Wild Herb Ways in the ocotillo, hedondilla pinon juniper to pine bioregion concerned with the remedios of herbs of mountain, creeks, hills, and desert. People, plants, place. The stuff of vitalism. Thankful to Creator. Above ground, the real work, Blessings always
When we say, "Nuestra Señora", we refer to 'no separation', that the mother of creation is our mother. Not so much earth mother only but mother of living things on the earth, of which we are living, alive so it is essential to open our hearts to that. Our life is not separate from living things around us. So the inner attitude is gratitude and thanks. Mountain opening is the spring season when snow melts, days lengthen and greening occurs. We can not know the first cause of things, just things as they are now. We prefer a certain security in our lives even though we know there is no security. The seasons continue cyclic change challenging us to grow. The seasons are detaching us from the securities of this world... With sincerity we can ask 'Nuestra Señora', our mother Mary to tell us what she wants of us today, and continue to do that every day. And spend as much time as possible with Her at church, outside in nature, somewhere in your home or where you find the gratitude and thanks. We are not saying words as much as recalling memories in the world around us. You will have to find that place where she is all we need.
Para ser sanador, el ingrediente principal de cada fórmula es el amor del corazón, porque cada curación viene sólo por ella, a través de él. For a Healer, the primary ingredient in every formula is love from the heart because all healing comes through her by him. all guitars bass percussion recorded 8 Marzo 2021, in preparation for La Apertura, the mountain opening
La Conquistadora, La Apertura Mountain Opening
La Apertura de la montaña comienza ahora. Quemaré las hierbas de cedro fragantes para La Guadalupana, Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, La Conquistadora para bendecir La Apertura de esta montaña. Gratitud y bendiciones. La Guadalupana, Nuestra Señora La Conquistadora Gobernadora de los Remedios
Ruega por Nuestros.
La Guadalupana, nuestra Señora La Conquistadora Gobernadora de Los Remedios. Ruega por nosotros.
Por la señal de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros enemigos líbranos Señor, Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y Del Madre Maria Santisima La Conquistadora, Gobernadora de los Remedios, y del Hijo, Jesu Cristo, y del Espíritu Santo El Viento Santo del Espíritu Santo., ¡Viento santo de las montañas, abran! ¡Abre ahora!
Gloria al Padre, y al Madre Maria Santisima La Conquistadora Gobernadora de los Remedios, y al Hijo Jesu Cristo y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.
Nuestra Señora, la Conquistadora, nuestra reina y La Gobernadora de la Isla de Tortuga. Somos tu gente sin fronteras, en la Isla Tortuga. Con tu protección, con este humo rojo de cedro, concedido por Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, y por el poder del Espíritu Santo., ¡Viento santo de las montañas, abran! ¡Abre ahora! Abrimos la montaña en tu nombre santo. Reunimos a tus Recuerdos. Por el poder del Espíritu Santo en esta montaña quemamos incienso rojo de cedro y hierbas sagradas. A través de ti, seamos dignos de las promesas de Cristo. Amén.
Santa María Madre de Dios, Madre de Jesucristo, ruega por nosotros.
Nuestra madre
ruega por nosotros.
ruega por nosotros.
La Guadalupana,
ruega por nosotros.
La Gobernadora de plantas y hierbas,
reza por nosotros.
Nuestra Señora Santa María Madre de Dios, Madre de Jesucristo, reza por nosotros. Nuestra Señora de los árboles y el verde, ruega por nosotros.
Santo fantasma del viento Santo,
ruega por nosotros.
Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios,
ruega por nosotros.
Papa Francisco, Santa Madre Iglesia, con Guadalupana y Pachamama, ruega por nosotros.
Madre de Dios, Madre de Tierra,
Voy a través de ti.
Eres la misma.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Reina del Cielo y la Tierra, eres la Tierra y el Cielo, nubes, agua y rocío matutino, dando a luz todas las cosas.
Madre de Dios,
Madre de la Tierra,
Voy a pasar por ti.
Eres igual.
