Showing posts with label endless medicine road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label endless medicine road. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2023



   Aralia, beautiful medicine road, eternal celestial marriage today the perfect ode, all beautiful mother of flowers, all mother of everything, called the medicine road. Today the first beginning, dream utopia, little adobe home.

Today the perfect perfect, all ages ev'ry love, each root prayer a tear, each footsrep a sigh, each breath brings you closer, you are first morn of winter, I light the fire, and burn as an offering, sacred smoky swirling incense prayers to all mother green shining Mary, gathered flowers of monarda, pine pollen, pinyon sap, manzanita leaves, female juniper, on this sacred altar, to all your childen, for burned mountains Hermit peak, twin sisters, signal peak, bear wallow, for E, J, M, J, H, N, for M, KR, W, and A, for priests and homeless vagrants eating out of garbage cans, for incoherent mumbling shadows in walmart parking lots begging for just one dollar, for the broken, the battered, the beaten hunted wounded with no place to bring their thoughts, for war generals on golf course greens in your mcmansion palace home, for political millionaires selling pecan groves, for genocide sales associates with grinning smiles, for volunteer veteran soldiers firing drone strikes in nevada, for tatooed childless cat ladies in tin box mobile homes, for toothless men waving flags, for those living a hollywood net flex of defeat, for all and everyone, in four directions, in a clockwise circle, in a loud screaming voice, in a singing voice, in a silent voiceless voice waving this fragrant incense, I kiss the ground, I bow and pray and forgive you all. I move on, I move forward, I move ahead, I move on to where and what I need to be. I bless, I praise, I mourn, I cry, I sing, I dance, I walk, I crawl, as best I can, I refuse to die till I am called home. 

I am wild herb ways. I am the medicine road. i am the cut flesh of turtle island plants, in the mouth deep inside, separating the downy white hairs from green, bitter yellow Mahonia, clear to have met your taste. Crawling up your turle island spine back and slick rock shoulders continental divide under oaks with pedicularis, flowers the color of chocolate.

I am you are green life fire perfect. I am burned spruce. I am skeleton match stick oaks. I am eroded ridge rops and open pit copper mines. I am mountains of burned trees with first year mullein. I am jumbles of flash flood boulders and thick ash. I am clogged creeks. I am next years stinging nettles growing eight foot high in black mud. Burning beauty of glade, sparkly waters, fire in sun, moon, and stars.  Holy Ghost air wind nourish all things with vital force, I lift them up alive. Air moves in greenness of remedios, waters flow, the sunflows, live in his light, when the moon comes up at sunset she is flamed by his light, to rise again… Thus I, green flame force, hidden in blowing winds, take fire as in out breath continue as a wind burning in fire.  All of the essence and not found in death,  I am the vital force alive.

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with green Paleolithic Neanderthal Mary the mother of mothers, mother of sons, mother of daughters, mother of roses, mother of hawthorn flowers of early spring, mother of holy remedio herbs, mother of rocks and cliff face ledges, mother of golden dawn, mother of heaven’s door, mother of morning star, mother of angel messengers, mother of ancient ancestor fathers, mother of prophets, mother of candytuft first flower of spring, mother and our mother as the fertile base of green dew upon which the all racial ero-cult of faith is built generation by generation, tabernacle by tabernacle, through eternal sacred celestial marriage between a man and woman in the sacred euro tribe. Follow this endless medicine road be the change you seek in the 4-fold green tree Holy Tree with roots in earth and branches in sky empowering as redeemer hero, the second divine person of the trinity, who suffered on our part and attained the victory. Father, mother, son and daughter, husband wife in celestial marriage.

I Stand With The Green:

“I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always. I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Green, through belief in the remedio, 

On the endless medicine road, by the power of healings, through confession of the Oneness of the Creation of Mother and Father creation. 

By these good sister and brother plants.

I arise today through the strength of water,

through the strength of  ancestors,

through the strength of place,

through the strength of  Judgment.

