expanding GOG economy is the distorted terrarium where many people live today. If you are interacting in this world you are to some degree channeling GOG.That our traditions were co-opted and linked cut and paste, to the fear spin of and fetish violence masters, who rule turtle island by fiat fear AI algorithms of fabulous despair and pharmakeia sorcery is the greatist sorrow. The work of remedio is to recover what was stolen. I tell all my brothers and sisters now as an elder in my last days, we will triumph and recover what was stolen. That is my death to us part, vow spoken with tears before my plant sisters. We will recover what was stolen and reown the narrative of health, vitality, remedio herbs and community.

 The word ember comes from the slurred hyphenated contraction pronunciation of old latin quatuor tempora. Quatuor tempora, which means literally the four times, or four seasons in latin. Four times in the sense of four transitional shifting points in the oscillating energy system of the yearly cycle of seasons. If the quantified energy of a bioregional system were a swinging pendulum, the ember days are the pause in the swing at the point of its greatest arc before returning to dynamic equilibrium. At these four times of year we fast and pray preparing ourselves for the good and sacred mystery of things to come, of evil to become undone, of songs to be sung, victories claimed and won. Quatuor tempora in latin sounds a bit like ember in english. Ember refers to our great euro flaming spinning wheel of four seasons and four directions. Let it ever be known that the metaphors and associations of these sacred geometric shapes as pathways to the divine upon which our truly perfect redeemer true God and Goddess and true man, true woman and green mother wet, moist wild Mary was made perfect inviolate. We gaze skyward towards the blue heavens, filled with golden beams of sun that live in our eyes on earth as it is in heaven, towards the sacred north with the great bear turning in four directional patterns aligning with Polaris. Change comes from polar opposite shifts day and night, north and south, dry and moist, warm and cold, relaxation and contraction.

Change from our perspective equally comes in straight line movement progr
essions birth and death,  infancy and maturity, seed and fruit. Change pattern cycles in circles returning to the same place in a circle.


     Spring, summer, fall, winter, Lenty, Penty, Crucy, Lucy, Our mother’s faith begins with us, green blood life flow outside the safe controlled industrial filth narrative placed upon us in the evil empire of garbage. Embrace vitalist positive well being mother  and neolithic neandertal mother ancestress Mary and our mother, of springs, streams, bogs, cliffs, glade, woods, wild place forest, caves, grottos in him and her through him and her alone is salvation and the 4-fold blessing way tradition with sacred land holy people holy earth, via the mother Mary and our mother, seeds, green branches, living water, wild and wet blessing way tradition with sacred land holy people holy earth, via the divine earth goddess mother Mary and our mother narrative. 


    My brothers and sisters, my beloved folk, I have nothing original to tell you. Originality is part of the fantasy coalition of newness within modernism that binds and burdens our people to erasure. Instead of novelty embrace your ancestors that live locally, nearby as blood and soil. Embrace the sun wheel of seasons. Embrace your kin, be to your folk what they need to be. Embrace the wild, resist modernism. Remember our greatist strength is hospitality. Before this surveillance police state we gathered and shared, we gifted one another, sitting face to face celebrating the seasons and our life together. So defy bestial foul banners that hang as continual threat of doxxing. Join again with hospitality as in the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, the epic sagas of european people. Embrace the hospitality of your kith and kin. Look into the blood and soil around you. Use the wild herb ways of plants for healing.
At the Equinox we pray..."By a single name I have never been known since first I fared among the lands of men."

  • Grimnismál, Edda, give my tongue words, 

    breath to praise the green.
    “I begin to sing of thick-haired Demeter, 

    ruler goddess 

    —of her and her dancing-ankled daughter 

    whom Aidoneus rapt away, 

    given to him by all-seeing, all-father Zeus

    the loud-thunderer."


The definition of cancer is uncontrolled cell division within an organism. Our nation has ceased to be a nation and  become a business, where every human interaction has an economic value. An unsustainable growth whether  in the stock market, the housing market, whether in economic terms, population terms, or within the language of the globalists, a global economy of continuous ever expanding economic growth cannot be maintained. We are people who live in place. In a specific place, we live within, wrapped by a  specific bio region with limits that are maintained by the waters, by the mountains, by the production of food, we must learn to live in place upon the earth in a sustainable manner.

