Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Blood Flower Moon Eclipse

 Lunar Eclipse: 

Mary's child's birth was understood in signs in the sky. "for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." Matthew 2:2 The month of May we dedicate to Mary starting with her crowning on May 1st and perhaps culminating, to those open to her inter-intra-session, in an opportunity to connect prayer words-communication-Mercury with Love-family-Venus. 

So this same sky is visible and open today. 

May all be blessed and held safely in her mantle. 

Tonight in the earliest hours will be the 

Blood Flower Moon Full Lunar Eclipse: this is a time where it can be fruitful to reconnect with deepest heart intention, to communicate fully with loved ones via the venus mercury aspect, and reconnect with the divine feminine aspect of Mary. 

Lunar Eclipse: A time of adjustment, a good time to see the chiropractor for a spinal adjustment or the parish priest for confession, reconciliation with loved ones, renew our deepest family relations. Eclipse season begins Northwest Turtle Island western US, with a solar eclipse June 12th Total lunar eclipse May 26th, pacific daylight aging time, PDST  (based on seen stars, shining stars, visible sky sidereal zodiac) 2021 1:45AM- 5:18AM lunar eclipse, south node, dragon's tail, collective BioSpirit energy in sidereal scorpio (to the right of Antares) low in south west sky, maximum eclipse 4:11-4:25AM, moon sets at 5:08AM. 

    You maybe aware of this lunar eclipse energy 3 days before and 3 days after. The Virgin Mary's seed of Virgo, or families who trace to the Divine Virgin and all seed covenant believers. In Scorpio we see the struggle of 1Corinth 3:6 "I have planted, Apollo watered: but God gave the increase.", of Serpentarius. In Greek song story, Ophiuchus ⛎ was said to depict the god Apollo wrestling, contending with snake guardians at our Oracle's of Delphi. So Ophiuchus stomps on the Scorpian while wrestling a snake. The giant scorpian is tail raised prepared to strike, it's a critical situation, a pivotal moment for many. Ophiuchus with Laocoön, the Trojan priest of undersea water world Poseidon who warned his Trojans about the false gift of the Trojan horse and was later killed by a pair of sea serpents sent by fate to punish him. Mary the mother of God to whom we daily, hourly pray is Stella Maris, Star of the sea. Asclepius is the healer with the double serpent held cross, same as Teacher Moshe. Scorpio and the Serpent (Serpens)  “… you will strike his heel and he will crush your head” Genesis 3:15. Mary the mother of God, replacing the first Lilith Eva, becoming from Eva, Ave, the yes, the fiat, gave birth to Jesus, who was to be the healer. Both Ophiucus and the Serpent are battling for the crown, Corona Borealis, crown of salvation. John 12:31 "Now is the hour (horo) for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out." Horoscope comes from Greek ‘Horo’ (hour) for the exact hour and the writings above the clouds in the visible star sky. 

     Keep your eyes open, this is an excellent time to renew redicate, as we went to celebrate Pentecost this past Sunday, May 23rd, the energy was there already accentuated, felt strongly praying, "Confíteor Deo omnipoténti, beátæ Maríæ semper Vírgini, beáto Michaéli Archángelo", "I confess to almighty God, to the blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel", now is a good time to acknowledge mistakes made and work on correcting them, a time of adjustment especially with Mercury lying to Venus, it could be a good time to use our voice Mercury to communicate with the Venus love of our deepest intention, to realign our word thinking with deepest heart felt intention. To realign the spine with body or mat work, the yin kidney ch'i energy that brings supple flexibility to spine. This eclipse can be the beginning of bringing words in to reflect, offer prayer to our inner Virgin Mary, who at a certain point, verbalized yes, "“Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word.” Here I am the one who loves, who does, who feels deeply, may my words align with the that." To renew your personal vows and intention to spirit. A time of adjustment, a good time to see the chiropractor for a spinal adjustment or the parish priest for confession, reconciliation with loved ones, renew our deepest family relations. 

