Friday, November 19, 2021

Remedios, Earth & Sky

 Remedios, Pilar de Cielo y Tierra, Path between Earth and Sky

Zaragoza, Spain Pilar

    Mary is the way of salvation as she carried and gave birth to Jesus. "Grant that my last shout on earth and my first canticle in Heaven should be Viva Cristo Rey! Amen. Long Live Christ the King!"

      Living between earth and sky we use herbs for healing brothers and sisters within that tradition of charity which is ours inviolable. Going deeper, acknowledging those gone before, moving forward as best we can.

     Many herbal healing traditions from the southwest have to do Fe, faith, seeing world, situation, experience, illness and health with Ojos de Fe. Seeing with eyes of faith, through traditional Catholic Faith. Seeing through the eyes of Mary is the way.

     Using herbs, prayers through aspects of the Virgin Mary, and certain different types of rosary, litany and voiced prayer of intention to heal and reduce suffering in those we meet, all in the name of our sovereign redeemer and his mother the mediatrix of all graces. To overt normie so called judeochristian, everything for sale with a price tag, absolute consumerism america, this world of saints, prayers and Ojos de Fe, eyes of faith, eyes of Mary, is mostly illegal shame shun. Yet some want to use herbs in this way for alternative, frequently alterative cures. So we use the yerbas herbs, given by Creator, we honor the creation and worship the Creator. We learn, live, love, hope, cultivated and gather plants for healing. We share this knowledge with those able to see, able to hear and reciprocate this flow which is a non bloody vital sacrifice. As a plant is gathered it dies, so there are protocols and prayers, thanksgivings. Not a universal science for everyone. Instead a localized practice like the plants growing in their niche.

Señora Pilar in the snow

     Many years before the so-called founding fathers, or a type of decadent consumerism called united states, for 250 years the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of all time and sacraments were here in the new world. The ever Virgin Mary inexplicably linked in these remedios was cherished and offered herself as a way forward. In the Pacific northwest saints such as St Herman of Alaska and Orthodox Christians from Russia taught their sacraments and Mary Mother of God from Alaska to California, New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico likewise in New Orleans and the gulf coast both Spanish and French Catholics  had communities and churches. 

      Many of the psyop christian churches of ultra liberalism are churches of order. Visually you can see they have no altars, the lines of the architectural form are clean, there are no circles or curves. The Virgin mother of God, mediatrix of all graces is always first to be cancelled in their infiltrated culture of erasure, because motherhood is the ultimate scripture. Within the Protestants and pilgrims that made up the false framers, there are many gracious teachings yet within the seeds of the founding fathers are the tares of freedom that have no choice but to birth modern decadent liberal pony tail boomer ideology. No one can read the Bible and make sense of it, because it is a book of flesh and blood family. Not words on a page, instead it is sunrise and sunset, seasons, and the cult of ancestors from whom we come. To pray for their souls and honour them. In the fake church you'll find test tube monochromatic persons who emerge without history, spontaneously, factory AI 5G children, devoid of race, with no parents, it is the state religion, state holidays, magic flag waves, fake wars, fake history, an anonymous God. They follow a book of words and worship Jesus. We worship and pray to Mary. In late March, March 25th, early spring, we celebrate the Annunciation of Mary, the birth of Jesus to Mary. At the same time as the Santa Cruz, the Holy Cross and resurrection. 

     The good saints whether, Colòn, Pizarro, St Herman of Kodiak island, brought the faith, as relationship. Most importantly they brought Mary the mother of God to which we pray. They are still here today. Of the 52 signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, only one was a Catholic, Charles Carroll. Strangely the eastern seaboard colonies including Maryland, considered the most Catholic,  where Carroll resided had laws prohibiting Catholics voting or participating in political life. They were called papists, or poppery and due to their allegiance to the pope were considered enemies of the colony.

anti catholic mob violence Boston 1820

While history describes the colonists as leaving the old world of europe for  freedom, especially religious freedom, their umbrella of freedom did not extend to Catholics of the Virgin Mary. Catholics supposedly made up only 2-3 % of colonial America. Yet this statistic is a type of fake news because it did not include, French Catholic Quebec, Arcadia, Florida, Louisiana Purchase, Mexico, Texas, California, New Mexico, or Arizona. In 1830 the Ursuline academy was burned by a mob of Bostonians and their Protestant ministers who viewed the sisters, convent and school as,  "
“Leave not one stone unturned of that curst Nunnery that prostitute female virtue and liberty under the garb of holy religion.” The slave owner republic has long had a hatred of Mary. 

Virgin Mary is process lexicon praxis

Many of the so called Blaine laws of  post civil war America that are used to ban religious instruction in government public schools were written in the 1870's as anti-Catholic laws and went as far as a failed constitutional amendment, but continued as state laws. Catholics themselves in America developed a strange false ecumenism as a virtue signal false flag straw man which Pope Leo XIII in encyclical Testem Benovolenteae in 1889 wrote to Cardinal Gibbons which he described as Americanism which in Europe manifested as Modernism. In Oregon in the 1920's a law was passed by referendum that was aimed at Catholic schools that made it illegal to send children in Oregon to non-public Catholic schools. The law was overturned in 1925 by the US Supreme court, unfortunately these victories were co-opted into defeats by Bolshevik subversives who by the 1930's had infiltrated all American institutions.

A lot of authentic religious experience tends around a sacred language, guided structured prayer and liturgy and reverence for the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Theotokus, the woman who carried, gave birth, nursed and nurtured the baby Jesus. In the same understanding a lot of psyop, limited inauthentic religious experience is carried forward through the lack of a 
sacred language, an absence of guided structured prayer and liturgy,  and a generalized prohibition on any reverence  or honour for the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Theotokus. The psyop anti-religion prohibits any mention of the woman Mary the Mother of God, who carried, gave birth, nursed and nurtured the baby Jesus. This is because this is co-opted fake religion designed for despair and the destruction of the family through which God's mercy flows as it does through God's church. The flow of mercy and grace flows through a cherishment of the biological family, father, mother, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, kin, grandmother, grandfather living together a pathway of salvation and redemption. So now you can see blatantly the intention of a church that bans adoration of Mary the Mother of God. A personal, jibberish, jazz, improvisational prayer, becomes the magic flag wave, the magic negro symbolized by continuing uncomfortable change and erasure as the governmental policy to replace its own people, with a planned obsolescence. Real authentic religion is the journey towards eternity fully cognizant of ancestors. In authentic Christ, Mary faith you must include the dead. The acknowledgment of ancestors as faith in their souls, as your own. For this reason the revolving door church that unfolded as Vatican2, with its tangible faith the ultra heresy of Americanism is the self suicide of a people, continuous ultimate choice, the paralysis of existentialism. Who wants the burden of continuous recreation of essence in a consumer nightmare of buy buy buy, die die, worthless landfill trash, massive debt, a parking meter culture where one is forced to change, change musical chairs. Christ faith is strength, confidence in stability, not a covid mask wearing fear religion where at any moment you and everything you believe in is removed via forced strangulation. Christ faith exists already in a world of death, suffering and despair. 
     "You will not find God inside the Bible, You will not find a hamburger 
inside a cook book. The Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus, look to her." -pm
"a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, on her head a crown of twelve stars."RV12:1

    The sterile, sanitized so called faith of psyop America, Jesus only personal faith can be seen as a development in the strange religious churches of Protestants which funnel the energy of authentic religious awe and wonder of an unknowable God into a gnosis of rational liberalism as seen in the architectural forms of psyop American mega-church model. Here in this architectural form square box devoid of all past religious symbolism, you'll find religion devoid of religion. A religio-utilitarian high tech pro AI robotic standardized religious high tech factory. You'll find giant big screen tv, microphones, loud speakers, digital billboards, elaborate power point projections, a modern secularized church, non-church. All the decadent tenants of liberal choice, the meta beliefs ultra personal me me me, buy buy buy, eternal youth, never die die die cargo cult prosperity gospel, Americanism, pushed and swallowed. It's a boomer church where ultra choice is the ultimate value. Choose your gender, same sex marriage, disposable marriage, ultra feminism, abort your baby pro choice, all pushed ultra. The magic flag wave, open border church, the raceless, fluid gender church. The me only personal salvation born again church. The church without history or denomination, the American wasteland church of freedom, endless choice, the pharma fairy land choice of endless economic growth merging with AI in a personal eternity. A multipurpose church that can double or triple as a business, sports stadium, amphitheater, a church that is everything and a church that is nothing, a churchless church, for a generic nationless atheist godless nation. 


