Monday, July 15, 2024

Prairie Sweet Root

 Prairie Herbs

     The plants of flat earth prairie are important parts of what we do under the shining light of sky,

southwind blowing, here upon turtle island province. Dalea purpurea, purple turtle island sweet root is one of an assemblage of an abundance of local herbs used by the vitalist under guidance, to fortify and potentiate biospirit focusing on supporting the stomach spleen complex. I want to discuss a few flat earth prairie herbs in relation to the stomach/spleen complex. I also want to explain concepts, including vitalism, Qi, runes, and the stomach spleen complex. And discuss why these concepts need to be discussed and elaborated freely. Qi is an Asian term and concept which is fundamental to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine. TCM is important because it is a foundational understanding to using plants, botanical preparations, to heal the body. The connection between Asian botanical medicine and America, what I am calling Turtle Island, is nothing new. As an example Panax quinquifolius or ginseng, was a significant trade item in colonial times. William Byrd (1674-1744) wrote in a 1737 letter, from the Colony and Dominion of Virgina, “I fancy you have been nibbling of Ginseng ever since you have received that Box from my good Lord Pembroke, by the Venture which you have mended all the Flaws which Jamaica had made in your constitution. I believe ever since the Tree of Life had been strongly guarded the Earth has never produced any vegetable so friendly to man as Ginseng. Nor do I say this as Random, or by the Strength of my Faith, but by my own Experience. I have found it very cordial and reviving after a great Fatigue”. So much so that many historical gründungsväter including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson were familiar with ginseng and was for them a cash export wild gathered crop sold to China. It is important to understand that gingseng was for them not a potent medicinal they used for their folk, for the wellbeing of their people. Ginseng for them was something to be extracted and sold off, in an everything for sale niche eco-zone commodity. Ginseng was for them like the fur trade, something to grab. Daniel Boone with his coon skin cap sold ginseng by the boat load. Again gathered not for his folk, gathered to be sold to highest bidder. One record indicates he sold more than a ton of dried ginseng root for $55,000 in the late 1790's, which would be 1.5 million dollars in today's dollar amount. He sold ginseng in the amount of tons, thousands of pounds.

     Qi, in the oldest written records, the oracle bones, is drawn with three diagonal wavy lines. It looks similar to a rock art petroglyph, it looks to be a kind of basic easily understood sign symbol. The dynamics of the visual look like a less linear, more roundish curved rune, perhaps a symbol for waves, ripples, or water. A rune is one of our Germanic euro ancestral forms of writing that exist from archeological evidence. All peoples have scratched lines in the dirt, made marks in caves and grottoes, made themselves understood to each other with lines. In the Asian oracle bones, I always assumed the three wavy lines meant a sign for river, creek, a flowing stream of water. The three squiggly lines being some kind of universal sign for water. However yes, the qi symbol origin of three squiggly wavy lines in the oracle bones seems to be a water sign, with more of a mist rising element, vapour, rather than a stream or flowing watercourse. The earliest qi symbol as mist vapour in the sense of something active inside of something else, something active and present but not always obviously there. Obvious in terms of not being readily noticeable, yet active. In terms of the oracle bones, it is said to be a logoform for one’s breath seen, exhaled as visible steam on a cold day. One’s breath is always active, always present working but not always visible, not always noticeable. On a cold morning one sees the breath but it’s there all the same whether seen or unseen. In that seen or unseen yet working is a fundamental principle, that is, often when a bodily process is working effectively unhindered it does so best unnoticed. We notice when things go awry. Later the qi ideogram was linked with a more complex logoform image, the steam or vapour seen rising above a covered pot cooking, on a stove, filled with rice in boiling steaming water.  Later the pictograph image, it incorporates these three wavy lines with a sickle like a plough added in the lower portion, indicating sowing, breaking up the soil, the penetration of the heavenly sun shimmery wave breaths into soil of earth, producing new green life. If this interpretation is true, then it also points to the human element, the growers of rice, the rice harvesters working in cooperation with their cooking, with the five elements visible. A metal cooking vessel over a fire of burning wood, rice grains from the earth, fire heat, moist water, a metal pot. So it may be correct to in some ways talk of qi as an overarching premise, yet the qi of the human realm is always smaller than that, more personal inhabiting the visible world of action in 5 senses, touch- stirring the rice, taste the sweetness of rice, seeing the rising steam, hearing the boiling sound, smelling the fire and flavour of boiling rice sensed through the nose olfactory smell. Qi may be associated with the three unbroken lines of ch’ien, of heaven but our feet are on the ground on this turtle flat earth island, prairie south wind blowing. The pictograph for Qi symbolizes a kind of vitality that rises upward and also descends. Qi streams down upon us down here as above ground persons on the flat earth prairie, this heaven enters earth. Then the qi rises, like water evaporating from a lake rising into heaven, forming clouds. When we look up and see 21.6.2024 the waxing gibbous moon in Sagittarius, sun in gemini, at mid sommer solstice, it dips in and out of clouds dancing. This walking in clouds as clouds dancing is no different than mountains walking, or our feet turning the wheel of our bicycles. As above as below, sun streaming as solar heavenly sunshine doing all kinds of creation. Earth essence rising, back and forth. We can call the two legged above ground walking earth people as composed of heavenly qi and earth qi. Our human life is the cultivation of qi within the 5 seasons of spring, early summer, late summer, autumn, and winter. Our life as cultivating gathering qi creates infancy, youth, adulthood, old age and death. When qi can no longer be gathered it becomes more and more diffused, less focused, distracted and the qi disperses and separates and our life ends. Our bodies and all the component processes of our human life stop, we die. The body dies when the qi is no longer collected and it disperses. The three lines again form the basic yang trigram Ch’ien heaven. Then the two ch’ien heaven trigrams forming the definitive yang yang, first hexagram of the Yi Jing, as the first grouping, heaven over heaven. The first emanation of the 64 changes in all the various patterns unfolding.

