Showing posts with label la Cuaresma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label la Cuaresma. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

Ash Wednesday, la Cuaresma, Lent

Red Root in Winter 

La Guadalupana En la pequeña casa de ciervos, las plantas están creciendo.

Plantada por la Virgen,

Plantada por la Virgen, 

La Gobernadora del jardín. 

In the little deer house, the plants are growing. 

Planted by the Virgin,

Planted by the Virgin,

The governess La Gobanadora of the garden.


During this season of tree popping moon, we prepare for la Cuaresma, the Forty Days, and the new year, the first month of the new year, marzo, March and the spring equinox.

 Martius, the planet Mars, action, the Spanish Marzo, to move ahead, forward-march.  Calendario Litúrgico Tradicional Febrero 2021

Cuatro días hasta el miércoles de Ceniza. 

Four days until Ash Wednesday

Lent, from Old English lencten "springtime, spring," refers to the 6 weeks, la Cuaresma, the 40, Ash Wednesday to Easter and is a time of purification and fasting, this year begins Wednesday February 17, 2021A.D. Known as Féria Quarta Cinerum, the day of ashes. The palm fronds from the previous Palm Sunday, el Domingo de Ramos and applied to the forehead. Then follows six weeks of fasting and penance. 

la luz cambió, 

el domingo Septuagesima,

la savia de algodón de Birch alza, 

tu vida es miserable,

empieza a rezar.

The light changes 


Sap of birch and cottonwood rising

Our life is miserable 

Begin to pray, purify.

Forty days.

Acuérdate de que eres polvo y al polvo volverás

for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return. Gen 3:19

Mamacita Take me Home

Song written, music and lyrics written by Paul Manski, all guitars, slide, bass, acoustic, percussion recorded March 1, 2021. Mamacita Take Me Home:

"Up on the mountain where red root grows.

Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.

I can feel the cold bony fingers of La Niña Blanca.

Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios .

Santo Muerte, no te quiero, 

ni te necesito más.

Your lips are red with blood, just like my heart.

Thighs are white like snow, like the clouds above.

Put on earth to help one another,

learn every remedio that grows.

Mamacita, take me home.

Watching snow, snow melt into spring.

The cold icy white blanket of Niña Blanca finally ending.

Up on the mountain, 

where red root grows.

Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.

I can feel the icy fingers of La Niña Blanca. lifting.

Cedar mountain, sitka valeriana , parrot's beak.

Watching snow melt into spring, 

the cold icy fingers of La Niña Blanca finally ending, 

finally gone.

Mamacita take me home.

Mamacita take me home.

Up on the mountain where red root grows.

Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.

Cedar mountain, sitka valeriana, parrot's beak.

I can feel the cold icy fingers melting.

Watching snow melt into spring, the cold icy fingers of La Niña Blanca finally ending, finally gone.

Mamacita take me home.

Nuestra Señora of the Remedios." -by Paul Manski.

The song is about the continuous interplay between evil and good, death vs life, , cold, La Niña Blanca representing the cold icy frozen  juxtaposed by Señora de Los Remedios, the ultimate Mamacita related to the healing plant of living things and authenticity. -blessings for the re-Navidad of everyone, to make all things new in love -pm

       We were taught as children, as believers to move far away from the magic flag wave of  "his"-story, which is the dominant culture narrative and accept a minority tradition here. Our founding fathers made that clear as they dedicated the New World to La Conquistadora, Mary, Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios. 

(L to R)Helen Chávez, Robert Kennedy, César Chávez, February 14, 1968.

César Chávez American Catholic begins 25 day fast. 

Fasting, penance and prayer in the time before spring, Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday is part and central to a minority tradition living in a Fourth Variant landscape

     We do not consider our founding fathers to be those who composed the fake constitution of fear in 1789, or their magic flag waving occupiers today. Not the violent criminals who nauseated on about rights, freedom and independence while defending in law their slave owning so called rights. 

“When you are about to pray to our Lady 

the Holy Virgin, be firmly assured, 

before praying, that you will not depart 

from her without having received mercy."

