Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mary of Remedios and Plants

 Mary of Remedios and Plants


Blessed Mary mother of God is both queen of heaven and Empress of hell. Even though not permitted acknowledgement as such, within Fourth Variant (FVDC) she is still Empress of this hell. Inextricably linked to salvation story. Her place was foretold from the beginning. " I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." Genesis 3:15 

      Almost immediately as Apostoles went to Spain, Germany, England with the gospel so did Mary both in physical travels and in apparitions. She appeared to St James in 40 A.D. He was there in Zaragoza, in Spain. She was there too, as Our Lady of Pilar. Understood as a column or pillar, she is a conduit between heaven and earth. The plants as greenings are within the earth and as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are with thee. Blessed is the fruit, "et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus.", of her womb, Jesus. So we give glory and thanks, often with the sign of the cross, while gathering plants, making medicine and the person likewise does the same as faith, hope, charity medicine. 

Gloria Patri,
et Filio,
et Spiritui Sancto.

Sicut erat in principio
et nunc et semper
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. In the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost. Within a Fourth Variant nation, such as ours, always use 'Holy Ghost' because the 'holy spirit' is very dominant culture with judeochristian overtones. Always try to go directly to the Mass of all time as preserved by Lefebvre. 

      Many nations of Europe where our Lady and the apostles traveled have a long history of Marian devotions, including England, Spain and Portugal in Europe and the New World. As nations they have on their coat of arms, flags, a cross, symbols they carried with them to symbolize where they stand in this enmities especially against those and the forces who opposed Christ and Mary and those to whom he was delivered. From his birth, the nefarious sought to kill him in the slaughter of the Innocents, the flight of Mary and Joseph to escape unto the Crucifixion, where the cup could not pass. "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would certainly strive that I should not be delivered to the Jews", John 18:36. 

       In some places nations took themselves to be states, and took great pride to avoid the Cross, Mary or any symbols related to the good news on their flags. So you may have stars, stripes and various red white blue waving. They take enormous pride in that they are free of this gospel. The paperback constitution  and their declarations of independence with Fourth variant dominant culture, (FVDC) signed and written by slave owners, go to great lengths to talk freedom and rights while making no mention of Christ or Mary. After the movement of 1917, in many apparitions Mary warned of these errors spreading. At Fatima in Portugal she spoke to 3 children. She has, is and will speak to many others. 

      In a Fourth Variant dominant culture (FVDC)- communist medi-police pharma surveillance state environment, like the United States of the 2020's,  you will find like Paul, " To the weake I become as weake, that I may winne the weake: I am made all thinges to all men, that I might by all meanes save some." 1 Corinthians 9:22, will become all things to all men and save some. To the pagan you will be Christian, to the herbalist wishy washy, to a Christian a Catholic, to someone born again a worshipper of Mary, to the jew an antisemite, to the patriot a subversive, to antifa a fascist, to the antiwhite a supremacist, whatever label or slur available within the regime narrative will be put on you so as Paul said, 'made all thinges to all men'. "Omnibus omnia factus sum, ut omnes facerem salvos". Just as his blood was shed for many, not all. "This is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many." Mark 14:24 Keep to the plant remedios provided by Mary the Mother of God, say the rosary while gathering, learn the Little Office of Hours, attend a chapel with the Mass of all time. 

     Rather than Jesus Christ and Mary we have 4th of July brand Fourth variant communism. This error masquerading as a nation as a state America is quite sophisticated and spreads as Our Lady at Fatima said. Marta, and Jacinta could only imagine the filth and foulness of slave owning founding fathers, their rights, constitution of freedom and the treachery of their bondage 260 years later. Whatever can be said, will be said to further deplatforming for the regime. No matter, keep to your devotional process and the plants placed by God through the Blessed Virgin Mary mother of God. 

     Jesus Christ died on a dogwood tree and then rose from the dead. Plants too die in winter and resurrect in spring. This is called greening. As in the well known teachings proverb taught me, Things are not exactly what they seem and they are not different from what they seem. Plants like dogwood and rose, Rosa mystica are in one sense plants and in another sense remedios or remedies. Since appearing to St James, Mary has appeared to many people, sharing plant remedies and teachings of various kinds. 

     We teach to say the rosary and work with plants. Mary the mother of God widely made known the rosary through St Dominic 1000 years ago. Yet it was known by her also to St James who taught it to St Paul and St John. In the rosary we use, there are 15 mysteries. The first mystery is Annunciation. In the Annunciation Mary said, yes. 

      She not only said, yes, to the angel messenger of God Gabriel at the annunciation we commemorate in her Holy Rosary as Mary the Mother of God, grace filled, "And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her." Luke 1:38 She said yes to many things and has been active ever since. Her yes was never passive as any woman who has carried a child and loved her son will tell. Her yes didn't happen, it was worked. She not only said, 'yes', making possible Jesus our Savior, she also continues to be mother of Mercy and Empress of hell. 