    You maybe aware of this lunar eclipse energy 3 days before and 3 days after. The Virgin Mary's seed of Virgo, or families who trace to the Divine Virgin and all seed covenant believers. In Scorpio we see the struggle of 1Corinth 3:6 "I have planted, Apollo watered: but God gave the increase.", of Serpentarius. In Greek song story, Ophiuchus ⛎ was said to depict the god Apollo wrestling, contending with snake guardians at our Oracle's of Delphi. So Ophiuchus stomps on the Scorpian while wrestling a snake. The giant scorpian is tail raised prepared to strike, it's a critical situation, a pivotal moment for many. Ophiuchus with Laocoön, the Trojan priest of undersea water world Poseidon who warned his Trojans about the false gift of the Trojan horse and was later killed by a pair of sea serpents sent by fate to punish him. Mary the mother of God to whom we daily, hourly pray is Stella Maris, Star of the sea. Asclepius is the healer with the double serpent held cross, same as Teacher Moshe. Scorpio and the Serpent (Serpens)  “… you will strike his heel and he will crush your head” Genesis 3:15. Mary the mother of God, replacing the first Lilith Eva, becoming from Eva, Ave, the yes, the fiat, gave birth to Jesus, who was to be the healer. Both Ophiucus and the Serpent are battling for the crown, Corona Borealis, crown of salvation. John 12:31 "Now is the hour (horo) for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out." Horoscope comes from Greek ‘Horo’ (hour) for the exact hour and the writings above the clouds in the visible star sky. 

     Keep your eyes open, this is an excellent time to renew redicate, as we went to celebrate Pentecost this past Sunday, May 23rd, the energy was there already accentuated, felt strongly praying, "Confíteor Deo omnipoténti, beátæ Maríæ semper Vírgini, beáto Michaéli Archángelo", "I confess to almighty God, to the blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel", now is a good time to acknowledge mistakes made and work on correcting them, a time of adjustment especially with Mercury lying to Venus, it could be a good time to use our voice Mercury to communicate with the Venus love of our deepest intention, to realign our word thinking with deepest heart felt intention. To realign the spine with body or mat work, the yin kidney ch'i energy that brings supple flexibility to spine. This eclipse can be the beginning of bringing words in to reflect, offer prayer to our inner Virgin Mary, who at a certain point, verbalized yes, "“Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word.” Here I am the one who loves, who does, who feels deeply, may my words align with the that." To renew your personal vows and intention to spirit.    

     "It's helpful to make trips to place, encourage empowerment of place, the whole constellation called plants, which is the meeting of plant person place. Here plant could be rocks, mountain, sky, creeks, sky, clouds, stars, the totality of place just as easy could be called person. It's opening up to meaningful world, alive, you are."  -pm 


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Stinging Nettle, Urtica dioica

Urtica dioica -- stinging nettle, a non-binary ambiguous herb ally. 

Nettle family (Urticaceae), Urtica dioica, var gracilis, comes from the Latin word uro, which means “to burn,” because its leaves can cause a temporary burning sensation upon contact. Formerly it was thought the leaf hairs' formic acid was responsible for the sting which is the stinging burning you get from a red fire ant sting bite. I still call it formic acid because that's how i schooled it, it certainly feels like a fire ant bite. Yet the mix of chemicals in the trichomes is much more complex, containing stinging hairs or trichomes, whose tips come off when touched, transforming the hair into a needle that will inject several chemicals including acetylcholine, histamine, 5-HT (serotonin), moroidin, leukotrienes and possibly formic acid. So it's a lot more than a nutritional green. Stinging nettle produce a stinging sensation upon contact, which like anything is going to vary among different people. So be cautious with handling the plant as some people react strongly to it.  



     The stinging aspect of stinging nettle is eliminated with cooking, drying, freezing. Always use gloves when handling the fresh plant. The herb has both Mars, yang blood and Venus yin sinew retreating nurturing qualities. Like many plants which appear at first glance to be quite simple but are in fact complete living distinct electro chemical ecosystems within themselves and fundamentally different than any created object. Since so much human two legged stuff in this present moment is factory made throw away eye candy, it can be hard to grasp that living breathing things that twolegs have interacted with for ten's of thousands of years are still here intact and fully present, close by and widely present. Nettle is one of those beings who was there and still is. 