    Mary her wholly name Mary is the ever returning paleolithic neanderthal princess beyond reproach positive well being mother Goddess and neolithic neandertal mother ancestress Mary and our mother, queen green Mary of springs, streams, bogs, cliffs, glade, woods, wild place forest, caves, grottos in him and her through him and her alone is salvation and the 4-fold blessing way tradition with sacred land holy people holy earth, via the mother Mary and our mother seeds, green branches, living water, wild and wet blessing way tradition with sacred land holy people holy earth, via the divine earth goddess mother Mary and our mother. Mary all mother and our mother of field and forest, mediatrix of all graces in the green burning flame of veriditas. Spirit is the inhalation exhalation in out breath blood dynamic of green earth shining yellow sun Sol invictus vitalism. Where else but here earth? What else but living breathing you ? Who else but I? When else but now? Viriditas is a latin word used by euro biospirit ancestors to talk divine salvation story, Hail Mary perfect, our cherished green paleo neanderthal all mother, who we worship in spirit and truth who provides the greatist remedios. 

     It is impossible to find meaning in the the gulag AI algorithms of frenzied fear,  unheros inhabiting the military coffee bistro halls, giant tv screen of raytheon, boeing, lockheed martin, general dynamics, northrop grumman, bae systems, L3harris, leidos, huntington ingalls, booz allen hamilton, who kill and maim and erase all that was and is forever with ruthless disney apple ibm wealth corridors. Viriditas although a word, a sound spoken reverently through our lips in the divine ecstasy of healing, as we chant litanies on our knees worshiping the last remnant wolf elk and bear, who had to die die die, buy buy buy in the walmart wackmart paved parking lots of nausea and despair, is more than anything a peasant, folk before faith experience of the divine green flame working its way through salvation story. 

     “ I will sing of well-founded Earth, mother of all, eldest of all beings. She feeds all creatures that are in the world, all that go upon the goodly land, and all that are in the paths of the seas, and all that fly: all these are fed of her store. Through you, O queen, men are blessed in their children and blessed in their harvests, and to you it belongs to give means of life to mortal men and to take it away. Happy is the man whom you delight to honour! He has all things abundantly: his fruitful land is laden with corn, his pastures are covered with cattle, and his house is filled with good things. Such men rule orderly in their cities of fair women: great riches and wealth follow them: their sons exult with ever-fresh delight, and their daughters in flower-laden bands play and skip merrily over the soft flowers of the field. Thus is it with those whom you honour O holy goddess, bountiful spirit. Hail, Mother of the gods, wife of starry Heaven; freely bestow upon me for this my song substance that cheers the heart! And now I will remember you and another song also.” (Homeric Hymns 30 to Earth Mother translated by HG Evelyn-White)

    Veriditas is present in the green of leaf, of moss, of bog and glen visible in the greenness of the earth in general and in plants in particular. We identify viriditas with our deepest longings for health and healing faith in the vitalist force that was the truth of that bible and every song, every celebration. We identify the viriditas of divine ever flesh and blood virgin Mary who gives all graces including her green son who is the divine green soul Holy Ghost made flesh who dwelt and dwells among us. She must be met in sacred blood and soil flaming spinning burning green. Meet Mary earth mother of green sacred spaces, mother of life, and our mother. Meet Mary of our people, and the Holy Tree with roots in earth and branches in sky within the grove of trees in four directions empowering descriptive identity, who and what we must do for salvation in a long, endless road journey of green group identity faith. Identity is based in natural law. At the beginning was viriditas, the green word imparting salvation. Natural law never denied, always affirmed as looking place tower of giant deciduous trees murmuring victory and resurrection in the fabulous heavens of eternal sunrise with the morning star maiden become mature mother and seven generations of grandmother, because it sustains our life as sacred sex, celestial marriage, sacred space, sacred geography of place, of people, of race of green faith in the burning green spinning . 

The light is the green word viriditas that is and are the remedios from the La Gobernadora,  green neolithic neandertal mother ancestress Mary and our mother, of springs, wild places, caves, grottos in him and her through him and her alone is salvation and the 4-fold Holy Tree with roots in earth and branches in sky empowering blessing way tradition with sacred land holy people holy earth, via the all mother of Mary and our mother. Take a leap of identity green faith salvation for seven generations, denying once and for all the heresy of individual greed capitalism as antithetical to our people. The green blood of earth and bright shining yellow sun Sol Invictus, among the sacred grove of oaks on the sacred holy tree, buried in the earth, three days, sprouting for thee and me, in spring time at the Easter, rise with lengthening days, the 4-fold Holy Tree with roots in earth and branches in sky empowering, east, south, west and north. 