1930's Lincoln brigades prep for ww2
By the 1930's America had as Our Lady of Fatima warned in 1917, had been impregnated with the errors of the atheist edomite Bolshevik Russia. America by the 1930's was doing its export of revolution, sending decadent Hollywood revolution vanguard world wide. Sending psyop shock troops to fight for the american atheist evolution the Lincoln brigades, against Franco in Spain.
Salazar, dogma of the faith will be preserved...

Salazar youth brigade

Testing their chops for the plandemic upheaval of Europe for the 1940's. The endgame is always destabilize, destabilize. 

With the election of FDR in 1932 they began psyop for ww2 doing a pando-plandemic prep work on multiple fronts.
Cristeros Mexico 1920's ¡Viva Cristo Rey!


     By 1910's a anti-Catholic revolution occurred from the North of Mexico which eventually overwhelmed the country. As outlined in the vision of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, the errors spontaneously metastasized in Mexico exacerbated in the Cristero war killed 250,000 between 1925-1929 with 80,000 soldiers involved.

Mexican State hangings Cristero war

Joan of Arc women brigade Cristero war

All Catholic Churches were closed by occupied Mexican government decree in 1925. As part of a generalized policy within the ongoing American psyop, the closing of churches, bloodshed, and mayhem destabilization was well received in Washington.  
Christeros present arms during Mass Jalisco, Mexico

    All this elaborate empire fiction misses the mark, we are localized in place, specific. You can fit 2 austria's in a single washington state. Austria has deep rich 1000's year history, 2000 years of Christendom, thick Neanderthal dna. America has a shortage of history because in many ways it's rewritten from moment to moment, it's a Disneyland fake history of exploitation by the oligarchs. Going back to 700K dead in civil war. It has history but it's hard to find.

Then ww1 ww2 korea 'nam gulf iraq 'stan, 100 years of empire stupid, these are not heroic wars, they are colonial mishmash, body bag bs. Now it's transformed to AI 5G internet wasteland. As in forget it, it's unsalvageable. What will you save? Mainly save yourself and your small circle, the magic flag wave is both too large and too small to do much good. 

     As an example, Oregon in the 1920's had only 7% of its population Catholic so the intention of the law was to eliminate private Catholic schools. Why eliminate the particular? You'll find this a major motif in the magic flag wave. An enforced uniformity, in such a land of big spaces as America there is very little room, because the goal is grey, beige, bland, homogenous mixed. Another major motif, new and improved, cut down orange groves, drain cranberry bogs for shopping malls. These same laws that were designated antiCatholic, are today just anti, official diversity, continuous change, instability. These laws today prevent a parent from using school vouchers from going to private Catholic schools, make illegal the existence of a Catholic charter school or parents opting out of the public school tax. It's the motif of standardized empire maximum velocity, speed.

Government stand down Columbus statue Maryland 2020

In the recent year 2020 publicly funded police were instructed by elected officials to stand down and observe while statues of Christopher Columbus were toppled, vandalized and destroyed by roving mobs within the psyop throughout American cities. Statues of Catholic saints Junipero Serra were likewise vandalized, toppled and destroyed in California were regime police were ordered to stand down, not interfere with psyop reset mobs. Similar actions within the psyop occurred in New Mexico in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Within the pysop of controlled opposition the objective of destroying church property is "ok" because within the psyop, Catholics are pro European and as such all tradition is fair game within the global reset.

Public execution antiCatholic marxist Mexico 1920's

     Under the failed presidency of bumbling Donald Trump nationwide waves of riots, looting and violence occurred over and over and each episode became more and more random with the only common thing was Trump could do nothing. "
In June, the Catholic Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis was set on fire. Catholic churches near the University of Mississippi were vandalized. The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver was trashed. Windows were smashed in Dallas at St. Jude Chapel and at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Louisville. Swastikas and anti-Catholic scribbling was found on the graves of several Dominican friars on the campus of Providence College.

In July, a statue of Our Blessed Mother was set on fire in Boston and another statue of the Virgin Mary was vandalized in Queens. In Ocala, Florida, a man crashed his minivan into a Catholic church while parishioners gathered for Mass; he then poured gasoline in the church’s foyer and set the church ablaze. San Gabriel Mission Church in Los Angeles County was set on fire, destroying parts of the 249-year-old iconic structure. Vandals were charged with a hate crime after they partially disfigured Mission San Jose, a church in Fremont, California.

Police step down 2020

Also in July, Sacred Heart Catholic school in Gallup, New Mexico was broken into and a statue of Jesus was vandalized. A statue of Jesus was beheaded at Good Shepherd Catholic church in South Florida. “Satanic” and “anarchist” symbols were found on the church door at St. Joseph’s Church in New Haven. In August, Bibles were burned in Portland."

Sacred calendar Catholic Church Lex Orandi

     The psyop reset continued unabated, When In America the most damaging thing your enemy can do is publish your name, address, picture, the names of spouse and children hostages...when your mere existence becomes a punishable crime, the unthinkable is done...outlawed religious assembly, banned family Thanksgiving holiday. The left can use your name, address, picture, as a weapon and your spouse and children hostages. 

Lima, Peru, Conquistador Pizarro

     This co-opted opposition within the psyop extends to the oldest reverenced aspect of the Virgin Mother having direct links to both La Reconquista of España 870AD-1492AD and Nuestra Señora del Remedios and La Conquistadora existing in the United States in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Pre-boomers will boom, collaborated with Stalin, ww2 marxist commie fdr,  colonial wars korea, 'nam, Mid East. abortion, integration, open borders and made it illegal for your group to advocate. Dominant culture shun shame is a divisional leftist wealth redistribution tool.

"One hundred years ago, anyone would have thought it absurd to speak of homosexual matrimony, abortion as a right, production of human beings in the laboratory- Today anyone who contradicts the dictatorship of humanist antiChrist ideologies is punished within the shun by social deplatforming."

Internalized shame Shun election psyop 2020 

Q: 'What is life in a shun?' A: It's life without parole, 40 50 years of silence, no physical human contact, no family, no employment, no friendship, a cloak of invisibility. It's the reset, it's replacement. It's the lockdown. A redefinition of human experience, to anger, fear, hatred, resentment. 

commie MLK  Nelson Mandela to bring about communist revolutions They fought alongside marxist commies in ww2,  colonial wars korea, 'nam, Mid East. They loved abortion, integration, open borders and made it illegal for you as a to advocate. In covid lock down don't mourn their death. The voting machine software stole the election, your children's future, was an algorithm. We can not coexist with that. Think only of the action ahead. Prepare for final victory, the final solution in Christ, eternal life martyrdom vs slave forced to wear a mask.

     Out of the extensive fear of dox, retribution/retaliation within the psyop, the name Nuestra Señora La Conquistadora, was officially changed in 2017 by the Bishop with the diocese of Santa Fe, to Nuestra Señora La Paz, Our Lady of Peace. CV19 shutdown masking is massive shun shame creating negative mind states. Mind psyop will intensify submission lockdown. Random violence, suicide, drug abuse, domestic violence, divorce, paranoia will reach new level for next psyop reset. 

Various niche groups within the social fabric will intensify shun shame at levels that will make both public violent destructive behavior and private self harm behavior common place. You will see this play out in streets, families and circles. Identify toxic. Go deeper into face to face.

