Showing posts with label Maria Agreda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maria Agreda. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Blue and Green, Nuestra Señora

      Our Lady of God, Mary,

Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios is known to us who love her as the Apostles to the apostles, teacher of teachers, healer of healers, Queen of queens, flower of flowers, La Dama azul. The Lady in blue. As we consider those of us above ground under the mantle of blue, we stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always. She became the pregnant sky woman, Virgo, La Señora Guadalupe the virgin of the zodiac about to give birth, from twelfth chapter Apocalypse, clothed with glory of sun light.

She stands with the moon supporting both her feet. On her head of consummate beauty is a wreath crown of the 12 star signs along the ecliptic we know as the zodiac, strewn across the purple thread she weaves of sky, that are the three fates past, present and future. This heavenly star the magi of the east followed pointed to the sidereal body of Christ, as the Epiphany flowing in the celestial band ecliptic.

When we take the remedios of St Peter, San Pedro of the flower world we take into our bodies the Holy Eucharist of Santa Fe at Tridentine Mass of all time being both the body and blood of Señor Jesuchristo and Maria Madre Santisima, the mother of God, Madre de Dios, y Madre de nosotros. On her loom she weaves the dazzling stars  upon the dark sky with sacred purple temple thread. The three magi kings saw the star and came following bringing remedio gifts to the new born divine remedio, El Señor Jesuchristo and his mother Mary, and her protector St Joseph. They brought gold, frankincense and myrrh. Commiphora myrrha spp, is a gummy resin taken from a tree native to desert middle eastern, north Africa. Commiphora spp. Is mentioned multiple times in the old and new testament. It was one of the gifts the magi, three kings, presented to Jesus, Mary and Joseph as Epiphany. It was also present at the crucifixion, death and burial of Christ. It is a perfume, herbal medicine and incense. It has antimicrobial properties and a bitter taste. They brought the herbal remedios of tree sap because the mother of Jesus knew their use and would teach the apostles.


A dream came to Mary and Joseph telling them Herod the King had plans to harm the Saviour. So they were told to place their lives in the hands of divine providence and began a journey of faith. To us the same is given. By the remedios our life becomes faith, hope and the charity of do no harm~~~Flight to Egypt

1. When the Magi had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, Hail Mary..Ave Maria…

2. He said, "Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.", Hail Mary..Ave Maria..

3. Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night, and departed to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod, Hail Mary..Ave Maria..

4. Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage, Hail Mary..Ave Maria..

5. He sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under. , Hail Mary..Ave Maria..

6. But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, Hail Mary..Ave Maria..

7. "Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child's life are dead." And he rose and took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel, Hail Mary..Ave Maria..

-Mt 2:13-21

    was upon him. Hail Mary...Ave Maria

       Glory Be to the Father . . .

     Let there be lights made in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: Genesis 1:14 With regard to trauma, within the perfect complete divine all mother Mary there is no knot of trauma that can bind us. All knots that bind can be loosened via faith in her mercy of skillful means. As such we honour now the turning of seasons, within the seasonal sun wheel as the liturgy of experience in the bioregion of becoming under the protection of Santa Maria, holy all-mother. We acknowledge one perfecting completeness all-mother Mary, known by many names. Mother, mom, moma, sister, cousin, friend, wife and partner. As we consider those above ground under the blue, we stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always.

     “The star that they had seen in its rising went ahead of them until it stopped above the place where the child lay. At the sight of the star, they were overjoyed. Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother, and bowed to the ground in homage to him; then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh” (Matthew 2:9–11). The star of the Magi is also known as the Epiphany connected to the sidereal body composed of the heavenly principles, of stardust, and falling star pollen. This heavenly star they followed pointed to the sidereal body of Christ flowing in the celestial band ecliptic. If we have no churches, no priests we still maintain the Santa Fe, the holy faith, by wearing the brown scapular, the miraculous medal. We find our milagros de La Navidad. Some are gifted the knowledge of their ancestors. Some only have the dreams that come when we close our eyes. When we smell la gobernadora’s sticky sweet, salty, bitter leaves of rain, desert lavender, the thick sweet sleepy valeriana from the deer house, the gifts of Emma, wife of the lamb of God.