 I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with green Paleolithic Neanderthal Mary the mother of mothers, mother of sons, mother of daughters, mother of roses, mother of hawthorn flowers of early spring, mother of holy remedio herbs, mother of rocks and cliff face ledges, mother of golden dawn, mother of heaven’s door, mother of morning star, mother of angel messengers, mother of ancient ancestor fathers, mother of prophets, mother of candytuft first flower of spring, mother and our mother as the fertile base of green dew upon which the all racial ero-cult of faith is built generation by generation, tabernacle by tabernacle, through eternal sacred celestial marriage between a man and woman in the sacred euro tribe. Follow this endless medicine road be the change you seek in the 4-fold green tree Holy Tree with roots in earth and branches in sky empowering as redeemer hero, the second divine person of the trinity, who suffered on our part and attained the victory. Father, mother, son and daughter, husband wife in celestial marriage
. “The SONS of God, recollect, shouted for joy, because there was a beautiful habitation being built, so that they could get tabernacles, and dwell thereon; they expected the time—they looked forward to the period; and it was joyful to them to reflect, that the creation was about being formed, the cornerstone of it was laid, on which they might, in their times, and in their seasons, and in their generations, go forth and receive tabernacles for their spirits to dwell in. Do you bring it home to yourselves, brethren and sisters? Do you realize that you and I were there?” (Orson Pratt 1852 Salt Lake Utah) He was conceived by the Holy Ghost wind blowing through canyons,  born of the Mary all mother and our mother, suffered under Pontius Pilate, on the sacred tree was crucified, dead, and buried; from his blood all marvelous plants sprouted, He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He was the seed that over winters, his green blood in the soil of sacred land sprouting green divine son of the All Mother Almighty Father, green sun the kinsman seed redeemer who obtained salvation. Yet all of us are washed, to as many who believe, in the grove of holy trees as the green blood. Let me be perfectly clear, through the Father, and the both son and daughter, both the male redeemer Jesus and the female redeemer Mary, through all our relations. We are kinfolk by compassionate Mary all mother, and our mother, kinfolk through the flesh and blood redeemer true man strong father and true loving mother Mary, is kinfolk, is family. We are not only kin folk, by the red salty sweet blood of hemoglobin, we are kinfolk by the bitter green blood of chlorophyll, we are kinfolk by the hard antler of elk, we are kinfolk by the downy fur of skunk, we are kinfolk by the hardness of red slick rock, kinfolk by monarda and pinyon pine, kinfolk by coldness of water, kinfolk by fire, kinfolk by wind, kinfolk by snow and winter rain. Faith is not via the mind of reason. You understand faith by living a life of green faith. 

“O nobilissima viriditas, quae radicas in sole,

et quae in candida serenitate luces in rota,

quam nulla terrena excellentia comprehendit,

tu circumdata es amplexibus divinorum mysteriorum.

Tu rubes ut aurora et ardes ut solis flamma.”

-St Hildegarde von Bingen

‘Tis perfect greening,

Thanks be to thee

In the Sun

Calm truth thy wheel be


Divine mystery surround us

Red dawn blush morning sky

Mid day sun burning”

-St Hildegarde

    The new re-set objective which relentlessly drones the AI algorithm, “You will have nothing left and you will be happy”, is absolutely in opposition to who you must and are. Our work is not to position ourselves in car-sick paradise circa 1950 as the ideal prototype. The banner we wave is woven on the feathery leaves of green, our uniform is our skin veriditas, glory to the Holy Ghost wind of yellow pollen, Glory to first first flower of spring, self thus wild in the wind, waving. “That it should fill the desert and desolate land, and should bring forth green grass?” Job 38:27 The desert is the desolate dry lack of green grace that is the dis-ease and blocking of the green flaming cool moist dew that imparts to our herbal remedios their veriditas, greening potency. “Lobelia the Marvelous

Sister Daniel Tyler while living in Nauvoo got desperately poisoned by rubbing red precipitated mercury on her skin for the itch, not knowing the danger. She put it on quite plentiful. He came for me about midnight. I just gave her a few courses of Thomsonian medicine, and it was not long before she was well. We need to know but little about the patient, only to know that they are sick; and but very little difference what the complaint will be, thorough courses of regular Thomsonian medicine will seldom if ever disappoint you in performing a cure. It will remove obstructions wherever found in the whole system and restore a healthy action wherever needed. It does act like intelligence, always in harmony with the living intention of the system which is to remove obstructions from the system of whatever name or nature it may be. I sometimes look upon lobelia as being supernatural although I have been using it for forty-six years. I do not know the extent of its power and virtues in restoring the sick and at the same time perfectly harmless. It is undoubtedly the best and purest relaxum in the compass of medicine. That is the reason it is so good in childbed cases; it puts the system exactly in the situation the laws of nature would have it be to perform that object. Those in the habit of using it in such cases look forward in pleasing anticipation of having a good time, without foreboding of trouble so common to women. Oh glorious medicine!”  (Priddy Meeks 1795-1886 southern Utah saint and Thomsonian, journal)