It is important to develop shun-proof shame-proof zones, psychological spiritual and physical. Seek out helpers that can facilitate passing through the coming gauntlet of shame and shun psyop. 

Even with a magic negro anticolonialist virtue signal flag wave, several statues of saints were defaced in Santa Fe in 2020. Because the as the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII in 1889 teaches, 

The underlying principle of these new opinions is that, in order to more easily attract those who differ from her, the Church should shape her teachings more in accord with the spirit of the age and relax some of her ancient severity and make some concessions to new opinions." Unfortunately the entire church eventually succumbed to the heresies of both Americanism and Modernism as a vatican2 church. So rather than informs it adapts, rather than a pillar between earth and sky, heaven and earth it virtue signals and bows. 

     So it is with the teachings are within the older church of all time, so although Jesus descended into hell he did not endorse thereof.  “Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:60‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“But Jesus said to him, Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and publish abroad throughout all regions the kingdom of God.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:60‬ ‭

The annunciation, visit to Elizabeth, nativity, presentation, finding, are 5 mysteries. Remember until 1254 there was one North Christian Faith. Allow no purity spiral whether Protestant sect, atheist, pagan, or state to steal our Christian faith.  

I know better than anyone the story of green conifer trees brought into the home, Mary Theotokos Mother of God, the darkest days of winter, and Our Savior Jesus Christ. the gift of salvation. And I tell you they One and the same, Emmanuel God is with us  here and now! 

1)"Jesus, God is salvation, Allow the dead to bury the dead, but as for you? Depart from their death culture. Go forward as messengers living the reign of Christ." LK 9:60. Apostle’s Creed: “he descended into hell.”, their narrative is fear and bondage. Be unchained, unmasked.

"Those who deny Mary the Mother of God,  identitarian prayer of the rosary are infiltrated communists. Set on false enlightenment liberty, fraternity, equality. Atheism is the boomer creed in Washington. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, never your heart. 

       USA fate sealed ww1, entering war when not attacked. ww2 siding with atheist communist Russia against the moral high ground of nationalism. USA infiltrated by waves of atheist then commie euro immigrants 1914-1929 opposed fascism and nationalists. 

Weaponized healthcare 1930's style

     Sister Lucia, Fascist phalange saint of 🇵🇹 Portugal predicted commie America. Preboomer America joined Stalin atheist communist Russia against nationalists spain, Germany, Japan, Italy. 15 mystery Christian Identity prayer 📿Catholic rosary ✝️

Virgin Mary ✝️ Christmas tree 🎄Jesus carry logos seed covenant. Nourish homestead Beowulf life always with in mead hall. These covid disruptions are Holy Ghost gifts, you have what you need. Christ is with you. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together" 

1917 Our Lady of Fatima visited Lucia dos Santos in Portugal. God anointed Antonio Salazar to lead Portugal: Deus, Pátria e Família”. This lasted only as long as he lived. V2 is infiltration church. 

Lucia dos Santos

     1)They use psyop meme pathogens to shame, shun, guilt, vs pathological altruism, to dis-empower. The end goal of the psyop, is generational tax wealth redistribution, disenfranchisement in a group identity political structure where you are not permitted to advocate as a group. 

2)The overt psyop 2020 election fraud designed to put "X" in office, simultaneously humiliating you. Subplot Covid19. The media's ongoing deplatforming, censorship just beginning. You now live an algorithm. There can be no solution without group representation, and therefore embrace no solution, solutionless problems are the new normal.

3)Within the US in general and western nations in general, are in a self-suicide meme pathogenic existential bind, set-up for erasure due to inherent pathological altruism. There is no potential for certain people for group identity representation in American government as it is, zero. 

4)A psychological, biospirit, work with a lexicon to detoxify meme pathogens, maximize wellbeing within the continuing psyop as posited by "X" is essential. To do this work a level of Maslow hierarchy of needs must be met first, within a broken wellbeing community. 

5)An inferior shun shamed by a superior will model that behavior on subordinates: this is ebb flow within the abuse culture that is white on white America. How else to document decreased fertility life expectancy, drug abuse, suicide, abortion and a shun shame death style? 

6)Community is not conspicuous photoshop, barbie ken doll, social media bling. But IRL authentic rust belt, generational poverty, shun shame 2020. Positive must include all the technology of our enemies with traditional Jesus faith.

7)We must face the reality of an overt antiChristian relentless hostile regime positioned in the medico politico surveillance police psyop state of the new reset, in addition to covert internal meme pathogens all designed to sabotage wellbeing. Be thankful for the real work.

8) The real work is to transition from life cycle poverty psyop theatre to the saving grace of home🏡 church ⛪️Jesus Christ ✝️Christian neighborhood. The word of God in prayer fellowship. Daily convicting one another in love today and celestial. Peace and grace believers! 

In Christ✝️ greetings. St Jeanne d'Arc was martyred 600 years ago. We are in a 100yr war like Le France. They mocked her, 'Is the St Michael you see naked?', "Do you think God has not wherewithal to clothe him?" God  provides everything needed for 🏡⛪️ us here, pray the rosary

Your kneeling, pleading, begging guilt psyop is not new 2020. Your reset was always my deplorable people's erasure O'Donnell, Kazmyrski, Poles, Slavs, Irish for 50 years. I count like notches on my belt the suicides, overdoses, abortion's. I swear by the blood of Jesus Christ and those below beneath my feet.  Christ the king healing plant Remedios by the Virgin Mother of God.

message 🎄✝️1) Brothers sisters of Christ in charity 👋🏻 greetings 🎄 ❄️ ⛄️ writing from ✍️ hard shame shun. It's one year since Grendel covid19 attacked our heorot. 

Selection psyop 2020

And the winner is...Biden Covid Trump Wins!

  "spawned in that slime Of Cain, murderous creatures banished By God"- Beowulf

Jesus, Holy Ghost and Virgin Mary are with us in "That shadow of death hunted in the darkness, Stalked Hrothgar's warriors." Now is the time for Shieldwall, whether Arkansas, dakota, montana, maine... as Grendel's modor and dragon 🐉 are on the horizon. Use sweat sauna Bruderhof!

Apostle’s Creed – “he descended to hell.” 

      So with a deeper tradition that acknowledges the mass of all time unchanged, Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi.

prayer, belief, life, living

legem credendi lex statuat supplicandi, which is to say, ‘the law of prayer determines the law of belief’

     North America is was and will be a sovereign continent. Heroes were the loyalists who fought agin the terrible plague of patriots1776. We never have, never will accept the tyranny of 13 colonies. King and queen remain head of church and state. As Christ the King and Mary the mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth. Within 80 years of the 1776 revolution, 700K died in the civil war proving the lie of freedom. Shun and shame twin tools that will be used by stasi dominant culturists to negate BioSpirit.

La Conquistadora becomes Lady of Peace, NM

      In 40AD seven years after the Resurrection and Ascension into heaven of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary miraculously traveled to Zaragoza Spain in the company of heavenly angels to visit Santiago, St James who was spreading the gospel there. This was the first widely recorded miracle of the Virgin Mary. She brought with her carried miraculously by angels a column of jasper and a image venerated by faithful Catholics in many forms alluding to the intercessory nature of Mary as queen of heaven and earth. This refers to process, the Virgin Mary in her aspects is a process in the world and the life of believers. 

St James 40AD in Spain

      Jacob translated to Spanish is James. So the New Testament book of James in Spanish, is the book of Jakob. So it is fitting that this covenant in Christ, as a pillar of stone was made again with James in Zaragoza. This was repeated in the New World, Gen 31:44-45 "Now therefore come thou, let us make a covenant, I and thou; and let it be for a witness between me and thee. And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a pillar."  So it came to pass that the  Ever Virgin Immaculate mother of God, Mary the Theotokus, God bearer appeared miraculously to James son of Thunder January 2, 40AD, and brought with her a pillar of jasper carried by angels. 

