Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wake Robin Trillium Soon

 Wake robin trillium soon beth root "....i knew it was true, trillium soon, Wake robin house talk story, Good to see willow and robin knowing Mary is the greening. Wake robin flowered Trillium with 3 leaves, that appears in spring emerging from the snow houses. The wake robin is both wild turkey and Holy Mary, Mother of God, who with gobbling turkeys bless melted snow water, flowing, sheep creek. Turdus migratorius, red chested robin,  buries itself in the snow around Christmas when the days are short. The robin lives the winter beneath the snow. They leave their snow house sheltered by thick red cedar, and meet up with elk and turkey to plan everything coming up in the plant world. 

    Become wake robin singing. During the winter, Mother bless red cedar pine wake robin mountains. 

   Later snow houses become bunch berry or wake robin. Our Lady Good Remedy, good medicine, praying thru us all two legged four legged creatures, birds with wings, those swimming in water. Giving us your heart and eyes...i knew it was true, trillium soon.

In the spring wake robins Turdus migratorius leave their snow houses and as the snow melts pussy willow grow around the lake.

Poleo, Lycopus and skullcap are 3 migrating south plants, who leave for the winter, and will return later to flower in swampy mud around the east end of the lake. Later these three plants will journey south over 2000 miles, walking mountains dream different dreams. Poleo, Lycopus and skullcap bless ancestors buried in this muddy Earth and your children coming from sky. 

      Holy wake robin Queen of heaven, earth wind and wood, blessing life of water. In the Holy name of Jesús + Mary, wake robin and willow. You are our stories. You are our assistance bless the water, our red blood, green blood of trees. "We open mountain lake by opening our hearts. Abrimos el lago de la montaña

abriendo nuestros corazones.." -pm

   Good to see willow knowing Mary is the greening...i knew it was true, trillium soon. 

2nd grade Sister Anne spun a bucket of water. Not a drop spilled out. She said, the reason no water spills out is called Mary's greening love. So i tried it, not a drop spilled out from the bucket. Then a robin sang a song and a wild turkey fanned and gobbled, a squirrel scampered up a tree, blown down by the wind storm, blocking the trail, so i knew it was true, bunch berry and trillium soon."

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