The plant favors rich black dark, wet moist soils, often stream side, wet with  sun. Leaves are opposite coarsley serrate, toothed, triangular shape. It can grow up to 6 feet tall by Midsommer. There are narrow leafed shorter varieties so look for the larger leafed, deep green, crinkly, furrowed leaf varieties which are found in wet rich soils. Here found on Turtle Island in Pend Oreille.

     The entire plant, root, to stem, to seed is valuable, as an edible nutritional powerhouse. Full of vitamins A, C and some B vitamins. And while it's possible to document what's in a nettle in verbal terms, the plant has been with BioSpirit for so long it's relational, part of us. Fresh nettles contain (per 100g) 670 mg potassium, 590 mg calcium, 18 mcg chromium, 270 mcg copper, 86 mg magnesium, and 4.4 mg iron but that's just starting to cover it. 

     It falls into the food-slash-medicine plant category and was used as an edible green, fibre cordage plant, and rejuvenate spring tonic wherever encountered. As a food-slash-medicine plant it has a surprisingly complex chemistry. This is a give away, as how many nutritional greens, bite and bark ouch, when you bare handed touch them? So there's a lot going on here. Likewise herbally it is considered bivalent or ambivalent in that in the body it does different things, in different bodies, normally thought to be contradictory as male female, heating cooling, prostate and uterus. etc. Which can be explained astrologicaly in that it is linked to both Mars and Venus, Nettle is traditionally considered a plant ruled primarily by Mars, due to both its "hot stinging" kinda warlike oppositional conflict edge and its activity: sudden, violent, irritating, inflammatory, intense, purifying and acting on the formation of blood.  The secondary ruler of nettle is Venus, by virtue of both its action on the kidney chi sinews and adrenals and its ability to seduce the body into homeostasis, promote and stimulate lactation in women and treat rheumatism and gout. So it is a non-binary herb, both a male and female herb, somehow beyond gender. Nettle has an earthy green slightly sweet salty taste which is noted in the swampy wet varieties. The roots are more astringent bitter noted in the tincture rather than leaf. 


Use only after cooking/freezing, which neutralizes the stinging constituents present on leaves and stem, because it would not be a nice ride in the mouth and throat. Gather the first smaller tender spring leaves if gathering for pesto. If gathering the leaves for infusion use the larger later summer leaves. A large handful of the fresh leaf in boiling water makes a mineral rich alkaline decoction which is flavorful, slightly sweet, distinctly anti inflammatory and mildly diuretic. It also helps to regulate blood sugar both facilitating transport of blood glucose into muscle and supports the pancreas to balance insulin sensitivity. It is useful as a spring tonic especially in northern climes to alkalinize, where digestive stagnation can occur after a winter of meat heavy acidic diet. Nettle tends to invigorate the whole body after winter inactivity. As an adjunct in urinary infection UTI stinging nettle, with pipsissiwa, uva ursi, or huckleberry leaf family plants, stinging nettle helps to alkalize urine and potentiate arbutin present in our UTI plants. Thoroughly dried leaf can be used in cold infusion overnight , 1/2 ounce or so of dried leaf in a quart of water, kept overnight and drunk the next day. The liquid decoction of fresh leaf, or of dried leaf cold infusion, and or tincture can assist with spring seasonal pollen issues, hay fever, stuffy nose. These constituents seem to be concentrating in the seed and root if making an antihistamine formula and combine well with ambrosia species. The constituents promote drainage and lessen inflammation. It works best when used daily. The decoction applied to hair and scalp with yerba del negrita, orange globe mallow helps to encourage hair growth when applied to the scalp and hair and as a hair rinse. 