      This is a column, pillar, or path of healing between heaven and earth called pilar de cielo y tierra. Thus our novenas taught, teach, the promise of Eden, "O Conquistadora, Patrona y Reina nuestra our Patroness and Queen, the Woman whose seed will crush the serpent’s head as promised in the Paradise of Eden", fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The birth of our Savior Jesus Christ by the ever Virgin Mary was completed on Calvary when he descended into hell and left the tomb risen. 

Visit of Mary Mother of God to St James

     "Merry Christmas La Conquistadora, 

Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios,  

500 años in America, 

blood and soil Jesus Christ,

every healing herb, Los remedios 

Queen of Heaven and earth, 

through your son Jesus.


woman & child in the house,

late december utah snow 

juniper sage brush

hot rocks steam

rolling in the snow

you warm and wet" -pm

     The sons of thunder James, Santiago apostle of España and John the evangelist, Juan came from sisters Salome and Mary. "James and Cephas and John, who seemed to be pillars" Gal 2:9. Santiago traveled to northernmost Spain, Finis Terrae, the end of the world, preaching teaching. For men or women of faith doubt, anger, despair, Eph4:14-24 are not options. Outer circumstances are challenges. Fortify in knowing, in your ancestors many suffered, hunger, death -they continued on in faith prayer, supporting one another. Do the same.  

    Fundamental Plants: We have legs, we move atop earth, plants have roots, they are planted in the earth. When understanding plants as medicine and the effect of plants in the body this is the key understanding, legs vs roots, physical movement in space vs hunkering down.    In the novena we use in gathering and preparing plant remedios. 

     4)Our blessed Lady Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, all the plants. Use limpia, cleansing, healing all those who come from the east and the west and the north and the south: and shall sit down in the kingdom of God. Praising for all things heard and seen. By thy mercy seeing him

     Fearless, expressed an understanding that, "There is something in my ❤️ heart that is black.", you mentioned wanting to have God remove it, so that your "whole heart can shine for Him", that is certainly good insight. Would it be accurate, to call this part of your heart that is preventing you from shining, I imagine living life to the fullest, a blockage? Something that is blocking your best, your good, a blockage, and therefore something that needs to be removed so God's grace and love can move without restriction? As with Jacob 28:11-12  "And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. 12And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it." A column between earth and sky, with movement going up and returning downward in a circuit. 

      These are the healing milagros of remedios that exist unbroken in the royal road, "the Church of the living God" that she should be "a pillar and settled basis (δραίωμα) of the truth," 1 Timothy 3:15 "that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." 

     The Virgin Mary first recorded miraculous appearance to St James in 40AD has continued to this day. Her protection is especially invoked against plagues and malignant fevers. For that reason both the herbalist and patient should make confession, return to a state of sanctifying grace and receive Holy Communion to begin. The seed of sanctifying grace occurs at baptism, and healing occurs by activating the pathway of a column between heaven and earth. Finally for the honor and glory of La Conquistadora refrain from speaking for 9 days. "En el nombre de Jesucristo, 

           buena salud 

    y bendiciones siempre!"

     Humans all animals primary survival adaptation to stress is movement, action. Plants primary adaptation to stress is maintaining staying in place, chemical sophistication and extreme fecundity. An animal has relatively few offspring to carry change into the future. A single plant can make hundreds, thousands of seed offspring to carry change into future. 

     "En preparación para la reunión de plantas sanadoras, Nuestra Señora Conquistadora de Los Remedios.", In preparation for the healing plant meeting, Our Lady Conqueror of Los Remedios. The healing plant meeting is through the gathered herbs and other prayerful activities, called activities of prayer which are connected to the herbs, because Nuestra Señora was promised us, as Mary who gave birth to our Savior. 

La Conquistadora, Santa Fe, NM

     For that reason things such as roots, leaves, tinctures, crucifix, Rosario, statues of santos, Jesus y Maria, candles are kept with the herbs and herbal remedies and never separated from them. They are never separated because the earth and heaven are linked, this is the pilar. 

     St James was living in Spain after the resurrection and in difficulty. Santiago had a great devotion to Mary. On January 2, 40AD the Virgin Mary came to Santiago, he suddenly beheld a great light in the midst of which he saw Our Lady surrounded by a multitude of angels. The Virgin Mary tells St. James the Greater: "This place is to be my house, and this image and column shall be the title and altar of the temple that you shall build... and the people of this land will honor greatly my Son Jesus" 

1)Nuestra Señora de Pilar, Patroness of all America. Mary the mother of God miraculously appeared to St James 1/2/40AD in España, bringing herself and angels. October 12, 1492 1st Mass was said in the Americas through Cristóbal Colón, the Christbearer on his ship La Santa Maria. 

Santa Maria 

     1492 was also the year the Cristóbal Colón brought Jesus Christ, the Holy Mass, to the Americas. Columbus and his conquistadors for Christ had a special devotion to the image of Mary that had appeared in the mountains of Spain that same year. Tradition tells us that St. Luke the evangelist made the image. So gathering these plants, Nuestra Señora de Pilar, Los Remedios, Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso, Nuestra Señora Conquistadora, in Santa Fe New Mexico, all have similar stories. During La Reconquista, Bendita la Reina de nuestra montaña, que tiene por trono la cuna de España… ¡Es Madre y es Reina! Venid, peregrinos, que ante Ella se aspiran amores divinos. Y en Ella está el alma del pueblo español… / Blessed be the Queen of our mountain, whose throne is the cradle of Spain… She is Mother and is Queen! Come, pilgrims, before Her we inhale loves divine. And in Her is the soul of the Spanish people…"

      Standing on a pillar, a column of Jasper, Mary who was still alive comforted Santiago and gave him further teaching. She asked him to build a church, then return to Jerusalem. James was being called to be the first martyr who was beheaded by the Edomite Herod Agrippa. Similar to the perfidious who slaughtered the innocents and murdered our savior Jesus Christ. A psyop within a psyop tribe, a neocon elite of money lenders sowing wars and for profit dissensions through the world.

     The steadfast Catholic faith of kings, queens, martyrs, and saints, is what helped Spain maintain her deep, Catholic soul—at home 1) against the very serious threat of Islam; and recapture it during La Reconquista, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and which brought the Virgin Mary, the Holy Catholic Faith to the New World. Unfortunately Christians today are required to believe in the so called founding fathers existing today as a cult of erasure with abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, ecumenism, rampant drug use, optional suicide death style, none of which can co-exist with Christ or the Virgin Mary. 

       We go to the mountains and make offerings to La Conquistadora, por 500 años in las Americas, our people have asked Our Lady to gather herbs and plants, Los Remedios through her son Jesus Christ, as herbalists we pray the mysteries of her rosario, to heal with herbs and plants. 2)Understood as La Conquistadora 1519 by Cortez. We continue that Santa Fe, Holy Faith Nuestra Señora de los Remedios with herbs and healing plants. Battle with principalities, covid reset, slaughter Innocents baby Jesus. Killed Christ and recreate communist replacement America.

     If you thought this would be over in a day, you misunderstood what is at stake: your life, children, family, a generational struggle. Fortify now knowing, in your ancestors many suffered, hunger, death -they continued on, never wavering,supporting one another. Do the same.  

     1)✝️La Conquistadora, refers to the 1st Reconquista of 700 años 790 AD-1492, Cristobol 🤱Christ bearer Colón to America thru today. La Conquistadora prayers continue, Christ all things common, one accord, end shun shame psyop reset from our blood and soil. Identity rosary📿renew.

     Now a psyop lockdown is vastly different than an epidemic of death. Yet due to the mass media's hold on the modern psyche, there is massive fear. We call this exploited fear utilized for an end of biospiritual control. Seeing virtual house arrest, the death of most small business, and widespread social panic, closing of government offices, boredom frustration riots, depression, suicide, and all the social costs of lockdown. Most of the sickness will be media induced Morgellons or a kind of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), herbalists are part of this too.

     Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios,  

500 años in Americas, 

you are blood and soil,

every remedio.

Queen of Heaven and earth, 

Most Holy Virgin, 

we venerate thee. Thou art the beloved 

Daughter of the Most High God, 

the chosen Mother of the Incarnate Word, 

the Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Ghost, 

the Sacred Vessel of the Most Holy Trinity.

     A lot of the dominant culture holds out elaborate carrots on a stick. Loud jarring throbbing music like rap, hip hop, heavy metal etc. Photoshopped porn with bizarre face paint makeup, surgical altered body parts breast butt augmentation. The social media feeds these elaborate narcissistic video game formats, cinema, movie, television where all kinds of exciting stuff is continuously happening. Wild laughter, super steep emotional roller coaster stuff is posited as normal and routine- when it never is or was part of the Christian life. 

      1Peter 3:3-6 "3Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 5For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: 6Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement."

     Life in Christ is quite simple, plain and boring. Examining things like baking bread, cooking a meal from scratch, taking care of animals like sheep, goats, chickens, planting a garden, listening, loving, sacrificing for one another - it's all basic, slow, simple stuff. 

     Pretty much the whole modern American world view is anti- Christian. Since 2014-2020 the life expectancy of Americans has fallen. The only other time this has occurred was the 1918-1919 pandemic flu epidemic after WW1 and during the HIV Aids epidemic in the early 1980's. Suicide, drug overdoses, alcoholism are killing people. People are preyed upon in a fundamental unsatisfying melting pot where every 3 minutes an American chooses death over life in a fundamental lack of equilibrium. So this is nothing new it is a life without Christ Jesus. 

     The Virgin Mary in Quito Ecuador in 1610 appeared to Venerable Marianna de Jesus Torres and this same revelation occurred in Mexico and what is now New Mexico at Santa Fe, La Conquistadora. 

     Conociendo a Nuestra La Conquistadora habla y guía hoy como antes de que este Psyop Covid reiniciara una solución clara para curar a otros, La Gobernadora. Knowing Our Lady Virgin Conquistadoa, speaks and guides today just as before this Psyop Covid reboot. We a clear way between sky and earth pathway,  to cure others, the Governorness.(Larrea tridentata)"

Milago 1941 Quito, Buen Suceso

Marianna Jesus de Torres, Quito, Ecuador 

     When people are spontaneously miserable, and a lot of this whole thing is that living this America nightmare is fundamental, due to falling away from the simple biospiritual truth of male/female, same sex relationships, abortion, traditional roles for men and women, satanism and a rejection of Christ, the search for excitement and intensity, rampant drug use both prescription and street drugs which feed this fake impossible goal of excitement. Much of this is fed by the technologies of computers and high tech social media. 

La Conquistadora, Santa Fe, NM

      God, Christ, Jesus is mostly a plain simple life slowed down life. The chemical fast paced electric excitement is satans distraction. So we go to these herbs and healing remedies as a prayer. It could be said you pray medicine, not take medicine pills but make biospiritual prayers together with the intercession of Mary as she has been established here, La Conquistadora, rosario, going back to St James, Nuestra Señora Pilar. Intricate medicine developing movement back and forth, heaven and earth, earth and sky.  

     La Conquistadora, La Apertura Mountain Opening

"We open mountain lake by opening our hearts. Abrimos el lago de la montaña

abriendo nuestros corazones.." -pm

La Apertura de la montaña comienza ahora. Quemaré las hierbas de cedro fragantes para La Guadalupana, Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, La Conquistadora para bendecir La Apertura de esta montaña. Gratitud y bendiciones. La Guadalupana, Nuestra Señora La Conquistadora Gobernadora de los Remedios.

Ruega por Nuestros.

La Guadalupana, nuestra Señora  La Conquistadora Gobernadora de Los Remedios. Ruega por nosotros.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, bless this melted snow water, flowing,  this sheep creek. Great Mother bless these trees and mountains. La Señora de Los Remedios, give us good medicine, pray for us and all two legged and four legged creatures, birds with wings, those swimming in water.

        Bless our ancestors buried in this Earth and your children coming from  sky.

      Holy Queen of heaven, earth wind and wood, bless the life of this water. In the Holy name of Jesús and Mary. Come to our assistance bless the water. 

A Little about this post...

I know people like to put on a happy face and smile. Yet there's a lot of suffering. If you're happy i am happy with you. One of the ways Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth land on which we live, with the rosary gets us through rough difficult times is to get us to a place where our ancestors buried in the Earth and our children yet to come can both be blessed. Mary gets us into a bigger picture. Our ancestor's resilient bio-spirit is wanting to give you a hug. Mary gives aspen eyes. Aspen exist as individual trees yet all the visible trees share the same clonal invisible root system. On a mountain side the aspen forest is one tree. With our top heavy big brains we get swallowed in individual tree mode, when we are also big tree, whole mountain, aspen heart. It doesn't take much when praying Her rosary outside to start to get Mary's wild heart and wild eyes. 

      Taking rosary outside, praying for all in Mary's big house. The prayers are in Spanglish-lish because it's a language used where i learned the plants in the southwest border country, Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California, the Mohave, Great Basin, sonoran, chihuahuan deserts and the sky islands. Often these provinces, nations without borders as Larrea tridentata, La Gobernadora, creosote, Fouquieria splendens, ocotillo, saguaro as the base in a few miles will become piñon juniper, pine, fir forest  with elevation as sky islands. The sky islands 6500-10,000 feet have a plant community one would expect to encounter in an eastern or rocky mountain forest. Circumpolar pipsissewauva-ursi, Angelica, gentians, medicinal plants expected 1500 miles north. 

     As a note, many apparitions of Mary in Europe have occurred to young children rambling outside in nature. Especially in the mountainous areas of Spain, Portugal, Italy, it would be unusual to have a village without a tradition of shrines, apparitions and devotion to Mary. Often the substance of these messages have to do with dangers inside the beautiful boxes we've set up for our Wild Lady, the Lady of wild places in those churches. The church attempts to process and manage the narrative often justifying the power structure elites. So Mary becomes exclusively the inside goddess which yes she most certainly is, the Mary of hearth and home, family, human two leg community. Yet Mary is equally the Wild Lady, the untamed, aspen Mary. Today as we try to untangle ourselves, (here referencing Our Lady Untier of Knots), from the individual knots of systematic human exclusion, and power structures that bind brothers and sisters in economic poverty and spiritual lack. There is also often systemic exclusion of access to natural Wild places, to the Wild Mary. People are suffocating due to lack of beauty. There is equally the knots of establishing a practice of prayer in wild places through Our Divine Mother Mary. 

       For me i was able to live and gather  plants in the area where folk healer Santa Teresita, 1873-1906 lived. I made it a point to visit her grave, or rather search for her grave, poignantly placed at the foot of the southwest's largest open pit copper mine at Morenci Arizona. I felt a connection for 5 or 6 years to her with the plants. Santa Teresita had visions of Mary and miraculous healing took place through Teresita's herbs and massage. 

Teresita's grave was desecrated, dug up and moved for the growing open pit copper mine. People still look for her reburied bones, to honor her memory and leave offerings at a grave in Clifton where her body was reburied. The southwest herbal tradition, through the Spanish has a strong connection to the Virgin Mary. Since i was living and working in the southwest, attending mass, i started using Spanish to pray the rosary while gathering plants. 

      Many changes are happening around us. There is a lesson from the Gita, 'whenever the forces of darkness prevail i will return as an avatar.' i believe Mary is manifesting, speaking to people now. One thing we can do is take our beads outside. Mary is giving us new mysteries there to help us get through these times. Praying in wild places can open that connection to Wild Mary. These were some prayers said near the BC border where i'm called to live now due to deepening drought of the southwest. It became became clear that a historic high pressure drought like historic late 16th century and the medieval period, between 900–1300 AD  drought had returned to the south west after a brief respite of wet years in the 80's to severe drought by the decades end. The difference being exponential human population growth, stress on the plants, mining/pumping of ground water. 