     Like Jesus who, "suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven", Mary also "Mary, who brought forth the Lord to men, gave life to mortals, renewed the heavens, purified the world, opened paradise, and delivered the souls of men from hell" -Speculum Beatae Mariae Virginis 1250 A.D. No one can come to the divine presence, which is all healing except through Mary. So the gathering of useful plants and healing remedies are her work to mitigate suffering and bring a salvation. At the name of Mary the powers of the air flee, dissipate, healing occurs by divine wind flowing within the body, just as the moon appears when clouds disperse. It is not that the moon is added to the sky. It is the clouds which give way. So healing is not addition but subtraction.  " A present remedy of all is the speedy coming of a cloud, and a dew that meeteth it, by the heat that cometh, shall overpower it." Ecclesiasticus 43:24. Mary is the fragrant dew used to overcome disease. 


Salve Rociera: a traditional song from Virgen del Rocio,  which takes place yearly at Pentecost in Andalusia (southern Spain) 

"Dios te salve María

del rocío Señora.

Luna, Sol, Norte y Guía

y pastora celestial.

Dios te salve María

todo el pueblo te adora

y repite a porfía :

Como tu no hay otra igual.

Olé, olé, olé, olé, olé,

God hails you, Mary

Lady of the Dew.

Moon, Sun, North Star and guide,

And celestial shepherdess

God hails you, Mary,

All the people honor you

And repeat over and over, 

There is none equal to you

Olé, "

      Mary the Virgin Mother of God is the greening of roots rising spontaneously. The meaning of Jesse here is creative force, is will be, to the above ground as remedio herbs in spring.  "And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root." Isaiah 11:1 And there shall spring forth spontaneous shoots out of the stumps of trees as greening. -trans

    "and the virgin's name was Mary.", LK 1:17 The unmarried daughter's character and authority was ..."Mary, a sea by the abundant overflow of her graces; and Mary is a bitter sea by submerging the devil. Mary is indeed a sea by the superabounding Passion of her Son; Mary is a bitter sea by her power over the devil, in which he is, as it were, submerged and drowned." Chapter III " Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary", "Speculum Beatæ Mariæ Virginis" by Conrad of Saxony 1250 A.D. Just as it is said, the difference between a muslim, protestant, jew or communist is alone Mary, the Blessed Virgin mother of God. 

      That bitter sea of her power over the devil, and all sickness and death is her remedios of plants. For that reason she is known as La Conquistadora, Larrea tridentata, La gobernadora, the governess, ruler and keeper of plant Remedios.

Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de las yerbas y plantas y San Pedro, Ora pro Nobis. On this Fullmoon night I come to your garden for the remedies you have brought to us in plants and herbs.

 Gloria Patri, et Mater, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Help us to find good medicine and blessings!always.

Glory be to the Father and Mother, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

R:  Sicut erat in principo, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

ASPERGES me, * Domine, hyssopo et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.

THOU shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, O Lord, and I shall be cleansed; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me worthy to gather your plants.

Monarda spp, Oregano del campo, wild hyssop.

Nuestra Señora de los remedios de las yerbas y plantas, Mother of  herbs and plants, Oh!, Queen of heaven and earth, on this Full Moon Blessed Virgin, with San Pedro, you have showed us tonight the keys of heaven. we worship you. You are the daughter well-beloved of Our Father, the mother chosen by the word, the wife immaculate of the Holy Ghost.

     We depend on you, oh!, Dear Mother, as children depend on their mother tender and careful. As you fed and nourished your son Jesus. Show us your herbs and plants so we can make good medicine and bring blessings!always. 

    Jesus you hung on the tree of the cross like a flower, you died and were buried in the ground then rose at Easter in the spring.

Anemome tuberosa, the pasqueflower.

We come to this place to gather the medicine, which is your body and blood under this full moon, to do as you commanded, "And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." "And the earth brought forth the green herb, and such as yieldeth seed according to its kind, and the tree that beareth fruit, having seed each one according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." "The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.", ..."none of the evils that I laid upon Egypt, will I bring upon thee: for I am the Lord thy healer."

      Forest of Redroot, Ceanothus fendleri. Comfort the afflicted and those alone and solitary, help the poor and those who lost their hope; help the sick and to those who suffer. They can be cured of body and soul, and strengthened in spirit with these Remedios, these plants you give us on this Full Moon.

      Our Lady of All Remedies we come in remembrance of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honour of Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, Blessed John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, we know all manner of healing come from you in these plants, who are your children even as I am your son and you my Mother, show me which plant can heal my brother and sisters, do not let them suffer but show me good medicine to bring blessings!always.

Let me bring good into this world in the name of Jesus, Mary and all the angels and saints.