I arise today through the protection of Angel messengers, 

in the service of the green,

in hope to meet with reward,

in prayers of Mothers and Patriarchs, in predictions,

in preachings, in faith,

in innocence, righteous men and women move in peace.

I arise today, through the strength of golden Heaven:

light of Sun, brilliance of Moon, splendour of Fire,

speed of Lightning, swiftness of Wind, depth of Sea,

stability of Earth, firmness of Rock.

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always. 

I arise today, through strength of green earth to pilot me:

to uphold me, wisdom to guide,

Eyes to look before me, Ears to hear,

Words to speak, Hands to guard me,

The way to walk before me, a shield to protect me,

Earth and sky to secure me:

against snares of devils, against temptations of weakness,

against inclinations of fear, against everyone who

shall wish me ill, afar and anear, alone and in a crowd.

I summon today all these powers between me (and these evils):

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with sacred mother of green mountains, field and forest,

against every cruel and merciless power that may oppose my body and my soul, against sickness, against incantations of false prophets,

against unjust laws, Against false accusations,

against false decisions designed to limit the green, against the craft of war,

against the cycles of abuse,

against every hex and spell of disease  that endangers my body and soul.

Father and Mother  protect me today,

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green wisdom of reverence, 

against poison, against burning,

against drowning, against wounding,

so that there may come abundance of reward.

Life is with me, Life before me, Life behind me, Life within me,

Life beneath me, Life above me, Life around me,

Life on my right, Life on my left,

Life in breadth, Life in length, Life in height,

Life in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

Life in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,

Life in every eye that sees me,

Life in every ear that hears me.

I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green be victory in peace.

I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation unity of all life, through belief in the power, through the Oneness of the Creator of creation.

Salvation is my blessing. Health is my blessing. Love is my blessing. Peace is my blessing. Blessing is my life. Thank you glorious Creator my Father, my Mother, in all directions. May the blessings of the Father and the Mother and the Holy Wind, be ever with us. I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always, with the green.”

Today first beginning the perfect medicine road, all ages and forever. Underneath hunters moon, first foot steps of winter, 

underneath snow as rainbows, underneath golden aspen, underneath fragrant fir, underneath wings of you are the perfect beauty, of this endless medicine road... full hunters moon I stand with the green, I stand with the brown, I stand with the golden, I stand on the ground, I stand with white snow

green you are my armor, roots you are my heart, I will scream your name forever aralia aralia aralia

Friday, August 28, 2020

Toadflax, Linaria dalmatica

Linaria dalmatica, Dalmatian toadflax, Family: placed currently by botanists for their botanist reasoning in Plantaginaceae, or plantain family which it doesn't seem to resemble, formerly in Scrophulariaceae, or figwort family.
Toadflax Linaria dalmatica 

For herbalists it's understood as a figwort. This is a non-native perennial plant naturalized now in many areas. It is native to the mediterranean, Yugoslavia, Dalmatian Coast of the Adriatic Sea. It is considered to be an invasive weed and in many areas, the regimes in power release various beetles and insects and spray poisonous chemicals to eradicate it, and they make studies on which herbicide works best in killing toadflax, usually unsuccessfully. There are narrow leafed and broad leaf varieties, this is the broad leaf variety.
Clasping alternate  leaves

     Linaria dalmatica is a tall plant, up to 4 feet tall, with alternate heart shaped to oblong clasping leaves, with a pointed tip that circle the stem. It has showy yellow distinctive flowers, in a spike raceme. Individual flowers resemble snapdragons with a long spur at the base, that delicately curves. The flowers are unique, bright yellow, asymmetrical with two lips the upper with two lobes, and the lower with three lobes, and an orange throat.
     It was brought by colonial Quakers to Pennsylvania and Delaware as a yellow dye and medicinal plant.
    John Gerard (1545-1612)the English herbalist who wrote a classic text of herbalism, Herball, published in 1597. His book was 1500 pages and is the first of its kind in English with extensive block plant drawings.
Herball John Gerard 1597

The early Quaker's as well as all English speakers were acquainted with it. He writes of Toadflax:  "A. The decoction of Toad-Flax taketh away the yellowness and deformity of the skin, beeng washed and bathed therewith.

