Sunday, January 16, 2011

An Early Ohio Epistle 9th month 1818

An Early Ohio Epistle  9th month 1818 by Sister Charity Rotch

From our Yearly Meeting of Women friends, held in Mountpleasant, by adjournments, from the 7th of the 9th month to the 12th of the same, inclusive, 1818. To the Yearly Meeting of Women friends to be held in Philadelphia
Dear Sisters,

As "deep calleth unto deep" so we can feelingly acknowledge your acceptable Epistle with others read at this time have been like a renewed call on us to dwell near the Fountain of Truth, that will cleanse and purify all our efforts to promote the welfare of Zion and "the enlargement of her Borders."may acknowledge that the precious union and fellowship which we have felt in the Bond of Peace have proved strengthening and encouraging to many of our minds; and though some have been ready to say in doubtful dismay, "who is sufficient for these things," yet we are sensible that as the day of trial and baptism is pateiently abode under, the unslumbering Shepherd of Israel will arise for their help. , Oh that these tried ones may be enabled to say, "Wash me, make me clean"; "let not thy hand spare nor thine eye pity, till thou hast brought forth judgment unto victory," till thou has cleansed not only from the dross and the tin, but also from the Reprobate silver. 
IMG_1930.jpg have had to view with solemn awe the high profession we are making in the world; and earnestly desire in that spirit which wisheth well to the whole human family, that our lives and conversation may adorn the doctrines we profess, that we may become as a light to the people, and an ensign to the nations, that none may be dwelling as it were in their ceiled houses, saying to themselves, "We are Abraham's children," and thereby become a stumbling block to those who are inquiring the way to Zion. 
IMG_1880.jpgWe feel drawn tenderly and affectionately to salute the rising generation, the hope of succeeding times. May you not, beloved young sisters, suffer your minds to be deluded by the vain allurements and fascinations of this world, which passeth away as a shadow;oh12_1.jpgnor too much of your time engrossed by these pleasures and pursuits which may be termed comparatively innocent - but as a means of alluring your attention and unfitting the mind for the reception of substantial good, and consuming the precious moments which never can return, are inimical to your progress towards the land of Promise.The safe design of the Enemy of your souls is answered if he can beguile by the very least of his baits.But the earnest breathing of our spirits is that the Shepherd of Israel may watch over you, and keep you as within the "Garden enclosed" where no hurtful thing can enter; that you may yield now in the morning of your day in submissive obedience to the visitations of the Father's love made known in your hearts; and there be qualified to fill the places of those ancient Worthies, many of whom have been removed from works to rewards.oh12_2.jpg
Our annual assembly has been large; and though we have not, as heretofore, had the company of many of our friends from distant Yearly Meetings, one from yours has been acceptably with us. And we trust the Master has been graciously disposed to bless the few loaves and fishes to our strength and support.

We remain your affectionate Sisters,

Signed on behalf of the Meeting,
Charity Rotch,
Clerk this year.

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