The filling spoken here is life vs death, veriditas vs mega industrial post modern infanticide abortion control steroid, fear pharma surveillace state, Glory to the people! Victory to the remdios! Farewell and forever industrial-stan car-sick paradise circa 1950. There can only be the word of green moist flaming fire of feathery newness in the green waving of tiny leaves. We bring forth the green grass by the power of the man who hung on the green rood, learning the way of the green tree of holy herbs. Desert dry vs the greening moist vitalist flame as the bush medicine roots, and leaves of flowers in the remedios of herbs. Remedios and healing plants and the sacred 4 directions is the divine earth mother promise. By the hand of the angel messengers of grace by green mother Mary who through birth and death and every storm, who brings knowledge of all the healing plants who appears then and to us in the burning bush of a green flame, as Mary all mother of and our mother.

“Terram tamen Ecclesiam figurasse non inconvenienter accipimus, quae in eo germinavit herbam virentem, in quo ad verbum Dei fecunda misericordiae opera protulit.  Herbam aliquando scientiam atque doctrinam aeternae viriditatis accipimus.

We are not wrong to understand “earth-church” as the bioregion, church house of God’s and Goddesses, with people, putting forth green grass in it, a fertile fruiting, to understand “grass” as knowledge and doctrine of veriditas, eternal greenness.” -Pope Gregory the Great Gregorii Magni, Moralia in Iob, ed. Marci Adriaen, vol. 143B, Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis (Turnhout: Brepols, 1985).”

      Viriditas refers to green flame acting in the house earth household, bioregion through the unique biospirit that provides through green mercy. Green mercy is the endless medicine road of faith in an indwelling green earth and sky sun, Sol invictus, word flame as logos. Logos is the foundational understanding of viriditas acting as green salvation through the herbal cure. This means of sanctification, that is, the earth household, thus deep ecology, I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with green in wholeness through the plant remedios provided by La Gobernadora Mary, possible because she sustains and nourishes the earth household through the green flame meeting and marrying the golden flame of sun in celestial marriage. 

     “I don't know what encomiums I could place on lobelia to be competent with its virtues, the extent of its theraputic action on the human system. I think there are but few if any who understand. I have been in the habitual use of it now for forty-seven years and I don't profess to know all about its operations on the system yet, neither do I ever expect to until I understand the physiology of the human system more than I do and the laws of which it is governed, for lobelia will act on the system in complete conformity with the laws of health; and when that law is obstructed and fails to fulfill the operations that nature intended it to fulfill while healthy, it will remove those obstructions wherever located, for lobelia will permeate the whole system until it finds where the obstruction is seated and there it will spend its influence and powers by relaxing the parts obstructed. There should always accompany the lobelia with cayenne pepper which is the purest and best stimulant that is known in the compass of medicine. It will increase the very life and vitality of the system and give the blood a greater velocity and power. Now the system being so relaxed with lobelia and the blood being so stimulated with such power it will act on the whole system like an increased flow of water turned into a muddy spring of water; it will soon run clear and although lobelia is set at naught and persecuted the way it is, it is for the same reason that the Latter-day Saints are persecuted; it is ordained by God to be used in wisdom. The world will not persecute them that are like them but hold them the same as their own. It is stated that Joseph Smith said that Thomson was as much inspired to bring forth his principle of practice according to the dignity and importance of it as he was to introduce the gospel. Then we should look on those principles as an appendix to the gospel as a temporal salvation.” (Priddy Meeks 1795-1886 southern Utah saint Thomsonian Vitalist)

     The church is the green earth household community. Genesis 1.11, “And he said: let the earth bring forth green herb, and such as may seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, which may have seed in itself upon the earth. And it was so done.” Earth as such is a metaphor for the true faith of the greening garden earth family household, ecology of place. We invoke our ancestors in the spirit of place to preserve and protect.

     We do serious reset of the time clock, a celebratory reowning by thinking generationally through the green blood red seed covenant flowing miraculously upon turtle island. Raise our banners, Victory to the remedios!  Glory to our people! Those who teach apology, bondage, fear and anxiety for the future and shame guilt for the past have no hold on us, by the green and red blood, released and gone from our circle now and forever gone from turtle island. Their shame and guilt hex is broken, by the green and red blood, released and gone from our circle now and forever gone from turtle island. Their narrative of erasure is now vanquished from turtle island by the green and red blood is released and gone from our circle. That hex of celebratory heroes of mechanized war and blood shed is gone, by the green and red blood ,released and gone from our circle now and forever gone from turtle island. The hex of foul cinema and televised moronic, one world morality plays broadcast from the degenerate sewers of hollywood and New York that relentlessly pulverize the last vestiges of innocence into a hideous sculpture of fear, by the green and red blood ,released and gone from our circle now and forever gone from turtle island

