Showing posts with label Crataegus douglasii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crataegus douglasii. Show all posts

Sunday, May 09, 2021



Crataegus douglasii -- black hawthorn

Crataegus douglasii -- black hawthorn, a rose family bushy tree shrub growing intermountain west.  Usually at the interface of creek, meadow forest.

     Greetings to all who work for well being! May you be blessed by Hawthorn, as it has been a blessing to many folk. Within the shame shun reset erasure I wanted to advocate for hawthorn, lobelia, red root and specific exercises in relation to nourishing western biospirit in relation to clotte shot planned demonics, and regaining lost smell and taste.  #Crataegus douglasii -- black #hawthorn, a rose family bushy tree shrub growing intermountain west. Usually at the interface of creek, meadow forest, at old homesteads.

The bark is dark brown black on young branches, with the bark deeply furrowed peeling in strips on trunk. There are many hawthorns to meet.

    It's best as a long term remedy, vs acute, so for chronic conditions, like the ones most recent, blood clotte shots, heart and cirulation issues, essential HTN, s/p MI, angina. For this condition it is used with red root. Hawthorn may increase contracility, strength of contraction, yet lower HR. Red root is a midlevel astringent that acts to purify blood, potentiate liver, working on the final places of veins and arteries, and epithelial points of attachment. See how they work. Test it out. We've entered a time where no one can talk openly here, only face to face conversation, because of the wealth redistribution erasure within the algorithm of social credit score. 

      Hawthorn can mildly dilate coronary arteries and can increase blood flow. Similar in the mesenteric, helping to nourish the intestine and be used as part of leaky gut. Due to a high profile of flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, it also has a beneficial nurturing effect on the central nervous system. Many of the plan-demonic issues are addressed by tree along with red root, in terms of clotte shot. Using hawthorn long term with red root can be benefical. 

It was planted by white western people, here and in Europes, as a hedge or boundary. Rose plants with their thorns encourage healthy boundaries between this and that, giving and taking, self and others. In addition birds are fond of the fruits and make their nests in thorny branches, hence protection, nest, shelter, safety, home. So hawthorn is a symbolic talisman of our place, of our plant and of our people. Hawthorn is a voice of preexisting condition, the wild, partly tame tawny grammar of healing. 2022 Crataegus Hawthorn was an excellent year locally for our wild, feral, left alone to do its own thing, fruiting rosacea family, along with rose hips. The haws are now evident and abundant. The aws ripen late autumn. This plant gathered now with the end leaf stem and thorns, dry it a bit and tincture, and later berries. The berry haw can have many different flavors from sweet apricot creamy, to more astringent, with many in betweens on your ramble.  So now i am praying singing songs of Our Lady, who is mother of our white race at springs and grottos, as in beginingless time. Her Holy Rosary is a wreath of rose flowers. She brings a gifted whole plant elixir. I call it feral because it is wild within the tawny grammar of usage. Knowing these plants combined with red root and others growing nearby, ripening at st michael, raphael our guardians, protectors late September early October. Be blessed and bless others as you can. 

     ...your experience with regaining smell post  infection via nicotine gum. I understand initial reluctance to use nicotine gum, its association with tobacco addiction, and the specialized chewing technique. I want to add nicotine patches have also been used. 

I want to postulate a reason for the many anecdotal reports connected with plan demonics, clotte shots and other stuff, smokers and nicotine, briefly, nicotine's role in both the nicotinic receptor cholinergic system, as well as ACE2 receptor pathway in the body, and thus blocking the spike protein attachment sites within the body. The nicotine occupied receptor sites have a decreased potential for attachment. You may wish to start the experiment, follow it, see if it works, to restore taste and smell. I would caution though that the nicotine patch is a better option, in terms of the risk of nicotine addiction potential in comparison to nictine gum chewing. Some herbalists would reccomend a less addictive plant lobelia, which you would take as tincture along with cayenne pepper. A 19th century Thompsonian approach to restore taste and smell, taken along with hawthorn and lobelia. 

Thirdly, smell retraining. Get 4-5 pure essential oils in the little bottles, open the bottle. Orange, lavender, clove, peppermint, garlic, anise, etc - and do a blind smell test, with eyes closed, twice a day. Identify the smell without looking at the label. Then check your results. You can also do this with actual herbs, hops, lavender, a clove of garlic, roots, red wine, white wine, tequila, whiskey, brandy, beer, etc. You want to keep these sessions brief before olfactory fatigue sets in. Keep a smell diary. Can you identify the smell? What does it smell like to you? 

     Know as whites we are a tiny remnant and seize this time betweenness. With erasure, soon an envelope of darkness will obscure, as the sun tilts down. I pray for you and know we will meet God be willing, Deus Vult

The bark is dark brown black on young branches, with the bark deeply furrowed peeling in strips on trunk.

      Leaves are shiny green alternate, serrated toward the tip, lighter on underside with pronounced veining. White, cream, flowers in a flattened panicle at branch ends with with greenish centers, 5 petals 10 stamens,  grow in bunches at the ends of each thin branch.