-Paul Manski


When taking various plant medicines in the body, the patient, like the person who gathers and applies the plant uses the name of Mary, so that the greening become handmaidens of the Lord and of Mary. "Enough, stop crying! When you return to yourself, you will show if you love me. Speed of conversion will be proof of love; punishment will attend the insolence of scorn.’” -1135 A.D. William of Malmesbury

From a theoretical scientific view, Mary is the greening power asleep in winter emerging as plant medicine. That is why we pray to Mary, because she actually is the greening that overcomes the grip of demons, addictions, virus and forces of satan that bind one to much sickness. We invoke her name as plant medicine to overcome the infernal enemies to overcome the sickness. As the mother of God she has the power to restrain demons that are experienced as bondage, slavery, addiction, sickness. Mary is able to restrain the demons within bodily sickness, that harm us as illness. Mary and her plant medicines command angels to both guard and protect.

Mary as queen of angels creates movement with remedios by complimentary immune system movement to increase healing. 

"By her power, she can, thanks to her power over her son, wrest from Him whatever she pleases by a sweet violence." Miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary, -1135 A.D. William of Malmesbury

Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de las yerbas y plantas y San Pedro, Ora pro Nobis. On this Fullmoon night I come to your garden in faith, in the faith you have given and promised for the remedies you have brought to us in plants and herbs. These plants i gather are for each one, to do no harm, to walk in love balance, even though shunned and erased continue to walk on endless, your endless medicine road and continue regardless of the enforced shun silence placed by those in power allied with dominant culture antibiospirit regime.

     Free us from the hate they sow into children in their dominant culture social media schools, prisons, colleges, universities, halls of justice. 

 Gloria Patri, et Mater, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Help us to find good medicine and blessings!always. You have given a remedy for every dis-ease.

Glory be to the Father and Mother, and to the daughter and Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

R:  Sicut erat in principo, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

ASPERGES me, * Domine, hyssopo et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.

THOU shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, O Lord, and I shall be cleansed; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me worthy to gather your plants.

Nuestra Señora de los remedios de las yerbas y plantas, Mother of  herbs and plants, Oh!, Queen of heaven and earth, on this Full Moon Blessed Virgin, with San Pedro, you have showed us tonight the keys of heaven. we worship you. You are the daughter well-beloved of Our Father, the mother chosen predestined by the word, the wife immaculate of the Holy Ghost.

     We depend on you, oh!, Dear Mother, as children depend on their mother tender and careful. As you fed and nourished your son Jesus. Give us courage to face the erasure and silence placed on us. Show us your herbs and plants so we can make good medicine and bring blessings!always to our occupied people under this 100 year godless regime.

    Jesus you hung on the tree of the cross like seed of a flower, you died and were buried in the ground then rose at Easter in the spring like the greening. i come to this place to gather the medicine, in the faith which is your body and blood under this full moon, to do as you commanded, "And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." "And the earth brought forth the green herb, and such as yieldeth seed according to its kind, and the tree that beareth fruit, having seed each one according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." "The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.", ..."none of the evils that I laid upon Egypt, will I bring upon thee: for I am the Lord thy healer."

       Comfort the afflicted and those alone and solitary, under the dominant culture antibiospirit shun imposed by antibiospirit, these last 100 years beginning with the 30 year biospiritual war 1914-1945, help the poor and those who lost their hope in the erasure shun that has become our life; help the sick and to those who suffer. They can be cured of body and soul, and strengthened in spirit with biospirit Remedios, these plants you give us on this Full Moon.

      Our Lady of All Remedies we come in remembrance of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honour of Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, Blessed John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, we know all manner of healing come from you in these plants, who are your children even as I am your son and you my Mother, show me which plant can heal my brother and sisters, do not let them suffer but show me good medicine to bring blessings!always.

Let me bring good into this world in the name of Jesus, Mary and all the angels and saints.

Paul Manski 


Many plants like the sword Iris, symbol of France fleur-di-lis, resembled the sword prophecy of Simeon at the presentation in our Lady of Sorrow rosary, to pierce her heart with sorrow. Our lady left behind lilies at her assumption into heaven where she was crowned queen of heaven and earth and empress of hell.

One of tools we use while gathering plants is the rosary, or garland of roses, a plant Mary taught many to use for healing, and plants in the Rose family.

Violets are modesty and soothing, they bloomed as Mary said yes to the angel Gabriel in the first mystery of the rosary. Columbine, Our Lady's Shoes, grew up in her footsteps on her travel to see her cousin Elizabeth, in the second mystery of the rosary, the visitation.