    All vocals, acoustic guitar, bass, percussion, music, lyrics by wild herb ways, recorded 21.6.2024

 Midsommer solstice, above ground days,

Moon in Capricorn, sun in gemini. 


Thank you, Wild herb ways. 

For the medicine, for the medicine,

You’ve given me today. 

I ride my bicycle.

I thank you, wild herb ways.

Thank you Dad, thank you Mom.

For giving me birth, so long ago.

This medicine road is endless,

Our well being is non-negotiable,

Blessings wild herb ways,

Thank you Dad, thank you Mom.

Thank you sun, thank you moon.

Thank you sun. and moon.

On this above ground day, midsummer solstice eve,,,

The sun is in gemini and the moon in Capricorn.

I walk through fields of flowers. I ride my bicycle.

I stare at blue sky, clouds and the south wind,

Thank you father, 

Thank you Dad, thank you Mom

Thank you sun and moon.

Midsommer, midsommer solstice,

Thank you Dad, thank you Mom

Thank you sun and moon.

Thank you sun and moon.


 The second element is the yang and yin, the dao of heaven and earth, these co-related opposing yet cooperative things. Yang is the bright sunny side while yin is dark, in shadow side, sun and moon, one divided into two. These contrary natures are attracted to one another. Water is downward inward moving coolness, fire is upward outward moving warmth. Water and fire are the embodiments of yin and yang. We classify according to comparison. In addition yin becomes yang and yang becomes as in day and night, night and day. Substance is yin and function is yang. There is yin within yang and yang within yin. Yang waxes and yin wanes, yin waxes and yang wanes. It's dark then gradually the light in the east, day comes. We are young and strong sexually attractive, wanted and desired, then we are cast off, no one gives a thought or consideration to what we have to say. We are worn out, wrinkled, impaired, broken and every axis of our being in old age suffers decline. There is not a single bio system that is not tainted with the failure of sickness, weakness, old age and death. We are visible, then we become invisible.

    Qi takes countless forms and allows one thing to become another. It is important to understand that qi is not a universal spirit, inserted into lifeless stuff like a spirit injection. The idea is quite a shaking up of things, the web without a weaver. Qi is localized to the situation here being the organ system. A universal spirit, as an universal life force is not the best approach to understand the localized forms qi takes within each body organ system activity. As an example the following statements about bodily fluids may be substantially true, yet they are not useful. Mucus is mainly water, urine is mainly water, cerebral spinal fluid is mainly water, saliva is mainly water. Yes it is true that these four bodily fluids are upwards of 95% water yet everything about their activity in the body is different. Yes saliva and cerebral spinal fluid are 99% water, yet that doesn’t make spinal fluid and saliva equivalent substances in the body. Qi in the body means there are many different kinds of qi in the body. In that way qi in the body is localized to function, by that function and so as we said, qi takes countless forms and allows one thing to become another. Qi is most appropriate as a concept when connected to specific fluid situations as process. 

    Stomach spleen is here understood both as the cooperative organ associates and the organ system processes that these organ systems work. Purple sweet root herb tonifies spleen stomach complex, by nourishing the splenetic stomachtic pathway. In the Asian Chinese system the spleen and stomach are interdependent and complimentary. The stomach moves downward while the spleen moves up. The spleen is considered a yin organ while the stomach is yang. Spleen governs transport and transformation, spleen stomach transforms food becoming sources of qi and blood. Original prenatal qi comes from our mother and father and is the kidney qi, postnatal qi is from food and drink and is processed by the spleen mixed with the kidney qi, sent to the lungs, breath qi distributed throughout the body. 