 The Magi reported back to king Herod but were instructed in a dream to be deceptive in communicating with Herod, as Herod’s intentions were not life affirming to the Christ child and the Holy Family. And so we and our intentions are clear yet murky for the same reasons. As the Holy Family Jesus, and the Massacre of the Innocents, Mary and Joseph fled from these maleficent forces pursuing their peril. That there are those with motives and intentions different than ours, for our motives are the wellbeing of all, is clear. There is no thing new under the sun by day or under the darkness woven purple thread of stars. On their endless road of flight, Mary and the Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph found shelter and stayed a few days with a farmer who was just beginning preparing his field for planting. The wheat was just planted. As the Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph were refreshed, they prepared to leave the shelter of the good famer, Mary said to the farmer, “When the soldiers of Herod come after us, they will ask of you, if you have seen us. Answer them, ‘Yes I did see a family like you describe.’ The soldiers of Herod will then ask, ‘Tell us, When did they pass this way? Herod the king wants to find the child and offer homage.’, ‘Answer them, ‘They came by this way when I was just planting this wheat.’  When the soldiers came by, looking for the Holy Family, the wheat was tall, ripe high with wheat berries ripe and ready to harvest. Just as Mary foretold the soldiers of Herod asked the farmer, ‘Tell us farmer, When did they come this way?’. Before the Holy Family left the shelter and sanctuary of the farmer, Mary Joseph and the Christ child Jesus performed a miracle. The wheat the farmer planted overnight grew magically to full height which would take 3 months to full maturity in a single night . So the soldiers turned back because of the wheat mirale thought it had been  months since the Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph passed this way, and it was no use searching for them here,

     The heavenly star the magi followed heralded the arrival of the supreme remedio, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo and the magi brought with them gifts of gold and two desert tree sap remedio hierbas, frankincense and myrrh. Even so there is the sap and resin of pinon pine, manzanita leaf, the green of cedar, yerba santa, yerba mansa, desert lavender, all remedio hierbas placed here by the divine creator king. As we consider those above ground under the blue, we stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always.

     Nuestra Señora is Mary Most Holy Mother of God, the Eva of defeat in Eden, becoming the Ave of victory to crush the head of the serpent. St Louis de Monfort writes, quoting Ecclesiasticus 24 ““God the Father wishes Mary to be the mother of His children until the end of time and so he says to her, ‘Dwell,’ that is to say, take up your abode permanently in my children” (True Devotion 29).  True Devotion 34: “God the Holy Ghost wishes to fashion his chosen ones in and through Mary. He tells her, ‘My well – beloved, my spouse, let all your virtues take root in my chosen ones.’ ” True Devotion 34:  Ecclesiasticus 24:12: “So I took root in an honored people, the portion of the Lord who is their inheritance.” “I made that in the heavens there should rise light that never faileth, and as a cloud I covered all the earth”:, this cloud is the cloud seen by Elias from Carmel that waters the land as the blue greening of winter spring rains, the prophesied remedios we gather in the hill country at the time of the blue bonnets, the time of the blue Lupine, mariposa lily, phacelia, Salvia columbarii left by Sor Maria Agreda. The year begins at Imbolc as we tie the cross of St Brigid upon the door. The food for the children of the lamb of God who wear the brown wool scapulario. And so we have winter roots osha, aralia, mallow, lingua del vaca, inmortal, cherry bark, all watered by an ever-flowing stream, an underground fountain. The leaves of the tree are la gobernadora, poleo, romero, grindelia, hierba de san Juan, sauco, On both sides el rio de vida, el grande rio, the sky and earth, pregnant sky woman, Virgo, La Señora Guadalupe the virgin of the zodiac about to give birth, from twelfth chapter Apocalypse, on earth as in heaven, as above so below. All the remedios come from Nuestra Señora Maria by the holy Ghost wind, watered by arcoíris under the eternal sun, el sol de vida. 

     For that reason we ask favor and blessings of our advocate Mary, our heavenly queen, she who loves those who love her. Without the divine feminine creative generative force both in the world around us and in the remedio of plants there is little hope. She is intensely vital, green, maternal, generative, cyclic, creative and fertile. As we consider those above ground under the blue, we stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always. She is everywhere doing everything, even the salvation to come for which the curing of disease is a sign. The generative vital force in humankind like the animal and plant kingdoms is the combination of male and feminine. The mixture and dynamic interaction of male and female is the only possible solution in healing, sacred land, sacred sex, both in the world, our communities and neighborhoods and within our bodies. Not healing only the physical bodies also the body politic, to live in peace and love. She is likewise the greening earth songs linked to the deerhouse blooming rapturously fragrant at the Equinox of Spring at the gates of Aries, being the lamb of God. As we consider those above ground under the blue, we stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always.