One of the Magi, saw a field of Oxe Eye Daisy, when he stopped to examine closely the flower, he noticed it resembled the star they had been following and understood it as a sign, the child baby Jesus was near. Rosemary, was a small bushy fragrant medicinal plant Mary hang the swaddled clothes to dry. St Anne and St Joachim the mother and father of Mary, were Essenes and herbalists and taught Mary herbal formulas, materia medica and tincturing which Mary taught to Jesus, and Jesus to his disciples. Many of the healings Jesus did had plant components from the Essenes and teachers instructed by Mary at Mt Carmel. When Elijah through his cloak over Eliisha, giving his spirit to him, it was a brown wool, like the brown scapular worn and rosary used by herbalists today from Our Lady of Mt Carmel, regiven by our Lady of Carmel to St Simon Stock in 1251 A.D. This technique  is used to place a person under her mantle of protection through prayer, herbs and limpias. Various people of Mount Carmel venerated the Virgin Mary a hundred years before her Immaculate Conception. The plant traditions of the Essenes taught by Anna, Mary, Jesus traveled by the Apostoles to Europe, Spain, Italy immediately after the resurrection. 

         Herbs and plants gathered, worked with and taken in this way into the body become like the angelic salutation, Ave Maria, gratia plena, within the body. All along this process, "Prepare the table, behold in the watchtower them that eat and drink: arise, ye princes, take up the shield." Isaiah 21:5 All along the table are beholding the watchtower, which is prayer, remedios. So that one eats and drinks with prayer and thanksgiving. Within Fourth Variant dominant culture any dissemination is problematic, yet we go as we go, ahead. 

“I am God’s mother, and I pray that my son gets this soul a place in heaven. I am also empress of hell, and have power over all you enemies; and therefore I command you that he [the devil] keep this soul no longer. But go your way and let him [the soul] rest.” Sermons John Mirk 1350 A.D.

Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, you are the one with the best medicine

Yes ..pleasant dream...Nuestra Señora de los Remedios. 

Keep me going on this medicine road, you are Osha Chuchupate.

You are Mary the mother of God. You are our Savior's mother. You bring us so many good things. You show us the way to Sierra Ancha, you Open the door to the deer house, you bring us good medicine, you bring us Ocotillo for the

you bring us the feathery Solomon seal, osha and aralia, Yerba Santa and Torote, Saguaro fruit. 

our holy Mary protected us...Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios

You have many names Mary. Whatever name we use you answer us because you love us. You are my lover because in my heart you have planted the seed for the flowers, the roots and seeds. In my heart you have placed the Lily. The feathery Solomon seal, to make me strong, when you call me to the mountains. And you do call me to the mountains, wherever you call me I will go, wherever the medicine grows I will go. I will go in your name. you walk with me and you hold my hand and show me all the medicine plants I need to know.

You have brought us all the plants,

 all the animals, and you're blessed son Jesus, he is with us true true

Our Holy divine perfect Mother, with the moon shining..

.the stars a road 

from here to tomorrow..

.far beyond this way...with the wind blowing...Changing Woman Nahasdan Nadle', 

Sash nadle, 

Beautiful bear woman,

Turquoise Woman..

Leading us on the Corn pollen road...

Look at the stars the Milky way, Corn Pollen road...

past the red slick rock mountain singing...

Our hogan, our house is the Changing Woman...

Cedar from up on the Bear's Ears mountain..

Sash Cedar moutain song..

.way up following the stars, the snow is falling. The snow is falling, the clouds are coming the rain is falling the clouds are moving quickly across the sky,

stay asleep a a little longer sash, 

Wait for the zigzag lightning to come back in the spring time, sleep sleep


when you wake you"ll tell us about the spring flowers and new grass...tell us about the bear medicine, osha 

When you wake up in the spring time dance, show us where the osha root grows,

La Medicina del oso.

Take me to the Black River

Yes ..pleasant dream..our holy Mary

Show me many things

Show me the ocotillo medicine,

Take me to where Yerba mansa grows

Bring me strong Yerba mansa medicine so i can help others love you more

And the Torote tree and copal resin

protected us...with Yerba santa 

Our Holy divine perfect Mother, with the moon shining..

.the stars a road from here to tomorrow..

.far beyond this way...with the wind blowing...Changing Woman Nahasdan Nadle', Changing woman, Turquoise Woman..

Leading us on the Corn pollen road...

Look at the stars the Milky way, Corn Pollen road...

past the red slick rock mountain singing...

Our hogan is the Changing Woman...

Cedar from up on the Bear mountain...

Sash Cedar moutain song..

.way up following the stars, the snow is falling. 

stay asleep a a little longer sash, 

when you wake you"ll tell us about the spring flowers and new grass...

Changing Woman, you are mother belong to yourself...

You bless everyone always...

Black Obsidian woman moving from Natsin'an Navajo mountain to Dok'ad'slid-to Flagstaff, 

you're bringing us snow...

you're teaching songs, dropping like falling stars silent across the sky...

some day we will remember there is one mother blessings! always

Changing Woman, you are mother belong to yourself...

You bless everyone always...