Holy Mary, Mother of God, bless this melted snow, flowing, this sheep stream. The Great Mother blesses these trees and mountains. Señora de Los Remedia, give us good medicine, pray for us and both two legs and four legged creatures, birds with wings, those who swim in water.

Bless our ancestors buried on this Earth and their children coming from heaven.

Holy Queen of Heaven, Earth wind and wood, bless the life of this water. In the Holy Name of Father, Jesus and Maria, and the Holy Spirit. Come to our help bless the water.


Santa María, Madre de Dios, bendice esta nieve derretida, fluyendo, este arroyo de ovejas. La Gran Madre bendice estos árboles y montañas. Señora de Los Remedia, of the remedies denos buena medicina, reza por nosotros y dos piernas y cuatro patas, aves con alas, aquellos que nadan en el agua.

Bendice a nuestros antepasados enterrados en esta Tierra y a sus hijos viniendo del cielo.

Santa Reina del Cielo, viento de la Tierra y madera, bendice la vida de esta agua. En el Nombre del Padre, del hijo Jesús y Nuestra Madre María, y el Espíritu Santo. Ven a nuestra ayuda bendice el agua.


Por la señal de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros enemigos líbranos Señor, Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y Del Madre Maria Santisima La Conquistadora, Gobernadora de los Remedios, y del Hijo, Jesu Cristo, y del Espíritu Santo El Viento Santo del Espíritu Santo., ¡Viento santo de las montañas, abran! ¡Abre ahora!


Gloria al Padre, y al Madre Maria Santisima La Conquistadora y al Hijo Jesu Cristo y al Espíritu Santo, ¡El Viento Santo del Espíritu Santo. ¡Viento santo de las montañas, abran! ¡Abre ahora!

Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Nuestra Señora, La Conquistadora, Nuestra Reina y La Gobernadora de la Isla de Tortuga. Somos tu gente sin fronteras, en la Isla Tortuga. Con tu protección, con este humo rojo de cedro, concedido por Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, y por el poder del Espíritu Santo., ¡Viento santo de las montañas, abran! ¡Abre ahora! Abrimos la montaña en tu nombre santo. Reunimos a tus Recuerdos. Por el poder del Espíritu Santo en esta montaña quemamos incienso rojo de cedro y hierbas sagradas. A través de ti, seamos dignos de las promesas de Cristo. Amén.

The Mountain Opening begins now. I burn the fragrant cedar herbs for La Guadalupana, Our Lady La Conquistadora to bless opening this mountain. Gratitude and blessings.  La Guadalupana, Our Lady La Conquistadora Gobernadora, pray for us. 

La Guadalupana, Our Lady La Conquistadora de paz of peace and balance, Gobernadora of healing plants and herbs, pray for us. 

Nuestra Señora La Conquistadora, our queen and Governess of Turtle Island. We are your people without borders, on Turtle Island. With your protection, with this red cedar smoke, granted by Our Savior Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Ghost. We open the mountain in your holy name. We gather your Remedios. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Holy wind of the Mountains , open! Open up now! on this mountain. We burn red cedar incense and holy herbs. Through you, let us be worthy of promises of Christ. Amen

Santa María Madre de Dios, 

ruega por nosotros. 

Madre de Jesucristo, 

ruega por nosotros.

Nuestra Madre Tierra,

ruega por nosotros.

La Gobernadora de plantas y hierbas,

ruega por nosotros.

Nuestra Señora Santa María Madre de Dios, 

ruega por nosotros.

Madre de Jesucristo,  

ruega por nosotros. 

Nuestra Señora de los árboles y el verde, ruega por nosotros.

Espíritu Santo del viento Santo,

ruega por nosotros.

Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios,

ruega por nosotros.

Madre de Dios, Madre de Tierra, 

Voy a través de ti.

Eres la misma.

Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Reina del Cielo y la Tierra, eres la Tierra y el Cielo, nubes, agua y rocío matutino, dando a luz todas las cosas.

Madre de Dios, 

Madre de la Tierra,

Voy a pasar por ti.

Eres igual.

Como lo fue al principio, ahora y para siempre, por siglos. En cuatro direcciones, en un círculo, entre el padre, la madre, el hijo y la hija, Espíritu Santo. Amén.

Amén. Amén. Amén.

Holy Mary Mother of God, Mother of Jesus Christ, pray for us.

Our mother


pray for us. 

The Governor of plants and herbs,

pray for us.

Our Lady Holy Mary Mother of God, Mother of Jesus Christ, pray for us. Our Lady of the Trees and the Green, pray for us.

Holy ghost of the Holy Wind,

pray for us.

Our Lady of the Remedies,

pray for us. 

Queen of Heaven and Earth, you are Earth and Heaven, clouds, water and morning dew, giving birth to all things.

Mother of God, Mother of Earth,

I'm coming through you.

You're the same.

As it was in the beginning, 

now and forever, 

for the centuries of the centuries. Amen.


"God is detaching us from the securities of this world... With sincerity we can ask God to tell us what He wants of us today, and continue to do that every day. And spend as much time as possible with God at church or somewhere in your home or where you find the silence. He is all we need."  Conchita Gonzalez, March 19,2020

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. 

Holy Mary, Mother of God, blessing melted snow water, flowing, sheep creek. Mother bless red cedar pine mountains. Our Lady Good Remedy, good medicine, praying thru us all two legged four legged creatures, birds with wings, those swimming in water. Giving us your heart and eyes. 

        Bless ancestors buried in this Earth and your children coming from sky.

      Holy Queen of heaven, earth wind and wood, blessing life of water. In the Holy name of Jesús + Mary. You are our assistance bless the water, our red blood, green blood of trees. "We open mountain lake by opening our hearts. Abrimos el lago de la montaña

abriendo nuestros corazones.." -pm

   Holy Mary, Mother of God, blessing melted snow water, flowing, sheep creek. Mother bless red cedar pine mountains. Our Lady Good Remedy, good medicine, praying thru us all two legged four legged creatures, birds with wings, those swimming in water. Giving us your heart and eyes. 

        Bless ancestors buried in this Earth and your children coming from sky.

      Holy Queen of heaven, earth wind and wood, blessing life of water. In the Holy name of Jesús + Mary. You are our assistance bless the water, our red blood, green blood of trees. "We open mountain lake by opening our hearts. Abrimos el lago de la montaña

abriendo nuestros corazones.." -pm


...i knew it was true, Wake robin house talk story, Good to see willow and robin knowing Mary is the greening. Wake robin flowered Trillium with 3 leaves, that appears in spring emerging from the snow houses. The wake robin is both wild turkey and Holy Mary, Mother of God, who with gobbling turkeys bless melted snow water, flowing, sheep creek. Turdus migratorius buries itself in the snow around Christmas when the days are short. They leave their snow house sheltered by thick red cedar, and meet up with elk and turkey to plan everything coming up in the plant world. During the winter, Mother bless red cedar pine wake robin mountains. Later the snow houses become bunch berry or wake robin. Our Lady Good Remedy, good medicine, praying thru us all two legged four legged creatures, birds with wings, those swimming in water. Giving us your heart and eyes. In the spring wake robins Turdus migratorius leave their snow houses and as the snow melts pussy willow grow around the lake. Poleo, Lycopus and skullcap are 3 migrating south plants, who leave for the winter, and will return later to flower in swampy mud around the east end of the lake. Later these three plants will journey south over 2000 miles to dream different dreams. Poleo, Lycopus and skullcap bless ancestors buried in this muddy Earth and your children coming from sky. 