            B. The same drunken, openeth the stoppings of the liver and spleen, and is singular good against the jaundice which is of long continuance.

            C. The same decoction doth also provoke urine, in those that piss drop after drop, unstoppeth the kidneys and bladder."

     Which is how we understand the plant, as a liver tonic and stimulant."
     Nicolas Culpeper writing at roughly the same time as Gerard in 1652, wrote of Toadflax: "Government and virtues. Mars owns the herb. In Sussex we call it Gallwort, and lay it in our chicken's water to cure them of the gall; it relieves them when they are drooping. This is frequently used to spend the abundance of those watery humours by urine which cause the dropsy. The decoction of the herb, both leaves and flowers, in wine, taken and drank, doth somewhat move the belly downwards, opens obstructions of the liver, and helps the yellow jaundice; expels poison, provokes women's courses, drives forth the dead child, and after-birth. The distilled water of the herb and flowers is effectual for all the same purposes; being drank with a dram of the powder of the seeds of bark or the roots of Wall-wort, and a little Cinnamon, for certain days together, it is held a singular remedy for the dropsy. The juice of the herb, or the distilled water, dropped into the eyes, is a certain remedy for all heat, inflammation, and redness in them. The juice or water put into foul ulcers, whether they be cancerous or fistulous, with tents rolled therein, or parts washed and injected therewith, cleanses them thoroughly from the bottom, and heals them up safely. The same juice or water also cleanses the skin wonderfully of all sorts of deformity, as leprosy, morphew, scurf, wheals, pimples, or spots, applied of itself, or used with some powder of Lupines."
Toadflax flowers long spur

     Toadflax is a useful liver stimulant and the protocol is dry the plant first before use. Use a teaspoon of the dry herb to make a tea. Use it for a liver flush or liver inflammation flare ups, best combined with Mahonia, dock, dandelion root, and or red root. You can also use toadflax as a bitter digestive tonic for chronic indigestion and add a warming aromatic herb such as poleo, angelica, fennel catnip. One of the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation treatments and even some recent biospiritual viral attacks is an inability to taste, a deficit of salivary saliva- it would be useful if someone is in this condition to try a formula of toadflax. In severe cases swishing the mouth before meals can encourage saliva and digestive juices. Oftentimes with liver issues there are skin issues such as allergic dermatitis, excema, psoriasis which are related to liver, formulas listed previously could be explored. Toadflax is an herb with a profound history in our biospirit. A useful addition to your materia medica, widely available, and easily found. Make sure when gathering toadflax, you gather in areas the self appointed regime has not sprayed with herbicides. A tincture of dried toadflax, DPT 1:5 may also be useful to some

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Poleo mint, Mentha canadensis

Northern Poleo mint Mentha Canadensis, corn field horse mint, is a riparian wet boggy marsh native mint, with our biospirit covenant teacher poleo...
Northern Poleo, Mentha Canadensis 
Northern Poleo is a Lamiaceae (Mint family), i prefer the botanical name M. canadensis vs Mentha arvensis from an herbal rather than a botanical distinction because as one on a continuous endless medicine road at a certain point in a 1700 mile journey it has diverged from southern varieties in its presentation and herbal energetics. Different botanists will list Mentha candensis as a different species, a sub species or just one species Mentha arvensis from Canada to Mexico. Regardless of botanical name, you'll find subtle but obvious differences.