       Like many now you see it now you don't herbs, the question is how to store nettles. Gather Midsommer plants, tie in bundles, hand upside down for drying. Another method is to gather leaf and freeze, the freezing dissipates the stinging effect but not the stinging constituents. I think that's important to understand, because i think at least some of the stinging has to do with disregulating the delivery system. Once frozen the leaves can be crumbled, stored in the freezer and added directly to soups, blender green smoothies, used for cold infusion etc, I think herbs-a-commerce amounts of nettle isn't enough to do much, as in a gelatin capsule. You need to get the nettle into your body, as in large amounts. 

        Stinging nettle root medicine. Of course it's never possible to have enough nettles. No matter how much you have, you'll use it up. Which leads to stinging nettle root medicine, which of course can be stored. It doesn't have obviously the green nutritional power of fresh but it is a medicinal in its own right. The root medicine can be used for all the above uses, regulate blood glucose, anti inflammatory, diuretic, seasonal allergies, bph in men, hormone regulation in women etc. specifically the root medicine is best for bph, and hormone regulation in women. 


The trailing, close to surface root is easily gathered in spring, find a moist wet stand, and these roots tend to be both trailing and tap root. The early spring or late fall is best for root medicine, especially the rhizome close to the surface trailing root. You can often gather the trailing roots in early spring by hand without any digging.  Often times there will be both tap roots and side trailing roots. The root medicine is best used to help support bph issues in men, enlarged prostate and has a hormone balancing effect in both men and women. The root medicine used regularly can assist with bph and aid in ejaculation, strength and hardness of erection. Women have reported it is helpful in regulation of periods. The fresh root gathered, and also the gathered seed heads, since in general stinging nettle root is gathered late summer, so seeds will be present. tinctures 1:2 60-75% alcohol or dried 1:5. 

     Stinging nettle produce a stinging sensation upon contact, which like anything is going to vary among different people. Obviously if you react with extreme hives, that last for days you would not use this method. For me it's more like a 2-4 hour productive counter irritant effect. The stinging sensation is useful as a counter irritant to focus blood flow. The fresh plant is rubbed on arthritic,  rheumatism stiff joints, knuckles, knees, etc. as a therapeutic counter irritant. It's also useful for sciatica nerve pain. You can have someone, using gloves, trace the pain pathway with the fresh plant. Traditionally for back pain, a person removes clothing, lays on the stomach flat, and another person takes a stinging nettle switch, and whips the back repeatedly, rubbing the fresh plant directly on the skin, briefly, then pausing for a minute or so to assess reaction, whether to go further or that's enough. As different people react differently to stinging nettle, some more or less sensitive, always use caution, less is more. It's possible with fresh stinging nettle applied topical, spinal manipulation and ball, mat exercise to get some serious healing with spinal nerve compaction issues. Combined, although not simultaneously!, topical liniments and infused oils such as Heracleum maximum -- cow-parsnip root, st johns wort infused oil, arnica, pedicularis, aconite can be applied at various times alternating with therapeutic stretching, ball and mat work to get some serious healing going on. 


Thursday, May 13, 2021

One Arnica Way

One Arnica Way

i dreamed One arnica way,

then it was blooming yellow everywhere.

We freely manifest perfect, 

open hand share arnica, 

everyday is yellow. 

Talk plant story walk bodhisattva, charity mary jesus, 

holy ghost sky father,

earth mother, regardless of spin. 

Plant, person, place,

within boundary of two legged human. Eclesia sangha, friends in christ, 

kalaña mitra, 

on the way helping one another. 

Walking hand in hand,

 turtle island vision mountain. 

A love triangle, persons, plant, place. Promise love one,

another in perfect family. 

Haunted by place,

water spirit lowlands,

Creek wake robin melted snow songs,

Bunch berry, skunk cabbage, 

dark woods pioneer violet,

devil's club thickets are open in May,

red cedar shade,

bears in the spring.

wake robin songs.