     The Holy family of God is composed of those who engage with daughters of Eve and sisters of Mary in equal partnership to birth the kingdom in secret unobtrusively lest satan who prowls the earth sabotaging the way, gains knowledge of your whereabouts and doings. If you know only a few plants from the place where you live, or know only one single plant growing nearby, by sharing with brothers and sisters, in this house built with mud, earth, water and straw you have an important remedio of person, plant and place. You have the remedios from that tree, as that tree for healing the people as home, as dwelling place, as community, as neighborhood, lignum vitae. Just as Mary came into the world hidden and insignificant, a complete unknown, so the children of God come into this world disguised like water, seeking the lowest places. Yet like water we are able to wear down the tallest mountains. Our power is in our weakness born of love. Mary in truth consoles Eve and councils her by grace. She leads us to her son Señor Jesuchristo by the way of Eve, via the path of Ave, cautions us to danger and heals us by way of the remedios. “‘Be well aware,’ quoth then that Ladie milde, ‘Least suddain mischiefe ye too rash provoke: The danger hid, the place unknowne and wilde,'” (Una in Spenser’s The Faerie Queene785). Wild herb ways has to do with person, plant and place. These words point towards the remedios, yet they are not the remedios. In the same way as a painted cake can not satisfy hunger. With the hand of Brigid we point at the full moon, yet do not mistake the finger pointing for the moon itself. The remedios as both plant preparations, petitions and prayers point to the Nuestra Señora, partner, helpmate in salvation, consort of the Holy Ghost known to us as Sky Queen Mary, pregnant sky woman, Virgo, La Señora Guadalupe the virgin of the zodiac about to give birth, from twelfth chapter Apocalypse.

     Mary has taken the right ear of Eve in Eden to which the serpent whispered, and through her left ear heard the still small voice, within and without, the left side closer to the heart for the Reconquista of España then and later Nueva España. Through the later middle ages Mary was seated reading the divine word, as a beam of light penetrating her whole body as the Holy Ghost. As before the great Satan is a liar and deceiver who seduces the whole world and continues the fight against Nuestra Señora and her son El Señor Jesucristo, and the people who love her.  Just as before on the Turtle island when they had great pyramids, an altar stacked with human skulls for the purpose of instilling fear practicing human sacrifice so does the great Satan today rule by fear and surveillance, do the same anew with a slaughter of the Innocents, infants unborn killed in the womb in the virtue signal of fear under the banner of freedom, with the failed promise of plenty holding them in the silent grip of death and eternal damnation. 

     Nuesta Señora as the Lady in Blue under her blue mantle brings to us many remedios. The true Santa Fe would not have been but for the faith of Mary being a church of one. '[After the flight of the Apostles from the Garden of Gethsemane] She [Mary] by Herself alone then constituted the entire Church, because She alone preserved full faith, hope and love, complete worship and adoration for the great object of our faith, not only supplying her full share for Herself, but for the Apostles and for the whole human race.' Sor Maria Agreda Mystical City of God. Mary began her work immediately after the resurrection of Señor Jesuchristo. She went to España to visit Santiago at Zaragoza. She traveled far and wide into the wilderness, and back, to instruct her children saved, fed by the blood of the lamb. So we follow the lamb and the flower world of remedios, knowing El Señor Jesuchristo came from that world of flowers. The dragon remains angry against the woman, her children and their remedios poisoning their bodies with pharmakeia: and goes to make war with the rest of her seed kind, who attempt to keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. She travels to The Island of the Rabbit, the Turtle Island, to Heliopolis, The city of the Sun, Hispania Citeria, Hispania Ulterior, Nueva España, Spain, France, Nuevo Mexico, the plains of San Augustine, the mountains of the Gila. In Nuevo España, now known as Arizona, Sonora, New Mexico, Texas she sent the Blue Lady Sor Maria de Jesus de Ágreda. The frequent milagros in the days of 1620 onward took Sister Maria from her cloister in Ágreda over the water to the Turtle Island where she taught the people their the Trinidad and gives to us remedios of plants, limpias, and council. From the year 1620 to 1625 at least 500 times she crossed the great waters to climb the turtle’s back, and not only those years past but even still till today she becomes present, as Nuestro Señora de los Remedios, Señor y Virgen del Milagro, Nuestra Señora Guadalupe, Santa Teresita who taught by Huila taught at the foot of the Sierra Blanca where the Rio San Francisco meets the Gila. Santa Teresita  through the Virgin healed many, and her grave at Clifton is a place of pilgrimage to the remedios she used.