      Holy wake robin Queen of heaven, earth wind and wood, blessing life of water. In the Holy name of Jesús + Mary, wake robin and willow. You are our stories. You are our assistance bless the water, our red blood, green blood of trees. "We open mountain lake by opening our hearts. Abrimos el lago de la montaña

abriendo nuestros corazones.." -pm

   Good to see willow knowing Mary is the greening. In the 2nd grade Sister Anne spun a bucket of water. Not a drop spilled out. She said, the reason no water spills out is called Mary's greening love. So i tried it, not a drop spilled out from the bucket. Then a robin sang a song and a wild turkey fanned and gobbled, a squirrel scampered up a tree, blown down by the wind storm, blocking the trail, so i knew it was true, bunch berry and trillium soon. 




Thursday, July 8, 2021

Post Jhab Protocol

 post jhab stuff

Please note if yinz have any medical problems, whatsoever, go see your medical doctor! or your online degree, online university licensed  nurse practitioner. Better yet go online and get telemed advice! And wear a mask! Seek out real medical advice!

      PJBS post jahb blues syndrome de-gunk, some biospirits said gimme gimme more and found they got a lot less. here using the official scientific matrix evidenced based term de-gunk in its clinical definition. this is for biospirit tribe who present with the new dx, PJBS. This protocol uses herbal tinctures combined with vitamin C to bowel tolerance protocol, and daily cardio of at least 1-2 hours steady low threshold. Each element herbal, vitamin C protocol, cardio is essential, so it's not just chucking a bunch of pills. What is vitamin C to bowl tolerance? That's a very good question. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance means taking so much vitamin C, till you start shitting your pants, then cut back till your still shitting but not shitting your pants. 

     We talked earlier about making different kinds of Vitamin C ascorbates, the easiest method is to take the Vitamin C ascorbic acid crystals for 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon, equivalent 2-3 thousand milligrams Vit C, in a quart mason jar, place in 4oz water, then add roughly 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of baking soda to the mixture, let it fizz and bubbles, then drink. This is a sodium ascorbate buffered to a more acceptable pH. 

     ...for PJBS this is the best evidence based tested formula found so far for some people who choosing jhab, now have a PJBS diagnosis from the dominant culture think tanks, especially those who contracted in community then said ala britney spears, gimme gimme more. or those needing to prostitute themselves for employment, travel or increased social credit score points.

      symptoms: slide effects: headache, body ache, muscular weakness, goofy blahs fog, cardio delivery epithelial tissue inflamation, blood clotting issue cardiovascular system, mitochondrial damage presenting as low energy decreased endurance, neural toxicity which can present as physical biospirit depression, loss of motivation interest in previous stuff.

     note tinctures 1-one medicine dropper full from a 1oz bottle  

= roughly 30 drops.

combine equal parts each 90-120 drops or 3-4 dropper full

Magic fix everything formula

1)hawthorn cratageus whole plant leaf flower berry 3-4 droppers

2)Silybum marianum blessed milk thistle 3-4 droppers

3)red root 3-4 droppers

4)turmeric ginger 3-4 droppers

5)hypericum perforatum 3-4 droppers 

6) Combine with vitamin C to bowel tolerance protocol, estimate 12,000mg to 15,000mg vitamin C ascorbic acid crystals. Use pure ascorbic acid without fillers or additives. 

7) beet juice at least once or more daily, pre cardio. Either juice your own beets. Or get a bag of organic beet powder. To make take 8oz water, 3-4 tablespoons beet powder, 1/2 teaspoon vitamin C ascorbic acid crystals and a pinch of Redmond's utah pink salt. I buy the coarse chunky ground salt in a 5lb bag at a feed store, with all the impurities, the good minerals still in it. The utah pioneers from Colorado city, Short crick, on the Arizona strip used Redmond's in their food and filtered down Thompsonian lobelia cayenne herbal tradition, thanks Merle, good stuff. Place in mason jar, shake and guzzle down. The nitric oxide in beet juice opens blood vessels and is a tonic to blood. You can take the beet juice 2 or 3 times a day. One of the few proven helps with cardio, oxygenation and stuff going on with the PJBS post jahb blues syndrome. 

    place tinctures in 8oz pure whole well or spring water then 

drink it all down.

Take 3 batches of this formula 3 times daily for 3 weeks, then cut back to a maintenance dose.

it's important to combine with mild cardio, at minimum 2 miles per day jogging or 15-20 miles bicycle per day, to flush and de-gunk and de-jahb. 

     Greetings to all who work for well being! May you be blessed by Hawthorn, as it has been a blessing to many folk. Within the shame shun reset erasure I wanted to advocate for hawthorn, lobelia, red root and specific exercises in relation to nourishing western biospirit in relation to clotte shot planned demonics, and regaining lost smell and taste.  #Crataegus douglasii -- black #hawthorn, a rose family bushy tree shrub growing intermountain west. Usually at the interface of creek, meadow forest, at old homesteads.

The bark is dark brown black on young branches, with the bark deeply furrowed peeling in strips on trunk. There are many hawthorns to meet.

    It's best as a long term remedy, vs acute, so for chronic conditions, like the ones most recent, blood clotte shots, heart and cirulation issues, essential HTN, s/p MI, angina. For this condition it is used with red root. Hawthorn may increase contracility, strength of contraction, yet lower HR. Red root is a midlevel astringent that acts to purify blood, potentiate liver, working on the final places of veins and arteries, and epithelial points of attachment. See how they work. Test it out. We've entered a time where no one can talk openly here, only face to face conversation, because of the wealth redistribution erasure within the algorithm of social credit score. 

      Hawthorn can mildly dilate coronary arteries and can increase blood flow. Similar in the mesenteric, helping to nourish the intestine and be used as part of leaky gut. Due to a high profile of flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, it also has a beneficial nurturing effect on the central nervous system. Many of the plan-demonic issues are addressed by tree along with red root, in terms of clotte shot. Using hawthorn long term with red root can be benefical. 

It was planted by white western people, here and in Europes, as a hedge or boundary. Rose plants with their thorns encourage healthy boundaries between this and that, giving and taking, self and others. In addition birds are fond of the fruits and make their nests in thorny branches, hence protection, nest, shelter, safety, home. So hawthorn is a symbolic talisman of our place, of our plant and of our people. Hawthorn is a voice of preexisting condition, the wild, partly tame tawny grammar of healing. 2022 Crataegus Hawthorn was an excellent year locally for our wild, feral, left alone to do its own thing, fruiting rosacea family, along with rose hips. The haws are now evident and abundant. The aws ripen late autumn. This plant gathered now with the end leaf stem and thorns, dry it a bit and tincture, and later berries. The berry haw can have many different flavors from sweet apricot creamy, to more astringent, with many in betweens on your ramble.  So now i am praying singing songs of Our Lady, who is mother of our white race at springs and grottos, as in beginingless time. Her Holy Rosary is a wreath of rose flowers. She brings a gifted whole plant elixir. I call it feral because it is wild within the tawny grammar of usage. Knowing these plants combined with red root and others growing nearby, ripening at st michael, raphael our guardians, protectors late September early October. Be blessed and bless others as you can. 

     ...your experience with regaining smell post covid infection via nicotine gum. I understand initial reluctance to use nicotine gum, its association with tobacco addiction, and the specialized chewing technique. I want to add nicotine patches have also been used. 

I want to postulate a reason for the many anecdotal reports connected with plan demonics, clotte shots and other stuff, smokers and nicotine, briefly, nicotine's role in both the nicotinic receptor cholinergic system, as well as ACE2 receptor pathway in the body, and thus blocking the spike protein attachment sites within the body. The nicotine occupied receptor sites have a decreased potential for attachment. You may wish to start the experiment, follow it, see if it works, to restore taste and smell. I would caution though that the nicotine patch is a better option, in terms of the risk of nicotine addiction potential in comparison to nictine gum chewing. Some herbalists would reccomend a less addictive plant lobelia, which you would take as tincture along with cayenne pepper. A 19th century Thompsonian approach to restore taste and smell, taken along with hawthorn and lobelia. 