“Sed et ego ignea vita substantie divinitatis super pulcritudinem agrorum flammo et in aquis luceo atque in sole, luna et stellis ardeo; et cum aereo vento quadam invisibili vita, que | cuncta sustenet, vitaliter omnia suscito. Aer enim in viriditate et in florus vivit, acque fluunt quasi vivant, sol etiam in lumine suo vivit; et cum luna ad defectum venerit, a lumine solis accenditur ut quasi denuo vivat…Ego itaque vis ignea in his lateo, ipsique de me flagrant, velut spiramen assidue hominem movet et ut in igne ventosa flamma est.  Hec omnia in essentia sua vivunt nec in morte inventa sunt, quoniam ego vita sum.” Ian D. Bent and Marianne Pfau, “Hildegard of Bingen” in Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online, accessed 16 January 2012,

“ I am you are green life fire perfect. Burning beauty of glade, sparkly waters, fire in sun, moon, and stars.  Holy Ghost air wind nourish all things with vital force, I lift them up alive. Air moves in greenness of remedios, waters flow, the sunflows, live in his light, when the moon comes up at sunset she is flamed by his light, to rise again… Thus I, green flame force, hidden in blowing winds, take fire as in out breath continue as a wind burning in fire.  All of the essence and not found in death,  I am the vital force alive.” (-translated Wild Herb Ways)  

    The vileness and stupor of the 30 years brother, sister, family war in Europe 1915 to 1945 was a great abomination on the European people. It was through this war of mechanized mutual destruction that a cancer super sweetened corn syrup and industrial waste seed oil virus was unleashed and spread in the Euro spirit. This infected curse spread throughout our kindred people. It's spread as the industrial modernist vision of a materialist workers paradise linked to the chosen’s mediterranean holy land, All former euro nations were infected with its teachings of the destruction of the family, of abortion, perpetuation of 24/7 mechanized war industry expanding economy nations and of a economic zone to replace euro nations. The infected spirit fertilized the already failed tree of liberty in Ameristan, so that afterwards Ameristan was transformed from a neo-colonial nation to a proxy economic zone nature. Ameristan intoxicated with its secular humanism pursued bazaar meaningless conflicts in places like Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine and throughout the world sent it's young men, it's soldiers, it's weapons, it's poisons of herbicides and chemicals and it's newly acquired poison mindset post WW2 proxy occupied philosophy of globalism that had become death song.


     To view the new magico religio-political religion promoted as messianic dataism as offering better futuristic alternatives is naive and attempts to disregard Life in the spirit is family life under the sacrament of celestial marriage as community.

“The walls, bars, and bolts, rolling rivers, running streams, rising hills, sinking valleys, and spreading prairies that separate us and the cruel injustice that first cast you into prison and still holds you there, with many other considerations, places my feelings far beyond description,” (Emma Smith to Joseph Smith Letters 1839)

To create a daily bread euro red blood und green earth culture through the daily bread-Dat family, the daily bread-euro home and the daily bread-euro life. All this occurred through a simple process, daily bread-euro sex, via the sacrament of celestial marriage of a man and woman and the truth of sacred land sacred sex, sacred family. All of this effectively died in the 30 years brother, sister, family war 1914-1945. The death of the daily bread-euro eternal celestial family that you had to hunt down the last grizzly bear with aldo leopold on Escudillo mountain, and encircle hilldale and colorado city with bears ears choke cherry from the vermillion cliffs to the last peach tree at lee’s ferry. Banning of celestial marriage upon the theatre of sacred land sacred sex. The elites protect their accumulated generational wealth while simultaneously redistributing our people’s accumulated generational wealth in ever new degenerate AI soft porn diversity ponzi schemes. If the greatest moral good is to increase the flow of information without regard to biological life, then such a plan is fundamentally flawed. Life can not be converted to installation art exhibits within a data tree virtual reality museum. Any ideology that does not value life will create new forms of tyrannical oppression and be subsumed into the new elite’s hierarchy that relies on increasing social stratification. Dataism far from a promise of justice will evolve into ever more complex forms of bio-slavery.  Neither is the new AI mandatory injection of new purposed religio-political enthusiasm a valid compromise.