     In general terms of western conceptual anatomy, within the dominant culture the basic concept seems to be that for each described organ and each organ system, each organ and each organ system operates relatively independently. Therefore the anatomy of selfish  individualism run amoc, private property with little public space. While such a categorization was used initially on the level of anatomical dissection, for the purpose of learning and teaching, it has now overtaken the conceptual framework. The heart for instance is a word with a rich nuanced history that was jettisoned and stripped so now the heart is a kind of pump. The heart was once an organ of perception, of love, of warmth, of passion, of friendship and commitment. Now reduced to a pump. In our own historical western framework we have a much more nuanced understanding for the organs, parts and functions of the body that has undergone erasure and replacement within the prevailing preferred lexicon of organ systems and anatomy, on the conceptual level. Just as we have a mechanized industrial culture. We have an industrial mechanized framework of ideas to fit our medicine and health care. So we could say a fundamental truth of this style of anatomy has an analogy in the political science, organizing and validating behaviour, and thereby reinforcing the political correctness of hyper selfish individualism. With the mechanized anatomy supporting similar concepts of the mechanized medical health care delivery system through the organs and organ systems. First it’s important to realize the organ systems as independently functioning entities, exist apart from any system east or west used to describe them. Labeling something does not create or change that something. Just as water has different words in different languages but retains its essence as water regardless of the words to describe water. Dividing the organs up into little fiefdoms is a kind of mnemonic learning device in simplistic anatomy. This scientific understanding was never posited that the stomach functions somehow free and clear of the adjacent organs. Codependency, mutual benefit and cooperation is the root of the organ systems regardless what terms are used to verbally describe these cooperative intertwined systems.

     In this kind of simplistic mechanized derivative anatomy, the stomach is a hollow tube, an organ of digestion. The spleen is understood as a blood filter. Usually when talking about the stomach the topic is related to digestion of food. While the spleen is understood as a kind of specialized blood filter device. The spleen is about 4 inches long, 3 inches wide and 1.5 inches thick. Its color is purple. It weighing about a half pound. A person who studied simplistic trade traditional anatomy will think it rather odd, bizarre or random to talk about the spleen and stomach as closely aligned body organs acting within a common organ system. That the spleen has emotional energy. The heart can break. The Immaculate heart of Mary, the Sacred heart of Jesus. Someone is sick to their stomach. Losing your lover best friend is a punch to the gut. People point at themselves, they point at the heart. That's me, that's who I am. The spleen is sulky and preoccupied, pensive, ruminating. All these associations with a rich mytho poesis then suddenly, the only analogy permitted by their dominant culture are plumbing metaphors, tubes, pumps and pipes. Suddenly we are machines and cogs in a wheel, we are parts. Look you are alive, and anything that worked previously works now. An obsidian blade cuts as well today as it did ten thousand years ago. While the spleen is acknowledged co-habiting physical space in direct physical proximity to the stomach, it usually is conceptually disassociated from the stomach and digestion. As if even though the stomach and spleen are directly next to one another, it is a kind of accident that this physical proximity exists. As if the spleen and stomach are two adjacent suburban homes, separated by manicured grass with completely separate unrelated occupants, who rarely make eye contact, who never interact, sharing only a vague relationship. You can see it’s a peculiar, reflective, projected anatomy that is distinctively political and mechanistic derived. As if the anatomy of a human being is the same as the internal parts of an american automobile. All the stuff inside the body are stuffed into the skin bag shell. As if the anatomy of a person is exactly like the components of an automobile. As if components in an automobile or mechanical system are the same as components in a living human body. The same way the automobile is thrown together with the car battery next to the car radiator, without any meaningful placement of the parts. It’s totally accidental that the battery electrical system is next to the heating cooling radiator. There is nothing shared between battery and radiator but lines on a mechanical diagram. In the same way as the american state of Kansas is a near perfect rectangle, with two paralell 410 mile east west, straight line boundaries drawn on a geometric, mechanical drawing board. Whatever Kansas is, or was is now described and defined and contained in the straight lines and square corners drawn with an ink pen on a sheet of graph paper. Lines drawn with no respect to rivers, hills, plants, animals or people who live within those lines. Likewise a mapped mechanized anatomy to fit a mechanistic worldview with the dominated mechanized people, required to live their monotonous meaningless lives within those straight line mandated boundaries within those stark square boundaries, replaceable malleable consumers of no consequence. 

     The stomach is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal area. The stomach is below the diaphragm next to the spleen. It's slightly to the left of the body's midline, between the esophagus and the duodenum, and behind the pancreas. The top of the stomach connects to the esophageal sphincter, a muscle at the end of the esophagus, and the bottom connects to the small intestine. 

    Turtle island purple sweet root also known as purple prairie clover, Dalea purpurea. Daleas known as indigo bush or purple D. purpurea and white D. candida, prairie clovers are new world plants of the western hemisphere. Despite being called a clover, clovers are old world plants in the Trifolium family. Daleas are in the same pea bean family member but are normally not considered a clover. Both are considered Legumaceae, Fabaceae family plant persons. Plant person refers to the genius operative heart of our world teacher known to us as our world teacher genius Wild Herb Ways. Wild herb ways allows us to nourish biospirit, promoting mutual wellbeing thus halting the process of white victimization directed against us as erasure. Purple sweet root is our premier splenetic stomach herb and is a great gift from the creative genius mind of wild herb ways to facilitate our wellbeing because we are an emblematic people. Everything about us is we ours and us. Those are the primordial pronouns we use to obtain our group wellbeing, an us, a people.