      From the year 1622 to 1625 Sor Maria Agreda at least 500 times became present, to the native Americans, Latinos and Anglos and all devotees of Christ and Mary, to open the hearts through the mercy of her remedios,  – in the provinces of Quiviras, Jumanas and other zones of New Mexico,  something that was investigated by the Inquisition, where the fame of the blue lady from Agreda who evangelized vast areas of New Mexico has endured to this day. The Blue Lady, Sor Maria de Jesus de Ágreda,  served as counsel to King Philip IV, El Rey Planeta, the Planet King Felipe Domingo Victor de la Cruz for 22 years. Together the two, the king and saintly sister brought the faith to New Mexico via miraculous means of her documented appearances and normal means of La Santa Fe, the Tridentine Mass, the baptismal marks and vows through eternity of celestial marriage and the salvation of souls gone before suffering immensely in purgatory. It should be understood that through the entire north and south americas the miraculous virgin is known and loved and appeared many times through miraculous means, often with Father Junipero Serra. The Catholic king Philip IV, El Rey Planeta, the Planet King was known for his profound faith Don Philip the Fourth, by the grace of God king of Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, Portugal, Navarre, Granda, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Majorca, Minorca, Seville, Cerdagne, Cordoba, Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, the Algarves, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, the Eastern and Western Indies being the Americas, the islands and terra firma of the Ocean, archduke of Austria, duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Milan, count of Habsburg, Flanders, Tyrol, Barcelona, lord of Biscay and Molina, King of the Spains, Don Phillip the Fourth. King Philp IV, El Rey Planeta, the Planet King held court at Zaragoza which was home to Our Lady of Pilar, who appeared there to Santiago disciple of the Saviour in the year 40A.D. when the province of Hispania was under the rule of the Roman empire. Philip IV passed a proclamation of law in 1625 closing prostitution houses and brothels in the kingdoms of Spain. Philip IV made known to the inhabitants of the New world, the New Jerusalum being the body of the Virgin Mary.

     What we know through her letters is thar Sor Maria Agreda was chosen by God because precisely at that time the earth had become drunk with darkness and was close to annihilation sorely in need of the remedios, “For now is the hour, the opportune time to let men know of the just cause of my anger…the world has reached a wretched century…when eternal night dons for the wicked.”, Mary to Sor Maria Agreda, letter. Sor Maria Agreda, “I want to make known to mortals, how much her intercession is worth, who brought them redemption to their sins by giving mortal life in her womb to the immortal God.” 

     I tell you yes Jesus walked here in New York, Navoo, Utah, New Mexico, to the Salt Lake and especially to the mountains. We have the blue bonnets of Texas, the  woman dressed in blue. Maria of Agreda came here and taught, and not only one time. Mary brought these simple cord rosaries, and the plain wool scapularios which we wear still today next to our hearts. Between 1621-1630. Father Junipeo Serra met with Mary of Agreda in California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico. The Mother of God, Mary has walked here among us also. The blood of Christ came through the biospirit of Mary. The most precious blood of Jesus came first from the blood pumping in the arteries of the Immaculate heart of Mary.

     Based on 1 Nephi 11:8-23  

     “And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me:


And I looked and beheld a tree; and it was like unto the tree which my father had seen; and the beauty thereof was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all beauty; and the whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness of the driven snow. And it came to pass after I had seen the tree, I said unto the Spirit:

“I behold thou hast shown unto me
the tree which is precious above all.”

I beheld a virgin, and she was exceedingly fair and '. And it came to pass that I saw the heavens open; and an angel came down and stood before me; and he said unto me:

“Nephi, what beholdest thou?”

And I said unto him:

“A virgin,
most beautiful and fair
above all other virgins…And he said unto me:

“Behold, the virgin whom thou seest
is the mother of the Son of God,
after the manner of the flesh.”