    One of the reasons you don’t know how to pray is because you don’t know how to live. The overseer observers who rule over you do not permit you to pray and give thanks in their space. They have banned prayer from the public space you inhabit as guest. The idea that because you exist you have rights to exist in an occupied space is a fantastic myth. In the perpetrated mandatory narrative conspiracy myth, you are a universal guest in a permanent underclass without any rights, you exist at the whim of the overseer observer elites and at any moment a siren call to the AI 911 surveillance police pharma network instantly disavows your existence. You can instantly be labeled a criminal with a mere call on the smart phone, your property and reputation instantly confiscated by negation. The overseer observer elites rule over you within a milieu of vehement materialist atheism and have imposed their faithless faith upon you as defacto truth. To deny the conspiratorial defacto truth is to be instantly negated. Prayer is a non-permitted activity within the space they rule by media narrative fiat. As such prayer is a punishable offense within the category of thought crime imposed by the occupation police and court legal system within which you have no right except their rule of law, the choiceless choice of submission.

“People are becoming more and more connected to devices, and those devices are increasingly becoming connected to their bodies. Devices are not just being worn, but also being implanted into bodies, serving communications, location and behaviour monitoring, and health functions. Pacemakers and cochlear implants were just the beginning of this, with many more health devices constantly being launched. These devices will be able to sense the parameters of diseases; they will enable individuals to take action, send data to monitoring centres, or potentially release healing medicines automatically. Smartfetish violence, abducted children, rape gang, permanent body marking tattoo cutting culture, camel toe culture and other unique chips could help with identification and location. Implanted devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a “built-in” smart phone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brainwaves and other signals.” (Klaus Schwab: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”) 

     The idea of a mandated Trump-Biden mask mandate, DC shelter in place, fear rehearsal lockdown virtue signal fear parade jab military bomb sellers who rule turtle island by fiat fear AI algorithms of fabulous despair and pharmakeia sorcery, vaccine jab that does not prevent disease, mandatory condom face masks that have no role in viral disease prevention, the government 911 tele-med police swat teams declaring a functioning normal business a danger to public safety, mandate closing a business to further the agenda of their dystopian narrative, banning religious assembly, banning political redress of grievance, suddenly border crossings are closed, immediate suspensions of all civil rights worldwide, all these seemingly random occurrences are of course not random at all. They are directed supervised actions of the regime implemented by AI external media apparatus. Within a few years the external devices controlling behaviour will be internal brain based technological control/safety devices. The only meaningful logic of understanding current human behavior within the pandemic is control and fear. It is meaningless to view any of the covid pandemic agenda from within a traditional medical model of disease. If you attempt to understand the current narrative within traditional terms you are wasting your limited time and energy. The regime reset and control of human behaviour is an evil satanic thug squad directed by an artificial intelligence algorithm, repetitive media slogans broadcast media loops in the electro public space occupied space. The anti people and anti place is here under the guise of unsustainable dataism.

Open your eyes and look, thousands of tent city dispossessed homeless, across the nation, rampant drug addiction, escalating crime, alcohol abuse, the stench of genetic modified marijuana wafting through the air, open opioid addiction, escalating suicide rates, declining life expectancy, sky rocketing inflation, to understand that what was promised has not been delivered. Rather it was stolen from you and whatever is happening is erasure to benefit the elites. If you examine any of these seemingly independent social pathogens, indiscriminate social lockdowns, homeless tent city, drug addiction, suicide and so on, from a traditional sociological perspective you are wasting energy and time. It’s all about spin within the narrative and the dialectic of evil for the purpose of control and maximum power in the hands of the unnameable elites. Unnameable in the sense of unmentionable elites. 

   ““It will be necessary to intervene in our biochemistry and reengineer our bodies. We are working on that. It can be debated whether it is good or bad, but it seems that the second great project of the 21st Century--ensuring global happiness--will include a restructuring of Homo Sapiens from its foundations so that it can enjoy endless pleasure.”

“However, when technology allows us to reengineer human minds, Homo Sapiens will disappear....and turn into Homo Deus”

“For three hundred years the world has been dominated by humanism that sacralizes life, happiness, and the power of Homo Sapiens. The attempt to achieve immortality, eternal bliss and divinity merely takes long-standing humanist ideals to their logical conclusion.”

“No investigation of our divine perspectives can ignore our animal past or our relationships with other animals -- for the relationship between humans and animals is the best model we have for future relationships between superhumans and (mere) humans. Want to know how super-intelligent androids might treat humans ordinarily made of flesh and bone? Better start investigating how humans treat their less intelligent animal cousins.”

“How did Homo Sapiens come to believe in the humanist faith that the universe revolves around humankind and humans are the source of all meaning and authority?”

“And if indeed humanism is in danger, what will take its place?”

“Perhaps even the collapse of humanism will benefit.”