Black Obsidian woman moving from Natsin'an Navajo mountain to Dok'ad'slid-to Flagstaff, 

you're bringing us snow...

you're teaching songs, dropping like falling stars silent across the sky...

Mary most beautiful among women,

Mary blessed and blessing,

Mary with soft things and hard things,

Mary, all the stars inside your deer house,

Mary you show us your son Jesus,

Mary your hair is thick and soft,

shiny like water in the sun,

your hair yerba santa and narrow leaf cottonwood,

shoulders and head covered with blue and green,

stars in the sky show me the road,

milky way road, horizon to horizon,

show me the beautiful way,

the way of water black river white mountains,

i have 5 fingers, bila'ashdla i am your son,

don't be a stranger to me,

Mary you are my mother,

your hair like aspen leaves flutters in the wind,

sweet estafiate underneath your arms,

your lips are full like the fruits of walnut

all about your body are roses and blackberries,

the sweet water with cottonwood and willow,

your legs are strong your hands are gentle,

your words are bird songs,

meadowlark and robin,

you watch over me Mary with eagle eyes,

your eyes see all from up on high,

Mary you stand with Jesus

Mary you are the medicine way,

you give us all the plants.

blessings!always good medicine Mary & Jesus!

-Paul Manski with Mary

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Septuagesima, Imbolc midpoint

 "The light changed, 

Septuagesima Sunday

St Brigid Imbolc

 Birch & cottonwood sap rise, 

 Fast and pray." -pm

Connected to a calendar from calare "to announce solemnly, call out," seeing changes, tuning in, the progression of things. The dominant culture offers you a freedom from tradition which is a false magic flag wave. Fasten you're heart to a calendar of seasons.   

     "These times, by day blinding blue sun on snow, by night waxing gibbous moon, between the fir groves her chest high virtues, rival blazing Orion. Now to build a fire, and drink a cup of tea, to glimpse the hero under thick blankets, who will claim the prized embrace?" -pm

"to the north brothers sisters, life on edges, birch, fir, tamarack, steaming hot rocks, Oplopanax, cedar, inside the sweat Holy name of Jesus, ice fog bobcat and turkey, St. John's wort butter, bees wax." -pm


Sap begins to rise in birch, some cottonwoods have tiny fragrant buds to be gathered, placed in oil to soothe nourish skin. Mark these changes, announce them.

 In my tradition, Septuagesima Sunday, the music takes a minor sound preparing for Ash Wednesday and Lent. Although festive there is a tone of melancholy, mourning, things, people, relationships situations that have passed. Yet our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given us a get out of jail free card, His resurrection. So as above grounders, be cognizant of the dead, of the roots stirring, honour them by preparing for the light, spring.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

I Hope To See Jesus, When He Comes

 "I Hope To See Jesus When He Comes", 

original song by Paul Manski, all guitars, lyrics, vocals and pictures by Paul Manski. Recorded 12-5-2016

"I hope to see Jesus when he comes,

I hope to see Jesus when he comes,

The father son and holy ghost one are one, I hope to see Jesus when he comes.

Chorus: When He comes, When he comes,

the father son and holy ghost are one. 

I hope to see Jesus, I hope to see Jesus, 

I hope to see Jesus when he comes. 

I hope to see Jesus when he comes./

 I hope to see the rapture when it comes

 all those sleeping now will be walking in the sun, I hope to see the rapture when it comes./ 


I hope to see sweet Mary when she comes,  I hope to see sweet Mary when she comes, wearing a blue

Mantle the queen of of Heaven reign's has begun 

I hope to see sweet Mary when she comes./ 


I'll see Moses and Elijah when they come,

I'll see Moses and Elijah when they come. I'll see Moses and Elijah and all the Hebrew prophets, when they come

I'll see Moses and Elijah when they come ./


I will see the four Horsemen when they come, I will see the four Horsemen when they come,

Matthew Mark Luke and John with these you can't go wrong. I will see the four Horsemen when they come.


 I'll see the four Horsemen when they come. I'll see the four Horsemen when they come.


 I hope to see Wovoka when he comes,

I hope to see Wovoka when he comes

it will roll up like a carpet, Buffalo will thunder, 

I hope to see Wovoka when he comes.


It will roll up like carpet when he comes,

It will roll up like carpet when he comes.

Buffalo thunder, the grass will be greener 

it will roll up like a carpet when he comes.


I hope to know God's mercy when he comes,

I hope to know God's mercy when he comes.

i've been such a poor sinner my faith just getting thinner,

hope to know God's mercy when he comes.


I will wear my ghost shirt and be dancing when he comes. 

I will wear my ghost shirt and be dancing when he comes. 

I will wear my ghost shirt and be dancing when he comes, the weapons can not stop me,

I'll be wearing my ghost shirt dancing

 when you he comes.


