Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Advent, Ultimate Christmas

      Merry Advent ultimate Christmas, season, Christmas welcome! 

We, you and I all who in perfect accord are doing prep. Prepping Jesus, Mary, time place, person. 

      We are all in this time proclaiming ultimate redemption, salvation, winter solstice dark time awaiting Jesus, love. We will overcome the shun and be who we are, experiencing what is meant to be! Have no fear in Christ Jesus our savior. 
Trad European Christmas identity tradition of Advent begins now, four weeks before Christmas. What a gift to prophet this voice, even in shun. We celebrate this season, our people inhabit this celestial place awaiting the birth re-birth of Jesus Christ, our kinsman redeemer. Preparing the time and place. If you find the freakzoid losers co-opting our virgin birth Christ winter season allow them to go into their antifa safe space. As such it is a bioregional biospirit season of northland. It is not meant for everyone or meant to be everything. It is us and among us. You are northland. Like many inauthentic, dystopian undertakings in this psyop one world 5G state that seeks to zombify the Christian into cyborg fusion of machine and biology, this is a defacto illegal banned hate speech activity. Yet it is told. We are Christmas. There is a sanctioned 501c3 official state church Christmas and then there’s Christmas, the one with Jesus Christ, Joseph and the virgin Theotokos, God-woman Mary, the woman who carries the salvation of the world in her belly. We as authentic persons don’t justify our northland holy day holiday. In our homelands we effortlessly inhabit the bioregional space that is white Christmas. We are what remains as remnant white Christmas. I salute you, their shun has no jurisdiction over my, your, our experience. 

In our exclusive tradition, the angel Gabriel, being the messenger of God announces to Mary, she would be the Mother of God. Within this annunciation is the fiat, be it done to me according to thy word. Yes, to give assent.  You as Mary, as woman are likewise mother. No one in northland can exist for a single breath of moment without you, perfect exquisite woman. With you, I, we will do ultimate Christmas. Prounouns, we, us and yes. At this point there is absolutely nothing in common with this government season of Thanksgiving, black friday, or any of the overt trash that is dominant culture Disneyland Christmas. It’s important to note it is the mass of Christ, the unbloody sacrifice on the altar in the mass of all time. If you do not believe in the body and blood of Christ shed for many, not all, then you are a psyop colonialist walking on our sacred ground. Leave us alone, do kwan za or something but decolonize yourselves from Jesus Christ, advent and Christmas. 

During the 4 weeks prior to Christmas called Advent time, we prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ. No not a shopping mall orgy of consumer spending, keep a distance and find your own senseless stupid narrative. Just as the birth of Jesus was the most important event in our western history, and we are western history, the birth of Christ as the celebration of Christmas is the most important event in our lives. It has nothing to do with dominant culture psyop america theatre of the absurd, zero. Some would try to explain this tradition to dominant culture Americans, if I do it is only to reinhabit and detoxify the stolen robbed space. Never is there an attempt to explain to dominant culturalists the what of who we must be. The majority having been programmed at atheist government schools with no exposure to faith, lack capacity and reciprocity of understanding, perhaps it’s best to revert to geography. Just say 50 north, 50N rather than Adent, Christmas or other culturally embedded terms. People become frustrated with lexicon, as if is there was a sound spoken with the tongue separated  from experience. There is no separation of experience in overcoming. 

     My grandparents came from a mountainous region of what is now Poland. Silesia borders Austria, Germany, Slovakia. It is a geographic area of traditional Christians for nearly 2000 years. It’s latitude is 50.5N and if in north America would be further north than any area of the lower 48 states. Geography and latitude determine much of our tradition of Christmas. Wreaths of evergreens, the Christmas tree brought into the house decorated with ornaments, specifically the time of year late November with the celebration December 25 to January 6, all are connected to the obvious dark cold, winter, where the sun darkens at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Until 1254AD there was one Christian church Catholic Orthodox, with a common tradition. It was in the people on the land. It has not changed significantly for us. We remain embedded in Christ.