Como lo fue al principio, ahora y para siempre, por siglos. En cuatro direcciones, en un círculo, entre el padre, la madre, el hijo y la hija, Espíritu Santo. Amén.
Amén. Amén. Amén.
"Praise be to you, Father,
through our Sister, Mother Earth,
who sustains and governs us,
and who produces various fruit
with coloured flowers
and herbs.”
Pope Francis, “LAUDATO SI’
Holy Mary Mother of God, Mother of Jesus Christ, pray for us, be with us.
Our mother Earth,
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
The Governess, La Gobernadora of plants and herbs,
pray for us.
Our Lady Holy Mary Mother of God, Mother of Jesus Christ, pray for us.
Our Lady of the Trees and the Greening,
pray for us.
Holy Ghost in the Holy Wind,
pray for us.
Pope Francis, Holy Mother Church,
Guadalupana, Pachamama, Mary Mother of God,
pray for us.
Our Lady of the Remedies,
pray for us.
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
you are Earth and Heaven, clouds, water and morning dew,
giving birth to all things.
Mother of God, Mother of Earth,
I'm coming through you.
You're the same.
As it was in the beginning,
now and forever,
for the centuries of the centuries. Amen.
The Mountain Opening begins now. I burn the fragrant cedar herbs for La Guadalupana, Our Lady La Conquistadora to bless opening this mountain. Gratitude and blessings. La Guadalupana, Our Lady La Conquistadora Gobernadora de los Remedios of healing plants, pray for us.
La Guadalupana, Our Lady La Conquistadora Gobernadora, pray for us. By the sign of the Holy Cross, from our enemies, deliver us Lord, our God. In the name of the Father, and of Mother Maria Santisima La Conqueror, Governor of the Remedios, and of the Son, Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Wind of the Holy Ghost, open up! Open up now!
Glory to the Father, and Mother Maria Santisima La Conqueror and Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, the Holy Wind of the Holy Ghost. Holy wind of the mountains, open! Open up now!
As it was in the beginning, now and forever, for the centuries of the centuries. Amen.
Nuestra Señora La Conquistadora, our Queen, Ruler and Governess of Turtle Island. We are your people living without borders, on Turtle Island. With your protection, with this red cedar smoke, granted by Our Savior Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Ghost Wind moving in these mountains. We ask your blessings to open the mountain in your holy names. We gather your plants, herbs and Remedios. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Holy wind of the Mountains , open! Open up now! on this mountain. We burn red cedar incense and holy herbs. Through you, Mary most holy La Conquistadora and Governess of these Remedios, let us be worthy of promises of Christ. Amen
I can feel the cold bony fingers of La Niña Blanca.
Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios .
Santo Muerte, no te quiero,
ni te necesito más.
Your lips are red with blood, just like my heart.
Thighs are white like snow, like the clouds above.
Put on earth to help one another,
learn every remedio that grows.
Mamacita, take me home.
Watching snow, snow melt into spring.
The cold icy white blanket of Niña Blanca finally ending.
Up on the mountain,
where red root grows.
Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.
I can feel the icy fingers of La Niña Blanca. lifting.
Cedar mountain, sitka valeriana , parrot's beak.
Watching snow melt into spring,
the cold icy fingers of La Niña Blanca finally ending,
finally gone.
Mamacita take me home.
Mamacita take me home.
Up on the mountain where red root grows.
Long tailed ginger, devil's club, arnica.
Cedar mountain, sitka valeriana, parrot's beak.
I can feel the cold icy fingers melting.
Watching snow melt into spring, the cold icy fingers of La Niña Blanca finally ending, finally gone.
Mamacita take me home.
Nuestra Señora of the Remedios." -by Paul Manski.
The song is about the continuous interplay between evil and good, death vs life, , cold, La Niña Blanca representing the cold icy frozen juxtaposed by Señora de Los Remedios, the ultimate Mamacita related to the healing plant of living things and authenticity. -blessings for the re-Navidad of everyone, to make all things new in love -pm