     While like southern Poleo Mentha arvensis it has the flowers white to white pink purple inflorescence of many-flowered, separated, axillary clusters growing up the stem, 4 lobed, and sharp-toothed leaves tips pointed. It's growth is much more vertical without the bushy sprawling growth seen in southern Poleo. I have found big bushy sprawling soft leafed southern poleo where one small bunch of plants would take up a big botanical space, bags and bags. Northern Poleo is more strictly up and down with little branching off the stem. In addition while the stems of southern Poleo are bushy, softer sprawling and have strong aromatic scent glands present, Northern Poleo canadensis stems are thicker and lack strong scent. The actual scent of Northern Poleo canadensis is a little more reminiscent of a hedioma or mock pennyroyal than southern Poleo. Northern Poleo energetics are sweet, spicy hot, both warming and cooling. 

     It does work well as a carminative upper GI remedio, for indigestion dispelling gas and abdominal discomfort with cooling soothing effects while at the same time having warming spicy sweet taste. As a strong tea or use of gathered tincture will promote sweating and while diaphoretic has both cooling and warming qualities both from evaporations of sweat and the menthol cooling sensation. It women it can help stimulate delayed menses period. It has been used in folk remedio formulas and has a stimulating effect on a woman's cycle and can be added and used for premenstrual cramping formulas at the preperiod bloating stage. Topically it can be added to liniments and rub formulas due to some pain relieving qualities. Used topically it works better than southern Poleo in biting bug and tick formulas, similar to hedioma or mock pennyroyal. Poleo does well FPT 1:2, as a spirit de poleo, alone and in our biospirit formulas to nourish northern biospirit. 
     Different stages in Northern Poleo growth will see big changes in the aromatics, like most aromatic plants gather in late flowering stage and you'll notice on an endless medicine road as we are all on differences in aromatics in different plant stands. Since you'll be seeing scullcaps, bugle weeds, poleos together you'll want to taste them, bugle and skullcap for bitterness and Poleo stands for strong aromatics as indicating strong medicine. Gather in full flower above ground portions, you will need to separate lower thick stems vs upper leaves, flowers and tender flexible thin stems. Up to a certain point of course,  dried or tinctured Poleos will improve with age. 
     Along the lines of a lower GI stomachic, the intriguing energetics of northern Poleo as a warming carminative mixes well with many bitter formulas especially a straight bitter like a gentian. You'll need to play around with these formulas but adding seeds of sweet root, Angelica, oshà Tishwoof, northern poleo tincture, can make a more effective unique bioregional signatures bitter. 

     Poleo as a Biospirit Bridge herb. Poleo due to its strong aromatics and deepening of the heart, mind biospirit is an herb we use to bridge a space, transition from one space to another. If you don't have poleo, yarrow flowers will work as well. Often times we bring unneeded stuff from space to space. This baggage carried from space to space can interfere with the work we need to do in that space. You don't need to carry anxiety into a test environment. You have studied and adequately prepared so now it's about doing. Whether making love at the full moon, breast feeding, studying for a difficult exam, giving a public talk, poleo is a valuable herb for biospirit bridge. When you're breast feeding you and baby need to be breast feeding. Poleo helps the milk drop down. When you are taking your final exams you don't need to be cooking dinner. When you and your partner are together making love there is no need to bring finances or past lovers into a cool meadow with the sounds of flowing water. In each activity you need to be in that activity completely. 
     One common use of northern Poleo i found useful effective while gathering and exploring southernly poleo along the virgin river, arizona strip, fishlake and tributaries in the 1980's for students of endless road biospirit is to use poleo as a set apart study aid. Use Poleo or yarrow to transition from one formal space to another. You can use poleo tincture to increase learning retention, recall, facilitate approach to a next space effortlessly with minimum baggage dragged between space. Poleo and yarrow are both strong biospirit bridge herb, a traveling walking herb. 
Northern Poleo with bugle weed friend
     Use it in this way: before studying, making love, learning a new language, take a few drops of poleo. Smell and taste the Poleo. Have dried leaves nearby, or a rolled smudge stick. You can rub Poleo or yarrow all over your body, under your arm pits, in private areas, on your hair and chest. This will set up the study session. This will develop recall of new material. Frequently during the study session smell and taste Poleo. It doesn't matter the subject. It could be learning a musical instrument, learning a solo, breastfeeding, preparing for a speech, presentation or talk, studying a text, preparation for erotic biospirit work with a loving committed partner, preparing for an exam. Partners can also use Poleo in the same way for intimacy, bridging a space. Then when taking the exam, take the poleo tincture immediately before the exam, rub Poleo or yarrow in your arm pits and private areas, musical performance, breast feeding session, romantic intimacy or whatever you've studied. The poleo will allow whatever you've diligently studied to come to mind on your exam. If you are with a biospirit endless medicine road partner the poleo or yarrow for both of you will allow you both to settle into the space. Recall information and get 100% into the space you need to be nourish biospirit and carry it forward.
     In the support and grateful service of biospirit by His love and grace, sincerely biospirit covenant teacher Paul Manski, Wildherbways. 