Over the pass, eastern side,

smackout mud

ankle deep ice & snow,

mountains beyond mountains,

cascadian ocean,


drop snow,

thick with golden arnica nurturing the ground.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Arrow leaf coltsfoot, Petasites sagittatus

 Arrow leaf coltsfoot (Petasites sagittatus)

Petasites frigidus var sagittatus. Wet moist muddy bogs, fens, swamp marshes; a northern circumpolar turtle island plant common east of the Coast-Cascade into eastern Great Lakes region. Petasites is considered closely related to the European species Tussilago farfara, which is also often called coltsfoot. Both genera members of the Aster family (Asteraceae) and have broad leaves that appear depending on year and location after the flowers emerge in early spring. Many stands like this one don't flower early, or flower later in the year towards mid June. Other stands further East can have lobed palmate leaves resembling devil's club, which this local variety doesn't have. In earliest spring the leaves can resemble stinging nettle. Both varieties have large big big leaves by summer. The leaves here are large triangular, hairy felt underneath more conspicuous later in season, the leaves grow quite large, serrated, and have a salty taste. Flowers are asteraceae type on a raised stalk, upright flowering stem. Here growing with willow, alder, Lysichiton americanus -- skunk cabbage, swamp valerian, pioneer yellow violet, wild ginger, devil's club. 

Here growing with skunk cabbage,

     Wherever these plants grew together they were utilized as remedies for the often the same thing, all coming up at the same time early spring snow melt. Used topical with swamp Valariana, devil's club, willow, for pain relief salves oils. Internally devils club, arrow leaf colt's foot, used for lingering early spring infectious, contain sesquiterpene petasin, found in western coltsfoot is a smooth muscle relaxant, antispasmodic, useful in respiratory coughs colds and asthma and bronchitis attacks. Arrow leaf colt's foot root contains antispasmodic, isopetasin in coltsfoot  is antispasmodic and a vasodilator calcium channel blocker.  


This is a plant with wide historic folk usage however due to pyrrolizidine alkaloids present in the early leaves it is contradicted for internal use, as these are liver toxic and avoided by pregnant and lactating women. It is said the larger summer leaves and roots do not contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, a plant to be used cautiously internally in small amounts focused on larger summer leaf or root, or used as a topical for neurological pain. 

       This is our other variety, Petasites frigidus -- arctic sweet coltsfoot, growing in another stand, a bit further along, growing in another low moist, yin, water spirit boggy, swampy place. It has palmate leaves, stems hairy, pronounced veining on underside of leaf.

Sunday, May 09, 2021



Crataegus douglasii -- black hawthorn

Crataegus douglasii -- black hawthorn, a rose family bushy tree shrub growing intermountain west.  Usually at the interface of creek, meadow forest.

     Greetings to all who work for well being! May you be blessed by Hawthorn, as it has been a blessing to many folk. Within the shame shun reset erasure I wanted to advocate for hawthorn, lobelia, red root and specific exercises in relation to nourishing western biospirit in relation to clotte shot planned demonics, and regaining lost smell and taste.  #Crataegus douglasii -- black #hawthorn, a rose family bushy tree shrub growing intermountain west. Usually at the interface of creek, meadow forest, at old homesteads.

The bark is dark brown black on young branches, with the bark deeply furrowed peeling in strips on trunk. There are many hawthorns to meet.

    It's best as a long term remedy, vs acute, so for chronic conditions, like the ones most recent, blood clotte shots, heart and cirulation issues, essential HTN, s/p MI, angina. For this condition it is used with red root. Hawthorn may increase contracility, strength of contraction, yet lower HR. Red root is a midlevel astringent that acts to purify blood, potentiate liver, working on the final places of veins and arteries, and epithelial points of attachment. See how they work. Test it out. We've entered a time where no one can talk openly here, only face to face conversation, because of the wealth redistribution erasure within the algorithm of social credit score. 

      Hawthorn can mildly dilate coronary arteries and can increase blood flow. Similar in the mesenteric, helping to nourish the intestine and be used as part of leaky gut. Due to a high profile of flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, it also has a beneficial nurturing effect on the central nervous system. Many of the plan-demonic issues are addressed by tree along with red root, in terms of clotte shot. Using hawthorn long term with red root can be benefical. 