     “ I did not reveal these mysteries in the primitive Church because they are so magnificent, that the faithful would have been lost in scrutinizing and admiring them at a time when it was more necessary to establish firmly the law of grace and of the Gospel. Although all such mysteries and the Gospel are in perfect harmony with each other, human ignorance might have recoiled at their magnitude and suffered doubt, when faith in the incarnation and redemption and the precepts of the new law of the Gospel were still in their infancy....If the world was then not yet capable of fully obeying the law of grace and fully assenting to faith in the Son, so much less was it prepared to be introduced into the mysteries of His Mother and to faith in her. And now the need for these mysteries is so much greater, that I am compelled to reveal them.” (Mystical City of God, Sor Maria Agreda pg 187 v.1 pg34)


La Señora de la Divina Providencia, She is the woman who taught and teaches the practice of divine providence and the way of the remedios. The words of the Angelus prayer, Luca 1:38 “Dixit autem Maria: Ecce ancilla Domini: fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Et discessit ab illa angelus.” Mary said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, Be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.  Lucas 1:37-38 “And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: Because no word shall be impossible with God. “said yet Mariam, be-percieving Lo! The slave servant of the Master, The Lord, may it be, becoming, to me, according to the declaration of you. And from-came her the angel, messenger.”,  We are to pray the songs of Mary as the Angelus prayer three times daily at waking, at noon and at eventide, wear the brown wool scapular, attend the Holy Tridentine Mass of all time, pray the Holy Rosary and work for healing as community. The brown scapular you wear must be of simple brown wool, without any obvious markings because this scapular itself is its own meaning.  The brown wool scapular is likewise a magic potent protection charm of ancient Christendom. It is a protection against mal ojo, witchcraft and satanic black magic and guarantees the wearer the Sabbatine privilege. We have been taught that just as Jesus Christ descended into hell and ascended into heaven.

The blessed Lady Mary, mother of God and our mother, each Saturday visits the stranded souls suffering immensely in purgatory. Purgatory is where unprepared baptized souls go after death following the particular judgement when they are too virtuous for the eternal damnation of hell, but too sinful for heaven. The traditional faith of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire, refers to two New Testament texts: I Cor. 3:15 -- "But if someone's work is burned up, that one will suffer loss; the person will be saved, but only as through fire." I Peter 1:7 -- "That the trial of your faith (much more precious than gold which is tried by the fire) may be found unto praise and glory and honor at the appearing of Jesus Christ:.  St. Gregory the Great’s comments on Mt. 12:31 as well: “ As for certain lesser faults, we must believe that, before the Final Judgment, there is a purifying fire. He who is truth says that whoever utters blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be pardoned neither in this age nor in the age to come. From this sentence we understand that certain offenses can be forgiven in this age, but certain others in the age to come.” Going back to Elisha the Tishbite and Mount Carmel and the small mist coming from the sea which waters the remedios so they may grow in the gardens of cultivation. For this you should have a small bell, brass hand cymbal, or triangle, anything to make a dinging, tingling, high pitched sound to ring to mark the hour with sound announcing the prayers you say. Likewise sign the plants with the cross and rosary and ring the bell. Make prayers to the glorious three, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 

     The meaning of the cross and the suffering of Señor Jesuchristo seen through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Rosario is to restore balance and to enlarge the heart. For this work you must listen and work with one another in remedios. That is the meaning of gathering the cross, signing in the remedios. When you go to  mountain know you are approaching the burning bush, the sacred place so take a trusted friend from the other side with you to mountain. To create harmony be harmonious, release and let go of things that no longer fit. Without pain there is no gain, so increase pain tolerance. We do not seek pain, yet for the struggle one must learn to endure pain. No one can grasp the remedios unless you take up the cross. Make your prayers to song and your footsteps to prayers of dancing. Wherever you may be, stop and pray. The people that are with you are to be in continuous prayer of one mind and one accord for these remedios. For she's Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, the divine woman of yerbas and plants, mediatrix of all graces for she is full of grace. Not only is Mary Mediatrix of all graces she is Coadjutrix of his Passion. The importance of the rosary is to experience Christ’s passion through the eyes and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    At the moment of the Angelus there is the Annunciation of the angel Gabriel to Mary. We commemorate the Annunciation as one of many mysteries in her rosary of prayer. Mary herself was conceived through miraculous means. As a small child was taken by her parents St Anne and St Joachim, to a school and spent her formative early years learning the healing arts of midwifery and herbal healing. She was taught there by St Mary Salome, St Emmea and St Anastasia. These teachers later lived with the Holy Family. At the age of 16 she graduated from the school and was betrothed to Joseph where she attained to the Holy Family. The Holy family was the communal teaching vehicle. She took to weaving with the purple thread. Afterwords her loom became her perfect body and she set out to weave our salvation through her own flesh, blood and sinews. The light of the Holy Ghost shone into her Left ear and the word became fleh and dwelt amongst us. Just as Eve listened to the deceiver whisper words into her right ear, Mary listens with the left ear closest to the heart. When Mary gave birth both Salome and Emmea where there with the angels. Salome, like the doubting Thomas of Christ, could not believe without seeing and touching. So she requested of the Blessed Virgin permission to examine her innermost private parts, and placed her fingers in Mary’s crotch to see if the hymen was intact, then she believed. Both Salome and Emmea were visited by angels and agreed to keep secret the miraculous nature of the birth to guard Mary’s true identity. They were told that Satan had hatched a plot within the gates of hell to thwart the birth of Jesus. The arrogance of Lucifer could not believe that such an inconspicuous terrestrial woman of no consequence could be the mother of God. The demons were constantly seeking to create havoc and sabotage salvation. Salome and Emmea both taught with Jesus and St Joseph and a company of others who we call ‘Mary’s’, who give of themselves and their substance and live in their household. It was Mary who stood at the foot of the cross with John. Mary who went to the tomb and discovered the risen Lord. Mary who met Jesus on the road. Mary who gave the Holy Ghost to the Apostles as tongues of fire. It is through Mary that we come to Jesus.

