Biospirit endless medicine well being road, wild herb ways, Yerba santa, you know this is about meeting the plants face to face, i'm not selling classes, or pounds of herbs, or digging up the last root so we can add another friend to the tree museum, i just want you to know this, you don't have to apologize, there's good beautiful you without changing anything, you can't change your heart with your head, with an act of will, or new words and slogans, all i am saying is, yerba santa... I, found a way to walk in the wash,
i made up a reason,
"oh i have to make medicine", really i am curious to see what's there now in August. i remember the water from the spring time. before the saguaro bloomed. i could see green milky oats, in the water, deep pools, dragonflys and tadpoles, minnows darting back and forth. now the water was gone, there was mud, now the mud is gone, it's dry dust, sand and river rock.
this is a drainage off the Ancha, lower deer house. i saw a white yellow patch of a white tail, move silently through the Cephalanthus occidentalis, the green button brush. out of the wash and disappear into the mesquite. yes this is Ancha's deer house. i always call Ancha, her, she, her deer house. her being the milky way, those stars that go from horizon to horizon, they are the medicine road. so i call it her deer house and it is really the Milky Way's deer house. it's her deer house and that Milky Way is the medicine road. so i am walking the milky way, medicine road deer house through this creek bed, through this place, through the deer house, walking lower deer house.
i feel stupid and silly to talk about a medicine road, how could the milky way be a medicine road through the deer house, through her deer house? yet i just saw a deer run through the button brush, i could see inside her thighs, and I know she's a woman, she did more than prance, it was a deliberate enticing move and i probably in another place and time could've been her man, i would of chased her through the mesquite bosque. maybe all the way to the upper deer house. anyways it was good to see her again. it is good to know that there are deer and deer in the house. after all it would be a pretty poor deer house without deer. i'm sure they walk that milky way from horizon to horizon. i'm sure they know many plants and make good medicine. deer house milky way medicine, medicine way, milky way deer house medicine.
so this is the story of finding the narrowleaf yerba santa. eriodictyon angustifolium. you really need to know that this is a medicine plant from the deer house. if you call this plant any other name but the holy plant from the deer house then i'm not sure you understand what i mean.
The plants are our friends. maybe they are brothers, maybe they are sisters, maybe they are fathers and grandmothers, it's very hard to say. it is going to be different for every person with every plant, what they mean to you and what they can do for you. the plants tdo things for you and it's important to realize you do things for the plants. yerba santa is holy because it reminds us of holy things.
for some reason I had forgotten about this plant, because for the most part it grows way up high in the rocks, way up high above, above the saguaro. here though it is below. in fact it's in the bottom in the creek-bottom. I had forgotten it was down here.
then I saw it and remembered it. It had some sticky sticky leaves from the little El Niño rains. lots of new growth.
somebody may ask what is good for? Well it's good for everything. it's especially good for those tricky situations that happened when people live together with a lot of jealousy. some call it the evil eye. mal ojo. i would call it, the plant that can help make things right again. like an antidote. or maybe a preservative. it's also good for coughs. you can also take some of the leaves and put them in your mouth and chew them. it's bitter than it gets sweet. it's good when it's hot because it takes away your thirst it's kind of like a slippery elm, and it also helps your stomach.
it's a really good plant to get to know. you can rub it all over your body and especially over your four head on top of your head.
you can make it tea with it but don't use too much and don't cook it too long just put it in the boiling water for second and take it out. then it will be sweet otherwise it becomes very bitter and too strong.
so I was very happy to find plant in the wash, and it really increased my strength and fortitude. That's how I would look at yerba santa, it increases your resolve to complete good things. if you feel weak and just not having a lot of energy to do what you want to do, it's good to be around yerba santa to bring that resolve forward.
it lends a protective elegance to those potent full moon datura flowers, the dream medicine. combine the dream medicine datura with yerba santa, keep it near your pillow, near where you sleep and if you wake up in the middle of night smell it, and it will remind you of what you need to do.