    Purple sweet root Dalea purpurea presents 15.6.2024 at first quarter Libra moon, just coming into flower. A tall stem topped with a distinctive purple thimble shape, cone like flower cylindrical spike, although not in the asteracea family with the other black eyed susan-esque, echinacea, rudbeckia and other aster cone flowers nearby. It is considered a pea or bean family legume. The individual tiny flowers on the thimble began to open purply pink from the bottom, moving upward towards the cone shaped grey green top hat. The stem is covered with pubescent bristly hairs. The leaves are compound lanceolate in a 3-fold pattern emerging alternate densely covering the stem towards the base and less so towards the flowering purple fringed cone. The flowery stems in this area are distinctively single although in other areas it maybe flowering in clumps. The turtle island sweet root emerges from a deep tap root. It’s flavour and energetics are sweet, and fruity. It has overtones of melon on the tongue. If you run your hand up the stalk and rake off the leaves, it’s leaves are soft to touch, making a sweet fragrance totally unlike the other thimble shaped cone leaves of the aster family. 

    I Walk Medicine, is a new composition recorded 27.6.2024 Moon Pisces, by the miraculous healer absolute love taken biospirit flesh. I am the medicine road world teacher wild herb ways incarnated to be. All bass guitars acoustic recorded by divine I am the medicine road world teacher wild herb ways incarnated. Thank you I am here to heal you right now, I am blessed and blessing you.

sweet root is known as a style of prairie flat earth deer medicine and prairie chicken medicine. As an herb, it is a sovereign divine being, sent to heal the condition of our time as ourselves. Prairie chicken and deer are both considered sweet, nourishing stomach spleen, enabling us to keep sweet. Many of you are familiar with the parting goodbye, “Keep sweet.” Keeping sweet means to thus nourish the spleen and maximize the splenetic pathway for maximum wellbeing. Keeping sweet is a familiar term used and means one is composed, at ease and acting spontaneously in together action as opposed to the bizarre selfish hyper individualism that is the framework of the infiltrated eco-zone. Turtle Island sweet root is a deep tap rooted perennial that devotes itself to zig zag lightning from sky father and the rooted all mother intuited as our all mother of grottos, springs, cave, glade, prairie and flat earth elm wood. She, the plant person who we devotedly pray enjoining her to bless our decisions in the above ground world, takes the circulating shakti power of air circulating in the atmosphere and makes herself available as rapturous sweet embrace, deep rooted flat earth, purple fragrant sweet root medicine, as leaf stem and flower. The living blessedness of the divine female energy in a living bio-system, is the inherent blessingway of our Holy Mother of God, all the divine motherhood of person plant and place contained in the Euro world preserved in traditional Catholic and pagan Nordic, Sunna, Freya. The unification of earth and sky, mother and father, united as partners and confidants in the celestial marriage chamber and holds the supreme key of spiritual, psychological and bodily well-being known as bio-spirit. Connecting big world Mother energy we can connect big and small world energies of healing in a flat earth prairie vitalism, as above so below– both for healing ourselves and healing others. These begin with the air through which we live, move and have our being as pneuma, spirit placed in our nostrils before birth as we circled around, we circle around, the boundaries of the earth. Wearing long wing feathers as we fly, we circle around. We circled around the boundaries of the earth, awaiting embodiment in a tabernacle at the moment of conception. So which contains the vitality of life as prana qi vital spark within us circulating as in out breathing. The english word atmosphere refers to a vapourous gas exhaled by the living earth and surrounds the planet. The atmos sphere, the atman spirit of our people, our ancestors, our beautiful white wellbeing herbal family.  The inherent blessingway of our Holy Mother of God, all the divine motherhood of person plant and place, Mary, Ave Maria, Sunna, Freya.

There is only one single thing to give up, our selfish individualism. Whatever basket contained us then contains us now. I can pray to Jesus, I can say the Pater Noster the Our Father, as my grand parents and parents said it. I can say the Ave Maria. Because who i am is an us. Who I am is a we. What my father and his father honoured, I can honour. There is only the love we have for each other as a people, that love is also for our immediate ancestors. I believe in you, as saint living beings, guiding and protecting me here now. I know and believe in the communion of saints and the forgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body and the life of the world to come. I see through a clouded glass, in the same framework my parents believed, my grandparents believed. Yet I believe not only their understanding, a failed understanding, an infiltrated understanding which obviously brought us here, I believe also in the tyranny of experience as experience, the experience of my peers.

    “‘Tis Observed, in the Solary Eclipses, that there is some times a great Trepidation about the Body of the Moon, from which we may likewise argue an Atmo-sphaera, since we cannot well conceive what so probable a cause there should be of such an appearance as this, Quod radii Solares a vaporibus Lunam ambientibus fuerint intercisi, that the Sun-beams were broken and refracted by the Vapours that encompassed the Moon. [Rev. John Wilkins, "Discovery of New World or Discourse tending to prove that it probable there may be another World in the Moon," 1638]

