Showing posts with label Jesus prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus prayer. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Vitalist Golumpki Jesus Prayer

 Vitalist Golumpki,

in winter solstice, at Christmas, long nights. dark, cold, wet. with even days,

accord with season. Whether plaki, kasza, latke, it is who we were, are and will continue to be. Our ethnic identity is rooted in cold dark times, positioned to embrace the light.
The centerfold union of vitalism is the golumpki or stuffed cabbage, the plaki, latke and kasza. Cabbage, buckwheat, sour milk, cheese, meat, salt. Nourishing the center is the ethnic vitality prototype unfoldment.

Attentive to person, time and place. Cabbage is cold wet, moist and expresses this time as a lacto-ferment. Likewise buckwheat flour plaki.

      Plaki recipe: buckwheat flour in a bowl, sour milk or kefir, an egg, teaspoon aluminum free baking powder, or leave buckwheat flour with sourdough starter. 

Mix ingredients in a bowl add water till a firm batter.

Sautee in butter. Top with ham, swiss cheese, top with cut up pears.

     Plaki may be topped with ham, sour cream, smoked salmon, pickles, meat, used as a bread to make a sandwich with spouts, cucumber, and so on.-

    Vitalist Golumpki, stuffed cabbage, buckwheat, cold winter roots. Christmas is made sacred as winter solstice, wrapped in cold dark snow, in a time of even days. Our faith is the mystery. We accord with season by placing the birth of Jesus before our hearts. O God cleanse me a sinner. Jesus Christ son of God, have have mercy on me a sinner. Enter the day with prayer upholding the mystery of Christ.

     Whether pierogi, plaki, kasza, latke, it is who we are, were and continue to be. Becoming as people invoking a pole star of tradition. In simplicity on earth as it is in heaven. ‘Thy will be done’, “we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28, … to the father and the son and the holy spirit now and forever unto ages and ages. The centerfold union of vitalism is the golumpki of stuffed cabbage, buckwheat, potatoes, butter, kefir, nutrolls, kolbasi, the plaki, latke and kasza meeting the sacred space of mortality and eternity.

     As we enter sacred space nourishing the center which is ethnic vitality prototype unfoldment. Attentive to person, time and place. Cabbage is cold wet, moist and expresses this time as lacto-ferment. Likewise dry buckwheat flour plaki becomes warm moist cakes. The potato grows in the soil and nourishes the people. Grateful for this day awakened by the giver of life for another day above ground. All praise to you O Lord, glory to thee. Holy God, holy mighty, Holy Inmortal, have mercy on us.


Be attentive. Every breath and heartbeat is the Jesus prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Within Christ is the cross, an acknowledgement of suffering and pain. There is no escape from suffering, old age and death.  The Jesus prayer is who we are nourished by our kinsman redeemer, Christ. You, Mary Theotokos birth giver to our Saviour. Mary Theotokos give birth to saints. I venerate Mary Prokov, the protector, thank you Mary for safe keeping and prayer delivered to your son Jesus. 

      Plaki recipe: buckwheat flour in a bowl, sour milk or kefir, an egg, teaspoon aluminum free baking powder, or leave buckwheat flour with sourdough starter. 

Mix ingredients in a bowl add water till a firm batter.

Sautee in butter. Top with available protein, swiss cheese, top with cut up apples and pears.

     Plaki may be topped with sour cream, smoked salmon, pickles, meat, used as a bread to make a sandwich with spouts, cucumber, and so on. You nourish our bodies, In gratitude and thanks we take the body and blood of Christ at every meal eating Christ bread.

    So what is vitalism? Vitalism is an extreme localism of sovereignty both within the physical body, in the spirit, and within Christ’s divine kingdom around us. The holy herbs are given for our healing. In that way a majority minority tradition, outside the flag waver pill pusher filth generator of the occupying regime. We are grateful to the martyrs and grateful to live to praise another day.  By Mary Mother of God Theotokos we preserve this knowledge of holy blessed remedies, in trees, roots, leaves and flowers. We have a spark of divine life that animates, guides, nourishes and protects the body. This same spark of life, set in motion by God, creator of the world, animates the plants that we use to create remedies to heal the body of Christ.

Within this minority tradition, we invoke the mystery of faith that is our health outside of the occupied pharmakeia designed by the occupying regime to erase our people. We are not mechanical machines. Our narrative and story is within the mind of Jesus Christ that lives in our hearts, speaks through the spirit filled breath of our voices, and just as the Theotokos suckled him, so do our veiled women do likewise for our children. 


     Christmas in the habitation of sacred space. We are God created infused beings. Our worship of God necessary for health is supportive tradition. Those who seek to destroy the practice of tradition are Bergolian enemies working spiritual wickedness. We pray and bless all shepherds and pilgrims of the one true church. We pray for the conversion of Judas shepherds who betray our people’s culture and tradition. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, Russian Orthodox Jesus prayer. “When the son of man returnth shall he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:8 When the son of man comes to earth in judgement, will he find faith in men’s hearts? He will find faith because we live a life of faith. He will find faith because we are faithful. He will find faith because we seek faith and life abundantly.

              The Pokrov, in Russian, or Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God was placed above our heads, draped over the church a fresco painted by human hands on the upper dome. Here we take part in Divine Liturgy. 

     In Constantinople at the Church of the Virgin at Blachernae the mantle of Mary mother of Jesus was kept and venerated, in the 10th century the Most Holy Mother of God, Mary appeared at an all night vigil held in the church. The people were under attack. The people gathered to pray at the all night vigil. She appeared to them, to St Andrew the Fool, his associate St Epiphanius, and others praying in the church. She knelt in their midst, her eyes filled with tears. It is fundamental to acknowledge the mystery of our faith. The tears of the kneeling Theotokus are Mary’s tears. She came with the Essene Baptist John, and angel messengers who draped her mantle garment over all those praying. She knelt in prayer, remaining a long time comforting the people. In the icon she drapes an item of clothing over the people as a sign of protection.

     “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ Ephesians 6:12 The main struggle is of those human beings who make it their work to compromise with the evil power that attacks not only our people, but every people, every culture. The darkness seeks to erase the ethnic local sovereignty of person and place.This darkness of this world wants to destroy the spirit, the soul, the truth and replace the spirit, soul, and truth of the people with false narratives, bizarre concerns, fake news, deviant values of a perverted pseudo-civilization. When you defend the soul, which is the dignity of the spirit, of the people and place, you become a target of those rulers and darkness of this world, you will be erased, liquidated, suspended, taken out of circulation.

For that reason we honour tradition of our ancestors. The icon is an ancestor of our authentic bio-spirit. For that reason we hold fast to tradition, especially in our worship of Jesus Christ, Mary the Theotokus God bearer, along with the angels and saints, who as our ultimate ancestors, we beseech with continual prayer. Christ is with and among us, be attentive. 




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