It was planted by white western people, here and in Europes, as a hedge or boundary. Rose plants with their thorns encourage healthy boundaries between this and that, giving and taking, self and others. In addition birds are fond of the fruits and make their nests in thorny branches, hence protection, nest, shelter, safety, home. So hawthorn is a symbolic talisman of our place, of our plant and of our people. Hawthorn is a voice of preexisting condition, the wild, partly tame tawny grammar of healing. 2022 Crataegus Hawthorn was an excellent year locally for our wild, feral, left alone to do its own thing, fruiting rosacea family, along with rose hips. The haws are now evident and abundant. The aws ripen late autumn. This plant gathered now with the end leaf stem and thorns, dry it a bit and tincture, and later berries. The berry haw can have many different flavors from sweet apricot creamy, to more astringent, with many in betweens on your ramble.  So now i am praying singing songs of Our Lady, who is mother of our white race at springs and grottos, as in beginingless time. Her Holy Rosary is a wreath of rose flowers. She brings a gifted whole plant elixir. I call it feral because it is wild within the tawny grammar of usage. Knowing these plants combined with red root and others growing nearby, ripening at st michael, raphael our guardians, protectors late September early October. Be blessed and bless others as you can. 

     ...your experience with regaining smell post  infection via nicotine gum. I understand initial reluctance to use nicotine gum, its association with tobacco addiction, and the specialized chewing technique. I want to add nicotine patches have also been used. 

I want to postulate a reason for the many anecdotal reports connected with plan demonics, clotte shots and other stuff, smokers and nicotine, briefly, nicotine's role in both the nicotinic receptor cholinergic system, as well as ACE2 receptor pathway in the body, and thus blocking the spike protein attachment sites within the body. The nicotine occupied receptor sites have a decreased potential for attachment. You may wish to start the experiment, follow it, see if it works, to restore taste and smell. I would caution though that the nicotine patch is a better option, in terms of the risk of nicotine addiction potential in comparison to nictine gum chewing. Some herbalists would reccomend a less addictive plant lobelia, which you would take as tincture along with cayenne pepper. A 19th century Thompsonian approach to restore taste and smell, taken along with hawthorn and lobelia. 

Thirdly, smell retraining. Get 4-5 pure essential oils in the little bottles, open the bottle. Orange, lavender, clove, peppermint, garlic, anise, etc - and do a blind smell test, with eyes closed, twice a day. Identify the smell without looking at the label. Then check your results. You can also do this with actual herbs, hops, lavender, a clove of garlic, roots, red wine, white wine, tequila, whiskey, brandy, beer, etc. You want to keep these sessions brief before olfactory fatigue sets in. Keep a smell diary. Can you identify the smell? What does it smell like to you? 

     Know as whites we are a tiny remnant and seize this time betweenness. With erasure, soon an envelope of darkness will obscure, as the sun tilts down. I pray for you and know we will meet God be willing, Deus Vult

The bark is dark brown black on young branches, with the bark deeply furrowed peeling in strips on trunk.

      Leaves are shiny green alternate, serrated toward the tip, lighter on underside with pronounced veining. White, cream, flowers in a flattened panicle at branch ends with with greenish centers, 5 petals 10 stamens,  grow in bunches at the ends of each thin branch. 


The first flower has an unusual odor that is sweet, pungent and is said to resemble rotting meat, in dried flowers, this odor changers to flowery. The blossoms contain trimethylamine, found in hawthorn blossom, also forms in decaying tissue. The fruit is a mahogany brown to red pomme, sweet and edible with a raisin brown sugar taste with mild astringency. The calendar in Europe was changed in 1752, previously it bloomed on May 1st. Today it's more like the first two weeks of May. Here they bloom roughly May 8th, 1400 feet elevation in the upper Columbia basin in the Pacific Northwest. 

     The crown of thorns was said to be a Hawthorn, Joseph of Arimathæa who provided a tomb for Jesus is said to have left a Hawthorn at Glastonbury and brought the Holy Grail to the British Isles 40AD. Crataegus spp, this is best time to gather for (W)holy plant with last years berry save. When Joseph of Arimathea traveled by boat with the Virgin Mary, Lazarus, Mary Magdalene he brought the holy grail to Glastonbury. He stuck his staff in the ground and a Hawthorn grew. Lone hawthorn trees are said to be special places where the veil between old times is thin. It's here we come to get in touch and balance, the same effect hawthorn has on the body as a medicine. 