The first flower has an unusual odor that is sweet, pungent and is said to resemble rotting meat, in dried flowers, this odor changers to flowery. The blossoms contain trimethylamine, found in hawthorn blossom, also forms in decaying tissue. The fruit is a mahogany brown to red pomme, sweet and edible with a raisin brown sugar taste with mild astringency. The calendar in Europe was changed in 1752, previously it bloomed on May 1st. Today it's more like the first two weeks of May. Here they bloom roughly May 8th, 1400 feet elevation in the upper Columbia basin in the Pacific Northwest. 

     The crown of thorns was said to be a Hawthorn, Joseph of Arimathæa who provided a tomb for Jesus is said to have left a Hawthorn at Glastonbury and brought the Holy Grail to the British Isles 40AD. Crataegus spp, this is best time to gather for (W)holy plant with last years berry save. When Joseph of Arimathea traveled by boat with the Virgin Mary, Lazarus, Mary Magdalene he brought the holy grail to Glastonbury. He stuck his staff in the ground and a Hawthorn grew. Lone hawthorn trees are said to be special places where the veil between old times is thin. It's here we come to get in touch and balance, the same effect hawthorn has on the body as a medicine. 

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon Englands mountains green:

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On Englands pleasant pastures seen!


And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here,

Among these dark Satanic Mills?


Bring me my Bow of burning gold:

Bring me my arrows of desire:

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!

Bring me my Chariot of fire!


I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand:

Till we have built Jerusalem,

In Englands green & pleasant Land.

  • William Blake 1804

       Hawthorn could understood as a nourishing heart tonic herb. Hawthorn is a nuanced plant used as a supportive nourishing herb that is both useful as a cardiotonic, that frequently can lower blood pressure and pulse rate and like other Rose family herbs has been noted as supporting the emotional heart. In our ship going, sea faring, traders english language we use words like heart ache, or a broken heart to refer to emotional loss, grieving something or someone gone. Every language has its narrative framework contained in its ticking t's and listed s's. English became on turtle island the ultimate commerce. From buying and selling of things and persons. So here everyone, everybody, everyone is price tagged and set to sell. From the brothel bedrooms of home, to home itself, family all is continuously sold. Nation is transformed to commercial mall. All contributes to a universal loss of soul. Thus rites of passage are ornaments of abandonment. From faceless disposable marriage, divorce, abortion, the mood here is unspeakable loss and mourning for things never been and places never seen as love, family and nation. When one becomes elongated in their systemic disposition of self as a deplatformed non-entity for unpermitted breathing, hawthorn is part of that unpackaged healing. The courage to be a person not a thinged self. To step outside the social credit score within resistance to that erasure and replacement of everything for sale. It was planted as a hedge or boundary, and rose plants with their thorns are said to encourage healthy boundaries between this and that, giving and taking. In addition birds are fond of the fruits and make their nests in the thorny branches, hence protection, shelter, safety, home. So in that way hawthorn is a symbolic talisman of place, of plant and person. Hawthorn is a voice of preexisting condition, the wild, partly tame tawny grammar of healing. 


 As a cardiotonic plant a common usage is as a tea or decoction of the dried flowering stems, leaves and flowers, drunk 8-10oz three times a day. In can be FPT 1:2 in 65% etoh, or dried 1:5. It is a good idea to add, 10% glycerine to keep tannins precipitating out, and keep them in suspension.

     It's best as a long term remedy for chronic conditions, essential HTN, s/p MI, angina. It increases contracility, strength of contraction, yet lowers HR. It mildly dilates coronary arteries and can increase blood flow. Similar in the mesenteric, helping to nourish the intestine and be used as part of leaky gut. Due to a high profile of flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, it also has a beneficial nurturing effect on the central nervous system. 

     Today, hawthorn is an official drug in the Pharmacopoeias of Brazil, China, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, and Switzerland. These preparations are made up of fresh leaf, flower and fruit, this is a true whole plant medicine. The first leaf and flower can be used as decoction, x3 tid or tincture 1 dropperful x3 tid. The flower leaf can be combined with hawthorn fruit gathered in the fall. 

       It has a long folk use in europe and nourishes the BioSpirit. It is well tolerated and has a rich history going back to the Neanderthal juncture. Wherever it grew in ancient history it was regarded as a plant ally in healing. In traditional Chinese Medicine the berries are used to relieve Food Stagnation' category. Berries are sour, sweet, astringent and warming. Hawthorn Fruit is the most often used herb in the treatment of cardio insufficiency, and hypertension, and in TCM treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. As such they could be organized with milk thistle seed in a formula. Western herbalists recognize the fruit along with the flower and leaf. Lately a whole plant product is most popular. 

 Chaucer’s phrase:

"Marke the faire blooming of the Hawthorne tree
Who finely cloathed in a robe of white,
Fills full the wanton eye with May’s delight."

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