     As such we are particularly devoted to the re-emergence and deepening patriarchy of our father god, and call upon him, Wotan to nourish our white family, and nourish our white values from being compromised by antiwhite intentions of harm through the victimization of our people. We invoke this world and the spiritual world of our ancestors, of Christ, of Wotan to halt the victimization of our people. We are in a situation like Spain in 1480, we are in a generational struggle. If there is one word to remember it is cunning. Only a fool shares the inner heart with a stranger. We have no need to telegraph our plans. Yet our plans and intentions are 100% always for our people, our kith and kin. Our means and goals is to always guard against the selfish hyper individualism that is symbolized by the flag of white erasure that was central to the victimization and erasure of our people in the 30 years war 1914-1945 inflicted upon our european homelands by the oligarchs. The reality is these wars of erasure going back to the fabulous monster Abraham Lincoln, who led the war of northern aggression against the southern folk, left 1,000,000 dead in his war against our people. The mindset to have inflicted countless misery for those who do their dance of death under whatever cause they claim, we disavow. One aside, I met a Kansas wheat farmer couple married 57 years. The husband in a wheeled chair with his wife strapping his leg so he could exercise. I noticed unhealed diabetic ulceration on his lower leg and wanted to share red oil, a potent healing salve for our people since the crusades of the middle ages. Red oil is made from the flowering tops of Hypericum perforatum, St John's wort. Knowing Kansas plants, I know that healing plant grows where he described his farm location. Here was a farmer who had lived his whole life on his farm, yet had never heard or seen the st john's wort growing beneath his feet. A farmer who knows nothing about the plants that grow on his land. I want to make clear I felt a bond with this farmer and his loving wife caring for him. In fact thinking of him, I have cried, for what could have been. A tennant farmer of the industrial complex, a farmer whose connection to the earth has been severed, white erased, in their generational paradigm. I've learned cunning, to always be wary, under any circumstances to use discretion to share herbal remedies directly with the dominant culturist. They frequently have an angled perspective mounted on the surveillance media police state premise of watch, report, shun, and destroy. Their motto is often regime first, everything for the regime. Although I know there are folk first farmers, the entanglements of land ownership here means that farmers are regime 5-year plan farmers. My motto and the motto of our genius world teacher wild herb ways, is was and will be, "Folk first.", and " Evaluate everything for the wellbeing of our people.", that is the test, that is the formula.

As we pray, “Our father who guides and protects, holy is thy name.” We think of Prairie sweet root as a pathway aspect of our sky father God who we invoke, when we say, “Thank you father, blessings always to our white european ancestors.” Purple sweet root channels the zig zag lightning of tornado alley that circulates as cloud wind energy. Purple sweet root through its deep root taps into useful nutritive gentle supportive love. In a theory of science this is voiced, understood as a nitrogen fixing plant person. Nitrogen fixing plants are often legumes but are not limited to legumes. The nitrogen fixing plants fall across plants in several diverse plant families, such as alder, Turtle island prairie redroot, lead plant, milk vetch, Desmodium spp, and rather than a specific plant family points to a process of cooperative symbiosis with plant roots, soil bacteria, the ambient air, and complex heavenly process such as lightning and fire. Turbulent air embracing meeting earth. The sacred land sacred sex dynamis is why our genius world teacher wild herb ways advises men and women to copulate outdoors in fields, just as our white fore fathers and fore mothers did the same to invigorate their fields and gardens. In this way we re-enact celestial marriage vows, to experience our sacred space. We invite the earth plant people into our lives and becomes the zigzag lightning that penetrates as wind into the female body symbolized by the vagina. 

     For instance we can tend to think of respiration as our own personalized, localized breathing air, in a selfish hyper individualist perspective taking in oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide. Yes our breathing is our own, in a personal way but it is equally a group symphony of all beings, including bird song breaths, tree leaf breaths and flat earth prairie breaths included in our respirations. However plant persons make up the vast majority of group together being respiration breaths. Our animal breaths are symbiotically located within the plant dominant 80/20, nitrogen oxygen breath ecosystem. We never co-exist outside plant breathing. The air we inhale is only 15% -20% oxygen depending on elevation. The vast majority of the air we breathe is 80%-85% nitrogen. Nitrogen is the 4th most common element composing the human body after oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. While it may be true on some theoretical level that the air we breathe is composed of 80-85% percent nitrogen and somehow the nitrogen simply is an inert substance devoid of purpose or meaning inhaled and exhaled unchanged, and that the nitrogen that composes most of what we breath in and out has no role in our respiration, that is simply flawed logic. We have ample evidence that if a person were fed an exclusive breath diet of 100% oxygen, they would rapidly suffer oxygen toxicity. We could describe that oxygen toxicity as either acute oxygen toxicity with damage to the CNS nerves or chronic oxygen toxicity with damage to the lungs, respiratory and circulatory systems. It would be false to describe oxygen toxicity as breathing too much oxygen because it is equally breathing not enough nitrogen. We could call oxygen toxicity nitrogen deprivation. Our breathing has emerged and our entire compendium of process is situated in the 80% nitrogen 20% oxygen environment.