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon Englands mountains green:

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On Englands pleasant pastures seen!


And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here,

Among these dark Satanic Mills?


Bring me my Bow of burning gold:

Bring me my arrows of desire:

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!

Bring me my Chariot of fire!


I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand:

Till we have built Jerusalem,

In Englands green & pleasant Land.

  • William Blake 1804

       Hawthorn could understood as a nourishing heart tonic herb. Hawthorn is a nuanced plant used as a supportive nourishing herb that is both useful as a cardiotonic, that frequently can lower blood pressure and pulse rate and like other Rose family herbs has been noted as supporting the emotional heart. In our ship going, sea faring, traders english language we use words like heart ache, or a broken heart to refer to emotional loss, grieving something or someone gone. Every language has its narrative framework contained in its ticking t's and listed s's. English became on turtle island the ultimate commerce. From buying and selling of things and persons. So here everyone, everybody, everyone is price tagged and set to sell. From the brothel bedrooms of home, to home itself, family all is continuously sold. Nation is transformed to commercial mall. All contributes to a universal loss of soul. Thus rites of passage are ornaments of abandonment. From faceless disposable marriage, divorce, abortion, the mood here is unspeakable loss and mourning for things never been and places never seen as love, family and nation. When one becomes elongated in their systemic disposition of self as a deplatformed non-entity for unpermitted breathing, hawthorn is part of that unpackaged healing. The courage to be a person not a thinged self. To step outside the social credit score within resistance to that erasure and replacement of everything for sale. It was planted as a hedge or boundary, and rose plants with their thorns are said to encourage healthy boundaries between this and that, giving and taking. In addition birds are fond of the fruits and make their nests in the thorny branches, hence protection, shelter, safety, home. So in that way hawthorn is a symbolic talisman of place, of plant and person. Hawthorn is a voice of preexisting condition, the wild, partly tame tawny grammar of healing. 


 As a cardiotonic plant a common usage is as a tea or decoction of the dried flowering stems, leaves and flowers, drunk 8-10oz three times a day. In can be FPT 1:2 in 65% etoh, or dried 1:5. It is a good idea to add, 10% glycerine to keep tannins precipitating out, and keep them in suspension.

     It's best as a long term remedy for chronic conditions, essential HTN, s/p MI, angina. It increases contracility, strength of contraction, yet lowers HR. It mildly dilates coronary arteries and can increase blood flow. Similar in the mesenteric, helping to nourish the intestine and be used as part of leaky gut. Due to a high profile of flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, it also has a beneficial nurturing effect on the central nervous system. 

     Today, hawthorn is an official drug in the Pharmacopoeias of Brazil, China, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, and Switzerland. These preparations are made up of fresh leaf, flower and fruit, this is a true whole plant medicine. The first leaf and flower can be used as decoction, x3 tid or tincture 1 dropperful x3 tid. The flower leaf can be combined with hawthorn fruit gathered in the fall. 

       It has a long folk use in europe and nourishes the BioSpirit. It is well tolerated and has a rich history going back to the Neanderthal juncture. Wherever it grew in ancient history it was regarded as a plant ally in healing. In traditional Chinese Medicine the berries are used to relieve Food Stagnation' category. Berries are sour, sweet, astringent and warming. Hawthorn Fruit is the most often used herb in the treatment of cardio insufficiency, and hypertension, and in TCM treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. As such they could be organized with milk thistle seed in a formula. Western herbalists recognize the fruit along with the flower and leaf. Lately a whole plant product is most popular. 

 Chaucer’s phrase:

"Marke the faire blooming of the Hawthorne tree
Who finely cloathed in a robe of white,
Fills full the wanton eye with May’s delight."

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Lysichiton americanus -- skunk cabbage

 Lysichiton americanus -- skunk cabbage

Growing with cattails, birch, alder in boggy peat lowlands. On soft edge of a northwest tawny grammar.