I hope to see Jesus when he comes,

I hope to see Jesus when he comes,

The father son and holy ghost one are one, I hope to see Jesus when he comes.

Chorus: When He comes, When he comes,

the father son and holy ghost are one. 

I hope to see Jesus, I hope to see Jesus, 

I hope to see Jesus when he comes."

Words and music by Paul Manski, traditional melody. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Aspen tangle roots

 "#aspen is a tangle of roots living by fire and ice. The pronouns of deciduous trees, cool wet mountain #Populustremuloides, eighty thousand years of roots. In #hibernalis, #hiver, the leaf shaking nation, auprès de ma blonde gold, doug fir, north aspen meadow. 

I remember spring, soft bitter barked forest eyes watching green. 

Warm wet white clouds straight up on creosote saguaro ocotillo plains, past the blue and san francisco, along juan miller past fred fritz daffodil grave, past silk tassel sycamore creeks, yerba santa manzanita cliffs, soaring into single seed juniper. 

Cold shadows grow, desert meets mountain on fields of red root fendleri. Remnant north #ligusticum islands below raspberry peak with gentian. #Arctostaphylos #uva-ursi, great bear, raindrops dropped pedicularis sweet cicely rainbows. Lightening pumps and thumps the ground, thunder exploding the crown. Fire flows down sap red orange embers in twilight. Smoke like water sinks to the ground. Hail begins to fall, summer turned to winter. Feeding #neanderthal paleo roots, snow covered #walkingmountain.

The pronouns of lightning torched aspen, i us them we."

-Paul Manski 12/4/2020

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Advent, Ultimate Christmas

      Merry Advent ultimate Christmas, season, Christmas welcome! 

We, you and I all who in perfect accord are doing prep. Prepping Jesus, Mary, time place, person. 

      We are all in this time proclaiming ultimate redemption, salvation, winter solstice dark time awaiting Jesus, love. We will overcome the shun and be who we are, experiencing what is meant to be! Have no fear in Christ Jesus our savior. 
Trad European Christmas identity tradition of Advent begins now, four weeks before Christmas. What a gift to prophet this voice, even in shun. We celebrate this season, our people inhabit this celestial place awaiting the birth re-birth of Jesus Christ, our kinsman redeemer. Preparing the time and place. If you find the freakzoid losers co-opting our virgin birth Christ winter season allow them to go into their antifa safe space. As such it is a bioregional biospirit season of northland. It is not meant for everyone or meant to be everything. It is us and among us. You are northland. Like many inauthentic, dystopian undertakings in this psyop one world 5G state that seeks to zombify the Christian into cyborg fusion of machine and biology, this is a defacto illegal banned hate speech activity. Yet it is told. We are Christmas. There is a sanctioned 501c3 official state church Christmas and then there’s Christmas, the one with Jesus Christ, Joseph and the virgin Theotokos, God-woman Mary, the woman who carries the salvation of the world in her belly. We as authentic persons don’t justify our northland holy day holiday. In our homelands we effortlessly inhabit the bioregional space that is white Christmas. We are what remains as remnant white Christmas. I salute you, their shun has no jurisdiction over my, your, our experience. 

In our exclusive tradition, the angel Gabriel, being the messenger of God announces to Mary, she would be the Mother of God. Within this annunciation is the fiat, be it done to me according to thy word. Yes, to give assent.  You as Mary, as woman are likewise mother. No one in northland can exist for a single breath of moment without you, perfect exquisite woman. With you, I, we will do ultimate Christmas. Prounouns, we, us and yes. At this point there is absolutely nothing in common with this government season of Thanksgiving, black friday, or any of the overt trash that is dominant culture Disneyland Christmas. It’s important to note it is the mass of Christ, the unbloody sacrifice on the altar in the mass of all time. If you do not believe in the body and blood of Christ shed for many, not all, then you are a psyop colonialist walking on our sacred ground. Leave us alone, do kwan za or something but decolonize yourselves from Jesus Christ, advent and Christmas. 

During the 4 weeks prior to Christmas called Advent time, we prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ. No not a shopping mall orgy of consumer spending, keep a distance and find your own senseless stupid narrative. Just as the birth of Jesus was the most important event in our western history, and we are western history, the birth of Christ as the celebration of Christmas is the most important event in our lives. It has nothing to do with dominant culture psyop america theatre of the absurd, zero. Some would try to explain this tradition to dominant culture Americans, if I do it is only to reinhabit and detoxify the stolen robbed space. Never is there an attempt to explain to dominant culturalists the what of who we must be. The majority having been programmed at atheist government schools with no exposure to faith, lack capacity and reciprocity of understanding, perhaps it’s best to revert to geography. Just say 50 north, 50N rather than Adent, Christmas or other culturally embedded terms. People become frustrated with lexicon, as if is there was a sound spoken with the tongue separated  from experience. There is no separation of experience in overcoming. 