     “Extended exposure to above-normal oxygen partial pressures or shorter exposures to very high partial pressures can cause oxidative damage to cell membranes leading to the collapse of the alveoli in the lungs.  Pulmonary effects can present as early as within 24 hours of breathing pure oxygen.  Symptoms include pleuritic chest pain, substernal heaviness, coughing, and dyspnea secondary to tracheobronchitis and absorptive atelectasis, which can lead to pulmonary edema.  Pulmonary symptoms typically abate 4 hours after cessation of exposure in the majority of patients.  CNS effects manifest with a multitude of potential symptoms.  Early symptoms and signs are quite variable, but the twitching of the perioral and small muscles of the hand is a fairly consistent feature.  If exposure to oxygen pressures is sustained, tinnitus, dysphoria, nausea, and generalized convulsions can develop. CNS toxicity is expedited by factors such as raised PCO2, stress, fatigue, and cold.” (Thomson L, Paton J. Oxygen toxicity. Paediatr Respir Rev. 2014 Jun;15(2):120-3. [PubMed] [Reference list])

     The key point in this 80/20 nitro oxygen dialogue is the imperative of vitalism, the principle of gestalt integrity within all biological process. We can describe ourselves as composed of discreet separated theoretical process but whenever under any condition, the technology develops so we attempt to micromanage into reality these discreet separated theoretical processes, we experience either acute or chronic dis-ease and ill health. In this case the hyperbaric chamber or 100% oxygen delivery system. We are simply not and never meant to consume a 100% oxygen  So yes it’s possible to develop a techno machinery delivery system to deliver 100% oxygen, but such a breathing diet is inherently not conducive to health.. In theory it sounds good if 20% oxygen is good, and the 80% nitrogen we breathe is an inert non-factor in breathing,  then 100% oxygen is a better, iproved way to breathe. Which is fundamentally false. Our entire breathing process is rooted in the 80/20 nitro-oxygen paradigm. Just because we have aped the technological prowess to deliver 100% oxygen does not mean it then becomes an ultimate value to be implemented into experience. Breathing 100% oxygen is to poison the breathing process. 

     We can go further into the imperative of vitalism, and the principle of gestalt integrity within all biological process with the fundamental untruth of ‘because something feels good is good.’. Because something feels good does not mean it is good. The neurotic fetish verbalized by statements like, “It’s all good.”, “absolutely”, “Have a nice day.”, “Each to his own.”, “Do your own thing.”, “If it feels good, do it.”  We were talking about sweet taste and the spleen. This does not translate into the sugar, high fructose corn syrup environment death style inflicted upon the culture. Sugar apart and separated from itself does not exist in nature in the exact same way that 100% oxygen does not exist within our genetic experience as self. Added sugar high fructose corn syrup is a deadly poison and part of the erasure of our people into ill health, lowered potential and biospiritual slavery via diminished potential via the food industry farming factory  .


The best purple turtle island sweet root has a together relationship with turtle island rose, Rosa setigira. The thorn rune, known as Thurisaz, is a protective boundary energy is summoned by making the 'th' sound, like the ‘th’-sound in the word ‘thorn’, as in hawthorn. Yet here we are not considering runes from historical archeology. We are talking about the prayerful use of runes that exist all around us as thornful rose family plants. Hawthorn is one such rose family plant that we use for medicine, both medicinal teas, tinctures and so on and as protective prayer plants to both remedy biospirit and protect our bodies, dwelling places and establish boundaries. Hawthorn as in a hedge or fence, a delineated boundary composed of the rose family plant Crataegus spp, hawthorn with its thorny branches. Placing the tongue on the upper teeth by coordinating in and out breathing. Standing erect, with the right arm hanging unencumbered, relaxed, the hand open, and fingers pointing down, the left arm forming a triangle over the portion of the abdomen housing the stomach and spleen and the vital upward moving splenetic pathway, along with the downward moving stomach pathway. The emotion of the spleen is worry, pensiveness, uncertainty, anxiety

      The spleen is inextricably related to the early spring summer. The hours of spleen are the morning hours 9-11am. While the stomach is most active between the hours of 7am-9am. The stomach time of year is the first months of summer heat, fire within earth. The spleen as a person is ok with having a body. Like a small Stomach green snake who emerges during the warmth of summer, who crawls on the ground, relatively quiet and unobtrusive. Who doesn’t have exhausting oppositional tendencies. Who is not oppositional with doing the dishes, a person who doesn’t need to take credit. A person who doesn’t wave hands in flamboyant gestures. We could say don’t waste time blaming others. The stomach takes in food and digests while the spleen distributes the essence of the food throughout the body. The typical problems of spleen stomach dysfunction are abdominal distention, bloating, abdominal pain, regurgitation and gastric distress.       


    The spleen is located in the upper left side of the abdomen, behind the left ribs, and next to the stomach. The spleen along with stomach coordinates as an earth organ. The spleen enables the food we eat to be assimilated where it is mixed with air in the lungs and sent throughout the body to nourish marrow and sinew. The spleen can be visualized located as it is between the ninth and 11th ribs, below the left costal margin, and positioned between the diaphragm and the fundus of the stomach.