“There is no scientific evidence that, unlike pigs, sapiens have souls.” (Yuval Noah Harari professor, at Jerusalem  - from “Homo Deus”) 

    In this tradition we reference the voice of the Holy Rood and the signing as a blessing way to deliver us from evil. The evil we face today is on many fronts, the forces of evil against the green faith. Evil seeks to own our souls and condemn our destiny to eternal hell by separating us from the green life. The Holy Rood refers to the rod or tree that is the living Holy Yule tree of green living wood upon which he suffered for our redemption. Odin, in the Poetic Edda, says that Yggdrasil “suffers agony / more than men know, a stag nibbles it above, but at its side it’s decaying, and Níðhöggr [a malicious serpent or dragon] rends it beneath”. It is to that sacred grove of earth and wood we must return to gather from the plant teachers our whole faith remedios. In the tradition of the Holy Rood, he carries the horizontal piece that is fastened to the living tree of calvary. And only to the degree that we can learn the remedios from those waving branches growing upon that tree in the sacred grove. “Then the young hero (who was Almighty)

Got ready, resolute and strong in heart.

...the warrior embraced [the tree]. (3)’ (Holy Rood)



¨In treating a patient, I take his hands in mine – not grasping them tightly, but only clasping the fingers and pressing each of my thumbs against each of his thumbs.  Then, after awhile, I place one of my thumbs on his forehead – just over the eyes (Santa Teresita Urrea, The Republic 1901).¨

Confirmation: of witchcraft. Misfortune and negative outcomes often come from malevolent forces that have been sent by others to create misfortune, accidents, loss of a lover or spouse, sickness and so on.

   With herbs, an exact formula for taking, one teaspoon full day 1, two teaspoon fulls day two, three teaspoons day three…then backwards with decreasing doses. Seven teaspoons day seven, six day eight…one day thirteen. Then stop taking medicine, similar to dried poke seed, take one seed day one, two on day two, seven seeds on day seven and then backwards till stopping.

     Circumambulation: creating a secure space around one’ś property. Several times a year walking around the property, holding bundles of blessed plants, a statue of the Virgin Mary, a crucifix, the saints, bundles of incense, a lighted torch, holy water.

     In witch craft disputes, the driving principle is everything must be clenched, to create a generalized state of enclosure. The generalized principle is to create a barrier, establish a bounded whole with circular prayer.

     Buried bewitching, objects, stones, small tools, a knife, bones, on the property, violating the sacred space with a cursed bewitched object.

      When we examine the process of digestion, respiration, hormonal regulation and all bodily processes necessary for our present and continued existence both in a natural and spiritual journey it becomes clear, what we think of as thought, choice and rationality plays little part in digestion of food, oxygenation of the body and hormonal regulation. Implanted in us is the vital spirit spark of life. Spirit is the inhalation exhalation breath blood dynamic of green earth, yellow flame of sun. the mary Holy Ghost wind vitalism. Where else but here? What else but living? Who else but I? When else but now? Viriditas is a latin word used by euro biospirit ancestors to talk divine salvation story via the seed, fruit, field, flower green remedio herbal looking place. The body is a wild spontaneous system when it comes to the most vital of bodily processes. The question of understanding prayer in this context is in the sense of  an ensemble, a group performance and salvation not as isolated fragmented i-me-mine solipsism, but salvation of our people in the green earth flame, holy yellow sky sun flame burning as of remedio herbs, sacred grove, forest, glade and glenn existing into the future as a people.


By invoking a biospirit hero ancestor in signing, we seek to activate the power of protection in the narrative of divine assistance, within the actual events around us.  Being who we are engaged in the salvation story, we seek the supernatural aid and assistance of the green breath flame in dwelling word of yellow flame Sol, of sacred mountain springs, pine forest, hemlock, fir, aspen, black cottonwood, alder and wild poleo in flowing snow melt streams, creeks and rivers. The crucial understanding has to do with the validity, meaningfulness and importance of one’s daily life. The value of our life has to do with the divine drama of plants, person and place unfolding as culture, as family.

   The woman, and thy seed refers to blessed Mary, all mother. In the words and teachings of sacred relationship we say all mother and our mother. Mary is venerated as a pivotal force in the salvation story. We invoke her protection and intercession every day we live above ground. We worship Mary, the alder tree with blood beneath its grey bark in the traditions of springs, caves and grottoes in sacred Europa and Turtle island. Our faith must be a 24/7 hour, 365 day faith. Either you are in or you’re out.

I Stand With The Green:

“I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always. I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Green, through belief in the remedio, 

On the endless medicine road, by the power of healings, through confession of the Oneness of the Creation of Mother and Father creation. 

By these good sister and brother plants.

I arise today through the strength of water,

through the strength of  ancestors,

through the strength of place,

through the strength of  Judgment.

I arise today through the protection of Angel messengers, 

in the service of the green,

in hope to meet with reward,

in prayers of Mothers and Patriarchs, in predictions,

in preachings, in faith,

in innocence, righteous men and women move in peace.