     My grandparents came from a mountainous region of what is now Poland. Silesia borders Austria, Germany, Slovakia. It is a geographic area of traditional Christians for nearly 2000 years. It’s latitude is 50.5N and if in north America would be further north than any area of the lower 48 states. Geography and latitude determine much of our tradition of Christmas. Wreaths of evergreens, the Christmas tree brought into the house decorated with ornaments, specifically the time of year late November with the celebration December 25 to January 6, all are connected to the obvious dark cold, winter, where the sun darkens at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Until 1254AD there was one Christian church Catholic Orthodox, with a common tradition. It was in the people on the land. It has not changed significantly for us. We remain embedded in Christ.

America for most of us has always been a weird secular, communist, atheist banana republic tropical state with oranges, magic flag waving, chanting free, free, free mantra litanies and virtue signaling to a fake Judeo-Christian heritage. It never meant a thing to us. The obvious concept, we will bury you, because we are not limited to psyop. In the catholic faith there is no common ground with jews, none. There will never be a dialogue or ecumenism with elements whose impetus is our enslavement and occupation. Of course it’s important to preface this with, the current pope is at best an imposter pope. The so called vatican 2 novus ordo, new order, new world order church from 1958 on, is a new kind of Neo-protestant, Judeo-Christian fake religion impossible. Judean=Christmas bashers, with the emphasis on jew, have absolutely no input into this discussion. It’s on the same level of everything magical america, constitution, rights, elections, conservatism, democrat, republican, liberal dysfunctional, dystopian medical police pharma 5G surveillence stasi, multiple gender atheist new world order state, bad theatre meant to fill one with fear and dread. Keep your fear, guilt, apology and dread, we apologize to no one. 

     Starting at the garbage dump civil war, with 700,000 americans dead Lincoln became the ultimate disgusting anti-hero. If people in their legitimate politic decide to separate, do you slaughter them to preserve a fake union? Lincoln was a significant supporter of the coastal elite Atlantic ocean vs heartlanders dynamic that has defined America. Current surveillance state America views Lincoln as a hero and all the death song diplomat traitiors of sovereignty that came later who made a mockery of life abundantly. The traumatic ritual suicide of ww1, ww2, korea, vietnam, iraq, all the flag waving enemies of autonomy conspire to conceal the obvious, culminating in the psyop covid presidential selection steal of 2020.    The 1940's saw a deeper slide into fiction and wealth redistribution through a tax system empty of group politic representation, the ocean going gloabalists in ww2, this time taking a two ocean approach, Atlantic and Pacific. A bi-coastal east west coast steal of the heartland. The errors of Jewish Bolshevik atheist Russia communists in 1917 spreading, culminating in the election of commie FDR in 1932. The destruction of nationalism as a policy at home and abroad. Joining with the UK atlanticists and communist Soviet Union in ww2. The emergence of the bi-coastal Pacific Atlantic grandiosity of now two ocean dominance continuously reducing the heartland blood and soil. Then the absurd wars Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, Iraq, Afganistan, draining what little was left of nationhood of the heartlanders. Who were the fake Bush neocons? One thing for sure the epic gulf Mideast boomer wars stripped the center heartland of hopes, dreams and sovereignty. The world wide communist covid-19 reset plandemic to bankrupt small business transfer more wealth to the oligarchs with the cherry in the cake, theft of the election win of Donald Trump and install a 78 year old incapable pathetic patsy president for a antiChristian banana republic. Each chapter unfolding more decadent 
and stupid than the last. 

Let’s get back to Jesus, the virgin Mary, Advent and the Christmas tree...America has a strong protestant anti-Catholic, anti-Orthodox tradition. In America you live, move and have your being in an occupied zone and the goal is always an anonymous consumer, anti-Christian empire. As such it’s anti-Christmas. Spend, spend, spend, buy buy buy, die die die consumer paradise. Open Borders, the great reset, vaccines and refugees to dilute the heartland. In the protestant tradition there is a tendency to always go to the Bible to justify and to vilify traditions. There is no Christmas tree in the Bible. As in so what? For many Christian sects the traditions of Christmas are some how suspect because they are not mentioned in the Bible. There is a tendency to Americanize all and any celebrations, especially the celebration of Christmas, to call it a holiday, seasons greetings, turn it into a generic consumer orgy of money, spending, shopping and so on. Christmas is the game changer of world history, BC vs AD, before and after. In America, not so much it’s pathetic magic flag waving slogan. I mean a nation that outlaws prayer, any and all prayer or mention of God, Christ, the heritage of her own people in their public tax payer schools is going to have a massively garbage take on a Christian season. A enormous loser approach at cultural appropriation of our holiday, holy-day, holy-season, advent, our Christ Jesus kinsman redeemer. 