America for most of us has always been a weird secular, communist, atheist banana republic tropical state with oranges, magic flag waving, chanting free, free, free mantra litanies and virtue signaling to a fake Judeo-Christian heritage. It never meant a thing to us. The obvious concept, we will bury you, because we are not limited to psyop. In the catholic faith there is no common ground with jews, none. There will never be a dialogue or ecumenism with elements whose impetus is our enslavement and occupation. Of course it’s important to preface this with, the current pope is at best an imposter pope. The so called vatican 2 novus ordo, new order, new world order church from 1958 on, is a new kind of Neo-protestant, Judeo-Christian fake religion impossible. Judean=Christmas bashers, with the emphasis on jew, have absolutely no input into this discussion. It’s on the same level of everything magical america, constitution, rights, elections, conservatism, democrat, republican, liberal dysfunctional, dystopian medical police pharma 5G surveillence stasi, multiple gender atheist new world order state, bad theatre meant to fill one with fear and dread. Keep your fear, guilt, apology and dread, we apologize to no one. 

     Starting at the garbage dump civil war, with 700,000 americans dead Lincoln became the ultimate disgusting anti-hero. If people in their legitimate politic decide to separate, do you slaughter them to preserve a fake union? Lincoln was a significant supporter of the coastal elite Atlantic ocean vs heartlanders dynamic that has defined America. Current surveillance state America views Lincoln as a hero and all the death song diplomat traitiors of sovereignty that came later who made a mockery of life abundantly. The traumatic ritual suicide of ww1, ww2, korea, vietnam, iraq, all the flag waving enemies of autonomy conspire to conceal the obvious, culminating in the psyop covid presidential selection steal of 2020.    The 1940's saw a deeper slide into fiction and wealth redistribution through a tax system empty of group politic representation, the ocean going gloabalists in ww2, this time taking a two ocean approach, Atlantic and Pacific. A bi-coastal east west coast steal of the heartland. The errors of Jewish Bolshevik atheist Russia communists in 1917 spreading, culminating in the election of commie FDR in 1932. The destruction of nationalism as a policy at home and abroad. Joining with the UK atlanticists and communist Soviet Union in ww2. The emergence of the bi-coastal Pacific Atlantic grandiosity of now two ocean dominance continuously reducing the heartland blood and soil. Then the absurd wars Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, Iraq, Afganistan, draining what little was left of nationhood of the heartlanders. Who were the fake Bush neocons? One thing for sure the epic gulf Mideast boomer wars stripped the center heartland of hopes, dreams and sovereignty. The world wide communist covid-19 reset plandemic to bankrupt small business transfer more wealth to the oligarchs with the cherry in the cake, theft of the election win of Donald Trump and install a 78 year old incapable pathetic patsy president for a antiChristian banana republic. Each chapter unfolding more decadent 
and stupid than the last. 

Let’s get back to Jesus, the virgin Mary, Advent and the Christmas tree...America has a strong protestant anti-Catholic, anti-Orthodox tradition. In America you live, move and have your being in an occupied zone and the goal is always an anonymous consumer, anti-Christian empire. As such it’s anti-Christmas. Spend, spend, spend, buy buy buy, die die die consumer paradise. Open Borders, the great reset, vaccines and refugees to dilute the heartland. In the protestant tradition there is a tendency to always go to the Bible to justify and to vilify traditions. There is no Christmas tree in the Bible. As in so what? For many Christian sects the traditions of Christmas are some how suspect because they are not mentioned in the Bible. There is a tendency to Americanize all and any celebrations, especially the celebration of Christmas, to call it a holiday, seasons greetings, turn it into a generic consumer orgy of money, spending, shopping and so on. Christmas is the game changer of world history, BC vs AD, before and after. In America, not so much it’s pathetic magic flag waving slogan. I mean a nation that outlaws prayer, any and all prayer or mention of God, Christ, the heritage of her own people in their public tax payer schools is going to have a massively garbage take on a Christian season. A enormous loser approach at cultural appropriation of our holiday, holy-day, holy-season, advent, our Christ Jesus kinsman redeemer. 

     There are various parts of America whose intention is to secularize Christmas, make it into a generic non-religious celebration of glutony and debt. The recent covid-19 Great Reset psyop pushes this narrative and uses various usually hostile forces to come together in the great mission of Christmas bashing. So you may have atheists, Jews, evangelical Christian sects, satanists, antifa, Islam, pagans, wicca, all coming together, taking turns in their own disgusting way to guilt shame shun our exclusive Celebration of Christmas. They have no victory over us consumed in love. Consumed in love for our people, place and tradition. Proclaim this good news celestial, earthly, superspiritual, He is here among us on this field of dreams. Wrapped in your perfect embrace woman I proclaim now and forever, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, salute Christ the king and prepare. Us together in synchronous unity, believe and do this advent season. I would tell you everything in this shun. I promise  you we together will break this shun. You are, just as she was, and death shall have no dominion. 

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