Monday, August 03, 2020

Bugle weed, Lycopus

Lycopus, Bugle weed is an important herb to know on our Heavenly Father who breathes in our nostrils  biospirit worship as healing continuous no-separation endless medicine road.
Lycopus uniflorus, Northern bugle weed in flower

     lycopus asper, rough bugle weed, lycopus uniflorus, northern bugle weed
Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
Rough Bugleweed (Lycopus asper) is distinguished by its (usually) hairy stem and calyx square upright stems. The various bugle weed Lycopus like all herbs are moving, walking here and there. In finding a Lycopus that is active, use your organoleptic taste and harvest the bitter ones, they be most active for biospirit and what we are doing rather than specific botanical names. Although it is helpful to loupe them and know the subtle differences. This wet swampy northwest medicine garden has two different Lycopus species i have been working with. 
Lycopus asper, rough bugle weed, 2 stamens, purple tinge flowers

      Undivided with no separation medicine road garden Bugle weeds are a perennial, short low to the ground wet mint, growing from a thin white nodular trailing root. The white knobby root has a crispy texture and varies in bitterness, having been eatable by many. In this sense bugle weed is a food/medicine plant, maybe more medicine/food in certain stands. As such it is a relatively safe, non-judgemental plant that works for people. Not a heavy medicine plant it does have a complex chemistry. You gather the whole plant in flower with occasional roots as they present. FPT 1:2 it's a delightful abundant and frequently encountered plant with a wide distribution from east to west, north to south Arizona to Cascadia. 
    Lycopus in the northwest hugs lake edges, marshes, watery boggy swaps and small feeder creeks that tend to dry out mid summer. Bugle weed has erect square stems, leaves serrate to deeply saw toothed. Usually there are several species growing together. Often bugle grows with other water loving mints such as Scutellaria galericulata hooded skullcap, Mentha arvensis, Mentha canadensis in little groups. Telling the bugle weeds apart is easier in the field than on paper because in one place the same species will tend to have different growth patterns and character. Generalizations don't apply to species across broad areas outside of a face to face encounter. You will find 2 foot high hairy spindly varieties and short varieties. 

 Lycopus bugle weed is an important herb to know on the continuous endless medicine road. what i am seeing? i am seeing a lot of flowering Bugle weed. Like every single person reading this, i am feeling wet mud between my toes. Lot of mosquito bites, sunburned, everyone, anyone reading this, without a doubt you are walking through the mud on undivided endless biospirit medicine road.

