Sunday, March 20, 2016

Meeting Valeriana arizonica at the Deer House

Valeriana arizonica, 
Family: Caprifoliaceae, formerly Valerianaceae.
 Arizona valerian or tobacco root.   V
aleriana arizonica is a showy plant with basal leaves and clusters of muted but distinctly purplish flower balls. When you look at the showy flower cluster balls closely you'll see, lobes, white stamens (usually 3), anthers extend beyond lobes,  5petals with the anthers extending beyond the lobes. It was found at 6500ft at the upper Deer-house on an upper elevation moist, shady, north facing slope. This is a yin place, female, dark, grounded and nourishing, supportive. 
Valeriana arizonica is an indicator species of this place, the Upper Deer House, the north facing slope shade place plant community. It's one of the earliest plants to bloom in the spring at upper deer house, then the basil leaves are some of the last green to be found peeking out of the first snows of the fall. The leaves and roots are what are used and depending on the time of the year it's going to have a little bit different medicine going on. The active ingredients are called valepotriates, research has confirmed that these have a calming effect on agitated people, but are also a stimulant in cases of fatigue. It's a good plant medicine to know and work with. It can help you wind down when your thoughts are going spinning in circles and you're trying to go to sleep and you need to rest. It's been called a nervine and a tranquilizer but it's more than that. Valerian  is a plant person. She is
 a friend and a kind of lover that opens for us doors and windows into where we need to be.
    It's been used around the world east and west north and south as a friendly nervine, useful both for sleep and rest , also like many plants it goes where it needs to go in terms of the body system. You can look it up and read up on Valerian and find out what people have said about it and they said quite a bit. And it's good to use as John Slattery teaches a 4 directions approach towards herbs utilizing the oral history, the written history, the scientific studies and our own experience with the plant itself in the place where it grows. This is John Slattery's 4 directional approach to herbal medicine
     If you try to put our medicine road plants into a box, the deeper you look you find out your box is getting bigger and including the whole place. Either, you end up with a very big box. Either, your box expands and explodes to include the whole world or else you totally give up your journey of exploration with herbs. That's what happens because the plants are much bigger than any box we can devise with our conscious word based discursive thinking, box building minds. That's what plants do, they open up for us windows and they allow us to grow in the way that our deepest nature wants us to grow. You just hang out with the plants and talk plant story and in that conversation that's where the medicine is. That is the medicine road,  talking plant story with the plant. Just like the plants who are people, we are people and even though we've been domesticated and bred and have all our agonies, glories, sorrows and joys that we drag around with like baggage and balls and chains behind us, still we are self directed and self organizing beings. Everything in the amazing towering sheltering oak is contained in the small acorn. And we are the same. We are no different. Your whole story with all it's amazing twists and turns was contained in that first kiss of lips meeting lips and the warm breath and tangy smell that brought your father and mother together. Your whole journey was that kiss, your whole journey was in that riveting eye first locked eyes. They looked at each other and you were there, in that. You are a self-directed energy moving with its own agenda because it is self-thus. And the days that we walk aboveground the sights  that we see are precious. It's a special time right now and it will not come again just like the plants blooming up at Deer House. They have their roots in the ground and their hair and bodies are in the patchy dappled sun light. When you meet a plant you are forever changed by that meeting. Because the plant is meeting you! You've met the plant and now the plant sees you. The plant feels you and reaches out to you this is what it is, this is what we're doing. You are tasting the plant and the plant is tasting you. Michael Cottingham says that the definition of herbal medicine is change. The herbs change us, they produce change. They bring change.  They facilitate changes. Just like the medicine grounds of Deer House, our bodies are wild, self-directed creatures and they are self-thus, they are self-directed with their own organization based upon their nature. 
    You are learning about the plant leaning down close to it and tasting it. The plant is tasting you. We are eating and being eaten. Nothing is lost and nothing is gained. It is all about being present listening and realizing that we are being heard. We have voices we have mouth's and we have ears. We can speak and we can listen.
     Gary Snyder said, in Practice of the Wild: "Coyote and Ground Squirrel do not break the compact they have with each other that one must play predator and the other play game. In the wild a baby Black-tailed Hare gets maybe one free chance to run across a meadow without looking up. There won't be a second. The sharper the knife, the cleaner the line of the carving. We can ap-preciate the elegance of the forces that shape life and the world, that have shaped every line of our bodies—teeth and nails, nipples and eyebrows."
    Our big heads and conscious mind with all our big ideas have all sorts of ideas and plans to do this, to go here, to become this, yet the plants with the roots going deep into the earth are calling us. They are like girlfriends, sisters , father and cousins that we meet at parties or we meet in our daily life and what we need to is conversation with the plants. We need to talk plant story with the plants, with that north facing cool hillside sometimes covered in snow. Sometimes bursting forth in springtime with balls of purplish flowers. And like all conversations they go back-and-forth, not just one way. If it's one way then it's a monologue.
Conversation is both talking and listening, the only thing we're doing  is talking plant story. We're talking plant story. We are a little bit drunk and tipsy and we're talking about things that we usually don't talk about at work or while we're driving our cars, we are having some fun with the plants it's a special time. Yet we're not alcoholics or drug addicts, but sometimes we party with the plants and talk story. It's just what we do. We're listening to songs. Some of the songs are songs that we've written ourselves. So we play a few chords on our banjo and sing some old songs that we heard from years ago. Sometimes we shake the rattle and listen to the drum beating in the heart of earth mother. Sometimes our songs are drinking songs and sometimes they are serious songs but they're all songs and they're all worth singing. Some of the songs are songs that the plants themselves are singing, and we need to listen to both. We need to sing the songs and we need to listen to the songs. 
    Like all plants they're living beings, they're friends, they're family and they're working on many different levels, and in many different ways in the body, in the emotional heart and the mind.  
Valerian  can also energize and restore when it needs to and when the body needs that sort of energy it will be that sort of energy. i know that in some people it actually has a stimulant effect kind a paradoxical thing and often times you see plants doing this kind of thing, playing around. Valerian and all plants have for that matter, their own agenda outside of our conscious minds with our words and thoughts and plans,  it's leading us where we need to go and it's that confidence that we need to bring forward with the plants,  with our plant medicines to go to that place where we need to be. Plant medicines take their own way through our body and they'll do one thing in one person and something else in another based on the person's energetics, connstitution, and needs at any particular time. As soon as you know one plant and think you have it figured out it is something else. It will show you it has another place that it will take. Another journey and another destination. This is bioreregional herbal medicine because we're not dealing with chemicals were not dealing with drugs, we're dealing with the spirit of a place and a way to take that spirit of the place into our bodies.


 talking plant story
John Slattery 
Tucson, AZ

Michael Cottingham 
Silver City, New Mexico

Practice of the Wild: Essays by Gary Snyder
North Point Press 1990

Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West
by Michael Moore
Museum of Mexico Press 2003

The Plant Healers Path
by Jesse Wolf Hardin with Kiva Rose
Plant Healer Press 2012

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