St. John of Kronstadt

Иоанн Кронштадский

Russian orthodox saint 



 So we move towards her story, Nuestra Señora, the Blessed Virgin Mary who alone made possible salvation. 

     We are taught that graces and salvation flow and originate in the Mary, Queen of Heaven and Empress of Hell. 

La Guadalupana 

grabó Aladdin Road, 24 de febrero de 2021

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana
La Guadalupana
La Guadalupana bajó al Tepeyac.

Su llegada llenó de alegría
de luz y armonía, todo el Anáhuac.
Toda montañas.

Por/junto al monte pasaba Juan Diego
y acercóse luego
y acercóse luego al oír cantar

Madrecita de las Montañas,
Madrecita de las Montañas,
Estas en el cielo, estas en el cielo,
Ruega Dios por nos. 

En la pequeña casa de ciervos, las plantas están creciendo.
Plantada por la Virgen,
Plantada por la Virgen, Gobernanza
La Gobernadora del jardín.

From heaven, one beautiful morning
the Virgin of Guadalupe
descended to Tepeyac.

Her arrival brought happiness,
light and harmony 

When Juan Diego passed through the mountain
and drew closer when he heard it sung:

From the sky a beautiful morning.
It's a glorious day in the mountains. Our Holy Mother, La Guadalupana, beautiful morning, herbs growing.

In the little deer house, the plants are growing. 
Planted by the Virgin,
Planted by the Virgin,
The governess La Gobanadora of the garden.

      Yet our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given us a get out of jail free card, His resurrection. So as above grounders, be cognizant of the dead, of the roots stirring, honour them by preparing for the balanced equal light, spring.

     The calendar, from calare, to call out, to call out the new moon and popping trees, cannapopa wi, ‘moon when trees crack from the cold., to announce through observation and arrange things accordingly. February- refers to februum, februare, the  ‘to purify. Preparation for Lent spring Easter resurrection of Christ, Quadragesima 40 days beginning Ash Wednesday Feb 17, 2021, el Miércoles de Ceniza. 

      Lakota call February cannapopa wi, ‘moon when trees crack from the cold.’ Another name was the Old English lyme, lide, loud referring to the loud arranging of things, to make noise, sound off, let off steam, like moving sap and popping frozen trees.   

   Preparation for Lent spring Easter resurrection of Christ, February- refers februum, februare, to purify. Quadragesima 40 days beginning Ash Wednesday Feb 17, 2021. This morn -17F -27C Lakota cannapopa wi, ‘moon when trees crack from the cold.’ Stay warm prepare to purify J+M. We feel the sap rising, yet it is not straight line, it comes and comes, with light and dark, day and night, in fits and starts and cracking popping trees. We embrace a calendar of fasting, prayer and penance to engage the good changes within and without, spring and the resurrection that comes from Our Lady's birth and rebirth. 

     #Cuaresma2021 Es arrogante leer la Biblia como lo hace el protestante, en lugar de eso rezamos. Vamos a la Cruz Verdadera de Nuestra Señora de los Siete Dolores. No podemos entender a Jesús, sin embargo caminamos con Jesús.

     During the Forty Days, we don't become arrogant Christians reading the Bible, instead we fast and pray. We go to the True Cross of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows. We don't pretend to understand Jesus, yet we walk with Jesus.

La #Cuaresma2021: Cuarenta días son un momento de ayuno y penitencia. A menudo el Christero de hoy sólo se dirigirá a rezar en las montañas para encontrar la verdadera Cruz, la Virgen del Dolor y caminar con Jesús. temporalmente lejos de las familias, esta práctica sigue en el suroeste de América en lugares solitarios con pocos visitantes en carreteras sin pavimentar.

Lent, Believe and Do, the Forty days, is a time of fasting and penance. Often the Christero of today, still in a fight, will go to pray on his ranch, in the mountains, temporarily away from familia to find the true Cross, the Sorrowful Virgin and walk with Jesus. This practice still continues in the American southwest and in other lonely places with few visitors, on dirt roads.

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