    Here at this medicine garden there are two different bugle weeds. After sloshing about the mud for a couple of weeks we see everyone going from one wet muddy boggy swamp to another. Begin to acknowledge the patterns of growth in the species. Lycopus asper, rough bugle weed can often be distinguished by its frequent densely hairy stems, and purple spots on the flowers. Lycopus uniflorus tends to be shorter and more in clusters from a thin bulbous trailing root node, although this is a local trait that varies. All the bugle weed i have encountered in the west have white flowers around the leaf axil, four lobed flowers with two stamens unlike most mints. While most southern bugle weed flowers in arizona and new mexico are white in some northern populations i have worked with in Nevada, BC, montana, washington and idaho on continuous medicine road you'll see pink and purple splotches in the white. Flowers occur in all varieties in dense clusters around the opposite leaf axils, tiny 1/8 inch or less, tubular four lobed white with two purple tipped stamens unlike most mints. 

      Many mints are highly aromatic, bugle weeds are not strongly aromatic in the mint sense. Northern bugle weeds do have a distinct scent in the crushed leaves. You recognize it in time. It is not a typical mint mentha scent. It's a iodine and sulphur scent. This scent says about its relationship to thyroid gland as sulfur and iodine are connected there. Look for a bitter bugle weed that is best for tincture. A good bugle weed will have bitter taste not immediately noticed because it can be so wet, the bitter comes on stronger as you chew leaves. Look for that taste and smell in your bugle weeds. 
      Bugle weed is an excellent folk biospirit  plant due its mildness and complex chemistry. Bugle weed nourishes glands in the body including the kidney. It works on many body systems and lends itself to wide presentation. It promotes blood circulation and prevents blood pooling. It can encourage movement of fluid accumulation in lower limbs. It will support the kidney. In a superficial rapid thready pulse it subtly decreases pulse while increasing more definitions in the beat, so fluid moves. It is a quieting relaxant to the nervous system. 
    Although mint plants are usually aromatic this one is not. So many good changes as biospirit folk plant more and more people are gathering closely intimately together using bugle weed...Undivided. Most mints also are not hemostatic, bugle weed is. As such it can be used by women in heavy periods or in older women who are losing their monthly but then it returns spotty. It is also a useful herb for women to try in menopause for night sweats and hot flashes. It combines well with motherwort. It can be helpful for sweating, bounding pulse, at night for women with these hot flashes and promote relaxation and sleep. 
     Although not widely known in biospirit positive circles bugle weed is becoming more and more useful as a mild nervine. For insomnia and sleeplessness it works best for people who tend to jump and look around when there's a loud sound, and continue to look around after the sound is gone. It works for people who become afraid at the sound of thunder and lightning. In short people who are thin, naturally don't gain weight, tend to be jumpy and worry about what people think about them. In generalized uneasiness and hesitancy with an anxious dark worried mind it can work to relax and calm. In these cases it can be a valuable nervine ally. It's not a druggy sedative chemical it's more of an alterative to support the hormonal stress glands. Especially the thyroid and pituitary complex, that tend to get switched on and locked on, so the natural loops that turn things off and on are stuck on. 
      If the pulse is too fast and there is a tendency for breathlessness where the heart beats quickly and thumps, then decreases and a person is anxious it can encourage the heart beats to be more distinct and separate, like a bum-bump, rather than b-b-b-bum,  rather than all clumped in quick little beats that don't move stuff around very well. Because this herb grows in wet moist cool slow flowing water it tends to balance flow of blood with the kidney so the water can mix and piss out of the blood and get to a proper thickness.  
    This folk formula growing together in moist wet swampy low places, the three herbs catnip, poleo and bugle weed or minta de lobo grow together and create a polycrest place formula. It addresses accumulation of hardness in the belly which is called empacho. In children this can be colic, crying fits, and restlessness. This formula can sweeten the milk in a breastfeeding mother, especially if she has been sad or crying, fighting with her husband's family, or arguing with her husband about money, and not sleeping well, or sleeping too much. In adults this can be either hard or soft, with constipation or loose stool. Often in adults this formula will help heartburns below the  small space between ribs in the upper abdomen. 
      So apparently appreciate this Bugle weed medicine and enable it to appropriate biospirit wellbeing, now going free do no harm bless and praise His holy name. 
Lycopus Bugle weed with nutlets and flowers

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