I arise today, through the strength of golden Heaven:

light of Sun, brilliance of Moon, splendour of Fire,

speed of Lightning, swiftness of Wind, depth of Sea,

stability of Earth, firmness of Rock.

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always. 

I arise today, through strength of green earth to pilot me:

to uphold me, wisdom to guide,

Eyes to look before me, Ears to hear,

Words to speak, Hands to guard me,

The way to walk before me, a shield to protect me,

Earth and sky to secure me:

against snares of devils, against temptations of weakness,

against inclinations of fear, against everyone who

shall wish me ill, afar and anear, alone and in a crowd.

I summon today all these powers between me (and these evils):

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with sacred mother of green mountains, field and forest,

against every cruel and merciless power that may oppose my body and my soul, against sickness, against incantations of false prophets,

against unjust laws, Against false accusations,

against false decisions designed to limit the green, against the craft of war,

against the cycles of abuse,

against every hex and spell of disease  that endangers my body and soul.

Father and Mother  protect me today,

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green wisdom of reverence, 

against poison, against burning,

against drowning, against wounding,

so that there may come abundance of reward.

Life is with me, Life before me, Life behind me, Life within me,

Life beneath me, Life above me, Life around me,

Life on my right, Life on my left,

Life in breadth, Life in length, Life in height,

Life in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

Life in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,

Life in every eye that sees me,

Life in every ear that hears me.

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green be victory in peace.

I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation unity of all life, through belief in the power, through the Oneness of the Creator of creation.

Salvation is my blessing. Health is my blessing. Love is my blessing. Peace is my blessing. Blessing is my life. Thank you glorious Creator my Father, my Mother, in all directions. May the blessings of the Father and the Mother and the Holy Wind, be ever with us. I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green.”

    Rooted in the old ways and part of the real work, the sign, the stories of the Holy Trees, the Holy Way within tradition of our salvation story are the ways of protection prayer. When we say the ways of protection prayer, we mean summoning an aspect of plant, person, place and all our ancestor’s  heroic divine presence on this endless medicine road to dwell and activate amongst us. By the use of the blessing sign we enact in our lives the living power flowing in all things, through the intention of sacred space. “ Loose the shoes from thy feet: for the place wherein thou standest is holy ground.”. Where we are located right now in the present moment, sitting, standing, walking, is sacred ground. All of creation is sacred space and so therefore we are mindful of our actions, of our intentions on this endless toad horizon to horizon. Through the absence of purpose, souls are lost in darkness. In the modern industrial view there is a tendency to locate our place within a political map, that is only part of where we are. We are situated between life and death, heaven and hell. We as protagonists inhabit a divine theater, struggling for the prize of eternal life. Life as process means the importance of rigid roles between male and female in a sacred marriage partnership, for the sustainability of the family. The family is the basic unit of salvation and the continuation of the medicine road. Celestial marriage is a sacrament of sacred partnership. Without rigid roles for men and rigid roles for women there will be no available women as folk caregiver mothers for our children. No mothers means no families, no families means no children, no future, end of story. To affirm the endless medicine road of reverence and gratitude that supercedes the state's authority may be met with sanctions ranging from loss of employment, media based accusations, imprisonment for crimes of thought, speech  or expression and various threats of diminishment of one’s life moving forward. Affirmation and cooperation within a secular world view is a denial of basic green vital sacred identity. Whether it be forced work in servile unessential labour on Sunday, voiced public tolerance for morally prohibited action, or being subject to always on without a shut off switch active visual/audio messages of morally repulsive advertisements, in many ways the current regime is problematic to faith and hence our remedios. A secular stateism condemns its citizens to depression, anxiety and fear by denying the validity of the green flame and the celestial marriage of folk and sacred land, man and woman living tree and the eternal stakes of the life process on earth.

" Zabiba wal-Malik  I have loved you Zabiba in this manner so as to love the people in you and through you ... and I have embraced your God because you are a living part of the people, you believe in its role, and you love the homeland..." When the king uttered these last words, tears filled his eyes and rolled down his cheeks and moustache. At that point Zabiba rose and, with tears pouring forth from her eyes, embraced the king, kissed him on his forehead, and said: "Thank God for the creation." (Saddam Hussein Zabiba wal-Malik)


     Through the Holy Tree with roots in earth and branches in sky empowering we assert total faith, total thanks, blessings, strength and victory on this endless medicine road. I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green forever and ever in all directions. We will recover what was stolen and reown the narrative of health, vitality, remedio herbs May all be well blessings always.

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Solidago Goldenrod

       Solidago goldenrod. Solidago canadensis and Solidago spp, hello, I greet the divine seed of faith living in your heart. I am th...