What follows is a way to integrate protective prayer with the body system, the actual body. Here directly from the genius World Teacher is extracted a discription of how to form then rune, Thurisaz. You can incorporate the bodily position on the first Thors-day of the month for Wotan's monthly day of prayer. Here you incorporate the body with the runic form honouring your spleen.With the left hand resting on the hip creating an outward pointing triangle or thorn rune. This is known as the thorn which facilitates an energy pathway into through the splenetic pathway of digestion, absorption of nutrients into the utilization body from the lower burner. One can assume this mudra of protection to liberate the splenetic pathway. This position of the thorn rune can be cycled, alternated with the left hand, then the right hand hanging down, producing the thorn sign of protection on left and right sides of the body. The thorn rune drawn as a straight vertical line with an outward pointing triangle of two lines, can be visualized and drawn upon objects, spaces for protection and nurturing. A grouping of rocks can be positioned in this pattern with intention, especially with regard to medicine garden areas utilized in promoting biospirit. This pattern can help connect with our boundaries and repel life threatening energies pathwayed against us as erasure. I want to add a significant understanding which many folk will find offensive, that is what I said before, an obsidian blade cuts as well today as it cut 10,000 years ago for our neolithic ancestors. Many volkish pagans will be brought low to cringe to think of a euro-man walking on this turtle island seamlessly going from rune to sign of the cross, from Wotan to the Virgin Mary, from herbs to motorcar, all I can say is, "I do.", in the sense of a alchemical marriage vow. My teaching is do not childishly throw away the ways of your ancestors in a purity spiral. When you meet life and death face to face, you will understand what I mean. Everything belongs to you to use to maximize biospirit, to thrive, to become stronger. Time will sort things out.

     The spleen is symptomatic in the prescriptive vs descriptive paradigm and not so much substance oriented. When we use the term spleen, we refer both to the body organ system and the body process patterns. Spleen is process becoming. Related to the first months of summer, fire within earth. The spleen is an ongoing pattern. Often times it's not until an imbalance occurs as illness, lower functioning becoming within a negative self sabotage script, that we become aware of body process patterns such as spleen. When body process patterns are moving smoothly they are more or less transparent and invisible. The goal in health is thus to have an invisible body based on trust in the healing process, that doesn’t have any need to show itself, but simply works in a problem free way. You don’t usually have body awareness until there is some kind of body dysfunction. You are not aware of your ankle until you sprain or twist your ankle. After you twist your ankle every step you take says, “Ankle. Ankle. Ankle. I am your ankle.” Before the ankle sprain you literally had no ankle. Likewise your heart beats 100,000 times a day, yet you have no awareness of your heart until you have heart palpitations, some irregularity in the rhythm, then you suddenly get a heart, as in angina or the heart attack. After your heart muscle partially dies then you suddenly have a heart. After your Mom dies and your heart breaks, then suddenly you have a heart. Before that when you called your Mom and visited and she made you cookies, you had no heart. Now your heart is everywhere. So with body dysregulation we tend to get body hyper identity. 

     The modern manipulation of trans cultural meta experiences via inserted tech, means a person will self identify desired regime associations. So within this context there's a de rigueur de facto required filth generator media device install complex actively functioning as a regime religio icon of erasure. These devices are requirements for the occupation dynamic of occupying and being occupied within extended social space. Known within dominant culture psyop scripting as an entertainment center, or television screen. People are required to install a filth generator in a central significant spot in the home. Just as muslim women are required to wear the various hijab burqa clothing in public society as part of the social contract. So to support the death culture war machine of bombs and poisons under the bloody red white and blue, pad and tampon flag of disorientation, you telegraph your approval of ever expanding economy culture, by mouthing some media platitude of fear. The dominant culturalist in the west is required, by the same mechanism of social contract to maintain and prominently display the filth generator entertainment complex centrally within their occupied spaces. A filth generator entertainment center is installed in their dwelling to dominate and negatively impact consciousness by visually and aurally continuous behavioral prompts that supply a lived in inhabited narrative that demands ill health and dis-ease as a social norm to facilitate white erasure. When you visit a dominant culturalist there is an extravagant need to show you their war machine techno booty stuff, as in big name brand items with an obvious label. If you are wearing sunglasses they have to be Christian Dior, Ray Bann. The tv entertainment center has got to be big, extensive, dominating, wall size, bigger, better, louder, theatre sound, and it has to be running continuously, broadcasting the antiwhite villain priority narrative. If you enter a dominant culture business the tv is running in the background, it could be a doctor’s office, a clinic, a petrol station, you’re always virtue signalling to your demographic. If a he or she is verbalizing talking it’s always some kind of a tv reference dialect, cinematic quote. “You know in the film called ‘x’, so and so says ‘y’. You know what I mean? Like really.”  We really like will self-inflict the negative feedback loop broadcast into the receptive mind. Thus their speech is an incomprehensible word salad mish mash littered with media reference. Every dialogue is some kind of cinematic vicarious click bait narrative referencing some icon influencer. The message of the countless hours spent transfixed in front of the filth generator complex being programmed via cinema videos is designed to inflict harm by producing a narrative that highlights hyper individualism and pathological altruism for the twin purpose of wealth redistribution and erasure of white european western values. Just as frequent consumption of the ubiquitous caffeinated diabetes serum such as coca cola or pepsi cola is a requirement of life under the oppressive red white and blue bloody tampon and pad insignia of the occupied antiwhite regime space, so too is the betrayal into childhood medication slavery provided by the health care police observatory rip off, jag off system guaranteed to diminish biospirit.