     The morning of the Annunciation, Mary had walked, as she went everyday to the spring of flowing water near her home to bring to her community the water. Mary is the morning water woman, the changing woman Na’as’dhan Nadlee’. Today this spring is known as Mary’s well. It was at this spring that Mary kept her garden of healing remedios. Mary the mother of Jesus was an herbalist, a curandera, and she cultivated a great variety of healing plants.  Seated on a raised bench, made of stone and wood, with the sounds of birds singing she sat weaving, in the dappled sunlight, knitting with sacred purple thread. Just then the angel Gabriel came to her. The place where Mary lived was known as ‘Flowers’, so Mary the flower was to give birth to flowers, meaning the healing remedios. Indeed it is Señor Jesuchristo who came from the world of flowers. 

    The confessor of Sor Maria Agreda in 1630, described her thus to the Inquisition, ““Before saying anything else, I state that the said Mother Mary of Jesus, at present Abbess of the Convent of La Concepción, is almost 29 years of age, with a handsome face, a very clear and rosy complexion and large black eyes.”

"The fashion of her habit …. is simple like ours, that is, of coarse brown sackcloth worn next to the body without any other tunic. Over this brown habit is one of heavy white sackcloth, with a scapulary of the same and the cord of our Father St. Francis. Over the scapulary is the rosary. They wear no shoes or other footwear except boards bound to their feet or some straw sandals. The mantle is of heavy blue sackcloth and the veil is black.” In the 1600’s in what is now called by some a so called state, Arizona and New Mexico near the place where the San Francisco meets the Gila, near the foot of Sierra Blanca, in the copper mining districts, Native American miners there reported, “She had spoken, shouted and harangued them … and showed them a cross. The nations of the Gila River shot her with arrows, leaving her for dead on two occasions. Reviving, she disappeared into the air. They did not know where her house and dwelling was. After a few days, she returned again and then many times after to preach to them.” The men were then roughly eighty years old, and were young boys 6-10 years old when they recalled meeting the Blue Lady, eighty years previous.

     “As a fair olive tree in the plains, and as a plane tree by the water in the streets, was I exalted. 20 I gave a sweet smell like cinnamon, and aromatical balm: I yielded a sweet odour like the best myrrh:

21 And I perfumed my dwelling as storax, and galbanum, and onyx, and aloes, and as the frankincense not cut, and my odour is as the purest balm. 22 I have stretched out my branches as the turpentine tree, and my branches are of honour and grace. 23 As the vine I have brought forth a pleasant odour: and my flowers are the fruit of honour and riches. 24 I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. 25 In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue.

26 Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits.

27 For my spirit is sweet above honey, and my inheritance above honey and the honeycomb. 28 My memory is unto everlasting generations. 29 They that eat me, shall yet hunger: and they that drink me, shall yet thirst. 30 He that hearkeneth to me, shall not be confounded: and they that work by me, shall not sin. 31 They that explain me shall have life everlasting. 32 All these things are the book of life, and the covenant of the most High, and the knowledge of truth.” 

Ecclesiasticus 24:19-32 

Stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always.


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Blue and Green, Nuestra Señora

       Our Lady of God, Mary, Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios is known to us who love her as the Apostles to the apostles, teacher of teacher...