Thirdly, smell retraining. Get 4-5 pure essential oils in the little bottles, open the bottle. Orange, lavender, clove, peppermint, garlic, anise, etc - and do a blind smell test, with eyes closed, twice a day. Identify the smell without looking at the label. Then check your results. You can also do this with actual herbs, hops, lavender, a clove of garlic, roots, red wine, white wine, tequila, whiskey, brandy, beer, etc. You want to keep these sessions brief before olfactory fatigue sets in. Keep a smell diary. Can you identify the smell? What does it smell like to you? 

     Know as whites we are a tiny remnant and seize this time betweenness. With erasure, soon an envelope of darkness will obscure, as the sun tilts down. I pray for you and know we will meet God be willing, Deus Vult


blessings to all who uphold machismo or marianismo J+M

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

BioSpirit movement

..." ...coming from the medi-police 1st reponder surveillance, every action monetary based mind set, persons often have an imbedded descriptor of their health concern which betrays their gestalt. it goes deep into substance vs process. as we're taught, most dis-ease has to do with a stuck condition, unreal-leased then cherished. If movement is the predominant answer, then process is key, rather than substance. Diagnosis keys into this falsity. If the person is locked into a dominant culture diagnosis, then exclusion as in social distancing and deplatforming becomes the unacknowledged fear within their perceived or actual peer group and a major factor in a block to healing and a block to movement within the stuck conditions, loss of status, income, access to social mediums, banned from air travel, within the new social credit score etc.

      and as a response to, "as a lymphatic remedy, red root helps clear the detritus from the blood stream"...let's be clear, we are not addressing passive persons on a rebreather in ICU. So the medi pharm police state model breakdown is not operational here. Above ground people must heroically advocate above ground state biospirit praxis. Meaning having a body means owning inhabiting the body physically. Meaning if the lymph blood system is invoked,  it must be viscerally liberated within its condition. The physical body first of all, is never a physical body, it is a specific biospirit logos requiring activity. Popping magic pharma pills or herbs and tinctures is at best a side gig. To get the lymph to move the body has to move, period, end of story. Red root and the herbs we know can be an adjunct with lymph, yet the lymph is a body action system with very minimal static pump outside of that body action system. 

     Likewise the laying of hands is part of this biospirit tradition. Part of what's going on. Part of what needs to happen. Replacing Rx pills with herbs is so not the answer here.

     What follows are the pure and perfect revelations of Wild Herb Ways sitting with plants, the remedio. Of course none of these teachings is in any way or form original. We must all do penance personally on our own to gain the vision, the sight, the ability to love others from a place of strength. To release and let go of things that no longer fit. Like food, you have to sit down and eat. You need to chew the food and swallow. It does little good to watch others eat. We take the earth, fruit, the blade, the kingdom of God as an organization of patterns, the seed sown in the earth, hidden thru winter to rise as greening in spring, as the saviour. You need to climb the tree and suffer yourself. You need to carry it. I stand with the green, in all directions, may all be well, blessings always.  For me in terms of the local remedios He lived two thousand years ago and so climbed the tree for his challenge and ours, was pierced by a spear, died as a seed, was planted in the ground and rises each spring by the greenful grace of all mother Mary, the cross as Chi Rho must be ethnically cleansed from the cross as stauros, the well-known instrument of capital punishment because our path has nothing to do with places thousands of miles away. I do not worship a god far away, whatever we need is here. If it's not here we can build it. The seasons are here, the rain and snow, sun and wind are here. Neither do I accept the grift merchants continually holding hostage the belief system of ancestors with continuous reference to the mideast as an exclusive holy land justifying cyclic generational war, and now mechanized war. You need to embrace the holy land here, the mountains, the people, the plants, the place, here and now around you, as a penitent. I within remedios teach the green tree of forest, Yggdrasil, the same as the Yule tree. So whenever the cross as a torture device is mentioned it must be disavowed once and for all as an occupied mythos. The tree of faith can only refer to the various placed trees, the tree of life, the christmas yule tree, Yggdrisal of Odin. The tree you carry yourself. Climb yourself as a penitent. The tree of faith can only refer to the various placed trees, the tree of life, the christmas yule tree, Yggdrisal of Odin. In this tradition we reference the voice of the Holy Rood and the signing as a blessing way to deliver us from evil. Our saviour himself describes the herbal path of awakening as a green flame power of sap flowing through living vines and branches that gather vitality from their roots nourished in the earth, from, wind, water, fire of sun. Those were his words, not mine, he said to work with vines, branches, trees, seeds, all of them remedios. To abide in the vine is to be linked to the earth mother Mary. From that connection to the green flame is everything. The kingdom of heaven is a living green seed faith of the perfect remedio, in a celestial arrangement of the united order. The vine is tethered to the earth local in place where it is nurtured and grows.The evil we face today is on many fronts, the forces of evil against our green faith. Evil seeks to own our souls and condemn our destiny to eternal hell by separating us from the green life. The Holy Rood refers to the rod or tree that is the living Holy Yule tree of green living wood upon which he suffered for our redemption. Odin, in the Poetic Edda, says that Yggdrasil “suffers agony / more than men know, a stag nibbles it above, but at its side it’s decaying, and Níðhöggr [a malicious serpent or dragon] rends it beneath”. It is to that sacred grove of earth and wood we must return to gather from the plant teachers our whole faith remedios. In the tradition of the Holy Rood, he carries the horizontal piece that is fastened to the living tree of calvary. And only to the degree that we can learn the remedios from those waving branches growing upon that tree in the sacred grove. “Then the young hero (who was Almighty)

Got ready, resolute and strong in heart.

...the warrior embraced [the tree]. (3)’ (Holy Rood)

       ...Herbs can be an adjunct to movement. Rather than listening and paying attention to word based discursive thinking hooks. It's necessary to see beyond personal statements. Movement has to be initiated, facilitated via knowing rather than belief. Of course whether selling snake oil medicine show herbs, real estate, upholstered chairs, elk antlers or meteorites there's a certain panache and rock star quality performance in the sale. There's also survival, so it's important to survive. However don't be owned by the adrenaline junkie sale. See it for what it is, stage theatre. Always remember the CO correction officer guards, and the inmates in orange, share the same prison, the same mindset. You can do some good, but you are not the good. That's beyond your pay grade. Movement."

by Wild Herb Ways

Friday, June 11, 2021

Matka Boska Zielna

 Matka Boska Zielna 

Matka Boska Zielna at Midsommer, working her prayer circle, honoring August 15 at Assumption, worshipped through all her turning,

 She is the mother of all healing herbs and plants, roots, seed. We use her herbs everyday Matka Boska Zielna work,

walk through forest after rain, fully engaged,...water flowing, red root fully, yellow clover, nootka rose, 

Ligusticum canbyi, little oshala, mallow nine bark, oxeye daisy, gilia sky rocket, yarrow, huechera alum root, columbia tiger lilly, arnica, nootka rose...

Nootka rose her tribe, mallow ninebark, thimble berry, bitter cherry, strawberry, Raspberry, Rosa woodsi.

All rose family plants,

-pray for us.

Stella Maris of the North Star Polaris,

-pray for us.

Wearing a zodiac crown of 12 stars,

pray for us.

She is a spinning wheel, 

Turning, turning, 

We come round right,

Pray for us.

Divine mother of healing herbs 

pray for us.

All water flowing creeks and streams, medicine gardens,

pray for us.

Nootka rose,

pray for us. 

Osha of north woods,

pray for us.

Matka Boska Zielna

pray for us.

Wake robin Midsommer song, 

pray for us.

Columbia Tiger lily moist round,

pray for us.

Queen of angels, messenger spirit people, 

pray for us. 

May the divine assistance, of Our Goddess Mary,

remain always with us. Amen.

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Lithospermum incisum, Stoneseed

        Lithospermum incisum: Boraginaceae - Borage Family forget-me-not family, known as: fringed puccoon, showy stoneseed, narrow-leaved g...