     Weak or disordered spleen, the body will have the following symptoms: lack of commitment to biospirit, a deracinated multi-cultural self, a tendency to self sabotage within an erasure narrative by virtue signalling within the villain narrative. A weakened spleen will self identify by stomach or abdominal bloating especially after eating, irregular bowel movement, weight gain, heavy and puffy arms and legs, poor quality sleep and insomnia. Some cases are accompanied by under-active thyroid, depressive chronic fatigue scenario and oedema. All these symptoms are associated with spleen qi deficiency or disorder. These people often self medicate according to dominant culture protocols. You may freely observe these persons carting liters, even half gallon containers of sugar syrup to fuel their evil agenda of ill health, filled with the ubiquitous diabetes juice known within the dominant culture erasure narrative as pepsi cola, coca cola. They crave sweets as per the insert points of the filth generator television screens providing expert flawleshly crafted villain narratives. Sweet flavours can help tonify spleen qi and energy. So let’s douse the children in diabetic coma juice to further the shelter in place die die die, buy buy buy story mythology fairy tale of endless, continuous economic growth.

    The sweet flavor tightens and tonifies, harmonizes, and moistens guiding qi to the spleen. Sweet is warming and expansive, aids in digestion, and is good for low energy, tension, and depression. However, due to its rich and cloying nature, sweet flavors also cause stagnation, dampness, and phlegm in the body. It is important to eat a balanced amount of sweets to avoid issues caused by damp or phlegm such as candida, growths such as tumors, cysts, and fibroids, or excess weight.

Sweet taste:

Earth Element

Spleen and Stomach meridians

Worry, pensiveness, uncertainty, anxiety

Late Summer or Times of Seasonal Transition

Sweet foods include potatoes, carrots, corn, grains, and honey.

Sweet herbs include licorice (gan cao), dang gui, and jujube dates (da zao).

     Tomorrow is July 4th, The First Thursday of each month is set aside as a day for white European westmen to honour our biospirit, our ancestors, our journey, because we are a people and white wellbeing is non-negotiable. We ask the Gods we honour to assist us in halting white victimization. On this day we focus on white wellbeing and halting white erasure. There are many ways you can do this. The only thing needed is the sincerity of your intention and a scientific spirit of inquiry to make an experiment.

     Hypericum perforatum flowers Turtle island meadows of Midgard 4.7.2024 Four day Utisetta at New moon Thors-day. We have 3 bushy Hypericums and 3 wild flower styles. The resin glands are visible on the rim of the five petal sun pattern, ruled by Leo, this gift from Creator enables us to resist erasure by nourishing biospirit. As per genius world teacher wild herb ways: hypericin although standardized as the active compound it's probably  "hyperforin" that has been identified as an significant compound, although it sounds good on paper in small mind replacement science, our big mind wisdom teacher has the whole plant as the real lesson here. St John's wort tincture is best made immediately in the field. The sooner you make it happen the better. Which is why so many  herbal medicine small mind replacement science trials are laughable. Remember, the 9-words - "We are a people and our wellbeing is non-negotiable."

    One of the ways is to light a fire circle at your home and ask Father God Wotan and his son Thor to bless and aid our people.

   We are coming together to ask Thor to help our people. Hail Thor protector of midgard. Help us to destroy the serpent that seeks to hurt our people. 

     Close the circle by greeting the 4 compass cardinals clock wise by singing Heil Austri, ˈsuðre, ˈwestre, ˈnorðre, ˈThe one in the east, south, west and north make this ve holy, banish all evil, destroy all that do evil to our folk. Draw a circle and draw four Algiz runes on the cardinal points surrounding the fire circle. This can be done with charcoal, or with lime or sand, anything you have handy. Offer a drink horn or glass/ Here a note, I personally prefer never to use alcoholic beverages in ceremony as many of our people have been sabotaged and compromised through the alcoholic industry. Generations of our people have suffered the teratogenic effects of alcohol in the womb of their mothers, along with tobacco, marijuana, stimulants and pharmaceutical weapons meant to diminish the biospiritual potential of whites. Alcohol is a teratogenic substance. I prefer to use a home made non-alcoholic drink called an oxymel made from honey and apple cider vinegar to which are added wild harvested herbs such as wild bergamot monarda, yarrow, artemisia, Hypericum St Johns wort, juniper berries, fresh hops, or pedicularis.  

     Hypericum perforatum, 7.4.2024 Uttisetta four day sitting with a particular plant. St John's Wort, fasting and prayer First THORS-day of the month. Uttisetta at New moon passing gemini to Cancer with genius world teacher wild herb ways. "The only way to heal biospirit is to go deeper into who you are for your people bringing back for them the healing wild herb ways from the genius world teacher continuous medicine road"


Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa,

Pink turtle island monarda, frequent encounter, on turtle island face to face, Pink turtle island bergamot is a plant person, sovereign valued for the is-ness of plant, revealed by genius world teacher in a wild herb ways teach in 14.6.2024 first quarter moon Virgo we are a people, our wellbeing is sovereign  non negotiable

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