     There are various parts of America whose intention is to secularize Christmas, make it into a generic non-religious celebration of glutony and debt. The recent covid-19 Great Reset psyop pushes this narrative and uses various usually hostile forces to come together in the great mission of Christmas bashing. So you may have atheists, Jews, evangelical Christian sects, satanists, antifa, Islam, pagans, wicca, all coming together, taking turns in their own disgusting way to guilt shame shun our exclusive Celebration of Christmas. They have no victory over us consumed in love. Consumed in love for our people, place and tradition. Proclaim this good news celestial, earthly, superspiritual, He is here among us on this field of dreams. Wrapped in your perfect embrace woman I proclaim now and forever, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, salute Christ the king and prepare. Us together in synchronous unity, believe and do this advent season. I would tell you everything in this shun. I promise  you we together will break this shun. You are, just as she was, and death shall have no dominion. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Fire Cider

       #FireCider is an excellent way to get the community based free herbalism thing going. Keeping it simple with food/slash/medicine plants people are familiar. You can later add more controversial less understood plants after people get ok with it. Preaching to the choir is cool yet it's important to help mitigate suffering by using things people can relate. Then later go further. I go heavy on the onions, garlic, horseradish, ginger less so on cayenne. The whole meyers lemons add a different kind of tartness and the rind a bitter element. The honey here is more aesthetic, taste rather than a medicinal amount. 

Fire cider recipe:

equal parts: fresh chopped: 1)garlic 2)horseradish root

3)onion 4)hot peppers 5)ginger 6)meyer lemons place in 1/2 gallon jar cover w apple cider vinegar, let sit for 14 days, drain, add 4oz honey, take 1oz every morning during winter. Keeping it simple here, herbs can help people along on their road. Fire cider is accessible, familiar and by going soft on the pepper you'll find you can gift it and people are open to using it.

     You can add elderberry, rose hips, turmeric astragulus. This is a simple community based recipe. #FireCider is an example of an acetum, oxymel an excellent way to keep herbs for winter use. The heavy alcohol thing can be a turn off, especially with kids and families. Begin to use experiment, play around with vinegar honey with herbs at this time. As an example rather than an elderberry tincture, make a cooked syrup or use vinegar acetum to get the herbal stuff, the herbal constituents into people's bodies. No matter how fine or excellent an herbal remedy is, it's totally useless if people don't take it. Some people go too heavy on the cayenne, making fire cider too hot. The main thing is to get the food/slash/plant herbal medicines into bodies. Garlic onions have good properties, healing therapeutic properties. Ginger horseradish, are warming herbs, work together to help cough, loosen bronchial secretions, all important for damp cold stuck conditions. 

     In a vitalist approach, the without is within and the within is without, meaning that the winter itself, the winter that is happening outside, rain and snow, a cold damp condition, is not a pathological condition, just a condition, a season. Moving towards descriptive, what is, rather than prescriptive, what should be. Winter is cold, it's just what it is. The body at certain times gets cold and damp, stuck in a cold damp condition. I tend to be going into a place where i don't want to use terms like antiviral, antibiotic, anti-anything. Describe and note conditions, presentations, symptoms, what is actually happening rather than a medical diagnosis.  Fire cider is a small miracle because it works, it's simple, familiar and available, people are willing to use it and once you strain it out you still can use everything remaining in the jar as a food condiment, add a little redmonds utah red salt and you have excellent tasty seasoning to add to soups, salad, omelettes. Food, life, herbs, community.

      I am Using equal parts by chopped cut up volume, eyeballing it. Roughly a glass Pyrex 8oz measuring cup rounded full of each. Since this may go to a general public without a lot of experience with herbs, I go with a medium hot jalapeño rather than cayenne powder or something like a habernero. I go heavy on garlic, onions, horseradish, ginger, not so much peppers. The honey amount 4oz added to the strained liquid result of a 64oz jar is less than say a Rosemary Gladstar recipe. While having about the same ratio horseradish ginger onion, a lot more garlic, more jalapeño compared to Rosemary G. 

     I kind of view it as a prophylactic, within that continuum of food plant  to medicine plant, closer to food plant, like an introduction to herbs although potent in its own right. 

      If some was coming down with a low grade fever, achy, no obvious chest involvement or overt congestion, dry unproductive cough in our current situation:i would probably go with a Sambucus dried leaf tincture, lobelia tincture or acetum, ginger/tumeric tincture tea, Elderberry flower tincture or tea, Red root tincture, Ligusticum Angelica combo tincture, Yerba mansa or elephant tree tincture, an Asteracea ally like echinacea, rudbeckia or balsam root, with Skullcap, Pedicularis,  Anemone, or a strong Prunus bark not for cough but  to encourage sleep rest, and  fairly large amounts of those herbs, and since that's a lot of herbs, back off on the fire cider to avoid stomach upset. That's off the top of my head. 

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