Pacific north west swamp wetland perennial with a strong musky fragrance with affinity for lungs, oxygenation, breathing difficulty due to acute or chronic compromise. Lysichiton americanus -- skunk cabbage

Growing with cattails, birch, alder in boggy peat lowlands. 


Lysichiton americanus -- skunk cabbage diaries, 2.may.2021 normally can't walk in these swampy but an unprecedented drought has everything crunchy up this way. One of my dad's favorite sayings, the kind of thing you say when you're shade tree mechanicin' and you drop your 7/16 inch socket, or your in an extended allman brothers whipping post and somebody adds that major 7th or your chickens get eaten up by a bobcat,  "cherry pie! unsustainable growth unsustainable culture." so guess we'll see who sticks around and sees this one out. Lysichiton americanus -- skunk cabbage


Quamash root

 Camassia quamash ssp brevifolia-- camas, small flowered Quamash Root

Camas/Triteleia/Yucca Family (Asparagaceae) genus  Camassia, southern canada British Columbia, quamas prairie, Alberta, south to Rocky Mountains. Monocot with linear pointed lily family basal leaves.

The genus Quamash is the 
Nimi’ipuu Nez Percé world for "sweet". Flowers pale blue lavender on a raceme cluster. This star-shaped flower consists of six tepals and six elevated stamens, anthers sulphur yellow in this area, protrude from a green ovary. 

     Quamash says spring underground moisture, often near seasonal springs, here at 1400 ft first week of May blooming in an extreme drought year, atypical most precipitation fell as rain in a typical snow season. Every ecosystem has its typical climax optimum areas with its indicator plants. Like the sonoran with saguaros into baja, then more marginal areas into Arizona, with the northernmost eastern stand of saguaros in the foothills of the Gila mountains, isolated stands near Bylas. They are saguaros but they are at the limit of their range and take advantage of dark red brown south facing slopes that hold the heat. On uplifts that catch winter and summer rains. 

 Quamash plays a part here in a tiny Quamash prairie, with saskatoon, arrow leaf balsam root, in a burned over ponderosa pine meadow. Flowers here are more pale blue, smaller and on a shorter stalk compared to the quamash prairie between the salmon and Clearwater river in Idaho. Where quamash, breadfruit lomatiums and yampah created a unique permaculture tawny grammar. Yet it is Quamash and deserves the name.

       Quamash was scattered by coyote after he rescued the Nimi’ipuu peoples creating the Appaloosa horse culture. Which lasted until 1877 when,  In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat, Thunder Rolling Down from the Mountains, Chief Joseph said, "Hear me, my chiefs; my heart is sick and sad. From where the Sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." His final resting place is Nespelem, over the cache creek road from san poil river north of keller. Not far from here before the dam there were salmon in the river. 

Quamash was dug with an elk antler  digging stick. Quamash has an indigestible sugar inulin, which if eaten in large quantities raw causes gastric distress and gas. So the roots were always roasted or boiled cooked before eating. Traditionally it was roasted in a pit for several days till the sugars carmelize. Similar to the communal method of roasting agave in a large pit. After roasting the Quamash was dried and pounded into flour. 

      Quamash root is an elegant edible, with a mild sweet demulcent quality. The root is easy to dig, a light cream colored bulb with a black easy to peel covering. 

Camas Quamash root Lewis & Clark, September 20, 1806, "... our camp is agreeable Situated in a point of timbered land on the eastern borders of an extensive leavel and butifull prarie which is intersected by Several Small branches near the bank of one of which our Camp is placed. the quawmash is now in blume at a Short distance it resemhles a lake of fine clear water, So complete is this deseption that on first Sight I could have Sworn it was water. ..." [Clark, June 12, 1806, at Weippe Prairie, Idaho]

"... they ... gave us a Small piece of Buffalow meat, Some dried Salmon beries & roots in different States, Some round and much like an onion which they call <Pas she co> quamash the Bread or Cake is called Passhe-co Sweet, of this they make bread & Supe     they also gave us the bread made of this root all of which we eate hartily, ..." [Clark, September 20, 1805]

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